775 research outputs found

    Dal voto alla valutazione per l’apprendimento

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    This paper returns the outcomes of a research-training project, as result of the collaboration between university researchers and teachers and principals of a network of schools in Lazio. Research-training is a way of doing empirical research that, making use of differentiated methodologies aims to develop teaching professionalism through the construction of research paths agreed between universities and schools. The present investigation started from a training need made explicit by schools: the need to develop skills useful for dealing with the transition from grades to judgments. A synthesis of teachers’ diverse views on assessment and perceptions of change is proposed here. The reflection and evidence gathered can help to prefigure the direction to be taken to overcome the risk that the use of feedback or levels may trace a construct that refers to the grade, de-emphasizing or effectively nullifying its value. Feedback and restitution, on the other hand, are tools of a motivating design that aims to provide learners with guidance for understanding and analysing their own learning and support for making effective and conscious choices in organising future learning

    Alzheimer's disease: amino acid levels and brain metabolic status

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    Abstract To study brain free amino acids and their relation with dementia we measured, by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the concentration of eight free amino acids, amines and related compounds. We used temporal cortex (TC) samples obtained from 13 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and an equal number of agematched controls (AC). The patterns of free amino acids, amines and related compounds showed significant quantitative changes in AD conditions with respect to healthy ones. In Alzheimer patients, lower levels of GABA were found in the TC (-57 %). Amino acids glutamate (Glu), and aspartate (Asp) concentrations, also appeared significantly reduced in the TC of AD patients (Glu: -30 %; Asp: -40 %) when compared with controls. The significant gap between methionine (Met: -30 %) and cystathionine (Cysta: ?60 %) levels in TC of AD people to controls, might suggest an under/over activity of the transmethylation and transsulphuration pathways, respectively. Glutamine (Gln) and Urea were an exception to this trend because their content was higher in AD patients than in controls. Albeit these compounds may have particular physiological roles, including the possible mediation of synaptic transmission, changes in amino acid levels and related compounds (detected in steady state) suggest a modified metabolic status in brains of AD patients that reveals a reduced function of synaptic transmission. Because several evidences show that patients might display quite different concentrations of neurotransmitters in brain areas, assessing metabolites in different and well-characterized AD stages should be investigated further

    A new tool for the evaluation of the rehabilitation outcomes in older persons. a machine learning model to predict functional status 1 year ahead

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    Purpose To date, the assessment of disability in older people is obtained utilizing a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA). However, it is often difficult to understand which areas of CGA are most predictive of the disability. The aim of this study is to evaluate the possibility to early predict—1year ahead—the disability level of a patient using machine leaning models. Methods Community-dwelling older people were enrolled in this study. CGA was made at baseline and at 1year follow-up. After collecting input/independent variables (i.e., age, gender, schooling followed, body mass index, information on smoking, polypharmacy, functional status, cognitive performance, depression, nutritional status), we performed two distinct Support Vector Machine models (SVMs) able to predict functional status 1year ahead. To validate the choice of the model, the results achieved with the SVMs were compared with the output produced by simple linear regression models. Results 218 patients (mean age = 78.01; SD = 7.85; male = 39%) were recruited. The combination of the two SVMs is able to achieve a higher prediction accuracy (exceeding 80% instances correctly classified vs 67% instances correctly classified by the combination of the two linear regression models). Furthermore, SVMs are able to classify both the three categories, self sufficiently, disability risk and disability, while linear regression model separates the population only in two groups (self-sufficiency and disability) without identifying the intermediate category (disability risk) which turns out to be the most critical one. Conclusions The development of such a model can contribute to the early detection of patients at risk of self-sufficiency loss

    The economic importance of the Belgian ports: Flemish maritime ports, Liège port complex and the port of Brussels – Report 2017. National Bank of Belgium, Working Paper No. 368

