112 research outputs found

    GroupoĂŻdes riemanniens

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    We propose a definition of a riemannian groupoid, and we show that the Stefan foliation that it induces is a riemannian (singular) foliation. We also prove that the homotopy groupoid of a riemannian (regular) foliation is a riemannian groupoid

    Digital Workflow for Prosthetically Driven Implants Placement and Digital Cross Mounting: A Retrospective Case Series

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    Fully digital workflow in implant dentistry is ever increasing. Treatment of partial edentulous cases is well-documented; nevertheless, complete edentulous cases are still a challenge. To present several innovations in the treatment of complete edentulous patients using digital solutions, both for implant placement and restoration delivery, was the objective of this study. It was designed as a retrospective case series study, aimed to tune further research with larger sample size, and a longer follow-up. Patients requiring complete, implant-supported restoration were asked to participate in this study. Enrolled patients were treated with four implants, immediate loading and a definitive complete arch restoration. Patients were treated using computer-assisted, template-based surgery. Multi-piece surgical templates were used to accurately place the implants, to manage the bone if needed and to make immediate loading procedure quicker and easier. After osseointegration period, definitive, extra-oral, digital impressions were taken using newly developed scan analogs, connected in the patient mouth using temporary cylinders and stabilized by means of the low-shrinkage, flowable, resin composite. Outcomes were implant and prosthesis survival rate, complications, accuracy, and patient satisfaction. Radiographic evaluation performed with a preliminary, radiopaque aluminum try-in, was used to test the accuracy of the digital impressions. Overall, 20 implants were placed in five patients. All the implants osseointegrated without complications. One impression was taken a second time due to inaccuracy of the aluminum tray-in. Finally, all of the patients were completely satisfied with both surgical and prosthetic procedures. Within the limitations of this case series, multi-piece surgical templates showed promising results improving the clinician’s confidence in the case of bone reduction, post-extractive implants and immediate loading. The prosthetic template increased the trueness of the digital impression for complete edentulous patients. Finally, even if an impression was performed again, the scan-analog used for extra-oral chair-side digital impressions seemed to be a promising tool. Continuous improvements and further study are needed to confirm these preliminary results

    Image Retrieval through Abstract Shape Indication

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    Abstract A new system for image retrieval is presented. The query is indicated by means of three pictures, which should span the abstract shape concept that the user has in mind. The search is accomplished by using a set of size functions, and giving them different weights, computed on the base of the three input images. The system has been tested on a database of 2976 synthetic images

    Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia, and sarcoidosis : More pathological findings in the same chest CT, or a single pathological pathway?

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    Background: Autoimmune hepatitis/primary biliary cirrhosis overlap syndrome, lymphangioleiomyomatosis/tuberous sclerosis complex (LAM-TSC), and sarcoidosis are three rare diseases. Here we present, to the best of our knowledge, the first description of a patient with the coexistence of these three diseases. Case presentation: A 47-year-old woman affected by LAM-TSC and primary biliary cirrosis/autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome. During her follow up a high resolution chest CT scan (HRTC) confirmed the presence of both multiple cysts and micronodular opacities consistent with multifocal micronodular pneumocytes hyperlasia (MMPH), and revealed multiple hilar-mediastinal symmetrical lymphadenopathies suggestive of sarcoidosis. Simultaneously, subcutaneous nodules appeared on her forearm bilaterally. Cutaneous biopsy showed granulomatous dermatitis with sarcoid-like granulomas. A diagnosis of stage I pulmonary sarcoidosis was made. No treatment for sarcoidosis was initiated since the patient had neither systemic involvement, nor respiratory impairment. Conclusions: The presence of more than one rare disease should challenge the concept of a potential common underlying mechanism, since the a priori probability of the concomitant presence of different conditions with different pathogenic mechanisms - especially if rare diseases - is low. We speculate that the dysregulation of the pathway involving mTOR and MAPK and their interaction might play a role in the pathogenesis of other diseases, including sarcoidosis

    Women with TSC : Relationship between Clinical, Lung Function and Radiological Features in a Genotyped Population Investigated for Lymphangioleiomyomatosis

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    The advent of pharmacological therapies for lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) has made early diagnosis important in women with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), although the lifelong cumulative radiation exposure caused by chest computer tomography (CT) should not be underestimated. We retrospectively investigated, in a cohort of TSC outpatients of San Paolo Hospital (Milan, Italy) 1) the role of pulmonary function tests (PFTs) for LAM diagnosis, 2) the association between LAM and other features of TSC (e.g. demography, extrapulmonary manifestations, genetic mutations, etc.), and 3) the characteristics of patients with multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia (MMPH). Eighty-six women underwent chest CT scan; pulmonary involvement was found in 66 patients (77%; 49% LAM with or without MMPH, and 28% MMPH alone). LAM patients were older, with a higher rate of pneumothorax, presented more frequently with renal and hepatic angiomyolipomas, and tended to have a TSC2 mutation profile. PFTs, assessed in 64% of women unaffected by cognitive impairments, revealed a lower lung diffusion capacity in LAM patients. In multivariate analysis, age, but not PFTs, resulted independently associated with LAM diagnosis. Patients with MMPH alone did not show specific clinical, functional or genetic features. A mild respiratory impairment was most common in LAM-TSC patients: In conclusions, PFTs, even if indicated to assess impairment in lung function, are feasible in a limited number of patients, and are not significantly useful for LAM diagnosis in women with TSC


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    Algebra lineare e Geometria

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    Raccolta di esercizi e quiz, risolti e proposti, che aiuta a riguardare, fissare, applicare e fare propri i contenuti della teoria di Algebra Lineare e Geometria, nei corsi delle lauree di primo livello, di tipo ingegneristico e scientifico
