552 research outputs found

    The Political Biocentrism of Agency Network. A Model of Citizenship and the Common Space of Resistance

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    La práctica democrática y el ejercicio mismo de lo político devienen ambos en un sistema permanentemente inconcluso, abierto y dinámico, tal y como lo es el mismo callejón sin fin de la significación humana. Con ello en mente, en este texto se propone la dimensión biocéntrica de lo político como una nueva faceta de la ciudadanía democrática. Para dicho objetivo, en lo que atañe al plano de lo conceptual, se tomará la noción de disenso de Rancière y la agonística moufferiana para relacionarlas ambas con una ética-ontológica que contemple la vida como bien común universal y cuya agencia se mueve en una intrincada red o circuito de pluralidad. Se trata, por tanto, de establecer una relación teórico-filosófica encuadrada en las matrices de una ecosofía política que vincule la práctica ciudadana y la matriz hegemonía/resistencia con las gramáticas ecológicas de los regímenes de la vida.Democratic practice and the same exercise of politics, conform now a permanently unfinished, open and dynamic system, as it is the same dead end of the human significance. With this in mind, in this text the biocentric political dimension is proposed as a new facet of democratic citizenship. For this purpose, in respect to the plane of the conceptual, we will take the notion of dissensus of Rancière and the agonistic of Mouffe be taken to relate with an ontological ethics that contemplates life as universal common good and whose agency is mo-ving in an intricate circuit network of plurality. This text is intended, therefore, establish a theoretical and philosophical relationship between grammars of political ecosophy linking citizenship practice and hegemony / resistance matrix with grammars of the ecological regimes of life

    La postecología de los regímenes de la vida y las configuraciones contractuales de la soberanía global: reflexiones en torno a una ecología decolonial

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    From an ethical and ontological view of life, it is accepted that life has its own entity. An entity that does not cease to be such under a full recognition of the legal entity of all living things and their capabilities of agency, since that would imply not a hierarchical-symbolic float with an anthropocentric significance, but a discursive float with a biocentric significance; much more wide and egalitarian (and not neces­sarily antihumanist). To that extent, the main objective of this article is to relate in a reflective and philosophical way the vast and complex universe of the natural (nature) to the anthropocentric, hierarchical and exclusive features of the contractualism phi­losophy. For the purposes of this text, contractualism philosophy will be centered on the problem of the legitimacy of sovereignty at the beginning of the modern state with the Hobbesian human conflict and in today geopolitical relations.Desde una visión ético-ontológica de la vida, esta posee una entidad propia. Una entidad que no dejaría de ser tal bajo un reconocimiento pleno de la entidad jurídi­ca de todo lo vivo y sus capacidades de agencia, ya que ello implicaría no el flotar jerárquico-simbólico de una significación antropocéntrica sino el flotar discursivo de una significación biocéntrica mucho más amplia e igualitaria (y no necesariamente antihumanista). En esa medida, el objetivo principal de este artículo estriba en rela­cionar de forma reflexiva y filosófica el vasto y complejo universo de lo natural (la naturaleza) con las particularidades antropocéntricas, jerárquicas y excluyentes de la filosofía contractualista, centrada esta última, para los fines de este texto, en el pro­blema de la legitimidad de la soberanía tanto en el inicio del Estado moderno en la conflictividad humana hobbesiana como en las relaciones geopolíticas de la actualidad

    Exploring the Relationship between Early Leaving of Education and Training and Mental Health among Youth in Spain

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    This study aimed to explore the relationship between Early Leaving Education and Training and mental health perceived by young Spanish school leavers, as well as develop mid-range theories to better understand this relationship. The study uses a grounded theory approach; specifically, Charmaz’s constructivist approach and its informed version have guided the study. Through qualitative interviews with individuals who had left school prematurely, the results of this study showed a bidirectional relationship between ELET and mental health, where the detriment in the mental health of young people who leave school early should be understood as both a cause and an effect of the process of ELET. In addition, the findings suggest that certain socio-economic and educational factors, such as bullying, academic stress, self-responsibilization of failure, and labels such as “NEET” can contribute to a decrease in mental health. Overall, this study has provided new insights into the ELET-mental health relationship, contributing to the development of mid-range theories that can inform future research and interventions to minimize these problems.H2020YOUNG_ADULL

    Could Gamification Be a Protective Factor Regarding Early School Leaving? A Life Story

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    The European Union has recognized the close relationship between mental health, wellbeing, and education, encouraging studies and whole school interventions that work in the interrelationship between mental health and school, especially in aspects related to Early School Leaving (ESL). Literature shows that there are research gaps in this regard, but there are some inklings to think that innovative teaching methods can improve both adolescent´s mental health and reduce the rates of ESL. The main objective of this article was to find out how the use of game-based teaching techniques affects the well-being of students at risk of ESL. The life story of one young student that has left school early has been studied, focusing on the impact that gamification had in his scholar trajectory and well-being. Data analysis was carried using the constructivist version of the grounded theory. Results showed a certain degree of interrelation between all three aspects. Pointing that a period of gamification can have a positive effect in school engagement as a result of better levels of wellbeing, but also, that if this methodology is not maintained or accompanied it can cause a rebound effect acting as a risk factor to ESL

    On the design of an ECOC-compliant genetic algorithm

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    Genetic Algorithms (GA) have been previously applied to Error-Correcting Output Codes (ECOC) in state-of-the-art works in order to find a suitable coding matrix. Nevertheless, none of the presented techniques directly take into account the properties of the ECOC matrix. As a result the considered search space is unnecessarily large. In this paper, a novel Genetic strategy to optimize the ECOC coding step is presented. This novel strategy redefines the usual crossover and mutation operators in order to take into account the theoretical properties of the ECOC framework. Thus, it reduces the search space and lets the algorithm to converge faster. In addition, a novel operator that is able to enlarge the code in a smart way is introduced. The novel methodology is tested on several UCI datasets and four challenging computer vision problems. Furthermore, the analysis of the results done in terms of performance, code length and number of Support Vectors shows that the optimization process is able to find very efficient codes, in terms of the trade-off between classification performance and the number of classifiers. Finally, classification performance per dichotomizer results shows that the novel proposal is able to obtain similar or even better results while defining a more compact number of dichotomies and SVs compared to state-of-the-art approaches