254 research outputs found

    Stressing the Boundaries of Mobile Accessibility

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    Mobile devices gather the communication capabilities as no other gadget. Plus, they now comprise a wider set of applications while still maintaining reduced size and weight. They have started to include accessibility features that enable the inclusion of disabled people. However, these inclusive efforts still fall short considering the possibilities of such devices. This is mainly due to the lack of interoperability and extensibility of current mobile operating systems (OS). In this paper, we present a case study of a multi-impaired person where access to basic mobile applications was provided in an applicational basis. We outline the main flaws in current mobile OS and suggest how these could further empower developers to provide accessibility components. These could then be compounded to provide system-wide inclusion to a wider range of (multi)-impairments.Comment: 3 pages, two figures, ACM CHI 2013 Mobile Accessibility Worksho

    Assessing Inconspicuous Smartphone Authentication for Blind People

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    As people store more personal data in their smartphones, the consequences of having it stolen or lost become an increasing concern. A typical counter-measure to avoid this risk is to set up a secret code that has to be entered to unlock the device after a period of inactivity. However, for blind users, PINs and passwords are inadequate, since entry 1) consumes a non-trivial amount of time, e.g. using screen readers, 2) is susceptible to observation, where nearby people can see or hear the secret code, and 3) might collide with social norms, e.g. disrupting personal interactions. Tap-based authentication methods have been presented and allow unlocking to be performed in a short time and support naturally occurring inconspicuous behavior (e.g. concealing the device inside a jacket) by being usable with a single hand. This paper presents a study with blind users (N = 16) where an authentication method based on tap phrases is evaluated. Results showed the method to be usable and to support the desired inconspicuity.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Sarkisov links from toric weighted blowups of P3\mathbb{P}^3 and P4\mathbb{P}^4 at a point

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    We study Sarkisov links initiated by the toric weighted blowup of a point in P3\mathbb{P}^3 or P4\mathbb{P}^4 using variation of GIT. We completely classify which of these initiate Sarkisov links and describe the links explicitly. Moreover, if XX is the toric weighted blowup of Pd\mathbb{P}^d at a point, we give a simple criterion in terms of the weights of the blowup that characterises when XX is weak Fano.Comment: 21 pp., Comments are welcom

    Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of lipids extracted from canned fish industry waste streams

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    Tese de mestrado, Qualidade Alimentar e Saúde, 2020, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia.As perceções negativas do público acerca dos conservantes químicos têm gerado um elevado interesse no uso de compostos alternativos de origem natural, com potencial uso como conservantes com atividade antimicrobiana. Os conservantes naturais podem ser obtidos através de diversas fontes que incluem as plantas, polímeros naturais, ácidos orgânicos ou animais. Assim sendo, neste trabalho experimental, o objetivo foi avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana de lípidos extraídos de resíduos alimentares da indústria do peixe. Foram obtidos extratos lipídicos por dois métodos distintos, extração por solvente (Bligh and Dyer) e extração por CO2 supercrítico. O uso do método de CO2 supercrítico oferece uma aplicação menos poluente, ao contrário de um método convencional que normalmente envolve solventes tóxicos e inflamáveis, além de que, é mais fácil de separar do extrato por ser um gás a pressões e temperaturas ambientais. Uma caracterização lipídica dos extratos ajudou a perceber os diferentes componentes na sua composição que na sua totalidade levaram a uma atividade antimicrobiana. Esta atividade foi avaliada por diversos métodos, como a difusão em poço, difusão em disco, microdiluição em agar e microdiluição líquida. As atividades antimicrobianas dos extratos lipídicos foram avaliadas contra diversos microrganismos (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Candida albicans) que podem representar problemas de segurança alimentar em matrizes alimentares. Os resultados obtidos sugerem um potencial antimicrobiano destes lípidos para aplicações como conservantes naturais.The public’s negative perception towards chemical preservatives has sparked an increased interest regarding the use of alternative compounds of natural origin, which hold the potential to be used as preservatives with antimicrobial activity. Natural preservatives can be obtained from a variety of sources, including plants, natural polymers, organic acids or animals. Thus, in this experimental work, the main objective was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of lipids extracted from canned fish industry waste streams. Lipid extracts were obtained by using two different methods: solvent extraction (Bligh and Dyer) and supercritical CO2 extraction. In opposition to conventional methods, which typically involve toxic and flammable solvents, using a supercritical CO2 methodology offers a less polluting alternative, making it easier to separate the solvent from the extract as it is a gas at ambient temperatures and pressures. A lipid characterization of the extracts with antimicrobial activity helped define the components present in their composition. This activity was evaluated by several methods such as well diffusion, disk diffusion, agar microdilution and liquid microdilution. The antimicrobial activities of lipid extracts were evaluated against several microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans) that can represent food safety issues in food matrices. The results suggest an antimicrobial potential of these lipids for applications as natural preservatives.Com o patrocínio do iBET — Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológico, Estação Agronómica Nacional, INTERFACE Programme, through the Innovation, Technology and Circular Economy Fund (FITEC)

    Exploring online travel reviews of backpackers : motivations and travel decision-making process

