55 research outputs found

    Referenzierung - eine Möglichkeit zur Korrektur des Laborbias bei der Bodendauerbeobachtung am Beispiel der Nationalen Bodenbeobachtung Schweiz (NABO)

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    In der Nationalen Boden¬be¬ob¬ach¬tung der Schweiz wird seit Beginn Mitte der 1980-er Jahre für die Schwermetallanalytik ein Re-fe¬ren¬zie¬rungs¬system zur Korrektur des Labor¬bias angewendet. Dieses Vorgehen ist wesentlich aufwän¬diger als die Ver-wen¬dung von Standardproben zur Korrektur des Laborbias und es stellte sich die Fra¬ge, ob dieser Mehrauf¬wand gerecht¬fer¬tigt ist. Zur Be¬antwortung wurden 15 Jahre nach Beginn der Zeitreihen sämt¬liche Ar¬chiv¬pro¬ben erneut aufgeschlossen und zu¬sam¬men mit den Proben aus der ak¬tu¬ellen Er¬he¬bung erneut analysiert. Damit steht ein Datensatz zur Verfügung, der es er¬laubt, verschiedenste Frage¬stel¬lun¬gen im Zu-sammenhang mit der Re¬pro¬du¬zier¬bar¬keit und Korrektheit von Zeit¬rei¬hen in der Bo-dendauerbeobachtung zu über¬prüfen. So kann gezeigt werden, dass das Ana¬ly-tik¬labor im Verlaufe der Zeit besser wurde, die zufällige Variabilität wurde stets ge¬rin-ger. Der Verlauf der zeitgleich gemessenen Wer¬te stimmt mit dem Verlauf der re¬fe¬ren-zierten Werte überein und bestätigt damit die Korrektheit. Die Referenzierung elimi-niert den Labor¬effekt weitgehend. Die Er-geb¬nisse zeigen, dass sich das Prin¬zip der Re¬ferenzierung in der Praxis be¬währt. Ohne Referenzierung kann der effektive Ver¬lauf der Gehalte über die Zeit nicht korrekt abgebildet werden. Dies kann im Ein¬zelfall zu nicht gerechtfertigten Mass-nah¬men durch die Vollzugsbehörden füh-ren

    An investigation into the association of the physical fitness of equestrians and their riding performance : a cross-sectional study

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    Poor riding performance may be due to medical issues with the horse or a variety of other factors, such as inadequate equipment or deficiencies in training. The physical fitness of the equestrian is one of the most unexplained factors of current research. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between the physical fitness of the equestrian and riding performance. 115 equestrians were assessed for physical fitness and riding performance. Seven components of physical fitness (balance, endurance, flexibility, reaction, speed, strength, symmetry) were measured by a physiotherapist using equestrian-specific tests. Based on a video-recorded riding test, individual riding performance was rated by two equestrian judges. The riding test included the horse and rider performing a walk, sitting trot, rising trot and canter in both directions. A linear model for riding performance, including the domains of physical fitness and potential confounders (body-mass-index, riding experience, hours of riding per week, and test-motivation), was fitted to the data. Inter-rater reliability of the judges was investigated by calculating the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Endurance, reaction and strength were positively associated with riding performance, whereas flexibility had a negative association. The final model could explain 16.7% of the variance in riding performance. The effects of endurance and strength were significant (P<0.05), but not that of reaction. No association with riding performance was found for the components of balance, speed and symmetry. The inter-rater reliability of judges was confirmed to be ‘good’ to ‘excellent’ (ICC=0.9, 95% confidence interval: 0.86-0.93). Findings suggest that physical fitness is positively associated with riding performance. Fitness-training for equestrians should be included in current training concepts. Future research should investigate whether similar associations exist for junior and elite athletes

