7 research outputs found

    Flash floods

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    The thesis presents flash floods phenomenon and the differences between flash floods and\ud other types of floods. Flooding is usually caused by intense or long-lasting rainfall event.\ud These kinds of events are more often in the last years and climate changes could cause\ud even more natural disasters.\ud Flash floods are quite known phenomenon in Slovenia which is situated in many upper parts\ud of river basins. Flash floods and erosion are most common in northwestern hilly landscape of\ud Slovenia where is also measured the biggest amount of annual precipitation.\ud Flash floods are often accompanied by landslides, erosion, mud and debris flows. These\ud processes can cause even bigger damage than just flash flood only. Because of a rapid and\ud short-term event of flash flooding is quality forecast very important to reduce the damage.\ud Quality forecast depends on several different factors which all should be considered. In the\ud last years is popular use of remote sensing systems for more accurate flood forecasts.\ud The thesis also presents different types of flood protection which are used to reduce the\ud damage caused by flash flooding. With flood protection such as appropriate statutory\ud regulations for building on zones at high risk of flooding, a higher number of rain-gauges,\ud weather radars, satellite systems and quality structural measures we can achieve faster and\ud more accurate flood forecasts and measures in time

    Antimikrobna uloga pljuvačke

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    Pljuvačka je složen sekret prisutan u usnoj duplji koji konstantno spira i vlaži oralne strukture. Mešavina je sekreta acinusa velikih pljuvačnih žlezda, malih pljuvačnih žlezda i gingivalne tečnosti. Može biti nestimulisana i stimulisana. Pljuvačka ima uloge u žvakanju, varenju i gutanju hrane, ona oblaže oralnu mukozu štiteći je od fizičkih, termičkih i hemijskih agenasa, pomaže u održavanju stabilnosti protetskih nadoknada, ima ulogu u remineralizaciji čvrstih zubnih tkiva, pufersku ulogu i antimikrobnu ulogu. Antimikobna uloga pljuvačke ogleda se u specifičnoj antimikrobnoj zaštiti i nespecifičnoj antimikrobnoj zaštiti. Ulogu u specifičnoj antimikrobnoj zaštiti imaju imunoglobulini, u pljuvački pre svega sekretorni IgA čija se antimikrobna funkcija ogleda u neutralizaciji bakterijskih toksina, inhibiciji adherencije bakterija za tkivo, sprečavanju penetracije antigena kroz mukozu usne duplje i neutralisanju virusa (blokira vezivanje za receptore na ćelijama). Glavne faktore nespecifične antimikrobne zaštite usne duplje čine antimikrobni proteini pljuvačke. Potiču iz pljuvačnih žlezda, epitelnih ćelija oralne mukoze i leukocita. Najznačajniji su: oralna peroksidaza, defenzini, laktoferin, katelicidini, mucini, histatini, kalprotektin, lizozim. Oni učestvuju u sprečavaju kolonizacije oralne mukoze patogenim mikroorganizmima i u održavanju normalne oralne bakterijske flore. Pored specifične i nespecifične antimikrobne zaštite važnu ulogu u odbrani usne duplje ima puferski sistem pljuvačke. Primarni puferski sistem pljuvačke čine bikarbonatni i fosfatni pufer,dok puferski sistem pljuvačke u širem smislu čine i proteini, fluoridi, urea. Prilikom stimulisane sekrecije pljuvačke, dominantan je bikarbonatni pufer dok je dominantni pufer nestimulisane pljuvačke fosfatni pufer. Sagledavanjem svih uloga pljuvačke dolazi se do zaključka da je ona od velikog značaja za održavanje zdravlja i homeostaze usne duplje kao i za normalno funkcionisanje čitavog organizma

    Optimizacija postupka difer e ncijacije THP 1 monocita u makrofage

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je da se optimizuje postupak diferencijacije monocita in vitro, koji podrazumjeva optimizaciju vremena gajenja THP 1 monocita u prisustvu PMA i vremena u odsustvu PMA, odnosno vremena (resting period) koje je neophodno da se ćelije oporave nakon izlaganja PMA. U ovom radu korišćena je ljudska monocitna ćelijska linija THP 1 koja je široko korišćena ćelijska linija dobijena iz humanih monocita. Zbog toga predstavlja dobro uspostavljen model sistem za proučavanje funkcija monocita/makrofaga, mehanizama, signalnih puteva i transporta hranljivih materija i lijekova. THP 1 ćelije se mogu lako podstaći da se diferenciraju u makrofage in vitro kada se stimulišu sa PMA

