207 research outputs found

    Les plantes més humils

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    Les Plantes del Roquer

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    Generalized Linear Models for Geometrical Current predictors. An application to predict garment fit

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    The aim of this paper is to model an ordinal response variable in terms of vector-valued functional data included on a vector-valued RKHS. In particular, we focus on the vector-valued RKHS obtained when a geometrical object (body) is characterized by a current and on the ordinal regression model. A common way to solve this problem in functional data analysis is to express the data in the orthonormal basis given by decomposition of the covariance operator. But our data present very important differences with respect to the usual functional data setting. On the one hand, they are vector-valued functions, and on the other, they are functions in an RKHS with a previously defined norm. We propose to use three different bases: the orthonormal basis given by the kernel that defines the RKHS, a basis obtained from decomposition of the integral operator defined using the covariance function, and a third basis that combines the previous two. The three approaches are compared and applied to an interesting problem: building a model to predict the fit of children’s garment sizes, based on a 3D database of the Spanish child population. Our proposal has been compared with alternative methods that explore the performance of other classifiers (Suppport Vector Machine and k-NN), and with the result of applying the classification method proposed in this work, from different characterizations of the objects (landmarks and multivariate anthropometric measurements instead of currents), obtaining in all these cases worst results

    Curvature approximation from parabolic sectors

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    We propose an invariant three-point curvature approximation for plane curves based on the arc of a parabolic sector, and we analyze how closely this approximation is to the true curvature of the curve. We compare our results with the obtained with other invariant three-point curvature approximations. Finally, an application is discussed

    Estimat amic Ricard

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    El teatre a barcelona (1979/1999). Planificar: un servei cultural pĂşblic

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    A New Geometric Metric in the Shape and Size Space of Curves in R n

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    Shape analysis of curves in Rn is an active research topic in computer vision. While shape itself is important in many applications, there is also a need to study shape in conjunction with other features, such as scale and orientation. The combination of these features, shape, orientation and scale (size), gives different geometrical spaces. In this work, we define a new metric in the shape and size space, S2, which allows us to decompose S2 into a product space consisting of two components: S4Ă—R, where S4 is the shape space. This new metric will be associated with a distance function, which will clearly distinguish the contribution that the difference in shape and the difference in size of the elements considered makes to the distance in S2, unlike the previous proposals. The performance of this metric is checked on a simulated data set, where our proposal performs better than other alternatives and shows its advantages, such as its invariance to changes of scale. Finally, we propose a procedure to detect outlier contours in S2 considering the square-root velocity function (SRVF) representation. For the first time, this problem has been addressed with nearest-neighbor techniques. Our proposal is applied to a novel data set of foot contours. Foot outliers can help shoe designers improve their designs

    Classification of geometrical objects by integrating currents and functional data analysis. An application to a 3D database of Spanish child population

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    This paper focuses on the application of Discriminant Analysis to a set of geometrical objects (bodies) characterized by currents. A current is a relevant mathematical object to model geometrical data, like hypersurfaces, through integration of vector fields along them. As a consequence of the choice of a vector-valued Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) as a test space to integrate hypersurfaces, it is possible to consider that hypersurfaces are embedded in this Hilbert space. This embedding enables us to consider classification algorithms of geometrical objects. A method to apply Functional Discriminant Analysis in the obtained vector-valued RKHS is given. This method is based on the eigenfunction decomposition of the kernel. So, the novelty of this paper is the reformulation of a size and shape classification problem in Functional Data Analysis terms using the theory of currents and vector-valued RKHS. This approach is applied to a 3D database obtained from an anthropometric survey of the Spanish child population with a potential application to online sales of children's wear
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