    Management of biliary obstruction in patients with newly diagnosed alveolar echinococcosis: a Swiss retrospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Alveolar echinococcosis, an orphan zoonosis affecting the liver, is of increasing concern worldwide. Most symptomatic cases present at an advanced and inoperable stage, sometimes with biliary obstruction prompting biliary tract interventions. These are, however, associated with a high risk of infectious complications. The aim of this retrospective study was to compare the effectiveness and safety of conservative and interventional treatment approaches in patients with newly diagnosed alveolar echinococcosis and biliary obstruction. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Alveolar echinococcosis patients treated at two referral centres in Switzerland, presenting with hyperbilirubinaemia (total bilirubin >1.5 Upper Limit of Normal) at diagnosis were included, unless another underlying aetiology, i.e. common bile duct stones or decompensated cirrhosis, was identified. Patients were divided into two groups, according to whether they initially received a biliary tract intervention. The primary endpoint was normalisation of bilirubin levels within a 6-month period. Secondary endpoints included, among others, the occurrence of early and late biliary complications, the need for biliary tract interventions during follow-up and overall duration of hospital stays for treatment initiation and for biliary complications. RESULTS: 28 patients were included in this study, of whom 17 received benzimidazole therapy alone and 11 additionally received a biliary tract intervention. Baseline characteristics did not differ between groups. All but one patient in each group achieved the primary endpoint (p=0.747). Biliary tract intervention was associated with faster laboratory improvement (t1/2 1.3 vs 3.0 weeks), but also with more frequent early biliary complications (7/11 vs 1/17, p=0.002) and longer initial hospital stay (18 days vs 7 days, p=0.007). CONCLUSION: Biliary obstruction in patients with newly diagnosed alveolar echinococcosis can be treated effectively with benzimidazole therapy alone. Biliary tract intervention, on the other hand, is associated with a high complication rate and should probably be reserved for patients with insufficient response to benzimidazole therapy

    High level of conservation between genes coding for the GAMYB transcription factor in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) collections

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    The transcription factor GAMYB is involved in gibberellin signalling in cereal aleurone cells and in plant developmental processes. Nucleotide diversity of HvGAMYB and TaGAMYB was investigated in 155 barley (Hordeum vulgare) and 42 wheat (Triticum aestivum) accessions, respectively. Polymorphisms defined 18 haplotypes in the barley collection and 1, 7 and 3 haplotypes for the A, B, and D genomes of wheat, respectively. We found that (1) Hv- and TaGAMYB genes have identical structures. (2) Both genes show a high level of nucleotide identity (>95%) in the coding sequences and the distribution of polymorphisms is similar in both collections. At the protein level the functional domain is identical in both species. (3) GAMYB genes map to a syntenic position on chromosome 3. GAMYB genes are different in both collections with respect to the Tajima D statistic and linkage disequilibrium (LD). A moderate level of LD was observed in the barley collection. In wheat, LD is absolute between polymorphic sites, mostly located in the first intron, while it decays within the gene. Differences in Tajima D values might be due to a lower selection pressure on HvGAMYB, compared to its wheat orthologue. Altogether our results provide evidence that there have been only few evolutionary changes in Hv- and TaGAMYB. This confirms the close relationship between these species and also highlights the functional importance of this transcription factor

    Greenland surface mass-balance observations from the ice-sheet ablation area and local glaciers

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    Glacier surface mass-balance measurements on Greenland started more than a century ago, but no compilation exists of the observations from the ablation area of the ice sheet and local glaciers. Such data could be used in the evaluation of modelled surface mass balance, or to document changes in glacier melt independently from model output. Here, we present a comprehensive database of Greenland glacier surface mass-balance observations from the ablation area of the ice sheet and local glaciers. The database spans the 123 a from 1892 to 2015, contains a total of similar to 3000 measurements from 46 sites, and is openly accessible through the PROMICE web portal (http://www.promice.dk). For each measurement we provide X, Y and Z coordinates, starting and ending dates as well as quality flags. We give sources for each entry and for all metadata. Two thirds of the data were collected from grey literature and unpublished archive documents. Roughly 60% of the measurements were performed by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS, previously GGU). The data cover all regions of Greenland except for the southernmost part of the east coast, but also emphasize the importance of long-term time series of which there are only two exceeding 20 a. We use the data to analyse uncertainties in point measurements of surface mass balance, as well as to estimate surface mass-balance profiles for most regions of Greenland

