82 research outputs found

    FSTL3 (follistatin-like 3 (secreted glycoprotein))

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    Review on FSTL3 (follistatin-like 3 (secreted glycoprotein)), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    Aggressiveness of human melanoma xenograft models is promoted by aneuploidy-driven gene expression deregulation.

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    Melanoma is a devastating skin cancer characterized by distinct biological subtypes. Besides frequent mutations in growth- and survival-promoting genes like BRAF and NRAS, melanomas additionally harbor complex non-random genomic alterations. Using an integrative approach, we have analysed genomic and gene expression changes in human melanoma cell lines (N=32) derived from primary tumors and various metastatic sites and investigated the relation to local growth aggressiveness as xenografts in immuno-compromised mice (N=22). Although the vast majority >90% of melanoma models harbored mutations in either BRAF or NRAS, significant differences in subcutaneous growth aggressiveness became obvious. Unsupervised clustering revealed that genomic alterations rather than gene expression data reflected this aggressive phenotype, while no association with histology, stage or metastatic site of the original melanoma was found. Genomic clustering allowed separation of melanoma models into two subgroups with differing local growth aggressiveness in vivo. Regarding genes expressed at significantly altered levels between these subgroups, a surprising correlation with the respective gene doses (>85% accordance) was found. Genes deregulated at the DNA and mRNA level included well-known cancer genes partly already linked to melanoma (RAS genes, PTEN, AURKA, MAPK inhibitors Sprouty/Spred), but also novel candidates like SIPA1 (a Rap1GAP). Pathway mining further supported deregulation of Rap1 signaling in the aggressive subgroup e.g. by additional repression of two Rap1GEFs. Accordingly, siRNA-mediated down-regulation of SIPA1 exerted significant effects on clonogenicity, adherence and migration in aggressive melanoma models. Together our data suggest that an aneuploidy-driven gene expression deregulation drives local aggressiveness in human melanoma

    Apelin promotes lymphangiogenesis and lymph node metastasis

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    Whereas the role of the G-protein-coupled APJ receptor and its ligand, apelin, in angiogenesis has been well documented, the ability of the apelin/APJ system to induce lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic metastasis has been largely unexplored. To this end, we first show that APJ is expressed in lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) and, moreover, that it responds to apelin by activating the apelinergic signaling cascade. We find that although apelin treatment does not influence the proliferation of LECs in vitro, it enhances their migration, protects them against UV irradiation-induced apoptosis, increases their spheroid numbers in 3D culture, stimulates their in vitro capillary-like tube formation and, furthermore, promotes the invasive growth of lymphatic microvessels in vivo in the matrigel plug assay. We also demonstrate that apelin overexpression in malignant cells is associated with accelerated in vivo tumor growth and with increased intratumoral lymphangiogenesis and lymph node metastasis. These results indicate that apelin induces lymphangiogenesis and, accordingly, plays an important role in lymphatic tumor progression. Our study does not only reveal apelin as a novel lymphangiogenic factor but might also open the door for the development of novel anticancer therapies targeting lymphangiogenesis

    Erythropoietin receptor expression is a potential prognostic factor in human lung adenocarcinoma

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    Recombinant human erythropoietins (rHuEPOs) are used to treat cancer-related anemia. Recent preclinical studies and clinical trials, however, have raised concerns about the potential tumor-promoting effects of these drugs. Because the clinical significance of erythropoietin receptor (EPOR) signaling in human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) also remains controversial, our aim was to study whether EPO treatment modifies tumor growth and if EPOR expression has an impact on the clinical behavior of this malignancy. A total of 43 patients with stage III-IV adenocarcinoma (ADC) and complete clinicopathological data were included. EPOR expression in human ADC samples and cell lines was measured by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Effects of exogenous rHuEPOalpha were studied on human lung ADC cell lines in vitro. In vivo growth of human ADC xenografts treated with rHuEPOalpha with or without chemotherapy was also assessed. In vivo tumor and endothelial cell (EC) proliferation was determined by 5-bromo-2'-deoxy-uridine (BrdU) incorporation and immunofluorescent labeling. Although EPOR mRNA was expressed in all of the three investigated ADC cell lines, rHuEPOalpha treatment (either alone or in combination with gemcitabine) did not alter ADC cell proliferation in vitro. However, rHuEPOalpha significantly decreased tumor cell proliferation and growth of human H1975 lung ADC xenografts. At the same time, rHuEPOalpha treatment of H1975 tumors resulted in accelerated tumor endothelial cell proliferation. Moreover, in patients with advanced stage lung ADC, high intratumoral EPOR mRNA levels were associated with significantly increased overall survival. This study reveals high EPOR level as a potential novel positive prognostic marker in human lung ADC

    Ki67 index is an independent prognostic factor in epithelioid but not in non-epithelioid malignant pleural mesothelioma: a multicenter study

