11 research outputs found


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    Teacher profession has entails a huge responsibility. At work of a teacher, his character traits are key. Today, in the era of mass media, when in every home we can find a computer connected to the Internet, it is difficult to teacher to have the authority in students eyes. The main objective of this study is to learn about the level the teacher's authority of technical subjects - information technology


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    The social life is dominated by concepts such as aggression, violence, frustration. The symptoms of this phenomenon are present in schools, families and on the street. They may have different forms, from physical violence both verbal and mental. All this favours the crisis of values and authority. One of the main external causes are the mass media, that do create the lack of authority and values One of the conditions of a child healthy development is to provide him a sense of security, which at the end will be again emphasized, not only by the family but also by a school, carers, environment the police and organized prevention programs. The study shows how children and young people perceive the issues related to security. 


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    In view of the reform that is currently taking place in Poland, as well as changes in the content of the education curriculum, the authors of this study present contents of two selected curricula for primary schools technology in polish school. The study of research is content of curricula created by publishing house (WSiP) and Nowa Era. The school’s task is to prepare pupils for adult life, and therefore, bring the ability to create by themself a friendly environment. In each school there are such subjects, to which students participate more willingly than others - this situation can be used to reflect what affects their state of affairs. Comparing teachers opinions about the curriculum developed by Nowa Era and WSiP, it should be stated that the curriculum developed by the WSiP publishing house according to the opinion of the surveyed teachers has an advantage over the analogous program Nowa Era in the following areas: transparency, clarity, exhaustion topic, availability for the student


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    Stress, related to a work place, is gradually becoming a common scientific theme among specialists from different domains. It is quite important because that problem can be explained taking into consideration different perspectives. Basing on the effects of research, many sources, causes and symptoms of stress in different professions can be defined. Teachers, as an occupational group, are significantly exposed to stress because they have to work on system assumptions (which are not always a logical whole) and meet expectations of a leading authority and pupils. In the context of this complicated situation, the research on teachers’ stress, in terms of the theory of Hobfoll’s resources, is crucial.Stres związany z oddziaływaniem miejsca pracy to coraz częściej temat badań i dociekań specjalistów z różnych dziedzin. Jest to bardzo ważne, bowiem pozwala na ujęcie tego tematu z wielu perspektyw. Analizując wyniki tych badań, można określić rozmaite źródła, przyczyny i objawy stresu w różnych zawodach. Nauczyciele są grupą zawodową szczególnie narażoną na stres, bowiem ich zadaniem jest realizowanie założeń systemowych (nie zawsze tworzących logiczną całość) oraz spełnianie oczekiwań zarówno organu prowadzącego, jak i wychowanków. W kontekście tej skomplikowanej sytuacji istotne jest zbadanie nauczycielskiego stresu w związku z teorią zasobów Hobfolla


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    Stress is a term analyzed from different perspectives in terms of its influence on job effectiveness. We put not enough attention to the way of its interaction with teachers’ environment. Meanwhile it is necessary because a school changes and it has to be understandable for people who direct this institution. It is essential if it is a place which educates next generations. The article, which bases on experience and scientific achievement of the author in this domain, refers her conclusions and research material about stress to a very important but still not emphasized theme- internal communication in a school. It shows that interactions between this communication and theories concerning stress in order to reduce it and eliminate pedagogues’ burnout are necessary to reveal.Stres jest analizowany z wielu perspektyw w związku z jego wpływem na efektywność pracy. Zbyt mało uwagi poświęca się stresowi w środowisku nauczycielskim. Tymczasem jest to bardzo ważne, przede wszystkim dla kadry zarządzającej szkołą – miejscem, w którym zmiany postępują bardzo szybko. To kluczowe zagadnienie – także w związku z tym, że szkoła jest miejscem kształtowania kolejnych pokoleń. Artykuł odnosi się do zainteresowań i doświadczenia autorki, prezentuje wnioski na temat stresu zależnego od wewnętrznej komunikacji w szkole. To jeszcze dość rzadko podejmowane zagadnienie. Ukazano, że niezwykle istotne jest zwrócenie uwagi na to, iż niewłaściwa komunikacja może w istotny sposób wpływać zarówno na stres, jak i wypalenie zawodowe nauczycieli

    Stress in the teaching profession : specificity, conditions and consequences

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    Wpływ mass-mediów na dzieci

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.ABSTRACT: The 21th century from the standpoint of man is regarded as a time of domestication of new media technologies. During that era audiovisual media have displayed the traditional media. Written word has lost is place to television, video games, and in the Internet, which are having a major impact on people of all ages including young children. The word "illusion" originates from the Latin word "illusio" which means to pretend, to elude. The media world has become independent in terms of the real word and started to live according to its own rules. We have started to function in two separate realities: actual reality, and virtual media reality. For some people it is very hard to distinguish two types of realities, not to mention kids, which usually perceive media reality as entirely real, actual domain

    Wpływ mass-mediów na dzieci

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.ABSTRACT: The 21th century from the standpoint of man is regarded as a time of domestication of new media technologies. During that era audiovisual media have displayed the traditional media. Written word has lost is place to television, video games, and in the Internet, which are having a major impact on people of all ages including young children. The word "illusion" originates from the Latin word "illusio" which means to pretend, to elude. The media world has become independent in terms of the real word and started to live according to its own rules. We have started to function in two separate realities: actual reality, and virtual media reality. For some people it is very hard to distinguish two types of realities, not to mention kids, which usually perceive media reality as entirely real, actual domain