577 research outputs found

    Factors that Affect Nurses’ Perception of LGBTQ Patients

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    Factors that Affect Nurses’ Perception of LGBTQ Patients Caitlin Grudzinski, MS Elizabeth Hartman, PhD, RN Background: The number of persons identifying as LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) increasing and therefore, it is imperative that we address the health needs of this patient population. Despite progress in equality legislation, the LGBTQ community still faces significant barriers in accessing health care and discrimination from health care staff. Nurses spend approximately one third of their time with patients and are often the first health care providers that a patient sees. An integrative literature conducted to determine nursing attitudes towards the LGBT patient population found that less than 50% of the studies suggested positive leaning attitudes towards this patient population. Objective: This purpose of this paper is to investigate and understand what affects nurses’ perceptions of LGBTQ patients. Methods: An integrative literature review was conducted by searching the databases Cumulative Index to Nursing and Health Literature (CINAHL), PubMed, and ProQuest Nursing. Utilizing the keywords: LGBT patients, homosexual patients, transgender patients, sexual and gender minorities, nursing attitudes and nursing stigma. A total of 6 articles were found. Results: The data was analyzed and several themes were extracted. The education of the nurses, the environment in which the nurses worked and where they were from, and personal factors of the nurses all played a role in how they percieved LGBTQ patients. Conclusion: Nurses who were better educated on LGBTQ health issues had a more positive perception of LGBTQ patients Nurses who were also very introspective and understood their own personal biases also had more positive perceptions of this patient population. The hospital and the location of the hospital also had a significant impact on nurses’ perceptions. Hospitals with more heteronormative policies also fostered negative perceptions of the LGBTQ patient population. Considering these factors, nursing organizations should find a way to better educate the nursing workforce on LGBTQ health issues, Keywords: LGBTQ, nursing attitudes, nursing stigma, discrimination, heteronormavity, LGBTQ health education, LGBTQ health issue

    A Meaningful Paradox of Color-Blind Racism and Racial Literacy: Understanding the Phenomena of White Women Teachers Educating Students of Color

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    Recognizing school resegregation and the demographic imperative as systemic problems impacting the educational outcomes of students of Color, this study examined the role of White women teachers’ racial views within the sociocultural context of teaching and learning. The purpose of this dissertation was to explore how 15 high school teachers described their lived experiences as educators of Latinx, Black, and Asian students in a racially diverse, public high school on Long Island, New York. This qualitative study was conceptualized through combining the theoretical lens of critical whiteness studies and critical pedagogy utilizing a qualitative phenomenological methodology for data collection, with the framework of color-blind racism added during the data analysis phase. The sample of 15 White women teachers engaged in two or three semi-structured interviews. The emergence of four meaningful paradoxes indicated that although most participants often employed a rhetoric revealing the uncritical endorsement of a color-blind ideology to describe their experiences, White women teachers also indicated that they were learning to see how race impacted them and their students’ lives. These findings provided insights and future directions for K-12 educational institutions and teacher-training programs by suggesting that more efforts are necessary to recognize the signs of color-blind racism, to ensure racial literacy development as an integral part of the education of White women teachers, and to promote positive teacher-student relationships and educational success for students of Color

    Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the upper Paleozoic of the Sele High and its adjacent basins

