382 research outputs found

    Lower stroke risk with lower blood pressure in hemodynamic cerebral ischemia

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether strict blood pressure (BP) control is the best medical management for patients with symptomatic carotid artery occlusion and hemodynamic cerebral ischemia. METHODS: In this prospective observational cohort study, we analyzed data from 91 participants in the nonsurgical group of the Carotid Occlusion Surgery Study (COSS) who had recent symptomatic internal carotid artery occlusion and hemodynamic cerebral ischemia manifested by ipsilateral increased oxygen extraction fraction. The target BP goal in COSS was ≤130/85 mm Hg. We compared the occurrence of ipsilateral ischemic stroke during follow-up in the 41 participants with mean BP ≤130/85 mm Hg to the remaining 50 with higher BP. RESULTS: Of 16 total ipsilateral ischemic strokes that occurred during follow-up, 3 occurred in the 41 participants with mean follow-up BP of ≤130/85 mm Hg, compared to 13 in the remaining 50 participants with mean follow-up BP >130/85 mm Hg (hazard ratio 3.742, 95% confidence interval 1.065-13.152, log-rank p = 0.027). CONCLUSION: BPs ≤130/85 mm Hg were associated with lower subsequent stroke risk in these patients. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class III evidence that control of hypertension ≤130/85 mm Hg is associated with a reduced risk of subsequent ipsilateral ischemic stroke in patients with recently symptomatic carotid occlusion and hemodynamic cerebral ischemia (increased oxygen extraction fraction)

    Surgical results of the carotid occlusion surgery study: Clinical article

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    The Carotid Occlusion Surgery Study (COSS) was conducted to determine if STA-MCA bypass, when added to best medical therapy, would reduce subsequent ipsilateral stroke in patients with complete ICA occlusion and an elevated OEF in the cerebral hemisphere distal to the carotid occlusion. A recent publication reported the methodology of COSS in detail and briefly outlined the major findings of the trial.29 The surgical results of COSS are described in detail in this report

    The Impact of HAART on the Respiratory Complications of HIV Infection: Longitudinal Trends in the MACS and WIHS Cohorts

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    Objective: To review the incidence of respiratory conditions and their effect on mortality in HIV-infected and uninfected individuals prior to and during the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Design: Two large observational cohorts of HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected men (Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study [MACS]) and women (Women's Interagency HIV Study [WIHS]), followed since 1984 and 1994, respectively. Methods: Adjusted odds or hazards ratios for incident respiratory infections or non-infectious respiratory diagnoses, respectively, in HIV-infected compared to HIV-uninfected individuals in both the pre-HAART (MACS only) and HAART eras; and adjusted Cox proportional hazard ratios for mortality in HIV-infected persons with lung disease during the HAART era. Results: Compared to HIV-uninfected participants, HIV-infected individuals had more incident respiratory infections both pre-HAART (MACS, odds ratio [adjusted-OR], 2.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.2-2.7; p<0.001) and after HAART availability (MACS, adjusted-OR, 1.5; 95%CI 1.3-1.7; p<0.001; WIHS adjusted-OR, 2.2; 95%CI 1.8-2.7; p<0.001). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was more common in MACS HIV-infected vs. HIV-uninfected participants pre-HAART (hazard ratio [adjusted-HR] 2.9; 95%CI, 1.02-8.4; p = 0.046). After HAART availability, non-infectious lung diseases were not significantly more common in HIV-infected participants in either MACS or WIHS participants. HIV-infected participants in the HAART era with respiratory infections had an increased risk of death compared to those without infections (MACS adjusted-HR, 1.5; 95%CI, 1.3-1.7; p<0.001; WIHS adjusted-HR, 1.9; 95%CI, 1.5-2.4; p<0.001). Conclusion: HIV infection remained a significant risk for infectious respiratory diseases after the introduction of HAART, and infectious respiratory diseases were associated with an increased risk of mortality. © 2013 Gingo et al

    Honey bee foraging distance depends on month and forage type

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    To investigate the distances at which honey bee foragers collect nectar and pollen, we analysed 5,484 decoded waggle dances made to natural forage sites to determine monthly foraging distance for each forage type. Firstly, we found significantly fewer overall dances made for pollen (16.8 %) than for non-pollen, presumably nectar (83.2 %; P < 2.2 × 10−23). When we analysed distance against month and forage type, there was a significant interaction between the two factors, which demonstrates that in some months, one forage type is collected at farther distances, but this would reverse in other months. Overall, these data suggest that distance, as a proxy for forage availability, is not significantly and consistently driven by need for one type of forage over the other

    Limb-shaking transient ischemic attacks: case report and review of literature

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    BACKGROUND: Limb shaking Transient Ischemic Attack is a rare manifestation of carotid-occlusive disease. The symptoms usually point towards a seizure like activity and misdiagnosed as focal seizures. On careful history the rhythmic seizure like activity reveals no Jacksonian march mainly precipitated by maneuvers which lead to carotid compression. We here present a case of an elderly gentleman who was initially worked up as suffering from epileptic discharge and then later on found to have carotid occlusion. CASE PRESENTATION: Elderly gentleman presented with symptoms of rhythmic jerky movements of the left arm and both the lower limbs. Clinical suspicion of focal epilepsy was made and EEG, MRI-Brain with MRA were done. EEG and MRI-Brain revealed normal findings but the MRA revealed complete occlusion of right internal carotid artery. On a follow-up visit jerky movements of the left arm were precipitated by hyperextension and a tremor of 3–4 Hz was revealed. Based on this the diagnosis of low flow TIA was made the patient was treated conservatively with adjustment of his anti-hypertensive and anti-platelet medications. CONCLUSION: Diagnosis of limb-shaking TIA is important and should be differentiated from other disorders presenting as tremors. Timely diagnosis is important as these patients are shown to benefit from reperfusion procedures either surgical or radiological reducing their risk of stroke