    Primena ksilitola u prevenciji karijesa

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    Karijes je i danas široko rasprostranjeno oboljenje kako kod dece tako i kod odraslih. Predstavlja multikauzalno, hronično, reverzibilno infektivno oboljenje čvrstih zubnih tkiva. Kariogene bakterije još u najranijem detinjstvu naseljavaju usnu duplju i tu ostaju dok postoji i jedan zub u vilici. Zubi već nekoliko minuta nakon pranja budu prekriveni dentalnim biofilmom u kome se odvijaju metabolički procesi, tako da se procesi demineralizacije i remineralizacije konstantno dešavaju u biosistemu pljuvačka – dentalni biofilm – površina gleđi. Preventivne stomatološke mere obezbeđuju uslove bazne sredine i omogućavaju dominiranje remineralizacionih procesa. Kao efikasan u tome, pokazao se ksilitol. Ksilitol je alkoholni šećer koji velika većina bakterija nije sposobna da fermentiše u krajnje proizvode – kiseline. Na taj način onemogućuje se stvaranje kisele sredine koja je potrebna za procese demineralizacije. Ksilitol se može primeniti u različitim oblicima, a najčešće je korišćen u žvakaćim gumama. U ranom detinjstvu jednostavniji za upotrebu su maramice sa ksilitolom i sirupi, dok se kod starije dece mogu koristiti rastvori za ispiranje usta i paste sa fluorom i ksilitolom. Preporučene dnevne doze su od 3 do 8 grama, raspoređeno 2 – 3 puta dnevno

    Wastewater treatment in a small office building with an MBR technology

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    Čiščenje in odvajanje odpadnih voda je problematika s katero se človeštvo sooča že več tisoč let. O modernem čiščenju odpadnih vod govorimo od konca 19 stoletja dalje. Pravila za čiščenje odpadnih vod in mejni parametri so v Evropi predpisani tako na evropskem kot na državnem nivoju in vsaka od članic Evropske Unije ima drugačne zakone ter predpise, ki urejajo to področje. Membranski bioreaktorji so eden od načinov čiščenja odpadnih voda in voda prečiščena na tak način je običajno zelo dobre kvalitete. Membranska tehnologija je doživela izjemen razvoj v zadnjih nekaj deset letih in cena membran je zaradi razvoja tehnoloških postopkov izdelave močno upadla ter tako postala dostopnejša za uporabo na širšem področju. V magistrski nalogi je predstavljeno področje čiščenja odpadnih voda in se osredotoča na membransko tehnologijo. Opisana je membranska tehnologija, vrste membran in pomembni parametri pri čiščenju odpadne vode z membranskim bioreaktorjem. V sklopu naloge je izdelana mala čistilna naprava s tehnologijo MBR. Mala čistilna naprava je postavljena v manjšem poslovnem objektu z 10 zaposlenimi, s pomočjo katere se čisti odpadna voda. V nalogi je prikazana njena zasnova, dimenzioniranje, sestava in delovanje. Obravnavano je tudi nabiranje blata in mašenje membrane, kar predstavlja glavni problem pri uporabi membranske tehnologije. Delovanje pilotne čistilne naprave z membranskim bioreaktorjem je analizirano na podlagi učinkovitosti čiščenja in vrednosti merjenih parametrov prečiščene vode, ki so ovrednoteni na podlagi mejnih parametrov podanih v Uredbi o odvajanju in čiščenju komunalne odpadne vode in na nekaterih dodatnih parametrih, ki niso omejeni za MČN. Rezultati merjenih parametrov iz krovne uredbe (kemijska in biološka potreba po kisiku) v prečiščeni vodi so pod podanimi mejnimi vrednostmi in pilotna membranska čistilna naprava zagotavlja predpisanim kriterijem. V nalogi so ugotovljene tudi nekatere pomanjkljivosti pilotne MČN in predlagane so možne izboljšave in rešitve za dosego boljših rezultatov čiščenja.Wastewater treatment is a worldwide problem humanity has been facing for thousands of years. Modern technologies of wastewater treatment are being used from the end of the 19th century onwards. Legislation on wastewater treatment in Europe is both at European and national level, and each of the European Union members has different laws and regulations governing this area. Membrane bioreactors are just one of the many ways for wastewater treatment and the water purified in this way is usually very good quality. Membrane technology has undergone remarkable development over the past few decades and the price of the membranes has declined dramatically due to the development of manufacturing technology, making it more accessible for use in the wider field. The master\u27s thesis presents the field of wastewater treatment and focuses on membrane technology. Membrane technology, types of membranes and important parameters in wastewater treatment with membrane bioreactor are being described in thesis. Within the scope of the thesis, a small purification plant with an MBR technology is constructed. A small MBR treatment plant is located in a small business facility with 10 employees. Using a pilot membrane small wastewater treatment plant, black waste water is treated. Dimensioning, composition and operation of the plant are described in thesis. The main problem in membrane technology – membrane fouling is also described. The operation of the pilot wastewater treatment plant with membrane bioreactor is analysed based on the cleaning efficiency and the value of the measured purified water parameters with border parameters given in the Slovenian regulation “Uredbi o odvajanju in čiščenju komunalne odpadne vode” and on some other parameters that are not limited in regulation. Values of the measured parameters are within permissible limits and the pilot wastewater treatment MBR plant meets the criteria. The shortcomings of the pilot MBR are also identified and possible improvements and solutions are proposed to achieve better results

