17 research outputs found

    Systematic review of temporal trends of congenital syphilis in Brazil

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    The present study was aimed to retrieve and analyse the temporal trends of congenital syphilis (CS) in Brazil, as well as to list its main associated factors. Methods: In August 2019 a systematic review was developed in four electronic databases (Lilacs, Pubmed, Scielo and Web of Science) and in manual searches on reference lists. It was established that the synthesis of this review would be composed by ecological studies with CS temporal trends in the Brazilian territory, regardless of the population characteristics and data representativeness. More specifically, it was also established that the prevalence of CS of the first and last year of the time series would be presented in the descriptive synthesis. Results: Of the 2,157 initial studies, 14 adequately met the inclusion criteria and composed the synthesis. Twelve (85.7%) of these studies showed increases in time trends, with particular emphasis on the two nationwide studies, which showed positive trends between 2003–2008 (0.4) and 2010–2015 (3.7). Associations were found between CS and socioeconomic and ethnic factors, especially in the groups of women with low income, low education, brown / black skin colour and who had untreated partners. Conclusion: most of the available research showed an increase in the temporal trends of CS, highlighting that these data were observed at the national, state and municipal levels. Since mothers' socioeconomic and ethnic factors are associated with higher CS frequencies, efforts are needed to increase the coverage of the Unified Health System to vulnerable women

    Oferta e participação nas práticas corporais e atividades físicas na Atenção Primária: análise de 2014 a 2022

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    Objective: to analyze the temporal trend and macro-regional distribution of the offer of collective activities of body practices and physical activities (BPPA) and the number of participants in Primary Health Care (PHC), developed by all health professionals and by Physical Education Professionals (PEF). Methods: ecological time series study, using data from the Health Information System for PHC (Sisab) between 2014 and 2022, using Joinpoint regression analysis. Results: at the national level, an increase in the number of collective BPPA and PHC participants developed by all health professionals and by PEF was identified between 2014 and 2019, followed by a reduction in both in 2020. In 2021 and 2022 further increases occurred. Conclusion: even though the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, an exceptional scenario and upward trends were identified both in the offer of collective BPPA and participants.Objetivo: analisar a tendência temporal e distribuição macrorregional da oferta de atividades coletivas de práticas corporais e atividades físicas (PCAF) e do número de participantes na Atenção Primária (APS), desenvolvidas por todos os profissionais de saúde e por Profissionais de Educação Física (PEF). Métodos: estudo ecológico de série temporal, usando dados do Sistema de Informação em Saúde para a Atenção Básica (Sisab) entre 2014 e 2022, por meio da análise de regressão Joinpoint. Resultados: em âmbito nacional, identificou-se aumento do quantitativo de atividades coletivas de PCAF e de participantes na APS desenvolvidas por todos os profissionais de saúde e por PEF entre 2014 e 2019, seguido de uma redução de ambos em 2020. Em 2021 e 2022 ocorreu novo aumento. Conclusão: ainda que tenha ocorrido a pandemia da Covid-19, um cenário de excepcionalidade, foram identificadas tendências de aumento tanto na oferta de atividades coletivas de PCAF quanto de participantes

    Covariance Genetic Estimates For Features Tabapuã Growth In Brazil

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    This review aimed to estimate covariance components for Tabapuã the growth characteristics in Brazil, using random regression models. The random regression models (MRA) make it possible to estimate coefficients of the covariance functions by the method of restricted maximum likelihood. These are suitable for longitudinal data analysis models, because of the deficiencies of conventional methods of quantitative genetic analysis, which are considered phenotypic values inherently continuous processes, as discrete processes. The covariance functions show the statistical correlation between two features of a trajectory at different points of same, ie that present in the arrangement have the same direction and magnitude. With the current concern of cutting bovinocultores regarding the growth of animals, the use of methods or techniques that provide increasingly accurate assessments of genetic parameters to be used in studying the development of animals for meat production is relevan


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    The aim of this review was to estimate covariance functions for the production of Alpine breeds of goat milk and Saanen using random regression models. Conventional analysis for estimating components of (co) variance and genetic parameters for growth traits are performed by finite-dimensional models, which allows the construction and use of selection indexes and mixed model equations, obtaining parameters as heritability and genetic correlation. The random regression models (MRA) enable work with characteristics of genetic lactation curves for each animal or growth that are measured repeatedly in the animal's life, called longitudinal data

    Covariance Genetic Estimates For Features Tabapuã Growth In Brazil

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    This review aimed to estimate covariance components for Tabapuã the growth characteristics in Brazil, using random regression models. The random regression models (MRA) make it possible to estimate coefficients of the covariance functions by the method of restricted maximum likelihood. These are suitable for longitudinal data analysis models, because of the deficiencies of conventional methods of quantitative genetic analysis, which are considered phenotypic values inherently continuous processes, as discrete processes. The covariance functions show the statistical correlation between two features of a trajectory at different points of same, ie that present in the arrangement have the same direction and magnitude. With the current concern of cutting bovinocultores regarding the growth of animals, the use of methods or techniques that provide increasingly accurate assessments of genetic parameters to be used in studying the development of animals for meat production is relevan

