1,037 research outputs found

    Avempace en las obras de santo Tomás de Aquino

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    Santo Tomás de Aquino siguió en muchas de sus obras la exigencia de Aristóteles de mostrar las diversas opiniones que se habían emitido acerca de una determinada cuestión. Aquí se quiere poner de manifi esto el conocimiento indirecto que santo Tomás tuvo de un fi lósofo andalusí, Avempace, a través de las citas que hizo Averroes, y cómo las doctrinas de Avempace le sirvieron, una vez refutadas o rechazadas, para confi rmar su propia posición.In many of his works, St. Thomas Aquinas followed Aristotle’s requirement of examining different opinions about a specifi c question. The aim of this article is to show: a) that Aquinas had indirect knowledge through Averroes about an Adalusian philosopher, Avempace; and b) that Avempace’s doctrines, once refuted or rejected, were useful to St. Thomas Aquinas as a means of confi rming his own position

    Low Energy Constants from High Energy Theorems

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    New constraints on resonance saturation in chiral perturbation theory are investigated. These constraints arise because each consistent saturation scheme must map to a representation of the full QCD chiral symmetry group. The low-energy constants of chiral perturbation theory are then related by a set of mixing angles. It is shown that vector meson dominance is a consequence of the fact that nature has chosen the lowest-dimensional nontrivial chiral representation. It is further shown that chiral symmetry places an upper bound on the mass of the lightest scalar in the hadron spectrum.Comment: 11 pages TeX and mtexsis.te

    High Energy Theorems at Large-N

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    Sum rules for products of two, three and four QCD currents are derived using chiral symmetry at infinite momentum in the large-N limit. These exact relations among meson decay constants, axialvector couplings and masses determine the asymptotic behavior of an infinite number of QCD correlators. The familiar spectral function sum rules for products of two QCD currents are among the relations derived. With this precise knowledge of asymptotic behavior, an infinite number of large-N QCD correlators can be constructed using dispersion relations. A detailed derivation is given of the exact large-N pion vector form factor and forward pion-pion scattering amplitudes.Comment: 34 pages TeX and mtexsis.tex, 10 figures (uses epsf

    IFE Plant Technology Overview and contribution to HiPER proposal

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    HiPER is the European Project for Laser Fusion that has been able to join 26 institutions and signed under formal government agreement by 6 countries inside the ESFRI Program of the European Union (EU). The project is already extended by EU for two years more (until 2013) after its first preparatory phase from 2008. A large work has been developed in different areas to arrive to a design of repetitive operation of Laser Fusion Reactor, and decisions are envisioned in the next phase of Technology Development or Risk Reduction for Engineering or Power Plant facilities (or both). Chamber design has been very much completed for Engineering phase and starting of preliminary options for Reactor Power Plant have been established and review here

    Upregulation of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase in hepatitis C virus infection

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    Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) is induced by proinflammatory cytokines and by CTLA-4-expressing T cells and constitutes an important mediator of peripheral immune tolerance. In chronic hepatitis C, we found upregulation of IDO expression in the liver and an increased serum kynurenine/tryptophan ratio (a reflection of IDO activity). Huh7 cells supporting hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication expressed higher levels of IDO mRNA than noninfected cells when stimulated with gamma interferon or when cocultured with activated T cells. In infected chimpanzees, hepatic IDO expression decreased in animals that cured the infection, while it remained high in those that progressed to chronicity. For both patients and chimpanzees, hepatic expression of IDO and CTLA-4 correlated directly. Induction of IDO may dampen T-cell reactivity to viral antigens in chronic HCV infectio

    Análisis arqueosismológico del conjunto arqueológico romano de Mulva- Munigua (Sevilla, España). Resultados preliminares

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    El conjunto arqueológico romano de Mulva-Munigua (Sevilla, España) presenta daños en las edificaciones que pueden ser interpretadas como resultado de la ocurrencia de un evento sísmico (Efectos Arqueológicos de los Terremotos: EAEs) a finales del siglo III A.D., fecha coincidente con el inicio del periodo de declive económico de este asentamiento romano. Para intentar establecer el posible origen sísmico de las deformaciones, se ha procedido al inventario y análisis de las estructuras deformadas presentes en el yacimiento. No obstante, algunas de estas deformaciones también se pueden interpretar como resultado de procesos gravitaciones asociados a la ladera Este de la colina sobre la que se sitúa parte del yacimiento. Las direcciones de máxima deformación (ey) obtenidas del análisis de EAEs indica dos direcciones preferentes de la deformación (o movimiento preferente del terreno): NNO-SSE y ENEOSO. Aunque los datos presentan una dispersión importante, se puede establecer que la orientación principal NNO-SSE es compatible con un evento sísmico situado en el borde norte del Valle del Guadalquivir. La orientación ENE-OSO podría relacionarse con un evento posterior, o más seguramente con procesos de ladera de carácter cosísmico o no.The Roman archaeological site of Mulva-Munigua (Sevilla, Spain) displays building damage features suggesting a seismic origin (Earthquake Archaeological Effects: EAEs). The proposed seismic event could be tentatively dated in the late 3rd century AD, coinciding with the beginning of the economic fall of the Roman Empire at Iberia. However, some of the recorded EAEs can be also interpreted as a result of intervening slope movements in the eastern hillslope of this roman site. The inventory and analysis of the proposed EAEs make possible to discern between seismic oriented damage and other causes. In spite of the data show a significant dispersion, their analysis result in two different orientations of maximum deformation (ey) or preferential ground movement: NNW-SSE and ENE-WSW. The main ey orientation (NNW-SSE) can be tentatively related to a seismic event occurred in the environs of the northern border of the Guadalquivir Depression. The secondary orientation (ENE-WSW) can be interpreted as a consequence of latter slope movements triggered (or not) by other ancient earthquakes
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