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    BACKGROUND: Estimating the prognosis in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) remains challenging. Thus, the prognostic relevance of Ki67 was studied in MPM. METHODS: Ki67 index was determined in a test cohort of 187 cases from three centres. The percentage of Ki67-positive tumour cells was correlated with clinical variables and overall survival (OS). The prognostic power of Ki67 index was compared with other prognostic factors and re-evaluated in an independent cohort (n=98). RESULTS: Patients with Ki67 higher than median (>15%) had significantly (P<0.001) shorter median OS (7.5 months) than those with low Ki67 (19.1 months). After multivariate survival analyses, Ki67 proved to be-beside histology and treatment-an independent prognostic marker in MPM (hazard ratio (HR): 2.1, P<0.001). Interestingly, Ki67 was prognostic exclusively in epithelioid (P<0.001) but not in non-epithelioid subtype. Furthermore, Ki67 index was significantly lower in post-chemotherapy samples when compared with chemo-naive cases. The prognostic power was comparable to other recently published prognostic factors (CRP, fibrinogen, neutrophil-to-leukocyte ratio (NLR) and nuclear grading score) and was recapitulated in the validation cohort (P=0.048). CONCLUSION: This multicentre study demonstrates that Ki67 is an independent and reproducible prognostic factor in epithelioid but not in non-epithelioid MPM and suggests that induction chemotherapy decreases the proliferative capacity of MPM

    Circulating complement component 4d (C4d) correlates with tumor volume, chemotherapeutic response and survival in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma

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    Only limited information is available on the role of complement activation in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). Thus, we investigated the circulating and tissue levels of the complement component 4d (C4d) in MPM. Plasma samples from 55 MPM patients, 21 healthy volunteers (HV) and 14 patients with non-malignant pleural diseases (NMPD) were measured by ELISA for C4d levels. Tissue specimens from 32 patients were analyzed by C4d immunohistochemistry. Tumor volumetry was measured in 20 patients. We found no C4d labeling on tumor cells, but on ectopic lymphoid structures within the tumor stroma. Plasma C4d levels did not significantly differ between MPM, HV or NMPD. Late-stage MPM patients had higher plasma C4d levels compared to early-stage (p = 0.079). High circulating C4d was associated with a higher tumor volume (p = 0.047). Plasma C4d levels following induction chemotherapy were significantly higher in patients with stable/progressive disease compared to those with partial/major response (p = 0.005). Strikingly, patients with low C4d levels at diagnosis had a significantly better overall survival, confirmed in a multivariate cox regression model (hazard ratio 0.263, p = 0.01). Our findings suggest that circulating plasma C4d is a promising new prognostic biomarker in patients with MPM and, moreover, helps to select patients for surgery following induction chemotherapy

    Fibulin-3 levels in malignant pleural mesothelioma are associated with prognosis but not diagnosis

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    BACKGROUND: Fibulin-3 (FBLN3) was recently presented as a promising novel biomarker for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM), warranting independent validation studies. METHODS: ELISA was used to measure cellular and secreted FBLN3 in cell lines, in plasma of xenograft tumour-bearing mice, in plasma from two independent series of MPM and non-MPM patients and in pleural fluid from a third series. Diagnostic and prognostic potential of FBLN3 was assessed by receiver operating characteristics curve analysis and Kaplan-Meier method, respectively. RESULTS: FBLN3 was expressed in all MPM and benign mesothelial cell lines tested, and a correlation was observed between cellular protein expression and secreted levels. Human FBLN3 was detectable in plasma of tumour-bearing mice, suggesting that MPM cells contribute to levels of circulating FBLN3. Plasma FBLN3 was significantly elevated in MPM patients from the Sydney cohort, but not the Vienna cohort, but the diagnostic accuracy was low (63%, (95% CI: 50.1-76.4) and 56% (95% CI: 41.5-71.0), respectively). Although FBLN3 levels in pleural effusions were not significantly different between cases and controls, FBLN3 levels in pleural effusion fluid were found to be independently associated with prognosis (hazard ratio of 9.92 (95% CI: 2.14-45.93)). CONCLUSIONS: These data confirm the potential prognostic value of pleural effusion FBLN3, but question the diagnostic value of this protein in MPM patients

    Prostaglandin E2 stimulates progression-related gene expression in early colorectal adenoma cells

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    Upregulation of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and prostaglandin-dependent vascularisation in small adenomatous polyps is an essential part of colon carcinogenesis. To study the underlying cellular mechanisms, LT97 and Caco2 human colorectal tumour cells not expressing endogenous COX-2 were exposed to 1 μM prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in their medium. At 30 min after addition, expression of c-fos was stimulated 5-fold and 1.3-fold, respectively, depending on the activation of both extracellular signal-regulated kinase and p38. The amount of c-jun in nuclear extracts was increased 20% in LT97 cells. Expression of COX-2 was upregulated 1.7-fold in LT97 cells and 1.5-fold in Caco2 2 h after prostaglandin (PG) addition by a p38-mediated pathway. The known PGE2 target gene vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was not modulated. Effects of sustained PGE2 production were studied in VACO235 cells that have high endogenous COX-2 and in LT97 cells infected with an adenovirus expressing COX-2. Prostaglandin E2 secretion into the medium was 1–2 nM and 250 pM, respectively. Expression of both VEGF and c-fos was high in VACO235 cells. In LT97 cells, COX-2 upregulated c-fos expression and c-jun content in nuclear extracts 1.7- and 1.2-fold, respectively, in a PG-dependent way. This shows that exogenous PGE2 as well as COX-2 overexpression affect signalling and gene expression in a way that enhances tumour progression
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