    Rethinking Horticulture to Meet Sustainable Development Goals—The Case Study of Novi Sad, Serbia

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    With the aim of being a part of global change and providing an example to other researchers throughout the world, this paper details how breeding goals of horticultural plants and their application have shifted in Novi Sad (Serbia) in the last 10–15 years. Contemporary cities/citizens strive to incorporate nature into all of their important life segments and activities, thus requiring an interdisciplinary approach to solving challenges that the 21st century brings. Early research in Novi Sad (Serbia) was focused on the basic genetic, physiological, biochemical and botanical aspects of plant functioning and development in a challenging and changing urban environment abundant in abiotic stressors, as well as biotic and abiotic stressors, that affect the production of horticultural plant in this field. Recently, research interest has shifted towards the sustainable usage of plant genetic resources (roses, autochthonous terrestrial orchids, sweet and sour cherry eco-types, and allochthonous oil-rich species), as well as sustainable practices and nature-based solutions (urban-derived biodiesel, rain gardens, green roofs, green walls, constructed wetlands, water ponds, bioswales and permeable surfaces on a different scale of urban planning). This case study aimed to illustrate how plant selection and breeding strategies can satisfy urban growth demands, whereas urban planning must include sustainable genetic resources suitable for urban ecosystems. Available ornamental plant genetic resources (with pronounced tolerance/resistance to abiotic and/or biotic stressors) associated with the novel approach of their application in green city infrastructure provide the opportunity to implement multiple nature-based solutions leading to numerous ecosystem services. Combined, these contribute to the globally defined goals for sustainable development

    Rethinking Horticulture to Meet Sustainable Development Goals—The Case Study of Novi Sad, Serbia

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    With the aim of being a part of global change and providing an example to other researchers throughout the world, this paper details how breeding goals of horticultural plants and their application have shifted in Novi Sad (Serbia) in the last 10–15 years. Contemporary cities/citizens strive to incorporate nature into all of their important life segments and activities, thus requiring an interdisciplinary approach to solving challenges that the 21st century brings. Early research in Novi Sad (Serbia) was focused on the basic genetic, physiological, biochemical and botanical aspects of plant functioning and development in a challenging and changing urban environment abundant in abiotic stressors, as well as biotic and abiotic stressors, that affect the production of horticultural plant in this field. Recently, research interest has shifted towards the sustainable usage of plant genetic resources (roses, autochthonous terrestrial orchids, sweet and sour cherry eco-types, and allochthonous oil-rich species), as well as sustainable practices and nature-based solutions (urban-derived biodiesel, rain gardens, green roofs, green walls, constructed wetlands, water ponds, bioswales and permeable surfaces on a different scale of urban planning). This case study aimed to illustrate how plant selection and breeding strategies can satisfy urban growth demands, whereas urban planning must include sustainable genetic resources suitable for urban ecosystems. Available ornamental plant genetic resources (with pronounced tolerance/resistance to abiotic and/or biotic stressors) associated with the novel approach of their application in green city infrastructure provide the opportunity to implement multiple nature-based solutions leading to numerous ecosystem services. Combined, these contribute to the globally defined goals for sustainable development