26 research outputs found

    Fast non-Hermitian Toeplitz eigenvalue computations, joining matrix-less algorithms and FDE approximation matrices

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    The present work is devoted to the eigenvalue asymptotic expansion of the Toeplitz matrix Tn(a)T_{n}(a) whose generating function aa is complex valued and has a power singularity at one point. As a consequence, Tn(a)T_{n}(a) is non-Hermitian and we know that the eigenvalue computation is a non-trivial task in the non-Hermitian setting for large sizes. We follow the work of Bogoya, B\"ottcher, Grudsky, and Maximenko and deduce a complete asymptotic expansion for the eigenvalues. After that, we apply matrix-less algorithms, in the spirit of the work by Ekstr\"om, Furci, Garoni, Serra-Capizzano et al, for computing those eigenvalues. Since the inner and extreme eigenvalues have different asymptotic behaviors, we worked on them independently, and combined the results to produce a high precision global numerical and matrix-less algorithm. The numerical results are very precise and the computational cost of the proposed algorithms is independent of the size of the considered matrices for each eigenvalue, which implies a linear cost when all the spectrum is computed. From the viewpoint of real world applications, we emphasize that the matrix class under consideration includes the matrices stemming from the numerical approximation of fractional diffusion equations. In the final conclusion section a concise discussion on the matter and few open problems are presented.Comment: 21 page

    Eigenvalues of laplacian matrices of the cycles with one negative-weighted edge

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    We study the individual behavior of the eigenvalues of the laplacian matrices of the cyclic graph of order nn, where one edge has weight αC\alpha\in\mathbb{C}, with Re(α)<0\operatorname{Re}(\alpha)<0, and all the others have weights 11. This paper is a sequel of a previous one where we considered Re(α)[0,1]\operatorname{Re}(\alpha) \in[0,1] (Eigenvalues of laplacian matrices of the cycles with one weighted edge, Linear Algebra Appl. 653, 2022, 86--115). We prove that for Re(α)<0\operatorname{Re}(\alpha)<0 and n>Re(α1)/Re(α)n>\operatorname{Re}(\alpha-1)/\operatorname{Re}(\alpha), one eigenvalue is negative while the others belong to [0,4][0,4] and are distributed as the function x4sin2(x/2)x\mapsto 4\sin^2(x/2). Additionally, we prove that as nn tends to \infty, the outlier eigenvalue converges exponentially to 4Re(α)2/(2Re(α)1)4\operatorname{Re}(\alpha)^2/(2\operatorname{Re}(\alpha)-1). We give exact formulas for the half of the inner eigenvalues, while for the others we justify the convergence of Newton's method and fixed-point iteration method. We find asymptotic expansions, as nn tends to \infty, both for the eigenvalues belonging to [0,4][0,4] and the outlier. We also compute the eigenvectors and their norms.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    Generalized Electromagnetic fields in Chiral Medium

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    The time dependent Dirac-Maxwell's Equations in presence of electric and magnetic sources are written in chiral media and the solutions for the classical problem are obtained in unique simple and consistent manner. The quaternion reformulation of generalized electromagnetic fields in chiral media has also been developed in compact, simple and consistent manner

    Toeplitz operators on the domain {ZM2×2(C)ZZ<I}\{Z\in M_{2\times2}(\mathbb{C}) \mid Z Z^* < I\} with U(2)×T2\mathrm{U}(2)\times\mathbb{T}^2-invariant symbols

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    Let DD be the irreducible bounded symmetric domain of 2×22\times2 complex matrices that satisfy ZZ<I2ZZ^* < I_2. The biholomorphism group of DD is realized by U(2,2)\mathrm{U}(2,2) with isotropy at the origin given by U(2)×U(2)\mathrm{U}(2)\times\mathrm{U}(2). Denote by T2\mathbb{T}^2 the subgroup of diagonal matrices in U(2)\mathrm{U}(2). We prove that the set of U(2)×T2\mathrm{U}(2)\times\mathbb{T}^2-invariant essentially bounded symbols yield Toeplitz operators that generate commutative CC^*-algebras on all weighted Bergman spaces over DD. Using tools from representation theory, we also provide an integral formula for the spectra of these Toeplitz operators

    Quaternion Analysis for Generalized Electromagnetic Fields of Dyons in Isotropic Medium

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    Quaternion analysis of time dependent Maxwell's equations in presence of electric and magnetic charges has been developed and the solutions for the classical problem of moving charges (electric and magnetic) are obtained in unique, simple and consistent manner

