48 research outputs found

    Viscosity and dissipative hydrodynamics from effective field theory

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    With the goal of deriving dissipative hydrodynamics from an action, we study classical actions for open systems, which follow from the generic structure of effective actions in the Schwinger-Keldysh Closed-Time-Path formalism with two time axes and a doubling of degrees of freedom. The central structural feature of such effective actions is the coupling between degrees of freedom on the two time axes. This reflects the fact that from an effective field theory point of view, dissipation is the loss of energy of the low-energy hydrodynamical degrees of freedom to the integrated-out, UV degrees of freedom of the environment. The dynamics of only the hydrodynamical modes may therefore not posses a conserved stress-energy tensor. After a general discussion of the CTP effective actions, we use the variational principle to derive the energy-momentum balance equation for a dissipative fluid from an effective Goldstone action of the long-range hydrodynamical modes. Despite the absence of conserved energy and momentum, we show that we can construct the first-order dissipative stress-energy tensor and derive the Navier-Stokes equations near hydrodynamical equilibrium. The shear viscosity is shown to vanish in the classical theory under consideration, while the bulk viscosity is determined by the form of the effective action. We also discuss the thermodynamics of the system and analyse the entropy production.Comment: V3: 11 pages. Discussion of the background material and effective CTP actions is vastly enlarged. Discussion of the entropy production is added. While all results remain unchanged, they are now discussed in greater detail. References are also added. The version is to appear in PR

    Generalised global symmetries in holography: magnetohydrodynamic waves in a strongly interacting plasma

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    We begin the exploration of holographic duals to theories with generalised global (higher-form) symmetries. In particular, we focus on the case of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in strongly coupled plasmas by constructing and analysing a holographic dual to a recent, generalised global symmetry-based formulation of dissipative MHD. The simplest holographic dual to the effective theory of MHD that was proposed as a description of plasmas with any equation of state and transport coefficients contains dynamical graviton and two-form gauge field fluctuations in a magnetised black brane background. The dual field theory, which is closely related to the large-NcN_c, N=4\mathcal{N} = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at (infinitely) strong coupling, is, as we argue, in our setup coupled to a dynamical U(1)U(1) gauge field with a renormalisation condition-dependent electromagnetic coupling. After constructing the holographic dictionary for gauge-gravity duals of field theories with higher-form symmetries, we compute the dual equation of state and transport coefficients, and for the first time analyse phenomenology of MHD waves in a strongly interacting, dense plasma with a (holographic) microscopic description. From weak to extremely strong magnetic fields, several predictions for the behaviour of Alfv\'{e}n and magnetosonic waves are discussed.Comment: V3: 53 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables. Comments and references added. Version published in JHE

    Constructing higher-order hydrodynamics: The third order

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    Hydrodynamics can be formulated as the gradient expansion of conserved currents in terms of the fundamental fields describing the near-equilibrium fluid flow. In the relativistic case, the Navier-Stokes equations follow from the conservation of the stress-energy tensor to first order in derivatives. In this paper, we go beyond the presently understood second-order hydrodynamics and discuss the systematisation of obtaining the hydrodynamic expansion to an arbitrarily high order. As an example of the algorithm that we present, we fully classify the gradient expansion at third order for neutral fluids in four dimensions, thus finding the most general next-to-leading-order corrections to the relativistic Navier-Stokes equations in curved space-time. In doing so, we list 2020 new transport coefficient candidates in the conformal and 6868 in the non-conformal case. As we do not consider any constraints that could potentially arise from the local entropy current analysis, this is the maximal possible set of neutral third-order transport coefficients. To investigate the physical implications of these new transport coefficients, we obtain the third-order corrections to the linear dispersion relations that describe the propagation of diffusion and sound waves in relativistic fluids. We also compute the corrections to the scalar (spin-22) two-point correlation function of the third-order stress-energy tensor. Furthermore, as an example of a non-linear hydrodynamic flow, we calculate the third-order corrections to the energy density of a boost-invariant Bjorken flow. Finally, we apply our field theoretic results to the N=4\mathcal{N}=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills fluid at infinite 't Hooft coupling and infinite number of colours to find the values of five new linear combinations of the conformal transport coefficients.Comment: V5: 33 pages. Typos fixed in Eqs. (5), (118) and (126). As a result, the value of the transport coefficient θ2\theta_2 has been correcte

