4 research outputs found

    An Optimization of the Municipal Solid Waste in Abuja , Nigeria for Electrical Power Generation

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    Currently, Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, is experiencing an exponential increase in municipal solid waste (MSW) generation due to its rapid population growth, level of development, and its socioeconomic status among others. Moreover, MSW is an overburden to the Abuja environment in terms of its management and health risk to the inhabitants. However, MSW is utilized by some countries as fuel for energy generation through the waste to energy (WTE) approach. In view of this, the study aims at assessing the MSW in Abuja as a potential resource for electrical power generation and distribution. This study is focused on incineration with energy recovery as an immediate solution for MSW reduction, and a supplementary answer to erratic electric power supply to the people. The proximate and ultimate analyses in combination with the modified Dulong equation were employed to determine the gross calorific value (GCV). Results showed that the GCV was evaluated as 9,085 kcal/kg and the net calorific value (NCV) was evaluated as 9,067 kcal/kg. Furthermore, the power generation potential was enumerated using 10 and 50 tons of combustible MSW to arrive at 966 kWh and 4,832 kWh, respectively.We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) for their funding support with the award number (PTDF/ED/PHD/AOM/1303/17)

    Contaminação de água subterrânea por substâncias de limpeza da neve em estradas: o caso do sector de Nave de Santo António – Covão do Curral (Serra da Estrela, Centro de Portugal)

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    Num momento em que a gestão sustentável dos recursos hídricos se assume como uma das maiores preocupações à escala mundial, as regiões de montanha têm vindo a ser reconhecidas como Reservatórios de Água (PROGRAMA UNESCO IHP-VI). O facto de muitas destas áreas se localizarem a altitudes elevadas e serem recortadas por rodovias obriga a frequentes operações de limpeza de neve, especialmente no inverno. A aplicação de substâncias químicas como cloreto de sódio e cloreto de cálcio na promoção da fusão do gelo e na limpeza da neve das estradas constitui um problema ambiental de elevado interesse científico, social e económico. Devido às suas características geológicas, geomorfológicas e climáticas, a Serra da Estrela é considerada estratégica para a gestão da água em Portugal. No presente trabalho apresentam-se alguns resultados hidrogeoquímicos que indicam que a utilização dos referidos sais na limpeza do gelo e da neve das rodovias contribui para a contaminação dos recursos hídricos

    Crise de abastecimento de água em São Paulo e falta de planejamento estratégico

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    Embora a crise no abastecimento de água na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) tenha se manifestado de maneira mais intensa no verão de 2013-2014, ela revela um problema crônico que vem afetando toda a Região nos últimos dez anos. Esse problema foi gerado pela falta de um planejamento estratégico que considere questões climatológicas que podem indicar, com meses de antecedência, problemas de recomposição dos níveis dos mananciais, permitindo que ações sejam empreendidas com razoável antecedência, reduzindo os impactos para a população. Este estudo mostra como é possível utilizar informações climáticas na gestão estratégica do sistema de abastecimento da RMSP.Though the crisis in the water supplying system in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (RMSP) was more intensively felt in the 2013-2014 summer, it reveals a chronic problem that has been affecting the whole RMSP for the past ten years. This problem is originated from the lack of a strategic planning that takes into consideration climate issues that could, months before, foresee problems to restore the levels of water resources, allowing measures to be implemented within a reasonable anticipation, therefore reducing the impacts on the population. This study shows how it is possible to use climate information in the strategic management of the water supply in the RMSP

    Shallow geothermal energy in Portugal: Contributions from spanish experience

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    HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) heating and cooling systems are responsible for the largest share of energy use in buildings and play an important role as they represent 40% of the energy consumption in Europe and 36% of the Greenhouse Gases. In this context, heat pumps have positioned themselves in the market as the most appropriate solution for saving emissions, as demonstrated by the high level of sales worldwide and the exponential potential growth in the coming years. Within these systems geothermal energy is a renewable technology, which by working with soil temperatures achieves a higher coefficient of performance. This article examines the common points that Portugal and Spain have in the geothermal field, to share, throughout 20 years of travel, the lessons learnt in terms of development, regulations and experiences including 4 examples of real cases, for the use of low enthalpy geothermal technology in a mature market