450 research outputs found

    A comparative analysis of political competition and local provision of public goods : Brazil, Colombia and Mexico (1991-2010)

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    RESUMEN: En esta investigación exploramos el efecto de la competencia política sobre la provisión local de bienes públicos en tres países: Brasil, Colombia y México para el período 1991-2010 usando datos municipales. Estos tres países comparten características que hacen el análisis comparativo especialmente útil en la comprensión del papel jugado por las estructuras de gobierno, las cuales incluyen el grado de descentralización económica y política. Basado en un enfoque multidimensional de la competencia política y destacando el papel de las elecciones de congreso, establecemos el efecto que ejercen diversas medidas de competencia política, basadas en las elecciones de cámara de representantes, sobre indicadores de educación primaria, sanidad y mortalidad infantil. Encontramos que Brasil exhibe la elasticidad más alta y con signos esperados en la provisión de los bienes públicos ante la mayoría de medidas de competencia política, mientras que México muestra una fuerte conexión entre estas medidas y todos los bienes públicos aunque con efectos negativos de la tasa de participación y volatilidad electoral. Colombia es el país que más baja respuesta presenta, excepto por mortalidad infantil. Atribuimos estas diferencias a las influencias provenientes de la rendición de cuentas y la disciplina de los partidos.ABSTARCT: We explore the effect of political competition on the local provision of public goods in three countries: Brazil, Colombia and Mexico from 1991 to 2010 using municipal data. These countries share characteristics that make a comparative analysis useful in understanding the role of governance structures, which include the degree of fiscal and political decentralization. Based on a multidimensional approach of political competition and bringing to the fore the role of congressional elections, we establish the effect of several measures of political competition based on lower chamber elections on indicators of primary education, sanitation and infant mortality. We find that Brazil displays the highest elasticity with expected signs in several public goods to most measures of political competition, while Mexico shows strong connection of political competition indicators to all public goods but negative effects of voter turnout and electoral volatility; Colombia is the least responsive except for infant mortality. These differences are attributed to influences stemming from local accountability and party discipline

    Estrés académico en estudiantes de una universidad pública de la Costa Central del Perú en tiempo de pandemia, 2021

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    El estrés académico durante la pandemia de COVID - 19 ha incrementado de manera gradual afectando negativamente a la salud emocional de la población juvenil, adaptándose a las distintas demandas que genera el periodo formativo. Es así que el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo general determinar los niveles de estrés académico en los estudiantes de una. Universidad Pública de la Costa Central del Perú en tiempo de pandemia, 2021; así mismo conocer los niveles de estrés académico según dimensiones, conocer si existen diferencias de estrés académico según sexo y edad. El diseño fue no experimental, de tipo descriptivo comparativo. La muestra estuvo conformada por 319 estudiantes, de ambos sexos, entre las edades de 17 a 30 años pertenecientes de cinco carreras universitarias. Se empleó la técnica de la encuesta y se utilizó la Escala de Estrés académico creado por Barraza y adaptado por Albán en el 2018. Al realizar la confiabilidad a través del estadístico de coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach puntuó con 0.91. En los resultados, prevaleció el nivel medio de estrés académico y en las dimensiones de estresores, síntomas y en las estrategias de afrontamiento, además se encontró que no existe diferencias significativas en la variable según sexo y edad. Se concluye en su mayoría de estudiantes presenta estrés académico, identificando problemas de adaptación al nuevo contexto de la virtualidad, esto genera que tengan percepciones negativas sobre su capacidad de enfrentar las exigencias académicas

    Adiposidade em pacientes tratados por câncer na infância: entendendo a fisiopatologia da obesidade

