Wpływ mass-mediów na dzieci


Tyt. z nagłówka.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.ABSTRACT: The 21th century from the standpoint of man is regarded as a time of domestication of new media technologies. During that era audiovisual media have displayed the traditional media. Written word has lost is place to television, video games, and in the Internet, which are having a major impact on people of all ages including young children. The word "illusion" originates from the Latin word "illusio" which means to pretend, to elude. The media world has become independent in terms of the real word and started to live according to its own rules. We have started to function in two separate realities: actual reality, and virtual media reality. For some people it is very hard to distinguish two types of realities, not to mention kids, which usually perceive media reality as entirely real, actual domain

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