    Evaluation and application of a low-cost measurement network to study intra-urban temperature differences during summer 2018 in Bern, Switzerland

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    The understanding of intra-urban air temperature variations is crucial to assess strategies for cities' adaptation to impacts of present and future anthropogenic climate change. Depending on extensive measurement networks, high-resolution air temperature measurements in urban environments are challenging due to high instrumentation and maintenance costs. Here, we present a low-cost measurement device (LCD) consisting of a temperature logger and a custom-made, naturally ventilated radiation shield. Besides intercomparisons with automated weather stations (AWS) at three reference sites during record-dry summer 2018, we tested the potential of the devices using a network of 79 LCDs to assess the intra-urban variability of urban heat island (UHI) patterns in the city of Bern, Switzerland. We found positive mean measurement biases between LCDs and AWS of 0.61 to 0.93 K (RMSE: 0.78 to 1.17 K) during daytime, of which up to 82.8% of the variance could be explained statistically by solar irradiance (radiative heating) and wind speed (insufficient ventilation). During night, average measurement biases were markedly lower and eventually negative with −0.12 to 0.23 K (RMSE: 0.19 to 0.34 K). Our results highlight the importance of sensor intercomparisons being conducted at multiple locations with differing urban land-cover, structure, and metabolism given that biases varied considerably between the reference sites. Data retrieved by the city-wide measurement network showed that the LCD approach is well suited for the analysis of spatiotemporal UHI patterns during night and adds considerable value compared to the few existing AWS in detecting fine-scale air temperature variability. In conclusion, the current LCD measurement approach represents a valuable option for cost-effective analyses of urban air temperature variability across multiple scales, which may be of particular value for the development, appliance, and monitoring of adaptation strategies to climate change in cities with restricted financial resources

    Modelling the spatial pattern of heatwaves in the city of Bern using a land use regression approach

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    Heatwaves have been the deadliest weather extreme events in Europe in the last decades. People living in cities are especially prone to such events due to the urban heat island (UHI) effect which increases the heat stress in urban surroundings especially during calm, steady, and radiation intensive synoptic situations. Since official measurement stations in cities are scarce, studies on spatial patterns of UHIs often rely on satellite data, hobby meteorologists' data, or on model outputs. Additionally, analyses of spatial UHI patterns using point-based measurements need adequate and cost-effective methods for spatial interpolation. In this study, air temperature data retrieved by 60 low cost measurement devices (LCD) are used to model the spatial pattern of the UHI with a land use regression (LUR) approach in Bern, Switzerland. For this purpose, 14 spatial variables with different buffer radii were calculated to evaluate their effect on the UHI and to interpolate the air temperature data. As a result, three models covering three different heatwaves at nighttime were developed. Given good model performance throughout the different scenarios, the here presented study demonstrates the successful interpolation of low cost temperature data by LUR modelling based on publicly accessible spatial information within a city

    Complete recovery of immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced colitis by diverting loop ileostomy

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    Checkpoint inhibitor-induced side effects such as diarrhea and colitis occur in up to 30% of patients. We present a case of recurrent episodes of checkpoint inhibitor-induced colitis and subsequent Fournier gangrene that resolved after ileostomy formation. Once the Fournier gangrene and colitis had resolved, the ileostomy was reversed. However, within only 4 days, another serious flare-up of colitis occurred, necessitating emergent re-formation of the ileostomy. Expertise in the management of side effects of immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy is currently limited. Although most side effects are mild to moderate and transient, a minority of patients suffer from life-threatening complications, such as colitis. The creation of an ileostomy might be a valid treatment option in severe or recurrent colitis due to immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy. Intestinal diversion surgery may be useful if conservative treatment has failed, similar to other forms of immune-mediated intestinal inflammation