534 research outputs found

    Single-energy amplitudes for pion photoproduction in the first resonance region

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    We consider multipole amplitudes for low-energy pion photoproduction, constructed with minimal model dependence, at single energies. Comparisons with fits to the full resonance region are made. Explanations are suggested for the discrepancies and further experiments are motivated.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Interaction driven phases in the honeycomb lattice from exact diagonalization

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    We investigate the fate of interaction driven phases in the half-filled honeycomb lattice for finite systems via exact diagonalization with nearest and next nearest neighbour interactions. We find evidence for a charge density wave phase, a Kekul\'e bond order and a sublattice charge modulated phase in agreement with previously reported mean-field phase diagrams. No clear sign of an interaction driven Chern insulator phase (Haldane phase) is found despite being predicted by the same mean-field analysis. We characterize these phases by their ground state degeneracy and by calculating charge order and bond order correlation functions.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, updated reference

    Breit - Wigner parameters of nucleon resonance S11(1535)

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    The result of partial - wave analysis of angular distributions for the process gamma+p -> eta +p at the energies upto 2 GeV are given. From the energy dependence of the regression coefficient a0(W) the reliable estimates of Breit - Wigner parameters of S11(1535) - resonance and energy dependence of real and imagenery parts of electric dipol amplitude E0+ and its phase were obtainedComment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Topological insulating phases in mono and bilayer graphene

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    We analyze the influence of different quadratic interactions giving rise to time reversal invariant topological insulating phases in mono and bilayer graphene. We make use of the effective action formalism to determine the dependence of the Chern Simons coefficient on the different interactions

    Charge instabilities and topological phases in the extended Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice with enlarged unit cell

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    We study spontaneous symmetry breaking in a system of spinless fermions in the Honeycomb lattice paying special emphasis to the role of an enlarged unit cell on time reversal symmetry broken phases. We use a tight binding model with nearest neighbor hopping t and Hubbard interaction V1 and V2 and extract the phase diagram as a function of electron density and interaction within a mean field variational approach. The analysis completes the previous work done in Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 106402 (2011) where phases with non--trivial topological properties were found with only a nearest neighbor interaction V1 in the absence of charge decouplings. We see that the topological phases are suppressed by the presence of metallic charge density fluctuations. The addition of next to nearest neighbor interaction V2 restores the topological non-trivial phases

    Topological Fermi liquids from Coulomb interactions in the doped Honeycomb lattice

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    We get an anomalous Hall metallic state in the Honeycomb lattice with nearest neighbors only arising as a spontaneously broken symmetry state from a local nearest neighbor Coulomb interaction V . The key ingredient is to enlarge the unit cell to host six atoms that permits Kekul\'e distortions and supports self-consistent currents creating non trivial magnetic configurations with total zero flux. We find within a variational mean field approach a metallic phase with broken time reversal symmetry (T) very close in parameter space to a Pomeranchuk instability. Within the T broken region the predominant configuration is an anomalous Hall phase with non zero Hall conductivity, a realization of a topological Fermi liquid. A T broken phase with zero Hall conductivity is stable in a small region of the parameter space for lower values of V

    2D simulations of Hohlraum Targets for laser-plasma experiments and ion stopping measurements in hot plasmas

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    High-temperature plasma of Ge generated by the PHELIX laser

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    Novel effects of strains in graphene and other two dimensional materials

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    The analysis of the electronic properties of strained or lattice deformed graphene combines ideas from classical condensed matter physics, soft matter, and geometrical aspects of quantum field theory (QFT) in curved spaces. Recent theoretical and experimental work shows the influence of strains in many properties of graphene not considered before, such as electronic transport, spin-orbit coupling, the formation of Moir\'e patterns, optics, ... There is also significant evidence of anharmonic effects, which can modify the structural properties of graphene. These phenomena are not restricted to graphene, and they are being intensively studied in other two dimensional materials, such as the metallic dichalcogenides. We review here recent developments related to the role of strains in the structural and electronic properties of graphene and other two dimensional compounds.Comment: 75 pages, 15 figures, review articl
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