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    The main focus of this study is to improve the understanding of the timing of the tectonic activity and its control over the distribution of the upper Paleozoic strata in the chosen study area. The study area is located approximately 150 km south-west from Stavanger and covers it includes Sele High and the northernmost part of the Danish-Norwegian basin, northernmost part of Jæren High and the entire Southeastern bank of Ling Depression. This thesis utilizes 2D and 3D seismic volumes to generate time surface maps of the top Zechstein, top Rotliegend and bottom Rotliegend horizons. As well as well log data and open-source Norwegian Petroleum Directorate well reports in order to study lateral and vertical facies variation of the Zechstein and Rotliegend Groups. In the study area The Zechstein Group assembles a variety of evaporitic and siliciclastic rocks. However, in the study area its succession consists mainly of halite except 8/3-1 well. The Rotliegend Group in the study area includes packages of siltstone, sandstone, and shales. Rotliegend is homogeneously distributed over the study area. The older Upper Paleozoic rocks were encountered only 7/3-1 well and 17/12-2. In the well 7/3-1 below the Rotliegend GP the carbonates were encountered. While the 17/12-2 well presents Devonian sandstone. However, since those two upper Paleozoic sections are barren of fossils, their exact age is uncertain. Based on the interpretation of the seismic images the three fault groups were distinguished from the subsequent strikes N-S, NE-SW, W-E. These fault groups appear to crosscut the Rotliegend without showing sign of syn-sedimentary deposition. However, in some of the interpreted cross-sections the thickening of pre-Rotliegend strata is visible along the N-S and NE-SW. Therefore the study area was subjected under two main extensional events: the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous, late Permian to Early-Triassic

    Exposer les photographies des ghettos juifs en Pologne

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    Argentique Le point de vue est au cœur de cette exposition où les témoignages photographiques de Juifs internés viennent s’opposer à ce que les nazis ont fixé sur la pellicule comme preuve de leur victoire sur l’« ennemi » (le Juif).Point of view: that is the theme of this exhibition. Photographic testimonies from imprisoned Jews are opposed to images taken by the Nazi’s as evidence of their victory over the ‘enemy’.Perspectief, daar draait alles om in deze tentoonstelling. Fotogetuigenissen van geïnterneerde Joden staan in schril contrast met de beelden die de nazi’s vastlegden als bewijs van hun overwinning op de ‘vijand’

    Fatores da qualidade de vida no trabalho intervenientes na transição para aposentadoria

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    The population growth of the elderly population is increasing more and more in Brazil and in several countries worldwide. Consequently businesses will be one of the sectors most affected by this growth in Brazil, since they will have to replace or keep these employees working for a few more years. This fact coupled with good programs Quality of Work Life (QWL) and Motivating Potencial Score can be a positive outlook to keep this worker on the job market for a few more years. In this context, the primary objective of this study was to measure among the eight criteria stipulated by Walton's QWL, which can interfere in the decision of elderly workers to remain working after retirement. The methodological approach consisted of a content analysis and a descriptive exploratory. Data analysis was based on descriptive statistics and quantitative research. The results from the proposed notes made in relation to the Human Resource (HR) will enable managers to have an overview of the level of understanding and commitment of older people in a business context. The conclusion indicates that 72.22% of elderly workers who are in the process of retirement plan to continue working after their retirement, to feel more active, independent and useful in society. However, the factor's QWL mentioned that they should be improved to make them feel safer and encouraged to work with more pleasure, would be the appropriate return, which would bring more peace and greater future professional and personal fulfillment. However, it is important that companies start to reflect on the training and retraining to enhance the employability of older workers allowing its replacement or stay in the labor market for some years.CAPESO crescimento demográfico da população de idosos vem aumentando cada vez mais no Brasil e em vários países do mundo. Consequentemente as empresas serão um dos setores mais afetados por este crescimento no Brasil, uma vez que terão que recolocar ou manter estes funcionários trabalhando por mais alguns anos. Este fato aliado a bons programas de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT) e ao Potencial Motivador do Trabalho (PMT) pode ser uma perspectiva positiva para manter este trabalhador no mercado de trabalho por mais alguns anos. Neste contexto, o objetivo primordial deste trabalho foi mensurar dentre os oito critérios da QVT estipulado por Walton, o qual pode interferir na tomada de decisão do trabalhador idoso em permanecer trabalhando após a aposentadoria. A abordagem metodológica consistiu em uma análise de conteúdo e em uma pesquisa descritiva exploratória. A análise dos dados baseou-se na análise estatística descritiva e em uma pesquisa quantitativa. Os resultados propostos a partir dos apontamentos feitos em relação ao Recurso Humano (RH) vai permitir aos gestores ter uma visão geral do nível de entendimento e comprometimento das pessoas idosas no contexto empresarial. A conclusão indica que 72,22% dos trabalhadores idosos que estão no processo de aposentadoria pretendem continuar trabalhando após sua reforma, muito mais para se sentirem atuantes, independentes e úteis na sociedade. Entretanto, o fator da QVT mencionados por eles que deveria ser melhorado para que se sintam mais seguros e incentivados a trabalhar com mais prazer, seria a remuneração adequada, a qual lhes traria mais tranquilidade futura e maior realização profissional e pessoal. Contudo, torna-se importante que as empresas comecem a refletir sobre a formação e reciclagem para reforçar a empregabilidade dos trabalhadores idosos permitindo a sua recolocação ou permanência no mercado de trabalho por mais alguns anos

