139 research outputs found

    Agresividad premeditada e impulsiva y habilidades sociales en adolescentes del 4.to y 5.to de secundaria víctimas de acoso escolar de Trujillo

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    This research seeks to link premeditated and impulsive aggression and social skills in fourth and fifth high school adolescents, victims of harassment in Trujillo. Non-experimental with correlational design, and a sample of 500 adolescents. Was applied Questionnaire premeditated and impulsive Aggressiveness. (QPIA - A) and Social Skills Scale (SSS). The results indicate: Social skills is inversely relate, in intermediate and very significantly with premeditated aggression (r = - 42) and impulsive aggression (r = - 41). Premeditated aggression is inversely related in intermediate and very significantly with the dimensions of Social Skills: Self-expression in social situations (r .-. 39), defense of human rights (R-41), expression of anger r: - .40), say no and stop interactions (r: -. 40). In addition, are related in weak level and very significantly with the following dimensions: Making requests (r: - 17), start interactions (r: - 17). The impulsive aggression is related inversely in medium level and very significantly with dimensions of Social Skills: Self-expression in social situations (r .- 37) defense of human rights (r = - 38), express anger r: -.39), say no and stop interactions (r: -. 39), and is related in weak level and very significantly: Making requests (r: -. 20), start interactions (r: -. 20).La presente investigación busca relacionar la agresividad premeditada e impulsiva y las habilidades sociales en adolescentes del 4.to y 5.to de secundaria víctimas de acoso escolar de Trujillo. Tipo de investigación no experimental y diseño correlacional en una muestra de 500 adolescentes. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de Agresividad Premeditada e Impulsiva (CAPI-A) y la Escala de Habilidades Sociales (EHS). Los resultados señalan que las habilidades sociales se relacionan inversamente en grado medio y muy significativamente con la agresividad premeditada (r: -0,42) y la agresividad impulsiva (r: -0,41). La agresividad premeditada se relaciona inversamente en grado medio y muy significativamente con las dimensiones de habilidades sociales: autoexpresión en situaciones sociales (r: -0,39), Defensa de los propios derechos (r: -0,41), Expresión de enfado r: -0,40), Decir no y cortar interacciones (r: -0,40). Además, se relaciona en grado débil y muy significativamente con las dimensiones: Hacer peticiones (r: -0,17), Iniciar interacciones (r: -0,17). La agresividad impulsiva se relaciona inversamente en grado medio y muy significativamente con las dimensiones de habilidades sociales: La autoexpresión en situaciones sociales (r: -0,37), Defensa de los propios derechos (r:-0,38), Expresión de enfado r:-0,39), Decir no y cortar interacciones (r: -0,39), y se relaciona en grado débil y muy significativamente en: Hacer peticiones (r: -0,20), Iniciar interacciones (r: -0,20)

    Les Champignons sauvages comestibles du Parc National Fazao-Malfakassa (PNFM) au Togo (Afrique de l’Ouest) : Diversité et connaissances ethnomycologiques

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    Les champignons sauvages comestibles jouent un rôle important pour les populations d’Afrique tropicale. Ils servent de nourriture, de médicaments et de source de revenus. Pour évaluer leur pertinence socioéconomique au Togo et promouvoir leur exploitation durable, un inventaire a été réalisé à travers un échantillonnage aléatoire suivant des transects virtuels de 250 x 20 m établis au sein de quatre types de formations végétales, dont les forêts claires, les forêts sèches, des galeries forestières et savanes du Parc National de Fazao-Malfakassa situé dans la partie centre ouest du togo (Afrique de l’Ouest). Les enquêtes ethnomycologiques semi-structurées ont été menées auprès de 676 personnes choisies au hasard dans le village de Fazao, village riverain du Parc, en groupe et parfois des entretiens individuels sur 1 300, l’ensemble des Kotokoli, le groupe ethnique majoritaire. Cent soixante échantillons classés en 14 familles ont été enregistrés. Dix-sept espèces ont été identifiées. Après les enquêtes ethnomycologiques, 23 taxa sont reconnus couramment utilisés par les populations pour des fins alimentaires, deux taxa sont utilisés pour des fins médicinales et alimentaires tandis que un taxon est utilisé exclusivement à des fins médicinales. Les champignons comestibles sont dominés par les familles des Lyophilaceae et des Amanitaceae représentant respectivement 33 et 29 %. Les populations locales reconnaissent parfaitement les champignons comestibles. Les femmes âgées sont plus familières.Mots-clés : Parc National de Fazao - Malfakassa, champignons, gestion durable, connaissances ethnomycologiques, importance socio- économique.English AbstractWild edible fungi of the Fazao-malfakassa national park (FMNP) in Togo (West Africa): diversity and ethnomycological knowledgeWild edible fungi play an important role for tropical African people as food, source of drugs and source of cash income. To assess the socio-economic relevance of these mushrooms in central Togo and promote their sustainable and durable exploitation, a mycological survey was undertaken in the Fazao Malfakassa National Park located in central western part of Togo (West Africa). Mushrooms were inventoried using random sampling method along virtual transects of 250 x 20 m within 4 vegetation types including woodlands, dry forests, galleries forests and savannas. Ethnomycological surveys were conducted using semi-structural sampling on 676 persons via focus group and/or individual interviews from 1 300 peoples sampled from the kotokolis, the autochthon majority ethnic group surrounding the National Park. One hundred and sixty specimens sorted into 14 families have been recorded. On the whole, 17 species were fully identified. Twenty tree taxa are used as edible mushrooms, two taxa are used as medicinal and edible mushrooms; and only one species explicitly exploited for therapeutic purpose. The families as Lyophylaceae and Amanitaceae are the mostly dominant edible taxa accounting for about 33 and 29 % respectively. Local people recognize perfectly edible mushrooms. Elderly women are more familiar with edible mushrooms than young and children.Keywords : National Park of Fazao - Malfakassa, Wild edible Mushrooms, sustainable uses, know-how, socio-economic role

