11 research outputs found

    Funktionale Polyolefine von Gruppe 4-Diamid-Komplexen vorbereitet durch Tandem-Ringöffnungsmetathese/Vinylinsertionpolymerisation

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    Since the intense exploration and commercialization of new polymerization technologies based on single-site and metallocene catalysts, polyolefins with new and innovative properties are produced on a multibillion pound scale per year. Although the saturated structure of polyolefins offers many merits, the non-polar nature of polyolefins limits their applications. Unsaturated copolymers hold great potential in materials chemistry, as they allow for the synthesis of functional polyolefins without the need of copolymerizing polar monomers. Subsequent introduction of functional polar groups into unsaturated polyolefins will substantially alter the physical and chemical properties of the polymers such as permeability, dyeability and adhesion. Tandem ring-opening metathesis/vinyl insertion polymerization (ROMP/VIP) produces copolymers containing both cyclic olefin-derived saturated and unsaturated moieties within the same polymer chain. In case the olefinic double bonds can be functionalized by chemical modification, functional polyolefins would be obtained. The objective of this research was to prepare ROMP/VIP-derived copolymers and to functionalize the corresponding polyolefins by post-modification reactions. The first chapter introduces the historical background in the field of polyolefin synthesis. In the second chapter the polymerization of cis-cyclooctene (COE) by the 1st generation Grubbs initiator was described. Poly(COE) served as a model polymer for other unsaturated ROMP/VIP-derived copolymers. By employing a chain transfer agent (CTA) (cis-4-octene), poly(COE) with a number-average molecular weight of 41000 g•mol-1 (PDI 1.48) was obtained using a catalyst to monomer ratio of 1:800 (Mn 88000 g•mol-1 in theory for CTA-free reaction). This means to obtain the target molecular weight poly(COE), more than 50 mol-% of the initiator was saved compared to a CTA-free polymerization. The following epoxidation, hydroxylation and hydrobromination reactions quantitatively converted the unsaturated polymer to the corresponding functional polymers. Interestingly, the non-activated hydrobrominated poly(COE) can be used as a macroinitiator for atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) or visible light-induced graft polymerization of tert-butyl acrylate. By varying the reaction conditions, a series of well-defined graft copolymers with different graft densities and graft lengths were prepared. The maximum extent of grafting was approximately 80 mol-%. All polymers were fully characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, GPC, FT-IR and DSC. The third chapter deals with the copolymerization of ethylene with cyclic olefins. A new zirconium diamide complex (7b) based on the ligand 6-[2-(diphenylboryl)phenyl]pyridine-2-amine (3b) was synthesized. This ligand was designed and synthesized as it contains a Lewis-acid and Lewis-base pair (B-N) and is more bulky than 6-[2-(diethylboryl)phenyl]pyridin-2-amine (3a), which proved to be potentially active to produce tandem ring-opening metathesis/vinyl insertion copolymers. Both the ligand 3b and the complex 7b were characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, FT-IR and elemental analyses. Polymerization of 7b was compared with its less bulky analogue 7a. Upon activation with methylaluminoxane (MAO), complex 7b showed a productivity of 90 kg/mol•h•bar in ethylene polymerization, 1265 kg/mol•h•bar in ethylene/cyclopentene (E-CPE) copolymerization and 50 kg/mol•h•bar in ethylene/bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene (E-NBE) copolymerization. About 1 or 18 mol-% of CPE or NBE incorporation was evidenced by 13C NMR analyses. The reason for the boost in productivity of PE in the presence of CPE at low (about 1 mol-%) CPE incorporation was elucidated by E/cyclopentene-1-13C copolymerization reactions. Unfortunately, both complexes 7a/MAO and 7b/MAO were not active in the reversible ROMP/VIP copolymerization. 