    Second-order transport, quasinormal modes and zero-viscosity limit in the Gauss-Bonnet holographic fluid

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    Gauss-Bonnet holographic fluid is a useful theoretical laboratory to study the effects of curvature-squared terms in the dual gravity action on transport coefficients, quasinormal spectra and the analytic structure of thermal correlators at strong coupling. To understand the behavior and possible pathologies of the Gauss-Bonnet fluid in 3+13+1 dimensions, we compute (analytically and non-perturbatively in the Gauss-Bonnet coupling) its second-order transport coefficients, the retarded two- and three-point correlation functions of the energy-momentum tensor in the hydrodynamic regime as well as the relevant quasinormal spectrum. The Haack-Yarom universal relation among the second-order transport coefficients is violated at second order in the Gauss-Bonnet coupling. In the zero-viscosity limit, the holographic fluid still produces entropy, while the momentum diffusion and the sound attenuation are suppressed at all orders in the hydrodynamic expansion. By adding higher-derivative electromagnetic field terms to the action, we also compute corrections to charge diffusion and identify the non-perturbative parameter regime in which the charge diffusion constant vanishes.Comment: 56 pages, 3 figures; V2: references added, version published in JHE

    Holography and hydrodynamics with weakly broken symmetries

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    Hydrodynamics is a theory of long-range excitations controlled by equations of motion that encode the conservation of a set of currents (energy, momentum, charge, etc.) associated with explicitly realized global symmetries. If a system possesses additional weakly broken symmetries, the low-energy hydrodynamic degrees of freedom also couple to a few other "approximately conserved" quantities with parametrically long relaxation times. It is often useful to consider such approximately conserved operators and corresponding new massive modes within the low-energy effective theory, which we refer to as quasihydrodynamics. Examples of quasihydrodynamics are numerous, with the most transparent among them hydrodynamics with weakly broken translational symmetry. Here, we show how a number of other theories, normally not thought of in this context, can also be understood within a broader framework of quasihydrodynamics: in particular, the M\"uller-Israel-Stewart theory and magnetohydrodynamics coupled to dynamical electric fields. While historical formulations of quasihydrodynamic theories were typically highly phenomenological, here, we develop a holographic formalism to systematically derive such theories from a (microscopic) dual gravitational description. Beyond laying out a general holographic algorithm, we show how the M\"uller-Israel-Stewart theory can be understood from a dual higher-derivative gravity theory and magnetohydrodynamics from a dual theory with two-form bulk fields. In the latter example, this allows us to unambiguously demonstrate the existence of dynamical photons in the holographic description of magnetohydrodynamics.Comment: 65 pages, 5 figures. v2: minor changes, more references; v3: published versio

    Coupling constant corrections in a holographic model of heavy ion collisions

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    We initiate a holographic study of coupling-dependent heavy ion collisions by analysing for the first time the effects of leading-order, inverse coupling constant corrections. In the dual description, this amounts to colliding gravitational shock waves in a theory with curvature-squared terms. We find that at intermediate coupling, nuclei experience less stopping and have more energy deposited near the lightcone. When the decreased coupling results in an 80% larger shear viscosity, the time at which hydrodynamics becomes a good description of the plasma created from high energy collisions increases by 25%. The hydrodynamic phase of the evolution starts with a wider rapidity profile and smaller entropy.Comment: V2: 6 pages, 5 figures. Second-order coupling constant corrections added. Version appeared in PR

