890 research outputs found

    An optimal trading problem in intraday electricity markets

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    We consider the problem of optimal trading for a power producer in the context of intraday electricity markets. The aim is to minimize the imbalance cost induced by the random residual demand in electricity, i.e. the consumption from the clients minus the production from renewable energy. For a simple linear price impact model and a quadratic criterion, we explicitly obtain approximate optimal strategies in the intraday market and thermal power generation, and exhibit some remarkable properties of the trading rate. Furthermore, we study the case when there are jumps on the demand forecast and on the intraday price, typically due to error in the prediction of wind power generation. Finally, we solve the problem when taking into account delay constraints in thermal power production.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figure

    Pour une géographie de la modernité

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    Verbs and particles in minimal answers to yes-no questions in Czech

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    International audienceThis paper examines verbs and answering particles in minimal answers to yes-no questions in Czech. It is first argued that minimal answers involve ellipsis of the clause (IP) including second position clitics except for the verb that moves to the CP domain and the particles that are generated in the polarity projection in the CP domain. The verb moves to the FocP because it bears the polarity feature that is focused in polar question-answer pairs. Other focused XPs can also move to FocP. Negative questions are then argued to contain expletive or true negation. In the former case, they behave as positive (open) questions, while in the latter case, they behave as negative declaratives, i.e. convey a negative presupposition and have a fixed polarity. Negative questions containing true negation are confirmed by 'ano' (yes) and denied by 'ne' (no), because the particles here (dis)confirm the polarityof the presupposition conveyed by the question. To account for distribution of the particles, we propose that particles express two kinds of polarity: (i)absolute polarity [+] or [–] in answers to open questions, and (ii) relative polarity [same] or [reverse] in answers to questions with fixed polarity. Relative polarity simply indicates whether the polarity of the question and that of the answer are identical or different. The proposed analysis does not claim that there are two ano or ne in the lexicon. Rather, each particle is a single lexical item, whose polarity is interpreted in an absolute or in a relative way

    Le statut de že ('que') dans les phrases indépendantes en tchèque

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    International audienceCet article examine et compare les propriétés du morphème 'že' ('que') dans les propositions subordonnées et les phrases indépendantes (interrogatives et exclamatives) en tchèque. Nous montrons que 'že' a des propriétés syntaxiques (position, combinatoire avec les mots interrogatifs et les éléments contrastifs) et sémantiques (contenu sémantique, interprétation de la proposition) différentes en fonction de type de phrase dans laquelle il apparaît. Ceci nous amène à proposer que 'že' corresponde à deux têtes syntaxique distinctes dans la périphérie gauche de la phrase (Rizzi 1997) : tête de force phrastique et tête de focus

    Czech questions with two wh-words

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    International audienceThis paper discusses three types of questions with two wh-words in Czech. It is shown that these questions involve different syntactic constructions with different semantic representations. In questions with multiple fronting, wh-words either activate DistributiveP and ShareP projections at Logical Form, which leads to their pair-list reading, or the second one moves to ContrastP, which leads to their contrastive specific reading. In questions with fronting and conjunction, the coordinate wh-phrase occupies the Spec of ContrastP, which leads to a specific reading of conjoined wh-words. Questions with a final conjoined wh-word involve conjoined single questions

    What kind of element is 'že' in Czech?

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    International audienceThis paper examines the syntactic and semantic behaviour of the morpheme že 'that' in subordinate and independent clauses in Czech. I show that že does not have the same properties in these two contexts. In embedded contexts, že combines with a declarative clause (proposition) and obligatorily marks its syntactic dependence. In independent contexts, že appears in interrogative clauses or in declarative clauses associated with exclamation, and it triggers a particular (echo or tag) interpretation. However, in all contexts, že seems to indicate a discrepancy between the speaker's and someone else commitment to a same proposition

    RSRM-11 (36OW011) ballistics mass properties (STS-35)

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    The propulsion performance and reconstructed mass properties data from Thiolol's RSRM-11 motors which were assigned to the STS-35 launch are contained. The Thiokol manufacturing designations for the motors were 360W011A/360W011B, which are referred to as RSRM-11A and RSRM-B, respectively. The launch of STS-35 occurred on 2 December 1990 at the Eastern Test Range (ETR). The data contained herein was input to the STS-35 Flight Evaluation Report. The SRM propellant, TP-H1148, is a composite type solid propellants, formulated of polybutediene acrylic acid, acryonitrile terpolymer binder, epoxy curing agent, ammonium perchlorate oxidizer, and aluminum powder fuel. A small amount of burning rate catalyst (iron oxide) was added to achieve the desired propellant burn rate. The propellant evaluation and raw material information for the RSRM-11 are included. The ballistic performance presented was based on the Operational Flight Instrumentation (OFI) 12.5 sample per second pressure data for the steady state and tail off portion of the pressure trace. Recent studies have shown that the transducers are affected by the measuring system at KSC and temperature gradients created by the igniter heaters. Therefore, an adjustment to the data from each transducer is made to make the initial reading match the atmospheric pressure at the time of launch

    Les Alleuds – Les Pichelots

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    La carrière de gravier des Pichelots, dont l’avancement des fronts de taille révélait régulièrement, depuis plus d’une décennie, une série de puits et de silos de La Tène III, a cette année très peu progressé vers l’est : 1,5 m en moyenne. Du nord au sud, ont été mis en évidence et fouillés : un court fossé (12 m) parallèle et très proche de la grande palissade nord-sud (il s’agit probablement d’un renforcement de celle-ci, analogue à celui qui se trouve à 15 m plus au sud) ; un fossé, presqu..

    Quels essais CEM pour les équipements dédiés à des fonctions de sécurité ?

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    National audienceLa Directive CEM 89/336 CEE impose une evaluation systematique des materiels electriques et electroniques, pour verifier qu'ils ne sont pas susceptibles de perturber d'autres equipements et qu'ils peuvent eux-memes fonctionner en presence de parasites electriques (voir tableau Directives ä considerer pour les produits soumis a la directive CEM). Les exigences liees aux fonctions de securite d'un materiel peuvent etre differentes selon sa fonction mais il doit dans tous les cas se mettre dans un etat sur en presence d'un defaut ou d'une perturbation dus a l'environnement. Nous donnons ci-apres deux exemples d'application oü sont mises en evidence les methodes d'evaluation que nous avons retenues. Le premier concerne les detecteurs de gaz inflammables et les difficultes resultant de l'application simultanee des normes "produits" et des normes CEM. Le second decrit la methodologie elaboree pour les tests CEM des composants de securite en relation avec les normes en vigueu

    Storm detectors. Tests and application

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    International audienceThe storm detector standard is now published at European level and is also introduced in the IEC program of work. However, this standard is only a first document that even if very important will not be enough to apply safely the storm detectors in field. First regarding application, it is assumed in the standard that a setting process will be possible for any device installed but in practice, for many industrial applications, this procedure will be very weak and the device should be able to meet the industry requirements in a very short time to be efficient and thus settings procedure should be very straight forward. Second regarding long term withstand, it is very important that the device be reliable and thus tested
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