205 research outputs found

    Morfometrijsko ispitivanje nabora crevne sluzokože šarana hranjenog različitom dodatnom hranom u poluintenzivnom sistemu

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    U poluintenzivnom sistemu gajenja šarana u poslednjoj deceniji dolazi do promena u vrsti dodatne hrane koje povećavaju održivost proizvodnje. Sa žitarica koje su se godinama koristile kao dodata hrana, sada se prelazi na peletiranu i ekstrudiranu hranu. Ova zamena uzrokuje i promene u fiziologiji varenja riba, a kao posledica se dešavaju morfološke promene na crevima. Najčešće se na organima za varenje riba gajenih u akvakulturi ne nalaze teže histopatološke promene, pa se pribegava kvantifikaciji i morfometriji histoloških parametara koje mogu da ukažu na odstupanja od normalne građe/funkcije. Metod evaluacije dužine crevnih nabora je korišćen u velikom broju studija koje su se bavile efektima različitih tipova hrane i/ili aditiva na crevo riba. Cilj rada je da se utvrdi efekat različitih tipova hrane (žitarice, peletirana, ekstrudirana hrana) na crevo šarana merenjem dužine crevnih nabora kod riba koje su gajene poluintenzivno. Dužina crevnih nabora je korelisana sa prirastom ribe. Kretanje dužine crevnih nabora po jezerima/vrsti dodate hrane je imalo pravilan tok (Fig. 1). Najkraći crevni nabori su izmereni kod riba hranjenih žitaricama. U sva tri jezera primetan je pad dužine nabora u junu. U ovom mesecu su vrednosti najmanje, manje čak i od inicijalnih na početku eksperimenta (u aprilu), kao i vrednosti dobijenih u maju. Od juna dužina nabora creva konstantno raste kod riba u svim jezerima, bez obzira na tip dodate hrane. Rezultati su pokazali visok stepen statistički značajne korelacije između mase tela ribe i dužine crevnih nabora u svim jezerima (Tab. 2). Ukoliko se posmatraju pojedinačna jezera, vrednosti se kreću između 0.82 kod riba hranjenih peletiranom hranom, preko 0.83 kod riba hranjenih žitaricama do 0.86 kod riba hranjenih ekstrudiranom hranom. Dužina crevnih nabora je koristan parametar u eksperimentima ishrane riba i često se primenjuje u proceni efekta određene hrane na crevo riba. Smanjenje dužine nabora može da ukaže na pojavu enteritisa, na nedovoljnu ishranu ili gladovanje. Naši rezultati pokazuju pozitivnu korelaciju između mase tela ribe i dužine crevnih nabora. Oni su u skladu i sa sličnim istraživanjima koja su sprovedena na drugim životinjskim vrstama, mahom na domaćim životinjama. Crevni nabori na početku eksperimenta ne rastu, čak pokazuju trend pada sve do juna meseca i to iako ribe pokazuju konstantan prirast u svim jezerima, što se objašnjava količinom prirodne hrane koja je u to doba najveća u jezerima. Naime, na osnovu analize prirodne hrane tokom ovog perioda možemo videti da postoji velika biomasa zooplanktona u toku aprila, maja i juna dok je zoobentos na niskom nivou u svim jezerima u toku celog eksperimenta i ne prelazi 10 g/m2. Ovo uzrokuje promene u načinu ishrane ribe od juna meseca. Do tada se šaran hranio uglavnom zooplanktonom, koga je bilo u izobilju, a nakon toga, početkom juna, zbog nedostatka prirodne hrane,riba počinje da sve više konzumira dodatu, što uzrokuje i povećanje dužine crevnih nabora, s obzirom da su pelete, kojom se ribe hrane voluminoznije i većih dimenzija od zooplanktona. Hranjenjem, ribe pune creva i samim tim ih i šire, što omogućava povećanje apsorpcione površine povećanjem dužine crevnih nabora. Ovaj fenomen u stvari predstavlja adaptaciju creva na različite tipove hrane kod riba. Naše istraživanje je pokazalo da praćenje histologije šarana može da ukaže kako se odvija proces varenja zavisno od dela sezone/razvoja zajednice zooplanktona, ali i vrste dodate hrane u poluintenzivnom sistemu

    The Gowdy T3 Cosmologies revisited

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    We have examined, repeated and extended earlier numerical calculations of Berger and Moncrief for the evolution of unpolarized Gowdy T3 cosmological models. Our results are consistent with theirs and we support their claim that the models exhibit AVTD behaviour, even though spatial derivatives cannot be neglected. The behaviour of the curvature invariants and the formation of structure through evolution both backwards and forwards in time is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 6 figures, results and conclusions revised and (considerably) expande

    Locally U(1)*U(1) Symmetric Cosmological Models: Topology and Dynamics

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    We show examples which reveal influences of spatial topologies to dynamics, using a class of spatially {\it closed} inhomogeneous cosmological models. The models, called the {\it locally U(1)×\timesU(1) symmetric models} (or the {\it generalized Gowdy models}), are characterized by the existence of two commuting spatial {\it local} Killing vectors. For systematic investigations we first present a classification of possible spatial topologies in this class. We stress the significance of the locally homogeneous limits (i.e., the Bianchi types or the `geometric structures') of the models. In particular, we show a method of reduction to the natural reduced manifold, and analyze the equivalences at the reduced level of the models as dynamical models. Based on these fundamentals, we examine the influence of spatial topologies on dynamics by obtaining translation and reflection operators which commute with the dynamical flow in the phase space.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX2e, revised Introduction slightly. To appear in CQ