    Algebras of Toeplitz operators on the n-dimensional unit ball

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    We study CC^*-algebras generated by Toeplitz operators acting on the standard weighted Bergman space Aλ2(Bn)\mathcal{A}_{\lambda}^2(\mathbb{B}^n) over the unit ball Bn\mathbb{B}^n in Cn\mathbb{C}^n. The symbols facf_{ac} of generating operators are assumed to be of a certain product type, see (\ref{Introduction_form_of_the_symbol}). By choosing aa and cc in different function algebras Sa\mathcal{S}_a and Sc\mathcal{S}_c over lower dimensional unit balls B\mathbb{B}^{\ell} and Bn\mathbb{B}^{n-\ell}, respectively, and by assuming the invariance of aSaa\in \mathcal{S}_a under some torus action we obtain CC^*-algebras Tλ(Sa,Sc)\boldsymbol{\mathcal{T}}_{\lambda}(\mathcal{S}_a, \mathcal{S}_c) whose structural properties can be described. In the case of kk-quasi-radial functions Sa\mathcal{S}_a and bounded uniformly continuous or vanishing oscillation symbols Sc\mathcal{S}_c we describe the structure of elements from the algebra Tλ(Sa,Sc)\boldsymbol{\mathcal{T}}_{\lambda}(\mathcal{S}_a, \mathcal{S}_c), derive a list of irreducible representations of Tλ(Sa,Sc)\boldsymbol{\mathcal{T}}_{\lambda}(\mathcal{S}_a, \mathcal{S}_c), and prove completeness of this list in some cases. Some of these representations originate from a ``quantization effect'', induced by the representation of Aλ2(Bn)\mathcal{A}_{\lambda}^2(\mathbb{B}^n) as the direct sum of Bergman spaces over a lower dimensional unit ball with growing weight parameter. As an application we derive the essential spectrum and index formulas for matrix-valued operators

    Estimates for the condition numbers of large semi-definite Toeplitz matrices

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    This paper is devoted to asymptotic estimates for the condition numbers κ(Tn(a))=Tn(a)Tn(1)(a)\kappa(T_n(a))=||T_n(a)|| ||T_n^(-1)(a)|| of large n\cross n Toeplitz matrices TN(a)T_N(a) in the case where \alpha \element L^\infinity and Reα0Re \alpha \ge 0 . We describe several classes of symbols α\alpha for which κ(Tn(a))\kappa(T_n(a)) increases like (logn)α,nα(log n)^\alpha, n^\alpha , or even e(αn)e^(\alpha n) . The consequences of the results for singular values, eigenvalues, and the finite section method are discussed. We also consider Wiener-Hopf integral operators and multidimensional Toeplitz operators

    On the extreme eigenvalues and asymptotic conditioning of a class of Toeplitz matrix-sequences arising from fractional problems

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    The analysis of the spectral features of a Toeplitz matrix-sequence (Formula presented.), generated by the function (Formula presented.), real-valued almost everywhere (a.e.), has been provided in great detail in the last century, as well as the study of the conditioning, when f is nonnegative a.e. Here we consider a novel type of problem arising in the numerical approximation of distributed-order fractional differential equations (FDEs), where the matrices under consideration take the form (Formula presented.) (Formula presented.) belong to the interval (Formula presented.) with (Formula presented.) independent of n, (Formula presented.), (Formula presented.), and (Formula presented.) for every (Formula presented.). For nonnegative functions or sequences, the notation (Formula presented.) means that there exist positive constants c, d, independent of the variable x in the definition domain such that (Formula presented.) for any x. Since the resulting generating function depends on n, the standard theory cannot be applied and the analysis has to be performed using new ideas. Few selected numerical experiments are presented, also in connection with matrices that come from distributed-order FDE problems, and the adherence with the theoretical analysis is discussed, together with open questions and future investigations

    Norm of inverses, spectra, and pseudospectra of large truncated Wiener-Hopf operators and Toeplitz matrices

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    Abstract. This paper is concerned with Wiener-Hopf integral operators on L p and with Toeplitz operators (or matrices) on l p. The symbols of the operators are assumed to be continuous matrix functions. It is well known that the invertibility of the operator itself and of its associated operator imply the invertibility of all sufficiently large truncations and the uniform boundedness of the norms of their inverses. Quantitative statements, such as results on the limit of the norms of the inverses, can be proved in the case p = 2 by means of C ∗-algebra techniques. In this paper we replace C ∗-algebra methods by more direct arguments to determine the limit of the norms of the inverses and thus also of the pseudospectra of large truncations in the case of general p