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    As childhood cancer treatment has become more effective, survival rates have improved, and a number of complications have been described while many of these patients reach adulthood. Obesity is a well-recognized late effect, and its metabolic effects may lead to cardiovascular disease. Currently, studies concerning overweight have focused on acute lymphocytic leukemia and brain tumors, since they are at risk for hypothalamic-pituitary axis damage secondary to cancer therapies (cranial irradiation, chemotherapy, and brain surgery) or to primary tumor location. Obesity and cancer have metabolic syndrome features in common. Thus, it remains controversial if overweight is a cause or consequence of cancer, and to date additional mechanisms involving adipose tissue and hypothalamic derangements have been considered, comprising premature adiposity rebound, hyperinsulinemia, leptin regulation, and the role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ. Overall, further research is still necessary to better understand the relationship between adipogenesis and hypothalamic control deregulation following cancer therapy.Os avanços do tratamento contra o câncer infantil têm resultado no aumento da sobrevida e das complicações, à medida que os pacientes atingem a maioridade. A obesidade é um evento reconhecido, e seus efeitos metabólicos levam à doença cardiovascular. Atualmente, o estudo da obesidade tem enfocado a leucemia linfocítica aguda e os tumores cerebrais, já que ambos têm risco para lesões hipotalâmicas, secundárias às terapias (irradiação cranial, quimioterapia, e cirurgia) ou à localização do tumor. Obesidade e câncer têm em comum fatores para síndrome metabólica. Entretanto, a relação de causa e efeito entre obesidade e câncer permanece controversa, sendo que são considerados outros mecanismos envolvendo o tecido adiposo e lesões hipotalâmicas, como o rebote precoce de adiposidade, hiperinsulinemia, regulação da leptina, e o papel do receptor ativado por proliferadores de peroxissoma γ. Concluindo, mais estudos são necessários para entender a relação entre adipogênese e descontrole hipotalâmico em sobreviventes de câncer.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Divisão de Endocrinologia Pediátrica Departamento de PediatriaUniversidade Estadual de Campinas Faculdade de Ciências Médicas Divisão de Endocrinologia PediátricaUNIFESP, Divisão de Endocrinologia Pediátrica Depto. de PediatriaSciEL

    Estrategias de marketing social para promover el desarrollo de turismo sostenible en playa de Pimentel

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    El turismo en la actualidad es un fenómeno mundial, del cual la mayor parte de países se valen para ofrecer sus atractivos turísticos, produciendo progreso y mejora en los mismos. Sin embargo, por efecto de problemas de contaminación ambiental producida por los mismos turistas o comunidad en general, afectan el desarrollo sostenible de estos, produciendo disminución en su economía y desarrollo. Es por ello que el investigador plantea como objetivo general elaborar estrategias de marketing social para promover el desarrollo de turismo sostenible en la playa Pimentel. El tipo de investigacion es mixta, conformada por la aplicación de encuestas dirigida a personas que visitaron en algún momento playa Pimentel, empleando redes sociales como canal de recolección, también se realizó una entrevista a una autoridad local. El tipo de muestra fue probabilístico. Uno de los resultados más relevantes de esta investigación fue que los turistas consideran que playa Pimentel tiene potencial como atractivo turistico, sin embargo uno de los aspectos de mayor importancia que tiene que mejorar, es su gestión de residuos sólidos y una de las consecuencias será mayor atracción turística

    Adiposidade em pacientes tratados por câncer na infância: entendendo a fisiopatologia da obesidade

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    As childhood cancer treatment has become more effective, survival rates have improved, and a number of complications have been described while many of these patients reach adulthood. Obesity is a well-recognized late effect, and its metabolic effects may lead to cardiovascular disease. Currently, studies concerning overweight have focused on acute lymphocytic leukemia and brain tumors, since they are at risk for hypothalamic-pituitary axis damage secondary to cancer therapies (cranial irradiation, chemotherapy, and brain surgery) or to primary tumor location. Obesity and cancer have metabolic syndrome features in common. Thus, it remains controversial if overweight is a cause or consequence of cancer, and to date additional mechanisms involving adipose tissue and hypothalamic derangements have been considered, comprising premature adiposity rebound, hyperinsulinemia, leptin regulation, and the role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ. Overall, further research is still necessary to better understand the relationship between adipogenesis and hypothalamic control deregulation following cancer therapy.Os avanços do tratamento contra o câncer infantil têm resultado no aumento da sobrevida e das complicações, à medida que os pacientes atingem a maioridade. A obesidade é um evento reconhecido, e seus efeitos metabólicos levam à doença cardiovascular. Atualmente, o estudo da obesidade tem enfocado a leucemia linfocítica aguda e os tumores cerebrais, já que ambos têm risco para lesões hipotalâmicas, secundárias às terapias (irradiação cranial, quimioterapia, e cirurgia) ou à localização do tumor. Obesidade e câncer têm em comum fatores para síndrome metabólica. Entretanto, a relação de causa e efeito entre obesidade e câncer permanece controversa, sendo que são considerados outros mecanismos envolvendo o tecido adiposo e lesões hipotalâmicas, como o rebote precoce de adiposidade, hiperinsulinemia, regulação da leptina, e o papel do receptor ativado por proliferadores de peroxissoma γ. Concluindo, mais estudos são necessários para entender a relação entre adipogênese e descontrole hipotalâmico em sobreviventes de câncer.190200Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Detection of metabolic syndrome features among childhood cancer survivors: A target to prevent disease