    Microfluidics for studying metastatic patterns of lung cancer

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    The incidence of lung cancer continues to rise worldwide. Because the aggressive metastasis of lung cancer cells is the major drawback of successful therapies, the crucial challenge of modern nanomedicine is to develop diagnostic tools to map the molecular mechanisms of metastasis in lung cancer patients. In recent years, microfluidic platforms have been given much attention as tools for novel point-of-care diagnostic, an important aspect being the reconstruction of the body organs and tissues mimicking the in vivo conditions in one simple microdevice. Herein, we present the first comprehensive overview of the microfluidic systems used as innovative tools in the studies of lung cancer metastasis including single cancer cell analysis, endothelial transmigration, distant niches migration and finally neoangiogenesis. The application of the microfluidic systems to study the intercellular crosstalk between lung cancer cells and surrounding tumor microenvironment and the connection with multiple molecular signals coming from the external cellular matrix are discussed. We also focus on recent breakthrough technologies regarding lab-on-chip devices that serve as tools for detecting circulating lung cancer cells. The superiority of microfluidic systems over traditional in vitro cell-based assays with regard to modern nanosafety studies and new cancer drug design and discovery is also addressed. Finally, the current progress and future challenges regarding printable and paper-based microfluidic devices for personalized nanomedicine are summarized.publishedVersio

    Efeitos da injeção de células tronco mesenquimais derivadas de medula óssea no hipocampo de ratas Wistar