    Phylogenetic and microscopic studies in the genus Lactifluus (Basidiomycota, Russulales) in West Africa, including the description of four new species

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    Despite the crucial ecological role of lactarioid taxa (Lactifluus, Lactarius) as common ectomycorrhiza formers in tropical African seasonal forests, their current diversity is not yet adequately assessed. During the last few years, numerous lactarioid specimens have been sampled in various ecosystems from Togo (West Africa). We generated 48 ITS sequences and aligned them against lactarioid taxa from other tropical African ecozones (Guineo-Congolean evergreen forests, Zambezian miombo). A Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic tree was inferred from a dataset of 109 sequences. The phylogenetic placement of the specimens, combined with morpho-anatomical data, supported the description of four new species from Togo within the monophyletic genus Lactifluus: within subgen. Lactifluus (L. flavellus), subgen. Russulopsis (L. longibasidius and L. pectinatus), and subgen. Edules (L. melleus). This demonstrates that the current species richness of the genus is considerably higher than hitherto estimated for African species and, in addition, a need to redefine the subgenera and sections within it


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    The paper argues that poverty has remained a major obstacle to sustainable development and democracy in the global South. With the return to civil rule in 1999 in Nigeria, hopes were high that the return to democracy will stem the decline of the economy and provide the citizenry with the social dividends of democracy. More than a decade after the economy is still on it’s kneels with more than half of the population living on less than one dollar per day. With the use of dependency theory the paper posited that unless the people are empowered to make choices and participate in making decisions that affects their lives sustainable socio-economic development will remain elusive in Africa in general and Nigeria in particular

    Octamer-binding factor 6 (Oct-6/Pou3f1) is induced by interferon and contributes to dsRNA-mediated transcriptional responses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Octamer-binding factor 6 (Oct-6, Pou3f1, SCIP, Tst-1) is a transcription factor of the Pit-Oct-Unc (POU) family. POU proteins regulate key developmental processes and have been identified from a diverse range of species. Oct-6 expression is described to be confined to the developing brain, Schwann cells, oligodendrocyte precursors, testes, and skin. Its function is primarily characterised in Schwann cells, where it is required for correctly timed transition to the myelinating state. In the present study, we report that Oct-6 is an interferon (IFN)-inducible protein and show for the first time expression in murine fibroblasts and macrophages.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Oct-6 was induced by type I and type II IFN, but not by interleukin-6. Induction of Oct-6 after IFNβ treatment was mainly dependent on signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (Stat1) and partially on tyrosine kinase 2 (Tyk2). Chromatin immunopreciptitation experiments revealed binding of Stat1 to the Oct-6 promoter in a region around 500 bp upstream of the transcription start site, a region different from the downstream regulatory element involved in Schwann cell-specific Oct-6 expression. Oct-6 was also induced by dsRNA treatment and during viral infections, in both cases <it>via </it>autocrine/paracrine actions of IFNα/β. Using microarray and RT-qPCR, we furthermore show that Oct-6 is involved in the regulation of transcriptional responses to dsRNA, in particular in the gene regulation of serine/threonine protein kinase 40 (<it>Stk40</it>) and U7 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein Lsm10 (<it>Lsm10)</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data show that Oct-6 expression is not as restricted as previously assumed. Induction of Oct-6 by IFNs and viruses in at least two different cell types, and involvement of Oct-6 in gene regulation after dsRNA treatment, suggest novel functions of Oct-6 in innate immune responses.</p

    The genus Lactarius s. str. (Basidiomycota, Russulales) in Togo (West Africa) : phylogeny and a new species described

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    Lactarius s. str. represents a monophyletic group of about 40 species in tropical Africa, although the delimitation of the genus from Lactifluus is still in progress. Recent molecular phylogenetic and taxonomic revisions have led to numerous changes in names of tropical species formerly referred to Lactarius. To better circumscribe the genus Lactarius in Togo, we combined morphological data with sequence analyses and phylogeny inference of rDNA ITS sequences. Morphological and molecular data were generated from specimens sampled in various native woodlands and riverside forests; Lactarioid- and Russula sequences from public GenBank NCBI, and UNITE are included for phylogenetic analysis. The Maximum likelihood phylogeny tree inferred from aligned sequences supports the phylogenetic position of the studied samples from Togo within the subgenera Piperites, and Plinthogali. Lactarius s. str. includes about 13 species described from West Africa, of which eight were not previously known from Togo, including one new species: Lactarius subbaliophaeus identifiable by the presence of winged basidiospores, a pallisadic pileipellis with a uprapellis composed of cylindrical cells, inconspicuous pleurocystidia, and fusiform or tortuous, often tapering apex marginal cells. It can also be recognised by a transparent white latex that turns pinkish and then blackish, and a bluish reaction of the flesh context with FeSO4. These features mentioned do not match any of the morpho-anatomically most similar species, notably L. baliophaeus and L. griseogalus

    Screening mutation in RYR2 gene in a Kazakhstani idiopathic ventricular tachycardia study cohort: two novel mutations

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    The human ryanodine receptor 2 (RYR2) is one of the key players tightly regulating calcium efflux from the sarcoplasmic reticulum to the cytosol and found frequently mutated (<60%) in context of catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT1) [1]