39 research outputs found

    State crop experiments (LSV) of grain legumes in the eastern part of Germany – Results of investigations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia

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    Der Anbau von Körnerleguminosen konzentriert sich vornehmlich in den ostdeutschen Bundesländern. Die Landessortenversuche (LSV) in Ostdeutschland werden in überregionaler Zusammenarbeit für Anbaugebiete (Lössstandorte Mittel- und Ostdeutschland, Verwitterungslagen Südost, diluviale Standorte Ostdeutschland) auf Grundlage der Boden-Klimaräume Deutschlands durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse der LSV werden vor allem für die Erstellung von neutralem, regionalem Beratungswissen für die landwirtschaftliche Praxis, die Beratung politischer Entscheidungsträger und die Fortschreibung der Beschreibenden Sortenliste des Bundessortenamtes genutzt. Die Erträge der Körnerleguminosen in den LSV der Jahre 2003-2008 zeigten hohe Schwankungen zwischen den Jahren und zwischen den Orten der einzelnen Anbaugebiete sowie eine stagnierende bzw. rückläufige Ertragsentwicklung. In den Jahren 2003 und 2006 wurde der ertragslimitierende Einfluss von Hitze und Trockenheit erkennbar. Bei Ackerbohnen gelangen Verbesserungen vor allem im Bereich der Inhaltsstoffe durch die Züchtung tanninfreier Sorten. Die tanninhaltigen Sorten Fuego und Espresso erreichten höhere relative Kornerträge als die tanninfreie Sorte Tattoo. Die Unterschiede zwischen den Sorten im Rohproteingehalt waren gering. Bei Futtererbsen zeigten sich in den letzten Jahren wesentliche Züchtungsfortschritte in der Verbesserung der Standfestigkeit und Strohstabilität. Mehrjährig hohe relative Kornerträge (alle Anbaugebiete) erzielte vor allem die Sorte Rocket, zweijährig überzeugten auch die Sorten Gregor und Respect. Neben Santana und Saskia zählte Gregor zudem zu den rohproteinreicheren Sorten. Der Vorteil der Blauen Lupinen besteht vor allem in ihrem hohen Rohproteingehalt, der hohe Eiweißerträge ermöglicht. Rohproteinreichere Sorten sind insbesondere Probor und Idefix, aber auch Borlu. Die Sorte Boregine überzeugte in den Anbaugebieten mit mehrjährig überdurchschnittlichen relativen Kornerträgen. Als kritisch muss bei Körnerleguminosen die geringere Anzahl der zugelassenen Sorten (besonders jährlicher Neuzulassungen), der ausbleibende Ertragszuwachs und die Pflanzenschutzproblematik (Verfügbarkeit Beizmittel und Herbizide sowie Schädlingsvielfalt) angesehen werden.The cultivation of grain legumes is mainly concentrated in the eastern part of Germany. For loess sites in the middle and eastern parts of Germany as well as for weathering sites in the southeast and diluvial sites in eastern Germany the state crop experiments (Landessortenversuche, LSV) are realised on the basis of the German soil-climate spaces. In the first instance the results of LSV are utilized for the neutral and regional consulting of farmers and politicians as well as for information of the Federal Office for Plant Varieties. In the LSV of 2003 to 2008, the yields of the grain legumes greatly differed between years and locations, with mean yields showing stagnating or even regressive trends. In the years 2003 and 2006 heat and drought were limiting the production of grain legumes. In faba beans improvements in quality were achieved via the breeding of tannin-free cultivars. The tannin-containing cultivars Fuego and Espresso reached higher yields than the tannin-free cultivar Tattoo. With regard to crude protein content the differences between the cultivars were low. In peas, considerable breeding progress was observed with regard to stableness and straw-stability. Cv. Rocket attained high yields over several years; convincing biennial yield performances were also noticed for cvs. Gregor and Respect. The cvs. Santana, Saskia and Gregor were rich in protein. The advantage of narrow-leafed lupine mainly consisted in its high crude protein content and in high protein yields, too. Especially the cvs. Probor, Idefix and Borlu were rich in crude protein content. In all locations cv. Boregine brought above-average grain yields in several years. At present, critical issues with grain legumes are the low number of registered cultivars (especially newly registered cultivars per year), a lack of yield progress and the difficulties in plant protection (less available fungicide seed treatment products and herbicides as well as high spectrum of pests)

    Pilot study on the effects of intravesical oxybutynin hydrochloride instillations on the validity of doping control urine samples

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    According to class M2.1 of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List, the manipulation of doping control urine samples to alter their integrity and validity is prohibited both in- and out-of-competition. However, some paraplegic athletes with an overactive bladder need to be regularly treated with anti-cholinergic and anti-spasmodic drugs such as oxybutynin, which are often administered intravesically to reduce the substantial side effects observed after oral application. So far, it remains unclear whether such bladder instillations have a negative impact on analytical procedures and thus represent an anti-doping rule violation. Within this pilot study, urine samples were collected from five paraplegic athletes before and after an intravesical oxybutynin hydrochloride instillation. The samples were routinely tested for the presence of performance-enhancing drugs and afterwards fortified with 25 model compounds representing different classes of doping agents (anabolic agents, cannabinoids, diuretics, glucocorticoids, hormone and metabolic modulators, and stimulants) at low and medium concentrations. Additionally, the pH value and specific gravity were measured and the presence of oxybutynin was qualitatively determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In initial testing procedures, all samples were tested negative. Oxybutynin was present in most of the samples but found to have no significant effect on the detectability of the 25 model compounds subsequently added to each urine specimen. Therefore, it can be concluded that intravesical instillations with oxybutynin hydrochloride do not alter the integrity and validity of doping control urine samples