    Processo de aprendizagem em crianças portadoras de alterações neuropsicológicas: Learning process in children with neuropsychological alterations

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    Uma das desordens mais comuns do cérebro é a epilepsia, sendo capaz de afetar milhões de pessoas a nível mundial, ao passo que de acordo com estimativas do Ministério da saúde, é responsável por atingir em média 18,5 a cada 1000 crianças. Apresentada como uma doença crônica, nota-se um sintoma de distúrbio neurológico que geralmente é manifestado com forma de crises convulsivas frequentes e grau variável de intensidade e duração. Por outro lado, tem-se como transtorno o TDAH que se caracteriza pela presença de um inapropriado desempenho dos mecanismos que regulam a atenção de atividades motoras e de impulsos. Devido a complexidade do TDAH, é de suma importância a busca por parâmetros que ajudem no reconhecimento do distúrbio propriamente dito, no qual seja possível diferenciar a hiperatividade de outras doenças também capazes de ocasionar a agitação física e mental. É estimado que em média 40% a 50% das crianças e adolescentes epiléticos apresentem comorbidades psiquiátricas, enquanto o TDAH na população pediátrica tem uma prevalência em torno de 3% a 7%. Por certo, diante das sequelas mais comumente encontradas, é possível evidenciar os distúrbios de aprendizagem além alterações frequentes do humor. Atualmente, muito diferentemente de alguns anos atrás, a saúde física e social, tem recebido grande importância


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    The high mortality rate from lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer death in Brazil, highlights the urgent need for effective screening and early diagnosis policies. Late detection, often in advanced stages, compromises treatment options. The aim of this study was to reflect on the importance of recent advances in the early diagnosis of lung cancer. A systematic literature review was carried out using the Scielo, Lilacs and Medline databases. After a qualitative analysis of the results, it was concluded that early identification of the disease allows for more effective therapeutic interventions, resulting in greater survival and better clinical outcomes for patients.A alta taxa de mortalidade pelo câncer de pulmão, principal causa de óbito por câncer no Brasil, ressalta a urgência de políticas efetivas de rastreamento e diagnóstico precoce. A detecção tardia, frequentemente nos estágios avançados, compromete as opções de tratamento. Este estudo teve como objetivo refletir sobre a importância do avanços recentes no diagnóstico precoce do câncer de pulmão. Para isso, foi desenvolvida uma revisão sistemática da literatura, utilizando as bases de dados Scielo, Lilacs e Medline. Após análise qualitativa dos resultados, concluiu-se que a identificação precoce da doença permite intervenções terapêuticas mais eficazes, resultando em maior sobrevida e melhores resultados clínicos para os pacientes

    Association between Different Domains of Sedentary Behavior and Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults: A Longitudinal Study

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    Extended periods of time on screen devices and sitting are the main activities that characterize sedentary behavior (SB), which negatively impacts the quality of life. This negative influence was demonstrated mainly by cross-sectional studies performed in high-income countries in which the effects of screen time on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is not considered. Thus, we analyzed the association between the different domains of SB (i.e., subdomains of screen time—television, computer, cellphone) and the HRQoL in adults that live in Brazil during two years of follow-up. The sample included 331 adults. Subdomains of screen time (i.e., watching television, using computers, and cellphones) and of HRQoL (i.e., physical functioning, role-physical, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, role-emotional, mental health, and current health perception) were assessed by a structured questionnaire and SF-36, respectively. Our results indicate a significant increase in screen time during the two years of follow-up. Linear regression models indicated that although domains of SB were differently associated with HRQoL, in general, screen time was negatively associated with social functioning and positively associated with physical functioning during locomotion and activities of daily living (ADL), role-physical (i.e., physical issues during work and ADLs), and role-emotional (i.e., emotional issues during work and ADLs) after the two-year follow-up. In conclusion, screen time may positively or negatively influence some domains of HRQoL in adults

    Estimates covariance functions to goats milk production using regression models random

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    The aim of this review was to estimate covariance functions for the production of Alpine breeds of goat milk and Saanen using random regression models. Conventional analysis for estimating components of (co) variance and genetic parameters for growth traits are performed by finite-dimensional models, which allows the construction and use of selection indexes and mixed model equations, obtaining parameters as heritability and genetic correlation. The random regression models (MRA) enable work with characteristics of genetic lactation curves for each animal or growth that are measured repeatedly in the animal's life, called longitudinal data