173 research outputs found

    Methodology and reliability of respiratory muscle assessment

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    The optimal method for respiratory muscle endurance (RME) assessment remains unclear. This study assessed the test-retest reliability of two RME-test methodologies. Fifteen healthy adults attended the laboratory on four occasions, separated by 5 ± 2 days, and completed each test in a random, “one on two” order. They performed spirometry testing, maximal respiratory pressure assessment and two different RME tests: an inspiratory resistive breathing (IRB) and an isocapnic hyperpnea endurance (IHE) test. Typical error, expressed as coefficient of variation, for IRB maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and IHE maximal ventilation were 12.21 (8.85–19.67) % and 10.73 (7.78–17.29) %, respectively. Intraclass correlation coefficients for the same parameters were 0.83 (0.46-0.94) and 0.80 (0.41-0.93), respectively. No correlations were found between RME parameters derived from the IHE and IRB tests (all p > 0.05). Significant positive correlations were found between both IRB and IHE outcomes and spirometry parameters, MIP and maximal expiratory pressure (p < 0.05).Given these results, IRB and IHE appear to be suitable for RME testing in healthy people, although they may reflect different physiological mechanisms (respiratory mechanics and respiratory muscle capacity for IHE test vs. inspiratory muscle capacity for IRB test). Future studies are therefore warranted that compare IRB and IHE tests in clinical settings

    Travelling Randomly on the Poincar\'e Half-Plane with a Pythagorean Compass

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    A random motion on the Poincar\'e half-plane is studied. A particle runs on the geodesic lines changing direction at Poisson-paced times. The hyperbolic distance is analyzed, also in the case where returns to the starting point are admitted. The main results concern the mean hyperbolic distance (and also the conditional mean distance) in all versions of the motion envisaged. Also an analogous motion on orthogonal circles of the sphere is examined and the evolution of the mean distance from the starting point is investigated

    Random walks in the space of conformations of toy proteins

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    Monte Carlo dynamics of the lattice 48 monomers toy protein is interpreted as a random walk in an abstract (discrete) space of conformations. To test the geometry of this space, we examine the return probability P(T)P(T), which is the probability to find the polymer in the native state after TT Monte Carlo steps, provided that it starts from the native state at the initial moment. Comparing computational data with the theoretical expressions for P(T)P(T) for random walks in a variety of different spaces, we show that conformational spaces of polymer loops may have non-trivial dimensions and exhibit negative curvature characteristic of Lobachevskii (hyperbolic) geometry.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Pharmacological depletion of RNA splicing factor RBM39 by indisulam synergizes with PARP inhibitors in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma

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    Ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) is the most common subtype of ovarian cancer with limited therapeutic options and a poor prognosis. In recent years, poly-ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors have demonstrated significant clinical benefits, especially in patients with BRCA1/2 mutations. However, acquired drug resistance and relapse is a major challenge. Indisulam (E7070) has been identified as a molecular glue that brings together splicing factor RBM39 and DCAF15 E3 ubiquitin ligase resulting in polyubiquitination, degradation, and subsequent RNA splicing defects. In this work, we demonstrate that the loss of RBM39 induces splicing defects in key DNA damage repair genes in ovarian cancer, leading to increased sensitivity to cisplatin and various PARP inhibitors. The addition of indisulam also improved olaparib response in mice bearing PARP inhibitor-resistant tumors. These findings demonstrate that combining RBM39 degraders and PARP inhibitors is a promising therapeutic approach to improve PARP inhibitor response in ovarian HGSC

    The time course of different neuromuscular adaptations to short‑term downhill running training and their specific relationships with strength gains

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    Purpose: Due to its eccentric nature, downhill running (DR) training has been suggested to promote strength gains through neuromuscular adaptations. However, it is unknown whether short-term chronic DR can elicit such adaptations. Methods: Twelve untrained, young, healthy adults (five women, seven men) took part in four weeks’ DR, comprising 10 sessions, with running speed equivalent to 60-65% maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max, assessed at weeks 0 and 4). Isometric and isokinetic knee-extensor maximal voluntary torque (MVT), vastus lateralis (VL) muscle morphology/architecture (anatomical cross-sectional area, ACSA; physiological CSA, PCSA; volume; fascicle length, Lf; pennation angle, PA) and neuromuscular activation (VL EMG) were assessed at weeks 0, 2 and 4. Results: MVT increased by 9.7-15.2% after four weeks (p<0.01). VL EMG during isometric MVT increased by 35.6±46.1% after four weeks (p<0.05) and correlated with changes in isometric MVT after two weeks (r=0.86, p=0.001). VL ACSA (+2.9±2.7% and +7.1±3.5%) and volume (+2.5±2.5% and +6.6±3.2%) increased after two and four weeks, respectively (p<0.05). PCSA (+3.8±3.3%), PA (+5.8±3.8%) and Lf (+2.7±2.2%) increased after four weeks (p<0.01). Changes in VL volume (r=0.67, p=0.03) and PCSA (r=0.71, p=0.01) correlated with changes in concentric MVT from two-to-four weeks. V̇O2max (49.4±6.2 vs. 49.7±6.3 mL∙kg-1∙min-1) did not change after four weeks (p=0.73). Conclusion: Just four weeks’ moderate-intensity DR promoted neuromuscular adaptations in young, healthy adults, typically observed after high-intensity eccentric resistance training. Neural adaptations appeared to contribute to most of the strength gains at two and four weeks, while muscle hypertrophy seemed to contribute to MVT changes from two-to-four weeks only
