43 research outputs found

    Características espaciales y cambios recientes en las aldeas periurbanas de "La tribu de las hormigas" en Beijing : los casos de estudio de Tangjialing y Shigezhuang

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    En relación con el proceso de urbanización de China, desde el año 2000, se ha prestado atención principalmente a dos grupos sociales. Uno está constituido por la segunda generación de trabajadores agrícolas migrantes y otro, por los graduados universitarios de bajos ingresos, conocido como «La tribu de las hormigas» («The ant tribe»). En los últimos años, las condiciones de supervivencia en las megalópolis chinas de los segundos han empeorado. Por eso, como estrategia de supervivencia, muchos de ellos optan por residir en viviendas más asequibles, aunque de calidad inferior, en los pueblos o aldeas periurbanas y no en las ciudades, cada vez más caras y polarizadas. Este trabajo analiza las características espaciales y los cambios registrados en las aldeas periurbanas de «La tribu de las hormigas» de Tangjialing y Shigezhuang, en Beijing. En primer lugar, el artículo describe las características espaciales de los graduados de bajos ingresos que proceden principalmente de zonas rurales, tienen un nivel de educación alto y adoptan modos de vida urbanos. En segundo lugar, el artículo analiza los efectos socioespaciales y los cambios recientes surgidos a raíz de la reconstrucción de las aldeas periurbanas. A partir de estos análisis, se demostrará que los jóvenes titulados de bajos ingresos son desplazados hacia áreas periurbanas más pobres y alejadas, por el proceso de revalorización residencial de los suburbios.Pel que fa al procés d'urbanització de la Xina, des de l'any 2000, hom ha parat esment principalment a dos grups socials. L'un és constituït per la segona generació de treballadors agrícoles migrants i l'altre, pels graduats universitaris d'ingressos baixos, conegut com «La tribu de les formigues» («The ant tribe»). Els darrers anys, les condicions de supervivència a les megalòpolis xineses dels segons han empitjorat. Per això, n'hi ha molts que opten per residir en habitatges més assequibles com a estratègia de supervivència, encara que de qualitat inferior, als pobles o llogarets periurbans i no a les ciutats, cada vegada més cares i polaritzades. Aquest treball analitza les característiques espacials i els canvis registrats als pobles periurbans de «La tribu de les formigues» de Tangjialing i Shigezhuang, a Pequín. En primer lloc, l'article descriu les característiques espacials dels graduats de baixos ingressos que procedeixen principalment de zones rurals, que tenen un nivell d'educació alt i que adopten estils de vida urbans. En segon lloc, l'article analitza els efectes socioespacials i els canvis recents esdevinguts arran de la reconstrucció dels pobles periurbans. A partir d'aquesta anàlisi, es demostrarà que els joves titulats de baixos ingressos són desplaçats cap a les àrees periurbanes més pobres i allunyades, a causa del procés de revalorització residencial dels suburbis.Depuis le processus d'urbanisation de la Chine, à partir de l'année 2000 l'attention a principalement porté sur deux groupes sociaux. L'un est constitué par la deuxième génération de travailleurs agricoles migrants, et l'autre par les diplômés universitaires de bas revenus, connus comme la tribu de fourmis (Ant Tribe). Lors de ces dernières années, les conditions de survie des récemment diplômés dans les mégapoles chinoises ont empiré. C'est pourquoi beaucoup d'entre eux choisissent, comme stratégie de survie de résider dans des logements plus abordables, bien que de qualité inférieure, dans les villages périurbains et non pas dans les villes, de plus en plus coûteuses et polarisées. Ce travail analyse les caractéristiques spatiales et les changements enregistrés dans les villages périurbains de la tribu des fourmis de Tangjialing et Shigezhuang, à Pékin. En premier lieu, l'article décrit les caractéristiques spatiales des diplômés de bas revenus qui proviennent principalement de zones rurales, avec un niveau d'éducation élevé et adoptant des modes de vie urbains. Deuxièmement, l'article analyse les effets socio-spatiaux et les changements récents surgis à la suite de la reconstruction des villages périurbains. Enfin, nous constatons que les diplômés universitaires récents sont déplacés vers les quartiers les plus pauvres et les plus éloignés, en raison de la revalorisation des banlieues intérieures.Since the year 2000, and in relation with China's urbanization process, many politicians and scholars have paid attention to two social groups: the second generation of migrant farm workers and low-income college graduates known as the "ant tribe". In recent years, Características espaciales y cambios recientes en las aldeas periurbanas de «La tribu Chaolin Gu; de las hormigas» en Beijing: Los casos de estudio de Tangjialing y Shigezhuang Mingjie Sheng; Lingqian Hu Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica 2017, vol. 63/2 301 the survival conditions of new college graduates in Chinese mega-cities have worsened. A large number of them opt for affordable yet substandard housing in urban villages as a survival strategy in increasingly commercialized and polarized cities. This paper analyzes the spatial characteristics and new changes of the urban village "ant tribe" in Tangjialing and Shigezhuang, Beijing. Firstly, the case study describes the spatial characteristics of these low-income graduates who are mainly from the countryside, have a high educational level and embrace city lives. Secondly, the socio-spatial effects and new changes after the reconstruction of the urban village are examined. It is found that recent college graduates are being displaced to the poorest and most remote suburban areas due to the revalorization of the inner suburbs