13C NMR spectra revealed that only vinyl-insertion derived poly(E)-co-poly(NBE)VIP was obtained. The tacticity of the poly(E)-co-poly(NBE)VIP copolymer was assigned . In the fourth chapter, a series NMR reactions was carried out to study the mechanism of the tandem ROMP/VIP copolymerization reaction. Zirconium complex 1 was chosen to perform this typical reaction. The reaction system was monitored by 1H NMR, 11B NMR in the temperature range of -60 °C to 70 °C in toluene-d8. Upon addition of MAO at -60°C, both chlorides in 1 were immediately substituted by methyl groups, at -20 °C the cationic center (II) started to give a dormant species (III) which was inactive in polymerization and started to produce methane. An increase in temperature to 20 °C resulted in α-H elimination and a ROMP-active zirconium alkylidene (V) formed that gave a signal at δ = 8.6 ppm in the 1H NMR. Unfortunately, this active species undergoes bimolecular decomposition and produces ethylene. 11B NMR showed that the originally tetra-coordinated B atom became tri-coordinated (the N-B bonds cleavaged) at 30 °C, then ROMP started. The end olefinic group (VIII) were clearly observed in 1H NMR and the corresponding coupling constant could be assigned and were consistent. Above 65 °C, an α-H addition must occur, as a new tri-coordinated B species appears in 11B NMR and increases its resonance sharply. It was proposed that vinyl insertion polymerization occurs since then. Based on this study, both the activation process and active species in the homopolymerization of NBE as well as in the copolymerization of E-NBE became clear. The pivotal role of the (N-(6-(2-(diethylboryl)phenyl)pyrid-2-yl)-ligand in the α-H abstraction process has been verified. The insights gained in this study, together with existing knowledge will be helpful for the design of new catalysts suitable for tandem ROMP/VIP copolymerization.Seit der intensiven Erforschung und Kommerzialisierung neuer, auf single-site und Metallocen-Katalysatoren basierenden Polymerisationstechnologien, werden Polyolefine mit neuen und innovativen Eigenschaften in einem Millionen Tonnen MaĂźstab pro Jahr hergestellt. Obwohl die gesättigte Struktur der Polyolefine viele Vorteile bietet schränkt ihre unpolare Natur ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeiten ein. Ungesättigte Copolymere besitzen groĂźes Potenzial fĂĽr die Materialwissenschaften, da sich aus ihnen funktionalisierte Polyolefine herstellen lassen, ohne das dafĂĽr polare Monomere copolymerisiert werden mĂĽssen. Die anschlieĂźende EinfĂĽhrung funktioneller polarer Gruppen in ungesättigte Polyolefine fĂĽhrt zu einer beachtlichen Veränderung der chemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften der Polymere, wie der Permeabilität oder der Adhäsionsfähigkeit. Mithilfe von Tandem-Ringöffnungsmethatese-polymerisation/Vinylinsertionspolymerisation (ROMP/VIP) lassen sich Copolymere herstellen, die sowohl gesättigte und ungesättigte cyclische Olefin abgeleitete Einheiten in derselben Polymerkette enthalten. Falls sich die olefinischen Doppelbindungen durch chemische Modifikation funktionalisieren lassen, werden funktionale Polyolefine erhalten. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Herstellung von ROMP/VIP-abgeleiteten Copolymeren und ihre anschlieĂźende Funktionalisierung. Das erste Kapitel dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit dem historischen Hintergrund der Polyolefinsynthese. Im zweiten Kapitel wird die Polymerisation von cis-Cycloocten (COE) durch Grubbs-Initiatoren der ersten Generation beschrieben. Poly(COE) dient als Modellverbindung fĂĽr andere ungesättigte ROMP/VIP-abgeleitete Copolymere. Durch Verwendung eines Kettentransfer-Reagenzes (cis-4-Okten) wurde Poly(COE) mit einem durchschnittlichen Molekulargewicht von 41000 g∙mol-1 (PDI 1,48) hergestellt, bei einem Verhältnis Katalysator zu Monomer von 1:800 (Mn theoretisch 88000 g∙mol-1). Das bedeutet, dass im Vergleich zu einer Polymerisation ohne Kettentransfer-Reagenz mehr als 50 mol-% Initiator eingespart werden können um das gewĂĽnschte Molekulargewicht zu erreichen. Durch die nachfolgenden Epoxidierungen, Hydroxylierungen und Hydrobromierungen konnte das ungesättigte Polymer quantitativ in das korrespondierende funktionalisierte Polymer konvertiert werden. Interessanterweise kann das nicht-aktivierte hydrobromierte Poly(COE) als