18 research outputs found

    Struktura, poloha a dynamika magnetopauzy

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    Title: Structure, Location, and Dynamics of the Magnetopause Author: Kostiantyn Grygorov Department: Department of Surface and Plasma Science Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Lubomír Přech, Dr., Department of Surface and Plasma Science e-mail address: [email protected] Abstract: The magnetopause is the key region where the collisionless plasma from the Sun penetrates into the Earth's magnetosphere. A transfer of the plasma, momentum, and energy across the magnetopause is highly variable and depends on solar wind conditions, similarly as the magnetopause location. This thesis addresses the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction in two different regions: the dayside equatorial magnetopause and the far magnetotail. In the first part of the thesis, we present a detailed analysis of the interplanetary (IP) shock propa- gation through the solar wind, its impact on the substorm development and its influence on the far magnetotail. We demonstrate that the change of the solar wind VZ component across the shock creates a huge kink that propagates along the tail. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the influence of prolonged intervals of a radial interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) on the dayside magnetopause. The statistical analysis of the equatorial magnetopause shape and location based on THEMIS observations...Název práce: Struktura, poloha a dynamika magnetopauzy Autor: Kostiantyn Grygorov Katedra: Katedra fyziky povrchů a plazmatu Vedoucí disertační práce: Doc. RNDr. Lubomír Přech, Dr., Katedra fyziky povrchů a plazmatu e-mailová adresa: [email protected] Abstrakt: Magnetopauza je klíčová oblast, přes kterou bezesrážkové plazma ze sluneční korony (sluneční vítr) vstupuje do zemské magnetosféry. Transport plazmatu, hybnosti a energie přes magnetopauzu je časově velmi proměnný a závisí na podmínkách ve slunečním větru, podobně jako vlastní poloha magne- topauzy. Disertační práce se soustředí na interakci slunečního větru s magne- tosférou ve dvou klíčových oblastech: na denní straně magnetosféry a v jejím vzdáleném chvostu. V první části práce je prezentována podrobná analýza šíření meziplanetární rázové vlny ze slunečního větru až do chvostu magnetosféry, vliv této vlny na vývoj magnetické sub-bouře a na dynamiku a další následné pro- cesy ve chvostu. Studie ukazuje, jak se změna VZ složky rychlosti slunečního větru promítne do procesů ve chvostu a ve svém důsledku vytváří jeho rozsáhlou deformaci, která se šíří podél něj. Studium denní strany magnetopauzy je věnováno vlivu radiálního...Katedra fyziky povrchů a plazmatuDepartment of Surface and Plasma ScienceFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Separable form of low-momentum realistic NN interaction

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    The low-momentum interaction Vlow-kV_{\text{low-k}} derived from realistic models of the nucleon-nucleon interaction is presented in a separable form. This separable force is supported by a contact interaction in order to achieve the saturation properties of symmetric nuclear matter. Bulk properties of nuclear matter and finite nuclei are investigated for the separable form of Vlow-kV_{\text{low-k}} and two different parameterizations of the contact term. The accuracy of the separable force in Hartree-Fock calculations with respect to the original interaction Vlow-kV_{\text{low-k}} is discussed. For a cutoff parameter Λ\Lambda of 2 fm1^{-1} a representation by a rank 2 separable force yields a sufficient accuracy, while higher ranks are required for larger cut-off parameters. The resulting separable force is parameterized in a simple way to allow for an easy application in other nuclear structure calculations.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Realization of energy-saving control modes on cranes of great load-carrying capacity

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    Saving energy is highly important for all types of lifting machinery. Research shows that it is possible to reduce energy consumption in mechanism drives at all stages of movement. Energy-saving control has already been implemented on cranes at the Dnister Hydroaccumulating Power Plant. The article describes the conditions and results of the implementatio

    Realization of energy-saving control modes on cranes of great load-carrying capacity

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    Saving energy is highly important for all types of lifting machinery. Research shows that it is possible to reduce energy consumption in mechanism drives at all stages of movement. Energy-saving control has already been implemented on cranes at the Dnister Hydroaccumulating Power Plant. The article describes the conditions and results of the implementatio

    Wigner-Seitz cells in neutron star crust with finite range interactions

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    The structure of Wigner-Seitz cells in the inner crust of neutron stars is investigated using a microcospic Hartree-Fock-BCS approach with finite range D1S and M3Y-P4 interactions. Large effects on the densities are found compared to previous predictions using Skyrme interactions. Pairing effects are found to be small, and they are attenuated by the use of finite range interactions in the mean field.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Coarse graining Nuclear Interactions

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    We consider a coarse graining of NN interactions in coordinate space very much in the spirit of the well known Vlowk approach. To this end we sample the interaction at about the minimal de Broglie wavelength probed by NN scattering below pion production threshold. This amounts to provide a simple delta-shell potential plus the standard OPE potential above 2 fm. The possible simplifications in the Nuclear many body problem are discussed.Comment: Presented by RNP at the Erice School on Nuclear Physics 2011: From Quarks and Gluons to Hadrons and Nuclei, Erice, Sicily (Italy), 16-24 September 2011, 7 pages, 6 figure

    Особливості васкуляризації інтактної шкіри, в аспекті регенеративних питань

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    Багаточислені судини шкіри шиї, що постійно регенерують, мають добре виражений ендотеліальний шар, просвіт цих судин розширений. Артеріоли та венули з’єднуються між собою артеріоло-венулярними анастомозами. Кровонаповнення судин чітко контролюється нервовою регуляцією. Саме наявність великої кількості судин та їх постійна фізіологічна регенерація обумовлює збагачення тканин киснем та як наслідок оптимізує регенеративні процеси в наслідок пошкодження інтактної шкіри шиї; Numerous constantly regenerating neck skin vessels have a well-defined endothelial layer, the lumen of these vessels expanded. Arterioles and venules are interconnected arterio-venular anastomoses. Blood vessel filling is clearly controlled by nerve regulation. It is the presence of a large number of blood vessels and their constant physiological regeneration that results in the enrichment of tissues with oxygen and, as a result, optimizes regenerative processes as a result of damage to the intact neck skin; Многочисленные сосуды кожи шеи, постоянно регенерируют, имеют хорошо выраженный эндотелиальный слой, просвет этих сосудов расширен. Артериолы и венулы соединяются между собой артериоло-венулярных анастомоза. Кровенаполнения сосудов четко контролируется нервной регуляцией. Именно наличие большого количества сосудов и их постоянная физиологическая регенерация обусловливает обогащения тканей кислородом и как следствие улучшает регенеративные процессы в результате повреждения интактной кожи шеи

    Structure, Location, and Dynamics of the Magnetopause

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    Title: Structure, Location, and Dynamics of the Magnetopause Author: Kostiantyn Grygorov Department: Department of Surface and Plasma Science Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Lubomír Přech, Dr., Department of Surface and Plasma Science e-mail address: [email protected] Abstract: The magnetopause is the key region where the collisionless plasma from the Sun penetrates into the Earth's magnetosphere. A transfer of the plasma, momentum, and energy across the magnetopause is highly variable and depends on solar wind conditions, similarly as the magnetopause location. This thesis addresses the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction in two different regions: the dayside equatorial magnetopause and the far magnetotail. In the first part of the thesis, we present a detailed analysis of the interplanetary (IP) shock propa- gation through the solar wind, its impact on the substorm development and its influence on the far magnetotail. We demonstrate that the change of the solar wind VZ component across the shock creates a huge kink that propagates along the tail. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the influence of prolonged intervals of a radial interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) on the dayside magnetopause. The statistical analysis of the equatorial magnetopause shape and location based on THEMIS observations..