    China’s Growing Urban Health Inequalities: The Challenges Ahead

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    China is undergoing a rapid transformation from a rural, peasant based society into an urban one. This radical change has had a profound effect on the Chinese population due to advancement through job opportunities and new modes of consumption, contributing to a huge spatial shift of population from countryside to city. This effect on China’s urban growth has resulted in a rise in the middle classes and in wealth. However this urban growth generates a number of key health issues and inequities, which present challenges for the future. The purpose of this paper is to explore these health issues and challenges that China’s urbanization growth poses. The policyimplications will be significant

    China’s Low Income Urban Housing

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    In this paper, firstly we briefly outline the historical legacies of inner-city housing that are the focus for redevelopment today, and then summarise the legacy of mass housing built by the work-unit or danwei in the Maoist era. The bulk of the paper, however, is then concerned with the switch to privatisation (via ‘market socialism with Chinese characteristics’) in the Reform Period under Deng Xiaoping and his successors, and the role of land policy that forms an important constraint on housing provision. Demand for low-income housing is in part due to the continuation of the Maoist hukou registration system which acts as a major barrier to full participation in the housing market and consequently China’s cities now have a huge migrant non-hukou ‘floating population’ (liudong renkou) that must be housed via alternative means, preferably as cheaply and effectively as possible. There is also the situation of the ‘ant tribe’ of young low-paid college graduates to consider. For people like these renting in overcrowded conditions is one option, but because of China’s unique development trajectory, (driven by the Chinese Communist Party since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, self-help housing is not a major form of housing provision, therefore there are few examples to consider. Hence, we discuss several examples of China’s low income urban housing

    Geospatial Response for Innovation in the Wine Industry: Knowledge Creation through Institutional Mobility in China

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    Thus far, knowledge network research has been quantitative research, emphasizing that in limited industries, knowledge creation increasingly strengthens through geographical proximity or institutional connections. Although it has been suggested that knowledge networks should be researched using dynamic rather than static methods, the dynamic process of knowledge networks according to spatiotemporal changes has not been sufficiently researched. This paper uses the Chinese wine industry case to conduct related research. The results show that, first of all, wine-related knowledge creation activities were carried out in the big cities that formed the early market in the mid-2000s, and the geographical conditions in which the spatial scope was expanded were in the places that gradually developed over time. Second, although the spatial scope of knowledge creation activities is expanding with the active participation of private enterprise networks, private enterprises and the overall knowledge creation process are relatively isolated. Finally, in terms of the process of knowledge creation related to wine, in the development of regional linkages organizations relate to the knowledge providers who provide the required information, and have little to do with the geographically close knowledge providers

    Características espaciales y cambios recientes en las aldeas periurbanas de "La tribu de las hormigas" en Beijing : los casos de estudio de Tangjialing y Shigezhuang