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    This Working Paper analyses the economic importance of the Belgian ports largely based on annual accounts data for the year 2017. As the years prior to 2017 have been described in earlier papers in the same series, the emphasis lies on the figures for 2017 and the developments between 2016 and 2017. After the stagnation in 2016, direct value added at the Belgian ports rose by 7.3% from € 18,052 million to € 19,368 million (current prices) or roughly 4.4% of Belgium’s GDP. All ports, with the exception of the Liège port complex, contributed to value added growth at the Belgian ports. The ports of Antwerp and Ghent were the most important players. The biggest contributing sectors to value added growth were the chemical industry and, to a lesser extent, cargo handling and the metalworking industry. In 2017, indirect value added was around 82% of direct value added. Direct value added increased significantly at the ports of Ghent, Brussels and Antwerp, by 13.4%, 16.0% and 6.1% respectively. The increase by more than 3% of direct value added at the ports of Zeebrugge and Ostend was also substantial. Direct value added fell by 2.4% at the Liège port complex. After the decline between 2012 and 2015, direct employment at the Belgian ports was up for the second year in a row. Between 2016 and 2017, the number of direct full-time equivalent jobs rose by 0.8%, from 115,401 to 116,311 or approximately 2.8% of Belgium’s total domestic employment. All ports, with the exception of Ostend and Brussels, contributed to employment growth at the Belgian ports. The ports of Antwerp and Ghent were the most important players. The biggest contributing sectors to employment growth were cargo handling and, to a lesser extent, the chemical industry. In 2017, indirect employment was around 120% of direct employment. Direct employment increased by around 1% at the ports of Antwerp, Ghent and Zeebrugge. Growth at the Liège port complex was more modest at 0.4%. The number of direct full-time equivalent jobs fell at the ports of Ostend and Brussels, by 1.2% and 4.2% respectively. The pattern of investment is closely linked to projects and is therefore highly volatile. After the decline between 2012 and 2014, direct investment at the Belgian ports was up for the third year in a row. Between 2016 and 2017, investment was up by 2.4%, from € 4,711 million to € 4,825 million. The port of Ghent and, to a lesser extent, the Liège port complex contributed to investment growth at the Belgian ports. The biggest contributing sectors to investment growth were the ‘port construction and dredging’ sector and, to a lesser extent, cargo handling, and the energy and chemical industries. Based on the figures of the traffic, the Flemish ports can be considered as real bridgeheads for trade with the UK. Developments regarding the modalities and consequences of the Brexit therefor should be followed with the greatest attention. Given the existing import and export volumes in terms of tonnage, it seems it will mostly be a challenge in Zeebrugge and to some extent for Antwerp. As a supplier to both China and the United States, Belgium is indirectly involved in trade between the two countries. If protectionism would close the United States off to exports from abroad, Belgian economy might get impacted one of the most in Europe

    Class action

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    La ricerca conduce un’indagine sull’azione di classe, introdotta nell’ordinamento italiano in epoca recente e foriera di numerose incertezze ed ambiguità interpretative, con riferimento sia allo specifico contenuto delle singole disposizioni normative che si sono alternate nel corso del tempo (determinate, sovente, dalla necessità di elidere le- di volta in volta riscontrate- anomalie e contraddizioni del tessuto normativo), sia alle possibili incongruenze tra taluni profili della disciplina oggi prevista dall’art. 140-bis del Codice del consumo e taluni principi generali dell’ordinamento, anche in materia di risarcimento del danno. Viene esaminato, anzitutto, il tema della legittimazione ad agire e del rapporto tra consumatore e l’ente rappresentativo cui questi, eventualmente, si rivolga, tentando la riconduzione di tale relazione alle ordinarie categorie privatistiche. Parimenti, è in termini di qualificazione secondo le tradizionali categorie del diritto civile che si tenta di apprezzare la natura dell’atto di adesione del soggetto che si vanti detentore di un diritto omogeneo a quello della classe cui pretende di appartenere. Vengono, quindi, esaminate le condizioni di ammissibilità dell’azione di classe e le caratteristiche peculiari della fase preliminare del giudizio di ammissibilità dell’azione. La ricerca indaga, quindi, la natura ed i possibili contenuti della sentenza che definisce il processo di classe, e conduce, nell’ultimo capitolo, una disamina relativa alle situazioni giuridiche tutelate.The research conducts an investigation into the so-called “class action”, recently introduced into the Italian leagl system and fraught with many uncertainties and ambiguities. In doing so, specific attention was paid to the content of individual provisions that have alternated over time (often determined by the need to solve the anomalies and contradictions of the law, unveiled from time to time) and to the possible inconsistencies between certain aspects of the rules laid down in article 140-bis of the Consumers’ Code, on one hand, and general principles of the legal order, on the other hand, also on the point of damages. The research examines, first of all, the issue of locus standi and the relationship between the consumer and the representative body to which he/she might eventually resort to, attempting to reconcile said relationship with the traditional categories of private law. Likewise, the study tries to appreciate the nature of the deed of subscription to the action made by the subject who deems himself as holding a right which is homogeneous to the one of the class, always according to the traditional concepts of civil law. Therefore, the study analyses the conditions of admissibility of the class action and the peculiar traits of the preliminary phase of the judgement on the admissibility of the action itself. Furthermore, the research investigates the nature and the possible content of the judgement which defines the “class trial”, thus leading, in the final chapter, to a discussion on the legal positions protected