    Manufacture of Gowdy spacetimes with spikes

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    In numerical studies of Gowdy spacetimes evidence has been found for the development of localized features (spikes) involving large gradients near the singularity. The rigorous mathematical results available up to now did not cover this kind of situation. In this work we show the existence of large classes of Gowdy spacetimes exhibiting features of the kind discovered numerically. These spacetimes are constructed by applying certain transformations to previously known spacetimes without spikes. It is possible to control the behaviour of the Kretschmann scalar near the singularity in detail. This curvature invariant is found to blow up in a way which is non-uniform near the spike in some cases. When this happens it demonstrates that the spike is a geometrically invariant feature and not an artefact of the choice of variables used to parametrize the metric. We also identify another class of spikes which are artefacts. The spikes produced by our method are compared with the results of numerical and heuristic analyses of the same situation.Comment: 25 page

    Adiabatic invariants and Mixmaster catastrophes

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    We present a rigorous analysis of the role and uses of the adiabatic invariant in the Mixmaster dynamical system. We propose a new invariant for the global dynamics which in some respects has an improved behaviour over the commonly used one. We illustrate its behaviour in a number of numerical results. We also present a new formulation of the dynamics via Catastrophe Theory. We find that the change from one era to the next corresponds to a fold catastrophe, during the Kasner shifts the potential is an Implicit Function Form whereas, as the anisotropy dissipates, the Mixmaster potential must become a Morse 0--saddle. We compare and contrast our results to many known works on the Mixmaster problem and indicate how extensions could be achieved. Further exploitation of this formulation may lead to a clearer understanding of the global Mixmaster dynamics.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures (which can be obtained by sending a message to the first author), submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Development of a Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (LITMS) Investigation for Future Planetary Surface Missions

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    Future surface missions to Mars and other planetary bodies will benefit from continued advances in miniature sensor and sample handling technologies that enable high-performance chemical analyses of natural samples. Fine-scale (approx.1 mm and below) analyses of rock surfaces and interiors, such as exposed on a drill core, will permit (1) the detection of habitability markers including complex organics in association with their original depositional environment, and (2) the characterization of successive layers and gradients that can reveal the time-evolution of those environments. In particular, if broad-based and highly-sensitive mass spectrometry techniques could be brought to such scales, the resulting planetary science capability would be truly powerful. The Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (LITMS) investigation is designed to conduct fine-scale organic and inorganic analyses of short (approx.5-10 cm) rock cores such as could be acquired by a planetary lander or rover arm-based drill. LITMS combines both pyrolysis/gas chromatograph mass spectrometry (GCMS) of sub-sampled core fines, and laser desorption mass spectrometry (LDMS) of the intact core surface, using a common mass analyzer, enhanced from the design used in the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) instrument on the 2018 ExoMars rover. LITMS additionally features developments based on the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) investigation on MSL and recent NASA-funded prototype efforts in laser mass spectrometry, pyrolysis, and precision subsampling. LITMS brings these combined capabilities to achieve its four measurement objectives: (1) Organics: Broad Survey Detect organic molecules over a wide range of molecular weight, volatility, electronegativity, concentration, and host mineralogy. (2) Organic: Molecular Structure Characterize internal molecular structure to identify individual compounds, and reveal functionalization and processing. (3) Inorganic Host Environment Assess the local chemical/mineralogical makeup of organic host phases to help determine deposition and preservation factors. (4) Chemical Stratigraphy Analyze the fine spatial distribution and variation of key species with depth

    Cochrane rehabilitation: 2020 Annual report

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    during its fourth year of existence, cochrane rehabilitation went on to promote evidence-informed health decision-making in rehabilitation. in 2020, the outbreak of the coVid-19 pandemic has made it necessary to alter priorities. in these challenging times, cochrane rehabilitation has firstly changed its internal organisation and established a new relevant project in line with pandemic needs: the REH-COVER (Rehabilitation – coVid-19 evidence-based response) action. the aim was to focus on the timely collection, review and dissemination of summarised and synthesised evidence relating to COVID-19 and rehabilitation. Cochrane Rehabilitation REH-COVER action has included in 2020 five main initiatives: 1) rapid living systematic reviews on rehabilitation and coVid-19; 2) interactive living evidence map on rehabilitation and coVid-19; 3) definition of the research topics on “rehabilitation and COVID-19” in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) rehabilitation programme; 4) Cochrane Library special collection on Coronavirus (COVID-19) rehabilitation; and 5) collaboration with COVID-END for the topics “rehabilitation” and “disability.” Furthermore, we are still carrying on five different special projects: Be4rehab; RCTRACK; definition of rehabilitation for research purposes; ebook project; and a prioritization exercise for Cochrane Reviews production. The Review Working Area continued to identify and “tag” the rehabilitation-relevant reviews published in the cochrane library; the publication Working area went on to publish Cochrane Corners, working more closely with the Cochrane Review Groups (CRGs) and Cochrane Networks, particularly with Cochrane Musculoskeletal, oral, skin and sensory Network; the Education Working area, the most damaged in 2020, tried to continue performing educational activities such as workshops in different online meetings; the Methodology Working area organized the third and fourth cochrane Rehabilitation Methodological (CRM) meetings respectively in Milan and Orlando; the Communication Working Area spread rehabilitation evidences through different channels and translated the contents in different languages