12 research outputs found

    Is compulsory licensing bad for public health: some critical comments on drug accessibility in developing countries

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    International audienceAs one of the flexibilities provided by the agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) establishing minimum standards for the protection of property rights, compulsory license (CL) represents a means towards the protection of public health issues within a context of stringent protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs), most notably in poor-resource settings. However, recent literature asserts that CL constitutes a serious limitation to the full enjoyment of property rights by innovators and may therefore threaten drug accessibility in developing countries. This paper outlines the impact of CL on drug accessibility in developing countries by addressing the three main dimensions of accessibility (availability, affordability and quality) and proceeding to a literature survey of key arguments for and against CL. It concludes that CL inhibits neither the availability of essential drugs nor the affordability of life-saving treatments or the supply of high-quality drugs in developing countries, in particular antiretroviral drugs

    Alianças e coalizões internacionais do governo Lula: o Ibas e o G-20 Alliances and coalitions in the Lula administration: an analyisis of Ibsa and G20

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    O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar que o protagonismo internacional do governo Lula busca ressuscitar a questão do desenvolvimento tendo como base tanto o regionalismo, quanto a recuperação da clivagem Norte/Sul na política internacional em benefício das novas demandas dos países em desenvolvimento. Baseado nessa constatação, indagamos se as estratégias internacionais e o diálogo Sul-Sul presente na retórica e na ação da política externa do governo Lula representam alianças duradouras ou coalizões efêmeras nas relações internacionais contemporâneas entre os países em desenvolvimento e menor desenvolvidos.<br>The objective of the article is to demonstrate that the international protagonism of Lula's government seeks to bring back to international politics the development issue based, on one hand, on regionalism, and on the North / South clivage on the other hand, in order to advance the new demands of developing coutries. It is aked, based on this assumption, if the international strategies and the South-South dialogue both present on retoric and actions of Lula's government foreign policy represent enduring alliances or ephemeral coalitions among developing and least developing countries