Makroinitiator fĂĽr die Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP) oder fĂĽr die durch sichtbares Licht induzierte Pfropfpolymerisation von tert-Butylacrylat verwendet werden. Durch Variation der Reaktionsbedingungen konnte eine Serie von genau definierten Pfropfcopolymere mit verschiedenen Pfropflängen und Pfropfdichten hergestellt werden. Der maximale Anteil an Verpfropfung betrug 80 mol-%. Alle Polymere wurden vollständig durch 1H- und 13C-NMR Spektroskopie sowie GPC, FT-IR und DSC charakterisiert. Das dritte Kapitel dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit der Copolymerisation von Ethylen mit cyclischen Olefinen. Ein neuer Zirkoniumdiamid-Komplex (7b) wurde mit 6-[2-(Diphenylboryl)phenyl]pyridin-2-amin (3b) als Ligand hergestellt. Dieser Ligand wurde entwickelt und hergestellt da er ein Lewis-Säure-Base Paar (B-N) enthält und sterisch anspruchsvoller ist als 6[2-(Diethylboryl)phenyl]pyridin-2-amin (3a), welcher potenziell aktiv ist bezĂĽglich der Tandem-Ringöffnungsmethatesepolymerisation/Vinylinsertionspolymerisation. Sowohl der Ligand 3b als auch der Komplex 7b wurden durch 1H-NMR-, 13C-NMR-Spektroskopie, FT-IR und Elementaranalyse charakterisiert. Die Polymerisation von Katalysator 7b wurde mit der des sterisch weniger anspruchsvollen Katalysators 7a verglichen. Nach der Aktivierung mit MAO zeigte Komplex 7b eine Produktivität von 90 kg/mol∙h•bar in der Polymerisation von Ethylen, 1265 kg/mol•h•bar in der Copolymerisation von Ethylen/Cyclopenten (E-CPE) und 50 kg/mol•h•bar in der Copolymerisation von Ethylen/Bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-en (E-NBE). Der Einbau von 1 bis 18 mol-% CPE oder NBE konnte mittels 13C-NMR-Spektroskopie nachgewiesen werden. Der Grund fĂĽr den Anstieg der Produktivität an PE in Anwesenheit von CPE bei geringem Anteil (etwa 1 mol-%) von eingebautem CPE wurde mittels Copolymerisation von Ethylen und Cyclopenten-1-13C aufgeklärt. UnglĂĽcklicherweise waren sowohl Komplex 7a/MAO als auch 7b/MAO nicht aktiv in der reversiblen ROMP/VIP Copolymerisation. Durch 13C-NMR-Spektroskopie konnte gezeigt werden, dass nur durch Vinylinsertionspolymerisation gebildetes Poly(E)-co-Poly(NBE)VIP erhalten wurde. Die Taktizität des Poly(E)-co-Poly(NBE)VIP wurde bestimmt. Im vierten Kapitel wurde eine Serie von NMR-Experimenten durchgefĂĽhrt, mit denen der Mechanismus der Tandem-ROMP/VIP Copolymerisation untersucht wurde. Der Zirkonium-Komplex 1 wurde fĂĽr diese klassische Reaktion ausgewählt. Das Reaktionssystem wurde mittels 1H-NMR- und 11B-NMR-Spektroskopie in einem Temperaturbereich von -60 °C bis 70 °C untersucht. Nach der Addition von MAO bei -60 °C wurden beide Chloratome im Komplex 1 sofort durch Methylgruppen substituiert, bei -20 °C fing das kationische Zentrum (II) an, eine schlafende Spezies (III) zu bilden, die nicht polymerisationsaktiv war und stattdessen Methan freisetzte. Eine Erhöhung der Temperatur auf 20 °C resultierte in einer α-H-Eliminierung und es bildete sich ein ROMP-aktiver Zirkonium-Alkyliden-Komplex (V) der ein Signal bei δ = 8.6 ppm im 1H-NMR-Spektrum zeigte. Leider durchlief diese aktive Spezies eine bimolekulare Zersetzung und setzte Ethylen frei. Das 11B-NMR-Spektrum zeigte, dass das anfangs vierfach koordinierte Boratom bei 30 °C dreifach koordiniert ist (Bindungsspaltung der N-B-Bindung) und dadurch die ROMP startet. Die olefinischen Endgruppen (VIII) konnten im 1H-NMR-Spektrum beobachtet werden und die entsprechenden Kopplungskonstanten wurden zugeordnet und waren konstant. Ăśber 65 °C konnte eine α-H-Addition beobachtet werden, eine neue dreifach koordinierte Borspezies erschien im 11B-NMR-Spektrum und die Vinylinsertionspolymerisation begann. Basierend auf diesen Studien konnten sowohl der Aktivierungsprozess als auch die aktive Spezies während der Homopolymerisation von Norborn-2-en und der Copolymerisation von Ethylen mit Norborn-2-en aufgeklärt werden. Die entscheidende Rolle des (N-(6-(2-(Diethylboryl)phenyl)pyrid-2-yl)-Liganden fĂĽr den α-H-Abstraktionsprozess konnte nachgewisen werden. Die Erkenntnisse die durch diese Studien gewonnen wurden, werden zusammen mit dem bereits basierenden Wissen hilfreich fĂĽr das Design eines neuen, fĂĽr die Tandem-ROMP/VIP Copolymerisation passenden, Katalysatorssein