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    En relación con el proceso de urbanización de China, desde el año 2000, se ha prestado atención principalmente a dos grupos sociales. Uno está constituido por la segunda generación de trabajadores agrícolas migrantes y otro, por los graduados universitarios de bajos ingresos, conocido como «La tribu de las hormigas» («The ant tribe»). En los últimos años, las condiciones de supervivencia en las megalópolis chinas de los segundos han empeorado. Por eso, como estrategia de supervivencia, muchos de ellos optan por residir en viviendas más asequibles, aunque de calidad inferior, en los pueblos o aldeas periurbanas y no en las ciudades, cada vez más caras y polarizadas. Este trabajo analiza las características espaciales y los cambios registrados en las aldeas periurbanas de «La tribu de las hormigas» de Tangjialing y Shigezhuang, en Beijing. En primer lugar, el artículo describe las características espaciales de los graduados de bajos ingresos que proceden principalmente de zonas rurales, tienen un nivel de educación alto y adoptan modos de vida urbanos. En segundo lugar, el artículo analiza los efectos socioespaciales y los cambios recientes surgidos a raíz de la reconstrucción de las aldeas periurbanas. A partir de estos análisis, se demostrará que los jóvenes titulados de bajos ingresos son desplazados hacia áreas periurbanas más pobres y alejadas, por el proceso de revalorización residencial de los suburbios.Pel que fa al procés d'urbanització de la Xina, des de l'any 2000, hom ha parat esment principalment a dos grups socials. L'un és constituït per la segona generació de treballadors agrícoles migrants i l'altre, pels graduats universitaris d'ingressos baixos, conegut com «La tribu de les formigues» («The ant tribe»). Els darrers anys, les condicions de supervivència a les megalòpolis xineses dels segons han empitjorat. Per això, n'hi ha molts que opten per residir en habitatges més assequibles com a estratègia de supervivència, encara que de qualitat inferior, als pobles o llogarets periurbans i no a les ciutats, cada vegada més cares i polaritzades. Aquest treball analitza les característiques espacials i els canvis registrats als pobles periurbans de «La tribu de les formigues» de Tangjialing i Shigezhuang, a Pequín. En primer lloc, l'article descriu les característiques espacials dels graduats de baixos ingressos que procedeixen principalment de zones rurals, que tenen un nivell d'educació alt i que adopten estils de vida urbans. En segon lloc, l'article analitza els efectes socioespacials i els canvis recents esdevinguts arran de la reconstrucció dels pobles periurbans. A partir d'aquesta anàlisi, es demostrarà que els joves titulats de baixos ingressos són desplaçats cap a les àrees periurbanes més pobres i allunyades, a causa del procés de revalorització residencial dels suburbis.Depuis le processus d'urbanisation de la Chine, à partir de l'année 2000 l'attention a principalement porté sur deux groupes sociaux. L'un est constitué par la deuxième génération de travailleurs agricoles migrants, et l'autre par les diplômés universitaires de bas revenus, connus comme la tribu de fourmis (Ant Tribe). Lors de ces dernières années, les conditions de survie des récemment diplômés dans les mégapoles chinoises ont empiré. C'est pourquoi beaucoup d'entre eux choisissent, comme stratégie de survie de résider dans des logements plus abordables, bien que de qualité inférieure, dans les villages périurbains et non pas dans les villes, de plus en plus coûteuses et polarisées. Ce travail analyse les caractéristiques spatiales et les changements enregistrés dans les villages périurbains de la tribu des fourmis de Tangjialing et Shigezhuang, à Pékin. En premier lieu, l'article décrit les caractéristiques spatiales des diplômés de bas revenus qui proviennent principalement de zones rurales, avec un niveau d'éducation élevé et adoptant des modes de vie urbains. Deuxièmement, l'article analyse les effets socio-spatiaux et les changements récents surgis à la suite de la reconstruction des villages périurbains. Enfin, nous constatons que les diplômés universitaires récents sont déplacés vers les quartiers les plus pauvres et les plus éloignés, en raison de la revalorisation des banlieues intérieures.Since the year 2000, and in relation with China's urbanization process, many politicians and scholars have paid attention to two social groups: the second generation of migrant farm workers and low-income college graduates known as the "ant tribe". In recent years, Características espaciales y cambios recientes en las aldeas periurbanas de «La tribu Chaolin Gu; de las hormigas» en Beijing: Los casos de estudio de Tangjialing y Shigezhuang Mingjie Sheng; Lingqian Hu Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica 2017, vol. 63/2 301 the survival conditions of new college graduates in Chinese mega-cities have worsened. A large number of them opt for affordable yet substandard housing in urban villages as a survival strategy in increasingly commercialized and polarized cities. This paper analyzes the spatial characteristics and new changes of the urban village "ant tribe" in Tangjialing and Shigezhuang, Beijing. Firstly, the case study describes the spatial characteristics of these low-income graduates who are mainly from the countryside, have a high educational level and embrace city lives. Secondly, the socio-spatial effects and new changes after the reconstruction of the urban village are examined. It is found that recent college graduates are being displaced to the poorest and most remote suburban areas due to the revalorization of the inner suburbs