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    Along with the growing epidemic of obesity, the risk of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease morbidity, and mortality are increasing markedly. Several risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as visceral obesity, glucose intolerance, arterial hypertension, and dyslipidemia commonly cluster together as a condition currently known as metabolic syndrome. Thus far, insulin resistance, and endothelial dysfunction are the primary events of the metabolic syndrome. Several groups have recommended clinical criteria for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome in adults. Nonetheless, in what concerns children and adolescents, there are no unified definitions, and modified adult criteria have been suggested by many authors, despite major problems. Some pediatric disease states are at risk for premature cardiovascular disease, with clinical coronary events occurring very early in adult life. Survivors of specific pediatric cancer groups, particularly acute lymphocytic leukemia, central nervous system tumors, sarcomas, lymphomas, testicular cancer, and following bone marrow transplantation, may develop metabolic syndrome traits due to: hormonal deficiencies (growth hormone deficiency, thyroid dysfunction, and gonadal failure), drug or radiotherapy damage, endothelial impairment, physical inactivity, adipose tissue dysfunction, and/or drug-induced magnesium deficiency. In conclusion, some primary and secondary prevention remarks are proposed in order to reduce premature cardiovascular disease risk in this particular group of patients

    Post Traumatic Stress and Externalizing Behaviors in At Risk Urban Adolescents: A Prospective Study

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    Adolescents in in urban areas are at a higher risk for experiencing direct victimization as well as witnessing violence directed towards others, which increases the amount of post-traumatic stress (PTS) they face (Joseph, S., Mynard, H., & Mayall, M. 2000). Experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has been associated with a number of negative externalizing behaviors, such as increased delinquency, drug use and aggressive behavior in adolescents (Dierkhising, C. B., Ko, S. J., Woods-Jaeger, B., Briggs, E. C., Lee, R., & Pynoos, R. S. 2013). This association is especially relevant, as adolescence is a stage where youth are beginning to experiment and form life-long habits to manage life stressors. However, previous research has been limited regarding gender differences in PTS as males and females often have different ways of coping with traumatic events (Stevens, Murphy, & McKnight, 2003). This study closes this gap by investigating the connection between PTS and externalizing behaviors in the form of delinquency, drug use, and aggression in a sample of urban, predominantly African American adolescents. Data for this study comes from the first two waves of Project COPE, a four-year longitudinal study on violence exposure, stress responses and adjustment who were recruited from low SES neighborhoods in Richmond, Virginia. The sample included 166 males (46.4%) and 192 females (53.6%), all of whom were in grades five or eight and between the ages of nine and sixteen (M=12.13, SD=1.62) at wave 1 of the study. The participants consisted primarily of African Americans (91%). During annual in home interviews, participants provided assessments of PTS using the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC) scale, and delinquency, aggressive behavior and drug use were assessed using the Problem Behavior Frequency Scales (PBFS). Linear regression analyses were conducted with and without gender as moderator. Results from this sample found no significant relationship between PTS and Delinquency (Beta=.074, p\u3e.05) or Drug use (Beta=.035, p\u3e.05) one year later. However, a significant relationship was found between PTS and aggressive behavior at year two (Beta=.185, p\u3c.05). Interactions with gender revealed that the patterns of association between PTS and aggressive behavior were similar for males and females. Contrary to previous research, our results show no increased risk of drug use or rule-breaking behavior in this sample of adolescents from high violence neighborhoods, for either males or females. It is possible that the effects were short-term in this case rather than lasting. However, the significant relationship of PTS with increased physical aggression for all youth sheds light on possible long-term consequences of PTS and underscores a need to address this specific risk in low SES, urban samples with high prevalence of PTS. The data from our research further adds to the existing consensus suggesting that low SES, urban adolescents, due to unavailable resources, has the possibility of behaviors reemerging as delinquent behaviors.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1179/thumbnail.jp