7 research outputs found

    Hugsmíðaréttmæti íslenskrar þýðingar Vellíðunarkvarða Alþjóðaheilbrigðismálastofnunarinnar (WHO-5)

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    Próffræðilegir eiginleikar íslenskrar þýðingar fimm atriða Vellíðunarkvarða Alþjóðaheilbrigðismálastofnunarinnar (WHO-5-I) voru kannaðir í þessari rannsókn. Mælitækinu er ætlað að gefa vísbendingu um möguleg einkenni þunglyndis og hefur nú þegar verið notað hér á landi í stórri spurningalistakönnun á heilsu og líðan Íslendinga. Alþjóðaheilbrigðismálastofnunin hefur hvatt til notkunar kvarðans um heim allan, telur stofnunin að hann henti vel sem skimun fyrir einkennum þunglyndis á heilsugæslustöðvum. Mælitækið er aðeins fimm spurningar þar sem spurt er frekar útí almenna líðan frekar en beint um þunglyndiseinkenni. Fyrirlögn tekur því stuttan tíma, orðalag fullyrðinganna er ekki sjúkdómsmiðað og einfalt ætti að vera fyrir lækna heilsugæslustöðva að taka saman niðurstöður hvers sjúklings. Þeim mun lægra skor sem einstaklingur fær gefa ákveðna vísbendingu um að til staðar séu alvarleg einkenni þunglyndis. Hærra skor bendir þannig til svarandi upplifi vellíðan WHO-5 spurningalistinn hefur verið þýddur á fjöldamörg tungumál þar á meðal á íslensku. Við þróun sálfræðilegra mælitækja er stuðst við ákveðna aðferðafræði í þeim tilgangi að tryggja eins vel og á verður kosið gott réttmæti þeirra og háan áreiðanleika. Þróun WHO-5-I fór ekki fram á Íslandi en hann var þýddur hér, þykir því nauðsynlegt að kanna hversu gott réttmæti þýðingarinnar sé og hversu áreiðanleg hún sé. Flestar rannsóknir sem gerðar hafa verið á öðrum þýðingum kvarðans, benda flestar til þess að fullyrðingarnar fimm endurspegli vellíðan en þær tölfræðilegu aðferðir sem þær studdust við hafa ekki þótt gefa nógu góða mynd af próffræðilegum eiginleikum hans. Því var ákveðið að nota strangari tölfræðiaðferð heldur en hefur verið til að meta hugsmíðaréttmæti fullyrðinganna fimm. Niðurstöðurnar gáfu til kynna þokkalegt hugsmíðaréttmæti íslensku þýðingarinnar og var innri áreiðanleiki kvarðans hár, sem bendir til þess að atriðin fimm séu að meta sömu hugsmíðina

    A psychometric evaluation of the Icelandic version of the WHO-5.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article click on the hyperlink at the bottom of the pageThe psychometric properties of the Icelandic version of the World Health Organization five wellbeing index (WHO-5) were evaluated using two samples, a randomly selected sample (N = 3,896) from the Icelandic National Registry and a convenience sample of primary care patients (N = 126). The factor structure of the scale was tested with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The correlation between the WHO-5 and other measures of depression and anxiety were calculated to assess the scale's convergent and divergent validity. The discriminant validity of the WHO-5 was explored with a receiver operating analysis compared to the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. The CFA indicated that the factor structure of the WHO-5 was one-dimensional and factorial invariant between groups. The internal reliability of the WHO-5 was adequate and the convergent, divergent and discriminant validity of the WHO-5 was supported. It is concluded that the psychometric properties of the Icelandic version of the WHO-5 are satisfactory

    Processing birth experiences: A content analysis of women's preferences.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article click on the hyperlink belowNegative birth experiences may have adverse effects on the wellbeing of women and babies. Knowledge about useful interventions to assist women in processing and resolving negative birth experiences is limited. To explore women's experience and preferences of reviewing their birth experience at a special midwifery clinic. The study is a qualitative content analysis of women's written text responses to semi-structured questions, included in a retrospective study. A special counselling clinic, 'Ljáðu mér eyra', at Landspitali University Hospital in Reykjavik, provides women with an opportunity to review their birth experience and discuss their fears about an upcoming birth with a midwife.Memorial Fund of Midwife Bjorg Magnusdottir and Farmer Magnus Jonasson Icelandic Midwives Association's Research Fund Landspitali University Hospital Research Fun

    Use of pain management in childbirth among migrant women in Iceland : A population-based cohort study

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    Funding Information: The Icelandic Research Fund, Grant number: 2019 ‐ 196218‐051 Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors. Birth published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.Background: Immigration is rapidly increasing in Iceland with 13.6% of the population holding foreign citizenship in 2020. Earlier findings identified inequities in childbirth care for some women in Iceland. To gain insight into the quality of intrapartum midwifery care, migrant women's use of pain management methods during birth in Iceland was explored. Methods: A population-based cohort study including all women with a singleton birth in Iceland between 2007 and 2018, in total 48 173 births. Logistic regression analyses with odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were used to investigate the relationship between migrant backgrounds defined as holding foreign citizenship and the use of pain management during birth. The main outcome measures were use of nonpharmacological and pharmacological pain management methods. Results: Data from 6097 migrant women were included. Migrant women had higher adjusted OR (aORs) for no use of pain management (aOR = 1.23 95% CI [1.12, 1.34]), when compared to Icelandic women. Migrant women also had lower aORs for the use of acupuncture (0.73 [0.64, 0.83]), transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) (0.92 [0.01, 0.67]), shower/bath (0.73 [0.66, 0.82]), aromatherapy (0.59 [0.44, 0.78]), and nitrous oxide inhalation (0.89 [0.83, 0.96]). Human Development Index (HDI) scores of countries of citizenship <0.900 were associated with lower aORs for the use of various pain management methods. Conclusions: Our results suggest that being a migrant in Iceland is an important factor that limits the use of nonpharmacological pain management, especially for migrant women with citizenship from countries with HDI score <0.900.Peer reviewe

    Volunteers and professional rescue workers: Traumatization and adaptation after an avalanche disaster.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article click on the hyperlink at the bottom of the pageTo compare the degree of traumatization and adaptation in professional and volunteer rescue workers after two snow avalanches.Questionnaires including demographic questions, the Social Readjustment Rating Scale, the Rescue Workers Questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire, the Impact of Event Scale, and the Coping Styles Questionnaire were answered by rescue workers (n = 168).In several areas, professional rescuers had stronger fears than volunteers, all the same, volunteers were significantly more anxious and met criteria for PTSD caseness more often than professionals.The findings suggest that voluntary rescue workers suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms more often than professionals following demanding rescue missions