    Progress in research on Chinese urbanization

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    This paper is a comprehensive study on the progress in research on Chinese urbanization. On the basis of the concept and connotation of Chinese urbanization defined by Chinese scholars, the paper systematically collects the research results on the issues concerning urbanization in China from the different approaches of demography, geography, city planning, economics and history, reviewing the process of research on Chinese urbanization made both domestically and internationally. In this paper, the domestic studies fall into five periods as follows: the initial period of research on urbanization in China (1978–1983), the period with both domestically constructed and borrowed theories on urbanization (1984–1988), the period of research on leading urbanization factors and localization (1989–1997), the period with the research greatly promoted by the government (1998–2004), and the period featuring flourishing studies on the science of urbanization in China (2005 till today). In contrast, the overseas research on Chinese urbanization can be divided into three periods: the period studying the history of urbanization in China (before the 1970s), the systematic research on Chinese urbanization (1970–1999), and the comprehensive research on Chinese urbanization (2000 till today). The paper focuses on the key results of research on Chinese urbanization, including nine issues as follows: the guidelines and road for urban development in China, the features of Chinese urbanization, the mechanism driving the growth of Chinese urbanization, the process of Chinese urbanization, the spatial patterns of Chinese urbanization, the urbanization in rural areas in China, the comparison of urbanization in China and other countries, and globalization and regional urbanization. Moreover, the paper also summarizes key academic activities and important events concerning Chinese urbanization, including documents, activities, and events of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the State Council, National Development and Reform Commission, the State Ministry of housing and Construction, the State Ministry of Civil Affairs, the State Ministry of Science and Technology, and National Fund on Science, as well as major international cooperation projects and conferences, concluding that the studies of Chinese urbanization have distinct characteristics, that is, foreign scholars have conducted many studies on Chinese urbanization, while the studies made by Chinese scholars in the field mainly feature practicability, and the interaction between Chinese and foreign scholars as well as the application of international practice in China yield satisfactory fruits. However, there are also several problems in the studies of Chinese urbanization, such as the ambiguity in understanding the concept of urbanization, the lack of fundamental statistics, the emphasis on the research of actual phenomena and the neglect of theoretical exploration, the focus on regional urbanization and the inadequate studies on national and global background. China is in the transitional period from planned economy to market-oriented economy, making it hard for the direct introduction and application of the framework of urbanization that emerged in developed capitalist countries. At the same time, the domestic framework of urbanization created under the conditions of previous planned economy is also inapplicable. Therefore, the promotion of Chinese urbanization faces a series of theoretical issues. In comparison with the western developed countries and most developing countries, Chinese urbanization faces more complicated backgrounds and more problems. The theories and framework of urbanization developed in both developed and most developing countries cannot be directly applied in China. So the research purpose in China is to form unique theories on urbanization based on actual conditions and characteristics in this country and the research shall adopt a multiple approach focusing on the impact of the progress of society, economy, population, politics, culture, environment, technology and public policies on Chinese urbanization