    Day-to-Day Test–Retest Variability of CBF, CMRO2, and OEF Measurements Using Dynamic 15O PET Studies

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    Contains fulltext : 169592.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)PURPOSE: We assessed test-retest variability of cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood volume (CBV), cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO(2)), and oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) measurements derived from dynamic (15)O positron emission tomography (PET) scans. PROCEDURES: In seven healthy volunteers, complete test-retest (15)O PET studies were obtained; test-retest variability and left-to-right ratios of CBF, CBV, OEF, and CMRO(2) in arterial flow territories were calculated. RESULTS: Whole-brain test-retest coefficients of variation for CBF, CBV, CMRO(2), and OEF were 8.8%, 13.8%, 5.3%, and 9.3%, respectively. Test-retest variability of CBV left-to-right ratios was <7.4% across all territories. Corresponding values for CBF, CMRO(2), and OEF were better, i.e., <4.5%, <4.0%, and <1.4%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The test-retest variability of CMRO(2) measurements derived from dynamic (15)O PET scans is comparable to within-session test-retest variability derived from steady-state (15)O PET scans. Excellent regional test-retest variability was observed for CBF, CMRO(2), and OEF. Variability of absolute CBF and OEF measurements is probably affected by physiological day-to-day variability of CBF

    Variation in MSRA Modifies Risk of Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction in Cystic Fibrosis

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    Meconium ileus (MI), a life-threatening intestinal obstruction due to meconium with abnormal protein content, occurs in approximately 15 percent of neonates with cystic fibrosis (CF). Analysis of twins with CF demonstrates that MI is a highly heritable trait, indicating that genetic modifiers are largely responsible for this complication. Here, we performed regional family-based association analysis of a locus that had previously been linked to MI and found that SNP haplotypes 5′ to and within the MSRA gene were associated with MI (P = 1.99×10−5 to 1.08×10−6; Bonferroni P = 0.057 to 3.1×10−3). The haplotype with the lowest P value showed association with MI in an independent sample of 1,335 unrelated CF patients (OR = 0.72, 95% CI [0.53–0.98], P = 0.04). Intestinal obstruction at the time of weaning was decreased in CF mice with Msra null alleles compared to those with wild-type Msra resulting in significant improvement in survival (P = 1.2×10−4). Similar levels of goblet cell hyperplasia were observed in the ilea of the Cftr−/− and Cftr−/−Msra−/− mice. Modulation of MSRA, an antioxidant shown to preserve the activity of enzymes, may influence proteolysis in the developing intestine of the CF fetus, thereby altering the incidence of obstruction in the newborn period. Identification of MSRA as a modifier of MI provides new insight into the biologic mechanism of neonatal intestinal obstruction caused by loss of CFTR function

    Changes in neuronal activation patterns in response to androgen deprivation therapy: a pilot study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A common treatment option for men with prostate cancer is androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). However, men undergoing ADT may experience physical side effects, changes in quality of life and sometimes psychiatric and cognitive side effects.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study, hormone naïve patients without evidence of metastases with a rising PSA were treated with nine months of ADT. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the brain during three visuospatial tasks was performed at baseline prior to treatment and after nine months of ADT in five subjects. Seven healthy control patients, underwent neuroimaging at the same time intervals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>ADT patients showed reduced, task-related BOLD-fMRI activation during treatment that was not observed in control subjects. Reduction in activation in right parietal-occipital regions from baseline was observed during recall of the spatial location of objects and mental rotation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Findings, while preliminary, suggest that ADT reduces task-related neural activation in brain regions that are involved in mental rotation and accurate recall of spatial information.</p

    Does Day Length Affect Winter Bird Distribution? Testing the Role of an Elusive Variable

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    Differences in day length may act as a critical factor in bird biology by introducing time constraints in energy acquisition during winter. Thus, differences in day length might operate as a main determinant of bird abundance along latitudinal gradients. This work examines the influence of day length on the abundance of wintering crested tits (Lophophanes cristatus) in 26 localities of Spanish juniper (Juniperus thurifera) dwarf woodlands (average height of 5 m) located along a latitudinal gradient in the Spanish highlands, while controlling for the influence of food availability, minimum night temperature, habitat structure and landscape characteristics. Top regression models in the AIC framework explained 56% of variance in bird numbers. All models incorporated day length as the variable with the highest magnitude effect. Food availability also played an important role, although only the crop of ripe juniper fruits, but not arthropods, positively affected crested tit abundance. Differences in vegetation structure across localities had also a strong positive effect (average tree height and juniper tree density). Geographical variation in night temperature had no influence on crested tit distribution, despite the low winter temperatures reached in these dwarf forests. This paper demonstrates for the first time that winter bird abundance increases with day length after controlling for the effect of other environmental variables. Winter average difference in day length was only 10.5 minutes per day along the 1°47′ latitudinal interval (190 km) included in this study. This amount of time, which reaches 13.5 h accumulated throughout the winter season, appears to be large enough to affect the long-term energy budget of small passerines during winter and to shape the distribution of winter bird abundance under restrictive environmental conditions