3,389 research outputs found

    Exploring the Time to Intervene with a Reactive Mass Vaccination Campaign in Measles Epidemics.

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    The current WHO policy during measles outbreaks focuses on case management rather than reactive vaccination campaigns in urban areas of resource-poor countries having low vaccine coverage. Vaccination campaigns may be costly, or not timely enough to impact significantly on morbidity and mortality. We explored the time available for intervention during two recent epidemics. Our analysis suggests that the spread of measles in African urban settings may not be as fast as expected. Examining measles epidemic spread in Kinshasa (DRC), and Niamey (Niger) reveals a progression of smaller epidemics. Intervening with a mass campaign or in areas where cases have not yet been reported could slow the epidemic spread. The results of this preliminary analysis illustrate the importance of revisiting outbreak response plans

    Try it on: Voice, concordancing and text-matching in doctoral writing

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    Appropriate use and acknowledgement of sources continues to be a central concern of academic integrity. A major challenge for research students in using sources is the development of a confident authorial voice that matches disciplinary expectations in language use, yet manages to do so without plagiarising through inappropriate text- matching or recycling of language. This is a daunting challenge for all research writers, particularly for English as an Additional Language (EAL) researchers who are still grappling with English grammar and syntax. In order to develop novice research writers' understanding of acceptable use of sources and mastery of disciplinary language, we have developed a process called "Try it on" that uses concordancing software alongside text-matching software (Turnitin). Here we present textual analyses of two cases using this process: in one, the student's percentage of matches decreased as he developed his authorial voice; in the second, the percentage of matches increased as the student's language choices came to reflect more closely the expected usage in the discipline, thus replicating the expected authorial voice for that particular audience. These cases demonstrate how "Try it on" can be used to help students write in an appropriate authorial voice while also avoiding plagiarism

    Interface Dipole : Effects on Threshold Voltage and Mobility for both Amorphous and Poly-crystalline Organic Field Effect Transistors

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    We report a detailed comparison on the role of a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of dipolar molecules on the threshold voltage and charge carrier mobility of organic field-effect transistor (OFET) made of both amorphous and polycrystalline organic semiconductors. We show that the same relationship between the threshold voltage and the dipole-induced charges in the SAM holds when both types of devices are fabricated on strictly identical base substrates. Charge carrier mobilities, almost constant for amorphous OFET, are not affected by the dipole in the SAMs, while for polycrystalline OFET (pentacene) the large variation of charge carrier mobilities is related to change in the organic film structure (mostly grain size).Comment: Full paper and supporting informatio

    Sample Police Officers Duty Manual

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    A police organization is that part of the government responsibile for enforcing laws and ordinances adopted by elected representatives of the people. The letter of the law determines what a police officer m ust do to discharge the obligation im posed by his oath, but it does not encom pass all of the circum stances which arise in the practical application of these written principles. Understanding of human behavior and application of comm on sense are fundamental to the successful attainment of police obj ectives. These alone, however, are not sufficient to insure the proper handling of every incident. There must be standards of quality and rules for procedure and conduct to serve as guides. These standards, rules and regulations are set forth in this Manual. This Manual prescribes the manner in which m embers of the Police Department will conduct them selves in discharging their sworn obligations. Violations of provisions of this Manual will constitute grounds for disciplinary action

    3-dimensional Rules for Finite-Temperature Loops

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    We present simple diagrammatic rules to write down Euclidean n-point functions at finite temperature directly in terms of 3-dimensional momentum integrals, without ever performing a single Matsubara sum. The rules can be understood as describing the interaction of the external particles with those of the thermal bath.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Physics Letters

    Theoretical tools for atom laser beam propagation

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    We present a theoretical model for the propagation of non self-interacting atom laser beams. We start from a general propagation integral equation, and we use the same approximations as in photon optics to derive tools to calculate the atom laser beam propagation. We discuss the approximations that allow to reduce the general equation whether to a Fresnel-Kirchhoff integral calculated by using the stationary phase method, or to the eikonal. Within the paraxial approximation, we also introduce the ABCD matrices formalism and the beam quality factor. As an example, we apply these tools to analyse the recent experiment by Riou et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 070404 (2006)]

    CP-nets: From Theory to Practice

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    Conditional preference networks (CP-nets) exploit the power of ceteris paribus rules to represent preferences over combinatorial decision domains compactly. CP-nets have much appeal. However, their study has not yet advanced sufficiently for their widespread use in real-world applications. Known algorithms for deciding dominance---whether one outcome is better than another with respect to a CP-net---require exponential time. Data for CP-nets are difficult to obtain: human subjects data over combinatorial domains are not readily available, and earlier work on random generation is also problematic. Also, much of the research on CP-nets makes strong, often unrealistic assumptions, such as that decision variables must be binary or that only strict preferences are permitted. In this thesis, I address such limitations to make CP-nets more useful. I show how: to generate CP-nets uniformly randomly; to limit search depth in dominance testing given expectations about sets of CP-nets; and to use local search for learning restricted classes of CP-nets from choice data

    Tuberculosis treatment in a refugee and migrant population: 20 years of experience on the Thai-Burmese border.

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    Although tuberculosis (TB) is a curable disease, it remains a major global health problem and an important cause of morbidity and mortality among vulnerable populations, including refugees and migrants

    Achieving near-optimal traffic engineering solutions for current OSPF/IS-IS networks

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    Mechanisms for Lasing with Cold Atoms as the Gain Medium

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    We realize a laser with a cloud of cold rubidium atoms as gain medium, placed in a low-finesse cavity. Three different regimes of laser emission are observed corresponding respectively to Mollow, Raman and Four Wave Mixing mechanisms. We measure an output power of up to 300 μ\muW and present the main properties of these different lasers in each regime
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