1,343 research outputs found

    Branched-chain amino acids and trimethylamine N-oxide as biomarkers of cardiometabolic outcomes

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    The identification of biomarkers that could improve the individual risk prediction of developing cardiometabolic disease is one of the salient goals of the 21th century paradigm in medicine captured as precision medicine. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) are novel biomarkers linked to key cardiometabolic features, such as insulin resistance, microbiome response to diet, kidney function, and atherogenesis.In this thesis, we studied the potential role of BCAA and TMAO in the context of cardiometabolic disease. We characterized the association of BCAA with the development of T2D, hypertension, and progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Moreover, we depicted the clinical impact of TMAO in the risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in patients with T2D and NAFLD; as well as kidney graft failure in post- transplant recipients. Overall, the results of this thesis support the concept that BCAA and TMAO provide valuable information that can be used to perform a better risk assessment of the early development of cardiometabolic disease, such as hypertension, TD2 and its complications. Given the nature of BCAA and TMAO, these results also pave the way for future studies of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions as strategies to mitigate the deleterious consequences of the still-growing pandemic of obesity and T2D. Finally, this thesis also reinforces the idea that it is possible and desirable to apply novel statistical methods that cope with the advanced methods of metabolites quantification, in order to better understand the underlying complexity of T2D and cardiometabolic disease

    Sustainable development orientation (SDO) practice and its impact on innovation performance

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    Changes in regulation and government policy have stimulated growth of ‘green innovation’ with sustainability emerging as a key concept. A review of the literature revealed gaps in research in this area of innovation management. The aim of this paper is to test the relationship between SDO practice and innovation performance of a large number of Australian companies in the manufacturing, services, construction and software sectors. Our study showed that proactive management of environmental protection issues and marketing of ‘green’ products were found to have a positive and significant association with ecological efficiency of products. On the other hand, the design of new products for energy efficiency was found to have a positive and significant relationship with the number of innovation adoptions. Our findings are consistent with the literature, which reveals a significant and positive relationship between SDO and innovation performance. The implications of the research are that SDO should not be considered an additional cost of doing business rather, managers should view SDO as an opportunity to improve innovation performance

    La ética en el desempeño laboral del Defensor Público en el Distrito Judicial de Lambayeque - sede Chiclayo

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    La presente investigación titulada La ética en el desempeño laboral del Defensor Público en el Distrito Judicial de Lambayeque – sede Chiclayo. Tuvo como objetivo presentar la problemática de dos variables importes en el sistema judicial como son la ética y desempeño laboral y a la vez determinar la relación que existe entre ellas de del Defensor Público en el Distrito Judicial en el cual se demostró en los resultados que existía dicha relación; el presente trabajo es de vital importancia y de mucha trascendencia ya que ha permitido utilizar instrumentos ya estandarizados y evaluar dichas variables para su posterior solución. La presente investigación es tipo Investigación descriptiva – correlacional debido a que la finalidad de la investigación es determinar la relación de las variables de estudio ética en el desempeño laboral del Defensor Público en el Distrito Judicial de Lambayeque – sede Chiclayo. La población está conformada por 40 funcionarios del Defensor Público en el Distrito Judicial de Lambayeque – sede Chiclayo.La muestra estaría conformada en un total de 40 personas por ser un grupo pequeño, fueron informados de los cuestionarios aplicados. Como parte de los criterios éticos establecidos por la Institución para el proyecto, a cada personal se le aplico la encuesta con su propia autorización y aceptación

    Patrullaje cibernético y seguridad ciudadana en una entidad pública policial de Chiclayo, 2022.

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    Los nuevos avances tecnológicos y la globalización han creado que los hábitos cotidianos cambian drásticamente, ya que tanto las entidades y las personas de a pie ponen en el mundo cibernético su información privada, lo cual ha creado que nazca ya hace varios años la ciberdelincuencia, por lo cual se debe crear métodos para proteger dicha información, para lo cual se debe concluir que el patrullaje cibernético por parte de las comisarías y realizando un trabajo en conjunto con las juntas vecinales, van ayudar idóneamente a combatir y disminuir esta clase de delitos

    Metaethics of the duty to die

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    This paper straightforwardly addresses one of the strongest, from an ethical perspective, objections presented to the duty to die, the one concerned with the lack of a normative theory to support it, offered by Seay in his paper Can there be a “duty to die” without a normative theory? The aim of the paper is to provide strong metaethical grounds to support the duty to die without the need of a moral normative theory. First, the definition and main argument for the duty to die will be presented. Second, Seay’s objection will be described and clearly explained. Third, our metaphysical assumptions and a preliminary metaethical discussion will be offered to situate and understand the context. Finally, we will show how the duty to die can be integrated within the metaethical approach previously presented, defending that there is no need of a normative theory to provide good justification and strong ethical grounds for the duty to die, because they will have already been provided by our metaethical argument