    Searching for Fermi Surfaces in Super-QED

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    The exploration of strongly-interacting finite-density states of matter has been a major recent application of gauge-gravity duality. When the theories involved have a known Lagrangian description, they are typically deformations of large NN supersymmetric gauge theories, which are unusual from a condensed-matter point of view. In order to better interpret the strong-coupling results from holography, an understanding of the weak-coupling behavior of such gauge theories would be useful for comparison. We take a first step in this direction by studying several simple supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric toy model gauge theories at zero temperature. Our supersymmetric examples are N=1\mathcal{N}=1 super-QED and N=2\mathcal{N}=2 super-QED, with finite densities of electron number and R-charge respectively. Despite the fact that fermionic fields couple to the chemical potentials we introduce, the structure of the interaction terms is such that in both of the supersymmetric cases the fermions do not develop a Fermi surface. One might suspect that all of the charge in such theories would be stored in the scalar condensates, but we show that this is not necessarily the case by giving an example of a theory without a Fermi surface where the fermions still manage to contribute to the charge density.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figures. V3: minor clarifications added, version to appear in JHE

    From strong to weak coupling in holographic models of thermalization

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    We investigate the analytic structure of thermal energy-momentum tensor correlators at large but finite coupling in quantum field theories with gravity duals. We compute corrections to the quasinormal spectra of black branes due to the presence of higher derivative R2R^2 and R4R^4 terms in the action, focusing on the dual to N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM theory and Gauss-Bonnet gravity. We observe the appearance of new poles in the complex frequency plane at finite coupling. The new poles interfere with hydrodynamic poles of the correlators leading to the breakdown of hydrodynamic description at a coupling-dependent critical value of the wave-vector. The dependence of the critical wave vector on the coupling implies that the range of validity of the hydrodynamic description increases monotonically with the coupling. The behavior of the quasinormal spectrum at large but finite coupling may be contrasted with the known properties of the hierarchy of relaxation times determined by the spectrum of a linearized kinetic operator at weak coupling. We find that the ratio of a transport coefficient such as viscosity to the relaxation time determined by the fundamental non-hydrodynamic quasinormal frequency changes rapidly in the vicinity of infinite coupling but flattens out for weaker coupling, suggesting an extrapolation from strong coupling to the kinetic theory result. We note that the behavior of the quasinormal spectrum is qualitatively different depending on whether the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density is greater or less than the universal, infinite coupling value of /4πkB\hbar/4\pi k_B. In the former case, the density of poles increases, indicating a formation of branch cuts in the weak coupling limit, and the spectral function shows the appearance of narrow peaks. We also discuss the relation of the viscosity-entropy ratio to conjectured bounds on relaxation time in quantum systems.Comment: V2: 53 pages, 31 figures. References adde

    Pole-skipping of gravitational waves in the backgrounds of four-dimensional massive black holes

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    Pole-skipping is a property of gravitational waves dictated by their behaviour at horizons of black holes. It stems from the inability to unambiguously impose ingoing boundary conditions at the horizon at an infinite discrete set of Fourier modes. The phenomenon has been best understood, when such a description exists, in terms of dual holographic (AdS/CFT) correlation function that take the value of `0/00/0' at these special points. In this work, we investigate details of pole-skipping purely from the point of view of classical gravity in 4dd massive black hole geometries with flat, spherical and hyperbolic horizons, and with an arbitrary cosmological constant. We show that pole-skipping points naturally fall into two categories: the algebraically special points and a set of pole-skipping points that is common to the even and odd channels of perturbations. Our analysis utilises and generalises (to arbitrary maximally symmetric horizon topology and cosmological constant) the `integrable' structure of the Darboux transformations, which relate the master field equations that describe the evolution of gravitational perturbations in the two channels. Finally, we provide new insights into a number of special cases: spherical black holes, asymptotically Anti-de Sitter black branes and pole-skipping at the cosmological horizon in de Sitter space.Comment: v1: 37 pages, 4 figure