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    Backpacking is becoming a growing and relevant trend in the tourism industry. Following this trend, companies that operate in this industry are taking some actions. For instance, they are adapting their business models and communications strategy according to the backpackers’ culture and characteristics as travellers. User-generated Content is growing in importance in the backpacker’s travel decision-making process. Especially, online travel reviews composed by other travellers are more available in the Web 2.0’s interactive-based sites and platforms and used to make travel-related decisions. This content resulted from the development of information and communication technologies, changed the consumer behaviour and allowed the emergence and spreadness of the backpacking phenomenon. The main purpose of this netnographic study is to understand the effects of Online Travel Reviews on backpacker’s motivations and travel decision-making process. Blogs, Forums, Online Travel Agencies’ websites and Social Media (Facebook Groups and Instagram accounts) were analysed in order to retrieve the online data. Furthermore, six in-depth interviews were conducted to reach a more detailed analysis. The main results taken from this study are a more detailed knowledge of the different motivations for travelling; it was possible to divide them into two personas according to their motivations. Additionally, it was possible to understand that backpackers’ travel decision-making process varies among them, however, all of them use the OTR to plan their journeys. Implications for travel marketing are also provided.Nos dias de hoje, backpacking é uma tendência que tem crescido de uma forma relevante na indústria do turismo. Seguindo esta tendência, as empresas presentes nesta indústria estão a levar a cabo algumas ações. Por exemplo, estão a adaptar os seus modelos de negócios e estratégias de comunicação de acordo com a cultura e características dos backpackers. O conteúdo gerado pelo consumidor está a ganhar cada vez mais importância no processo de tomada de decisões do backpackers. As avaliações escritas por viajantes disponíveis online aumentaram e têm sido usadas para tomar decisões relacionadas com viagens. Este conteúdo resultou do desenvolvimento de tecnologias de informação e comunicação e mudou o comportamento do consumidor; permitindo o surgimento e a disseminação deste fenómeno. O principal objetivo deste estudo netnográfico é entender os efeitos das avaliações de viagens online nas motivações do viajante e no processo de tomada de decisão. Blogs, fóruns, sites de agências de viagens online e redes sociais (grupos do Facebook e contas do Instagram) foram analisados para recolher os dados online. Além disso, foram realizadas seis entrevistas para uma análise mais detalhada. Os principais resultados deste estudo foram um conhecimento mais detalhado das diferentes motivações para viajar; foi possível dividir os backpackers em 2 categorias de acordo com as suas motivações. Além disso, foi possível entender que o processo de tomada de decisão varia bastante entre backpackers. No entanto, todos usam as avaliações de viagens on-line para planear as suas viagens. Implicações para o marketing de viagens também são fornecidas

    Observatory of Educational Policies of the region of Odemira – An innovative tool in the research and definition of local educational policies and practices

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    Because of its territorial dispersion (1721Km2) and low population density (15.10 inhab/km2 | 26036 inhab. total), Odemira is seen as a low density region. Grounded in an involved and team work, and having this in mind, the Local Education Plan (PEL) was built as the anchor to the research, planning and concretion of the educational policy in Odemira. Featuring distinctive guidelines and built on scientific basis, the PEL quickly stood out being the “most innovative in the country”, according to Professor António Rochete (University of Coimbra). Connecting these levels of innovation with the great effort that the City put on studying seriously the conditions that contribute to the existence of certain local educational indicators (some of which lower than the Portuguese average), it was possible to draw a path involving all actors of the educational community in the way of change and social innovation in the definition of an educational policy. Under the PEL and within a straight partnership with TAIPA and University of Évora, Odemira started the implementation of an “Observatory of Educational Policies of the Region of Odemira” (OPECO). This pioneering tool aims to define a methodology of data collection and analysis which is expected to promote a better monitoring of the academic course of students in this region, from pre-school to the conclusion of higher education. It will also contribute to support the definition and implementation of public policies that promote the development and improvement of indicators of education and training in the region. OPECO will consist in two related digital media: the new PEL (Odemira: Território Educativo - 2014- 2016) website and a tool for data collection, analysis and for granting public access to them (with different levels of access). Both website and OPECO tool are developed by Portugal Telecom, one of the most important Portuguese enterprises in this field, and this project was first page of one of the most important Portuguese daily paper (Jornal Público) in march, and Odemira, with this project, was considered in November the second best Portuguese municipality to study in “Future Education” Prizes. This communication’s seek to present the foundations, features and the potential of the OPECO as an innovative element in the management of local educational policies

    O envolvimento das/os estudantes na Escola como pilar para a gestão educativa autárquica – Odemira 2020, Odemira Território Educativo

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    Respondendo aos desígnios do documento de desenvolvimento estratégico (Odemira 2020) e a uma relação estruturante com os planos de desenvolvimento económico e social, o Município de Odemira iniciou um processo de construção da sua nova Carta Educativa (Carta Educativa “3G”) que incorporará no seu seio os Planos Educativos Locais (2014-2016 e 2017-2019) e o Observatório das Políticas Educativas do Concelho de Odemira. Estes recursos têm como principais objetivos a definição de metodologias de recolha e análise de dados (indicadores e resultados de variáveis) que permitirão um melhor acompanhamento do percurso da população escolar do concelho desde o ensino pré-escolar até à conclusão do ensino superior e a elaboração de documentação que possa suportar a definição e implementação de políticas públicas que potenciem o desenvolvimento e a melhoria dos indicadores de educação e formação do concelho. Sendo o conceito e os modelos conceptuais do envolvimento das/os estudantes na Escola um dos principais indicadores para o estudo dos fatores que concorrem para a baixa participação das/os estudantes na escola, o seu baixo desempenho académico e o abandono escolar precoce, entende o Município de Odemira realizar um estudo aprofundado sobre este conceito nas/os estudantes do concelho de Odemira enquanto fator chave de desenvolvimento das referidas ferramentas. A presente comunicação pretende discutir os fundamentos que estão na base da definição da política educativa municipal do concelho de Odemira e o papel do estudo do envolvimento das/os estudantes na mesma