1,032 research outputs found

    Solving Large-Scale Optimization Problems Related to Bell's Theorem

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    Impossibility of finding local realistic models for quantum correlations due to entanglement is an important fact in foundations of quantum physics, gaining now new applications in quantum information theory. We present an in-depth description of a method of testing the existence of such models, which involves two levels of optimization: a higher-level non-linear task and a lower-level linear programming (LP) task. The article compares the performances of the existing implementation of the method, where the LPs are solved with the simplex method, and our new implementation, where the LPs are solved with a matrix-free interior point method. We describe in detail how the latter can be applied to our problem, discuss the basic scenario and possible improvements and how they impact on overall performance. Significant performance advantage of the matrix-free interior point method over the simplex method is confirmed by extensive computational results. The new method is able to solve problems which are orders of magnitude larger. Consequently, the noise resistance of the non-classicality of correlations of several types of quantum states, which has never been computed before, can now be efficiently determined. An extensive set of data in the form of tables and graphics is presented and discussed. The article is intended for all audiences, no quantum-mechanical background is necessary.Comment: 19 pages, 7 tables, 1 figur

    Candles, Stoners, Emotions, Oh My!

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    This paper focuses on the topic of our language constantly changing while using the word “lit” to show this. Analysis of examples from personal experience like yearbook signings as well as lyrics from Travis Scott songs demonstrate how a word\u27s meaning can shift depending on its generational context


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    Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is associated with reduced levels or activity of the transcription factor PU.l in mice and humans. However, little is known about how reduced levels of this essential regulator of hematopoiesis causes AML. We hypothesize that reduced levels of PU.l cause AML by promoting self-renewal of myeloid progenitors through cell-cycle deregulation. Using mice homozygous for an allele of PU.l (encoded by Sfpil) which expresses PU.l at -20% of normal levels (Sfpilm/m), we show that these mice are runted and display an abnormal skeletal phenotype. This is due to an absence of TRAP+osteoclasts and a failure to upregulate p57kip2in chrondrocytes. In addition to the skeletal phenotype, a large expansion of immature myeloid cells occurs in the spleen of newborn SfpilBWm mice suggesting unregulated cell cycle in vivo. SfpilBN/BNmyeloid precursors had indefinite colony formation ability when grown in differentiating media, which suggests self-renewal. Next, restoration of PU.l using a retroviral vector opposed self-renewal and promoted differentiation in vitro seen by an increase in CDlib and a decrease in c-Kit levels. We have identified E2fl as a target gene of PU. 1, which regulates cell cycle progression. This model system will allow us to further understand the mechanisms behind hematopoiesis and leukemia. Manipulation of PU.l levels might be used as a treatment to promote myeloid differentiation and cell cycle arrest

    Essential elements of work as subject to copyright protection. Some remarks 20 years after the adoption of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights in Poland

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    W artykule przedstawiono nowe spojrzenie na centralny i najpoważniejszy problem, przed którym stoi dziś prawo autorskie, a jest nim stwierdzanie istnienia koniecznych cech utworu. Na tle krótkiej charakterystyki przedmiotu ochrony prawa autorskiego oraz koncepcji doktrynalnych i orzeczeń sądowych dotykających kwestii istnienia cechy „twórczości o indywidualnym charakterze”, zwrócono uwagę na bezsilność nauki i praktyki w zakresie definiowania przedmiotu ochrony prawa autorskiego. W artykule zaakcentowano potrzebę poszerzania perspektywy badawczej o dorobek innych nauk, w tym nie tylko takich, jak filozofia i psychologia, ale także o zdobycze rozwijającej się ostatnio dynamicznie nowej dyscypliny, jaką jest neuroestetyka. Artykuł w założeniu ma stanowić głos w dyskusji i punkt wyjścia do dalszych studiów nad tematem w kontekście poszukiwania rozwiązań problemu ustalania tzw. granicznego poziomu twórczości.This article focuses on the process of establishing and determining the essential elements of work as subject to copyright protection. This issue is considered as the most crucial challenge faced by the present day copyright law. When it comes to determining the creativity and individual character of a copyrightable work, an examination of judicial decisions and the theoretical analysis of the term ‘work’ only highlights the powerlessness of science and practice. The existing multitude of definitions of the object of copyright protection, especially relating to so called borderline cases, may be eliminated only after profound scientific research.The article emphasizes the potential benefits of expanding the research perspective by taking into account various fields of scientific study, including neuroaesthetics, and seeks to contribute to the discussion on the issue described above as well as to further research on the subject

    Multipartite nonlocality and random measurements

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    We present an exhaustive numerical analysis of violations of local realism by families of multipartite quantum states. As an indicator of nonclassicality we employ the probability of violation for randomly sampled observables. Surprisingly, it rapidly increases with the number of parties or settings and even for relatively small values local realism is violated for almost all observables. We have observed this effect to be typical in the sense that it emerged for all investigated states including some with randomly drawn coefficients. We also present the probability of violation as a witness of genuine multipartite entanglement.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, journal versio

    The Person and Upbringing Within the Context of Anti-pedagogy and the Catholic Personalism Discourse

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    According to anti-pedagogy, any form of upbringing aimed at something or someone only masks the object of the educated, making them essentially puppets, appropriately controlled from without. Any purposeful approach to upbringing appeals to attributes that make the pupil not turn out to be what he/she is, but what his/her educators would want him/her to be. This approach is in direct contradiction to personalistic pedagogy, which posits an ultimate reality and value in personhood by emphasizing the significance, uniqueness and inviolability of the person, as well as the person’s essentially relational or social dimension. By emphasizing the autonomous value of a human being as a person and in propagating this with full affirmation, one is thus postulating that programs of activities supporting its development are to be subordinated to personal and spiritual values, and not to economic and technical values. This article presents the contemporary discourse between anti-pedagogy and the personalistic pedagogy with a special emphasis on Polish authors.According to anti-pedagogy, any form of upbringing aimed at something or someone only masks the object of the educated, making them essentially puppets, appropriately controlled from without. Any purposeful approach to upbringing appeals to attributes that make the pupil not turn out to be what he/she is, but what his/her educators would want him/her to be. This approach is in direct contradiction to personalistic pedagogy, which posits an ultimate reality and value in personhood by emphasizing the significance, uniqueness and inviolability of the person, as well as the person’s essentially relational or social dimension. By emphasizing the autonomous value of a human being as a person and in propagating this with full affirmation, one is thus postulating that programs of activities supporting its development are to be subordinated to personal and spiritual values, and not to economic and technical values. This article presents the contemporary discourse between anti-pedagogy and the personalistic pedagogy with a special emphasis on Polish authors