    Typical metabolic pattern of 18F-FDG PET in Anti-NMDAR encephalitis in the acute and subacute phases and its correlation with T2 FLAIR-MRI features

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    Abstract Background/aims Early diagnosis of Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (anti-NMDAR) encephalitis with non-invasive imaging modalities benefiting is crucial to guarantee prompt treatments decision-making and good prognosis for patients. The present study aimed to explore the correlation of MRI features with brain metabolism characteristics of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG PET) and to describe the metabolic patterns in Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (anti-NMDAR) encephalitis at acute and subacute phases. Twenty-four patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis confirmed by serum and/or CSF tests at acute and subacute phases, 9 females and 15 males, with an age range of 6–80 years, were enrolled in this retrospective study as encephalitis group. 18F-FDG PET and MRI findings of all patients were investigated and interpreted with visual analysis. Chi-square test was performed to compare the diagnostic sensitivity between MRI and PET. Independent sample t-test was used to compare the standardized uptake value ratio (SUVR) of each ROI between the encephalitis group and control group, which consisted of 24 healthy volunteers of the same age and gender. Results There was no statistical difference in the diagnostic sensitivity between FDG PET (23/24, 95.83%) and MRI (18/24, 75.00%) in anti-NMDAR encephalitis patients (P > 0.05). Three categories of abnormalities shown on T2 FLAIR, including shallow of sulci and swelling of brain tissue, increased signal in the sulci, increased signal on brain gray matter or adjacent white matter presented hypermetabolism on PET, excepting increased signal in brain linear structure with hypometabolism of the basal ganglia on PET. We identified 19 brain regions with hypermetabolism and 16 brain regions with hypometabolism that exhibited statistically significant changes in SUVRs between anti-NMDAR encephalitis group and control group (FDR P < 0.05). Conclusion Anteroposterior glucose metabolism gradient (frontal-temporal/parietal-occipital) is proved to be a typical pattern of anti-NMDAR encephalitis at the acute and subacute phases in both visual and statistical testing. Interestingly, the pattern is also commonly found in the anterior and posterior portions of the parietal lobe and cingular cortex, which may be a potential indicator for the diagnosis of this disorder. In addition, MRI is an important and reliable neuroimaging modality to assist in the correct evaluation of activity changes on individual 18F-FDG PET

    Effectiveness of Inactivated COVID-19 Vaccines against COVID-19 Caused by the SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Omicron Variants: A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Background: Real-world evidence on the effectiveness of inactivated vaccines against the Delta and Omicron (BA.2.38) variants remains scarce. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted to estimate the adjusted vaccine effectiveness (aVE) of one, two, and three doses of inactivated vaccines in attenuating pneumonia, severe COVID-19, and the duration of viral shedding in Delta and Omicron cases using modified Poisson and linear regression as appropriate. Results: A total of 561 COVID-19 cases were included (59.2% Delta and 40.8% Omicron). In total, 56.4% (184) of Delta and 12.0% (27) of Omicron cases had COVID-19 pneumonia. In the two-dose vaccinated population, 1.4% of Delta and 89.1% of Omicron cases were vaccinated for more than 6 months. In Delta cases, the two-dose aVE was 52% (95% confidence interval, 39–63%) against pneumonia and 61% (15%, 82%) against severe disease. Two-dose vaccination reduced the duration of viral shedding in Delta cases, but not in booster-vaccinated Omicron cases. In Omicron cases, three-dose aVE was 68% (18%, 88%) effective against pneumonia, while two-dose vaccination was insufficient for Omicron. E-values were calculated, and the E-values confirmed the robustness of our findings. Conclusions: In Delta cases, two-dose vaccination within 6 months reduced pneumonia, disease severity, and the duration of viral shedding. Booster vaccination provided a high level of protection against pneumonia with Omicron and should be prioritized

    A training program for improving the capacity of infection high-throughput sequencing and diagnosis in China

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    Abstract Background Infectious diseases are a serious threat to human especially since the COVID-19 outbreak has proved the importance and urgency of their diagnosis and treatment again. Metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) has been widely used and recognized in clinical and carried out localized testing in hospitals. Increasing the training of mNGS detection technicians can enhance their professional quality and more effectively realize the application value of the hospital platform. Methods Based on the initial theoretical understanding and practice of the mNGS platform for localization construction, we have designed a training program to enhance the ability of technicians to detect pathogens by utilizing mNGS, and hence to conduct training practices nationwide. Results Until August 30, 2022, the page views of online classes have reached 51,500 times and 6 of offline small-scale training courses have been conducted. A total of 67 trainees from 67 hospitals have participated in the training with a qualified rate of 100%. After the training course, the localization platform of 1 participating hospital has been put into use, 2 have added the mNGS localization platform for admission, among which 3 have expressed strong intention of localization. Conclusions This study focuses on the training procedures and practical experience of the project which is the first systematic standardized program of mNGS in the world. It solves the training difficulties in the current industry, and effectively promotes the localization construction and application of mNGS in hospitals. It has great development potential in the future and is worth further promotion