16 research outputs found

    Modelling animal spirits in financial markets

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    The term `animal spirits' was introduced by Keynes to describe the entrepreneur's often irrational optimism and drive to act as opposed to basing decisions on formal analysis.This PhD thesis provides an analysis, both theoretical and empirical, of this phenomenon in the financial markets from several points of view. In the first chapter we show that the pricing kernel in the economy may be represented in a probabilistic form, as a solution to a stochastic filtering problem. The noise in the associated information process may contain drift term that is impossible to estimate from current market prices of assets. This drift can be associated with `animal spirits' driving the market. The second chapter is explicitly devoted to `animal spirits': it introduces a factor based risk-management model for an illiquid project. We show that behavioural factors together with the collateralization mechanism often employed by banks not only increase the risk for the banking system, but also introduce anomalies during high-volatility crisis periods. In the third chapter we apply Hidden Markov Models to estimate animal spirits from historic asset prices. We argue that an arbitrary addition of a stress scenario to the model can greatly improve risk estimation. The last chapter deals with optimal investment problem in a model with behavioural factors. This may be linked to the pricing kernel discussion from the first chapter by the marginal utility maximisation approach to pricing derivatives.Open Acces

    Risk-sensitive investment in a finite-factor model

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    A new jump diffusion regime-switching model is introduced, which allows for linking jumps in asset prices with regime changes. We prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the risk-sensitive asset management criterion maximisation problem in this setting. We provide an ODE for the optimal value function, which may be efficiently solved numerically. Relevant probability measure changes are discussed in the appendix. The approach of Klebaner and Lipster (2014) is used to prove the martingale property of the relevant density processes.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Edukacja zdrowotna jako metoda poprawy realizacji programu terapeutycznego

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    Zrozumienie przez chorego sensu dzia艂a艅 diagnostycznych i leczniczych sprzyja ich akceptacji oraz zasadniczo poprawia efektywno艣膰 leczenia. W edukacji zdrowotnej jest wa偶ne, aby odbiorcom przekazywa膰 wiedz臋 na temat procesu podejmowania decyzji zdrowotnych wraz z ich konsekwencjami, jednak nie nale偶y im narzuca膰, jakie decyzje powinni podj膮膰. W ten spos贸b odbiorca staje si臋 partnerem w procesie nauczania. Spo艣r贸d metod edukacji nale偶y wymieni膰: dok艂adne instruowanie pacjent贸w (instrukcje ustne, informacje pisemne, programy nauczania); wzmo偶ony kontakt z pacjentami i poradnictwo (automatyczny telefoniczny, wspierany komputerowo monitoring i poradnictwo, kontrole telefoniczne, oddzia艂ywanie na rodziny pacjent贸w); r贸偶ne sposoby poprawy wygody leczenia (opieka zdrowotna i zaopatrzenie w leki w miejscu pracy, uproszczenie dawkowania lek贸w); zwi臋kszenie zaanga偶owania pacjent贸w w samokontrol臋; „przypominacze” (dostosowanie schematu przyjmowania lek贸w do codziennych nawyk贸w pacjenta, specjalne pakowanie lek贸w, przypominanie o wizytach kontrolnych i konieczno艣ci uzupe艂nienia lek贸w); inne dzia艂ania poprawiaj膮ce wsp贸艂prac臋 lub nagradzaj膮ce pacjenta za popraw臋 przestrzegania zalece艅 i skuteczno艣ci leczenia (np. dostosowanie cz臋sto艣ci wizyt, cz臋艣ciowe pokrywanie koszt贸w aparat贸w do mierzenia ci艣nienia t臋tniczego). Niezale偶nie od tego, jaki spos贸b edukacji jest wdra偶any, dotychczasowe do艣wiadczenia wykazuj膮 konieczno艣膰 weryfikacji stosowanych metod oraz ich ewentualnego zr贸偶nicowania, z uwzgl臋dnieniem do mo偶liwo艣ci percepcyjnych pacjenta. Skuteczne prowadzenie edukacji zdrowotnej u chorych po zawale serca jest niezwykle trudne. Efektywno艣膰 tego procesu zale偶y od wielu modyfikowalnych i niemodyfikowalnych czynnik贸w. By膰 mo偶e 艂膮czenie r贸偶nych metod edukacyjnych tworz膮cych sp贸jn膮 ca艂o艣膰, przy jednoczesnym doskonaleniu narz臋dzi edukacyjnych oraz wzmocnienie motywacji pacjent贸w pozwoli na osi膮gni臋cie lepszych wynik贸w. (Folia Cardiologica Excerpta 2010; 5, 2: 93-99

    Strategia leczenia abciksimabem u pacjent贸w z ostrymi zespo艂ami wie艅cowymi. Analiza przes艂anek teoretycznych i wynik贸w bada艅 klinicznych