    Neoliberalism and the duty to die: biopolitical and psychopolitical perspectives

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    This paper aims to explore and offer different hypotheses that could account for an adequate understanding of the duty to die and its relation to biopolitics from two neglected approaches. First, death will be analysed from a biopolitical perspective to understand the crucial role it has in biopower. Second, the focus lies on the two-folded implication that death has in biopower, for it could be either a defiance of it or the final sublimation of its control. Similarly, the next section addresses the relations between death and neoliberalism from a biopolitical perspective, exploring the possibility of understanding the duty to die as resistance to economic mandates or, on the contrary, as the fulfilment of neoliberal interests. Finally, as a continuation of the relations between the duty to die and neo-liberalism, the paper analyses a similar two-folded view of the former from a psychopolitical perspective

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una microempresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de ladrillos en el cantón el Triunfo.

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    La existencia de una sola productora y comercializadora de ladrillos ha sido la gran problemática que se ha mantenido latente en los habitantes del Cantón El Triunfo durante muchos años. Muchos de los habitantes se han visto obligados a viajar hacia otras ciudades cercanas a nuestro Cantón para proveerse de este material de construcción, En el Cantón El Triunfo existe un solo micro empresa dedicada a la fabricación y venta del Ladrillo lo cual genera desconformidad a los habitantes debido a que esto ocasiona retrasos en la hora de construir. Por ello hemos realizado los estudios pertinentes de viabilidad correspondientes, esto lo realizamos con la única finalidad de encontrar una solución más óptima para contrarrestar este problema al que se enfrenta gran parte de la población del Cantón y así establecer la factibilidad del proyecto propuesto, conocer cuáles serían los beneficios y avances que se obtendrían en la creación de una micro empresa de producción y comercialización de ladrillos en el Cantón El Triunfo. De esta manera se pretende lograr un impacto socio-económico que ayude a mejorar la problemática escases de ladrillo por la que se ve afectado el Cantón y a su vez contribuir a una mejor toma de decisiones al momento de adquirir este material de construcción

    The Effects Of The Distribution Of Agricultural Direct Payments

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    The Common Agricultural Policy (the CAP) is the most important common policy of the European Union, for which reason it traditionally monopolizes a large part of the European Union budget. Without doubt, the aids that farms receive from this policy are the pillar on which it sustains the battered agricultural sectors. Among CAP aid, direct payments are particularly important, in 2008 accounting for about 37% of the total EU budget. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the effects that the distribution of the CAP direct payments have on the agrarian economy. Specifically, we have analysed the equality level in distribution of CAP direct aid in the countries of the European Union using a concentration index. In this way, we have examined the fairness of distribution of CAP direct aid in the agricultural sector

    Diseño de un sistema automatizado de abastecimiento de agua para el establo de la empresa lactea S.A

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en realizar el diseño de un sistema automatizado para abastecer el agua del establo en la empresa LACTEA S.A. En el Primer Capítulo del presente trabajo, se aborda la problemática que ocasiona el desabastecimiento de agua en el establo. En él exponemos nuestroobjetivo y damos a conocer la importancia de dar una solución debido a lo crítico que es no contar con agua y el nivel bajo de producción. En el Segundo Capítulo, se presenta el marco teórico y un sustento valido del porqué la elección de realizar el diseño de un sistema automatizado. En el Tercer Capítulo, se procede con el estudio de las posibles tecnologías y desarrollo de la solución, detallamos los equipos y accesorios utilizados para lograr los objetivos trazados. En el Cuarto Capítulo mostramos los resultados del diseño y los datos obtenidos con el sistema automatizado. Y en los últimos dos capítulos mostramos una breve discusión de nuestros resultados y las conclusiones a las que llegamos.In the First Chapter of the present work, the problematic that causes the shortage of water in the stable is addressed. In it we expose our objective and we announce the importance of giving a solution due to the critical thing is to not have water and the low level of production In the second chapter, the theoretical framework is presented and a valid basis for the choice of designing an automated system. In the Third Chapter, we proceed with the study of possible technologies and development of the solution, we detail the equipment and accessories used to achieve the objectives outlined. In Chapter Four we show the results of the design and the data obtained with the automated system. And in the last two chapters we show a brief discussion of our results and the conclusions we reached