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    As doenças neurodegenerativas como Alzheimer, Parkinson e isquemia cerebral afetam uma grande parte da população e, na maioria das vezes, apenas tratamentos sintomáticos estão disponíveis. Essas doenças causam neuroinflamação, morte neuronal e afetam a vida cotidiana desses enfermos. Na última década, as células tronco mesenquimais surgiram como uma alternativa no tratamento dessas doenças. As células tronco mesenquimais são células indiferenciadas e imunoprivilegiadas, que contribuem na regeneração de lesões pela secreção de várias citocinas e fatores de crescimento. Vários estudos comprovam o efeito benéfico das células tronco mesenquimais em modelos in vitro e in vivo de doenças neurodegenerativas, porém até hoje não se conhece exatamente o mecanismo de ação dessas células. Estudos incipientes reportam um possível efeito adverso da terapia utilizando células tronco mesenquimais. Para entender melhor como essas células interagem com o tecido nervoso, o objetivo desse estudo foi administrar células tronco mesenquimais derivadas de medula óssea no hipocampo de ratas Wistar e analisar marcadores específicos e o comportamento desses animais Nossos resultados mostraram que as células tronco mesenquimais aumentam o imunoconteúdo de GFAP tanto no hipocampo ipsilateral quanto no contralateral à injeção. Sete dias após o procedimento cirúrgico, os níveis de GFAP retornam a níveis controle. Além disso, três dias após a injeção os níveis de beta-tubulina 3 diminuíram cerca de 25%, retornando a níveis de controle após sete dias, enquanto que o imunoconteúdo de NeuN, avaliado também três dias após a injeção das células tronco mesenquimais, não mostrou diferença do controle. Ainda, o imunoconteúdo de doublecortin também não foi diferente do controle. O teste comportamental de reconhecimento de objetos mostrou que ratas injetadas com células tronco mesenquimais apresentaram déficits de memória de curta e longa duração. Em conjunto, nossos resultados mostraram que a injeção de células tronco mesenquimais, derivadas de medula óssea no hipocampo de ratas Wistar, causou ativação astrocitária após três dias. Além disso, a presença de células tronco mesenquimais no hipocampo de ratas parece causar retração neuronal e déficit de memória e, no modelo e tempo utilizados neste trabalho, não ativou a neurogênese. Esses resultados sugerem um possível efeito adverso destas células, adicionando uma nota de cautela na utilização das mesmas.Neurodegenerative diseases as Alzheimer, Parkinson and stroke affect a large number of the population and only symptomatic treatments are available. These diseases cause neuroinflamation, neuronal death and affect everyday life of these patients. Therewith, bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells emerged as an alternative to treatment of these diseases. Mesenchymal stem cells are undifferentiated and immunoprivileged cells which secret many cytokines and growth factors that help the site of the lesion. Many in in vitro and in vivo studies prove a benefic action of mesenchymal stem cells in models of neurodegenerative diseases, but, until today, the mechanism of action of these cells remains unclear. Recent studies reported a possible adverse effect of the treatment using mesenchymal stem cells. In order to understand how these cells interact with the neural tissue, the aim of this study was evaluate the effect of mesenchymal stem cells injection into hippocampus of Wistar rats and to analyze morphological and behavioral changes. Our results show that three days after the injection of mesenchymal stem cells, the immunocontent of GFAP increases in both ipsilateral and contralateral hippocampus. After seven days of injection, GFAP immunocontent returned to control levels. Furthermore, the immunocontent of b-tubulin 3 in rats that received mesenchymal stem cells decreases 25% compared to the controls, returning to normal seven days latter. NeuN and Doublecortin immunocontent, however, shows no differences from controls. In the novel object recognition task rats that received mesenchymal stem cells show deficit in short and long-term memory. Together, our results shown that mesenchymal stem cells in rats hippocampus causes astrocytic activation after three days. Also the presence of mesenchymal stem cells in hippocampus appear to cause neuronal cytoskeleton retraction. Our data suggest that the presence of this cells cause impairment on short and long-term memory, and do not activate neurogenesis in our model. These results suggest that a topic intratissue administration of mesenchymal stem cells might have possible side effects, adding a note of caution in utilization of these cells

    How do college and university undergraduate level global citizenship programs advance the development and experiences of global competencies?

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    Colleges and universities across the nation have, within the last 20 years, mobilized to prepare their students to become globally aware, socially responsible, and engaged citizens of the world. Although the imperative for these colleges and universities is to provide students with the intellectual tools to function as global citizens, there is no scholarly consensus on the definition of the term “global citizenship,” no agreement on the implementation of such a curriculum, and hence, no programmatic assessment model. As such, the scholarly discussions surrounding the topic of global citizenship programs have led to an increased curiosity about and interest in the development and experiences of global competencies. This study applies Hunter’s (2004) concept of global competence as a measure of global citizenship, and evaluates a representative group of 25 colleges and universities offering undergraduate level global citizenship programs on a range of specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The focus of the study is to answer two major research questions: what are the guiding principles of undergraduate level global citizenship programs, and, how are they advancing the development of global competencies? This study employs a mixed methodological approach, consisting of a quantitative Likert-scale survey and in-depth interviews, to better understand global citizenship concepts, the manner in which programs are organized, thoughts about what is happening with global citizenship education, and faculty and administrator experiences. The findings of this research, although exhibiting overlap with Hunter’s (2004) findings, reveal that global competencies are not synonymous with global citizenship. By employing Hunter’s (2004) checklist, which provides a focused starting point for assessing global citizenship programs, this research study reveals the various programmatic components, themes and guiding principles that are beneficial to the development of global citizenship, but which are not the same as those required for global competency.Ph.D., Educational Leadership Development and Learning Technologies -- Drexel University, 200