1,427 research outputs found

    SARS-related Virus Predating SARS Outbreak, Hong Kong

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    Using immunofluorescence and neutralization assays, we detected antibodies to human severe acute respiratory syndrome–associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and/or animal SARS-CoV–like virus in 17 (1.8%) of 938 adults recruited in 2001. This finding suggests that a small proportion of healthy persons in Hong Kong had been exposed to SARS-related viruses at least 2 years before the recent SARS outbreak

    The complete mitochondrial genome of Choroterpides apiculata (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) and its phylogenetic relationships

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    The complete mitochondrial genome of Choroterpides apiculata (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) is typically a circular molecule of 15,199 bp in length, containing 37 genes (13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs, and two rRNAs) and one control region. The overall A + T content of the whole genome is 74% and the A + T content of the control region is 79.7%. In Bayesian inference and maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees using 24 species from 13 families of Ephemeroptera, the monophyly of the families Isonychiidae, Heptageniidae, Vietnamellidae, Leptophlebiidae, Caenidae, and Baetidae were highly supported and C. apiculata was a sister group to Habrophlebiodes zijinensis

    The volume of trade-induced cross-border freight transportation has doubled and led to 1.14 gigatons CO₂ emissions in 2015

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    International freight transport associated with global trade generates significant CO2 emissions, which are expected to increase with further globalization. The reduction of these emissions will require international and interregional collaboration. However, which trading partners are responsible for freight transport carbon footprints throughout global value chains remains unclear. Here we link bilateral trade flows of export volume to a multi-regional input-output model to measure CO2 emissions of international freight transport from 1995 to 2015. We find that in 2015, international freight transport generated 1.14 gigatons of CO2, representing 16% of the total emissions associated with international supply chains. Primary contributors were Asia (39%), the European Union (21%) and the United States (13%). During 1995–2015, the cross-border freight transport volume more than doubled due to rapidly growing consumption and transportation of heavier intermediate goods. Our findings provide the information necessary to design targeted mitigation policies for international freight transport

    Corrections to the Nonrelativistic Ground Energy of a Helium Atom

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    Considering the nuclear motion, the authors give out the nonrelativistic ground energy of a helium atom by using a simple but effective variational wave function with a flexible parameter kk. Based on this result, the relativistic and radiative corrections to the nonrelativistic Hamiltonian are discussed. The high precision value of the helium ground energy is evaluated to be -2.90338 a.u., and the relative error is 0.00034%.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, 2 table

    Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification for Influenza A (H5N1) Virus

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    We describe a 1-step reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) viruses. The assay was tested by using a panel of highly pathogenic H5N1 subtypes isolated over the past 10 years and clinical specimens. The assay produced negative results for all non-H5N1 subtypes

    Effect of microstructural evolution on magnetic properties of Ni thin films

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    Copyright © Indian Academy of Sciences.The magnetic properties of Ni thin films, in the range 20–500 nm, at the crystalline-nanocrystalline interface are reported. The effect of thickness, substrate and substrate temperature has been studied. For the films deposited at ambient temperatures on borosilicate glass substrates, the crystallite size, coercive field and magnetization energy density first increase and achieve a maximum at a critical value of thickness and decrease thereafter. At a thickness of 50 nm, the films deposited at ambient temperature onto borosilicate glass, MgO and silicon do not exhibit long-range order but are magnetic as is evident from the non-zero coercive field and magnetization energy. Phase contrast microscopy revealed that the grain sizes increase from a value of 30–50 nm at ambient temperature to 120–150 nm at 503 K and remain approximately constant in this range up to 593 K. The existence of grain boundary walls of width 30–50 nm is demonstrated using phase contrast images. The grain boundary area also stagnates at higher substrate temperature. There is pronounced shape anisotropy as evidenced by the increased aspect ratio of the grains as a function of substrate temperature. Nickel thin films of 50 nm show the absence of long-range crystalline order at ambient temperature growth conditions and a preferred [111] orientation at higher substrate temperatures. Thin films are found to be thermally relaxed at elevated deposition temperature and having large compressive strain at ambient temperature. This transition from nanocrystalline to crystalline order causes a peak in the coercive field in the region of transition as a function of thickness and substrate temperature. The saturation magnetization on the other hand increases with increase in substrate temperature.University Grants Commission for Centre of Advanced Studies in Physic

    Measuring scarce water saving from interregional virtual water flows in China

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    Trade of commodities can lead to virtual water flows between trading partners. When commodities flow from regions of high water productivity to regions of low water productivity, the trade has the potential to generate water saving. However, this accounting of water saving does not account for the water scarcity status in different regions. It could be that the water saving generated from this trade occurs at the expense of the intensified water scarcity in the exporting region, and exerts limited effect on water stress alleviation in importing regions. In this paper, we propose an approach to measure the scarce water saving associated with virtual water trade (measuring in water withdrawal/use). The scarce water is quantified by multiplying the water use in production with the water stress index. We assessed the scarce water saving/loss through interprovincial trade within China using a multi-region input-output table from 2010. The results show that interprovincial trade resulted in 14.2 km3 of water loss without considering water stress, but only 0.4 km3 scarce water loss using the scarce water concept. Among the 435 total connections of virtual water flows, 254 connections contributed to 20.2 km3 of scarce water saving. Most of these connections are virtual water flows from provinces with lower water stress index (WSI) to that with higher both water scarcity status and water productivity across regions. Identifying key connections of scarce water saving is useful in guiding interregional economic restructuring towards water stress alleviation, a major goal of China’s sustainable development strategy

    Evolutionary Dynamics and Emergence of Panzootic H5N1 Influenza Viruses

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    The highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus lineage has undergone extensive genetic reassortment with viruses from different sources to produce numerous H5N1 genotypes, and also developed into multiple genetically distinct sublineages in China. From there, the virus has spread to over 60 countries. The ecological success of this virus in diverse species of both poultry and wild birds with frequent introduction to humans suggests that it is a likely source of the next human pandemic. Therefore, the evolutionary and ecological characteristics of its emergence from wild birds into poultry are of considerable interest. Here, we apply the latest analytical techniques to infer the early evolutionary dynamics of H5N1 virus in the population from which it emerged (wild birds and domestic poultry). By estimating the time of most recent common ancestors of each gene segment, we show that the H5N1 prototype virus was likely introduced from wild birds into poultry as a non-reassortant low pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus and was not generated by reassortment in poultry. In contrast, more recent H5N1 genotypes were generated locally in aquatic poultry after the prototype virus (A/goose/Guangdong/1/96) introduction occurred, i.e., they were not a result of additional emergence from wild birds. We show that the H5N1 virus was introduced into Indonesia and Vietnam 3–6 months prior to detection of the first outbreaks in those countries. Population dynamics analyses revealed a rapid increase in the genetic diversity of A/goose/Guangdong/1/96 lineage viruses from mid-1999 to early 2000. Our results suggest that the transmission of reassortant viruses through the mixed poultry population in farms and markets in China has selected HPAI H5N1 viruses that are well adapted to multiple hosts and reduced the interspecies transmission barrier of those viruses