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    Na podstawie korzy艣ci klinicznych wykazanych w randomizowanych badaniach abciksimab stosuje si臋 w terapii chorych z ostrymi zespo艂ami wie艅cowymi poddawanych przezsk贸rnym zabiegom rewaskularyzacyjnym. Podaje si臋 go do偶ylnie lub dowie艅cowo. Poniewa偶 obowi膮zuj膮ce zalecenia nie odnosz膮 si臋 do tego zagadnienia, droga podania tego leku zale偶y wy艂膮cznie od decyzji lekarza wykonuj膮cego zabieg. Celem pracy jest analiza teoretycznych przes艂anek oraz opublikowanych bada艅 dotycz膮cych skuteczno艣ci do偶ylnego i dowie艅cowego stosowania abciksimabu u chorych z ostrymi zespo艂ami wie艅cowymi. (Folia Cardiologica Excerpta 2011; 6, 3: 189–194

    Noise, risk premium, and bubble

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    The existence of the pricing kernel is shown to imply the existence of an ambient information process that generates market filtration. This information process consists of a signal component concerning the value of the random variable X that can be interpreted as the timing of future cash demand, and an independent noise component. The conditional expectation of the signal, in particular, determines the market risk premium vector. An addition to the signal of any term that is independent of X, which generates a drift in the noise, is shown to change the drifts of price processes in the physical measure, without affecting the current asset price levels. Such a drift in the noise term can induce anomalous price dynamics, and can be seen to explain the mechanism of observed phenomena of equity premium and financial bubbles.

    SIE -- Intelligent Web Proxy Framework

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    In this paper we would like to present and describe SIE, a transparent, intelligent Web proxy framework. Its aim is to provide efficient and robust platform for implementing various ideas in broad area of Web Mining. It enables the programmer to easily and quickly write modules that improve pages on that site according to personal characteristics of the particular user. SIE provides many features including user identification, logging of users' sessions, handling all necessary protocols, etc. SIE is implemented in OCaml -- a functional programming language -- and has been released on GPL

    Leczenie klopidogrelem — pytania wymagaj膮ce odpowiedzi

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    Zastosowanie pochodnych tienopirydyny znamiennie poprawi艂o rokowanie pacjent贸w z ostrymi zespo艂ami wie艅cowymi oraz pozwoli艂o na bezpieczne wykonywanie zabieg贸w angioplastyki wie艅cowej. Niemniej terapia klopidogrelem, najpowszechniej u偶ywanym lekiem z tej grupy, wi膮偶e si臋 z istotnymi ograniczeniami. W pracy poddano dyskusji optymalne dawkowanie klopidogrelu, korzy艣ci ze stosowania prasugrelu i tikagreloru w por贸wnaniu z klopidogrelem z uwzgl臋dnieniem uwarunkowa艅 genetycznych oraz indywidualizacj臋 leczenia przeciwp艂ytkowego na podstawie weryfikacji skuteczno艣ci klopidogrelu. (Folia Cardiologica Excerpta 2011; 6, 3: 195–202

    Results of targeted temperature management of patients after sudden out鈥憃f鈥慼ospital cardiac arrest: a comparison between intensive general and cardiac care units

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    Background: Targeted temperature management (TTM) is used to treat patients after sudden out鈥憃f鈥慼ospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). Aims: The aim of the study was to compare the results of TTM between intensive general and cardiac care units (ICCUs). Methods: The Polish Registry of Therapeutic Hypothermia obtained data on 377 patients with OHCA from 26 centers (257 and 120 patients treated at the ICCU and intensive care unit [ICU], respectively). Eligibility for TTM was based on the current inclusion criteria for therapy. Medical history as well as data on TTM and additional treatment were analyzed. The main outcomes included in鈥慼ospital survival and complications as well as neurologic assessment using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and Rankin scale. Results: Both ICU and ICCU patients were mostly male (mean age, 60 years). There were no significant differences regarding the medical history, mechanism of arrhythmia responsible for OHCA, GCS score on admission, time of cardiopulmonary resuscitation activities, and the time to target temperature (33掳C). Coronary angiography and the use of dual antiplatelet therapy, intra鈥慳ortic balloon pump, intravascular hypothermia, dopamine, and dobutamine were more common in ICCU patients, while ICU patients more often received norepinephrine. Pneumonia and acute renal failure were more frequent in the ICCU group. Death occurred in 17% and 20% of ICU and ICCU patients, respectively (P = 0.57). The Rankin class after 48 hours since discontinuation of sedation and at discharge was comparable between groups. Conclusions: The ICCU has become a considerable alternative to the ICU to treat OHCA patients with TTM