4,831 research outputs found

    A dimension-breaking phenomenon for water waves with weak surface tension

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    It is well known that the water-wave problem with weak surface tension has small-amplitude line solitary-wave solutions which to leading order are described by the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. The present paper contains an existence theory for three-dimensional periodically modulated solitary-wave solutions which have a solitary-wave profile in the direction of propagation and are periodic in the transverse direction; they emanate from the line solitary waves in a dimension-breaking bifurcation. In addition, it is shown that the line solitary waves are linearly unstable to long-wavelength transverse perturbations. The key to these results is a formulation of the water wave problem as an evolutionary system in which the transverse horizontal variable plays the role of time, a careful study of the purely imaginary spectrum of the operator obtained by linearising the evolutionary system at a line solitary wave, and an application of an infinite-dimensional version of the classical Lyapunov centre theorem.Comment: The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00205-015-0941-

    Arkansas Cotton Variety Test 2003

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    The primary aim of the Arkansas Cotton Variety Test is to provide unbiased data regarding the agronomic performance of cotton varieties and advanced breeding lines in the major cotton-growing areas of Arkansas. This information helps seed dealers establish marketing strategies and assists producers in choosing varieties to plant. In this way, the annual test facilitates the inclusion of new, improved genetic material in Arkansas cotton production

    Fully Localised Three-Dimensional Gravity-Capillary Solitary Waves on Water of Infinite Depth

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    Fully localised three-dimensional solitary waves are steady water waves which are evanescent in every horizontal direction. Existence theories for fully localised three-dimensional solitary waves on water of finite depth have recently been published, and in this paper we establish their existence on deep water. The governing equations are reduced to a perturbation of the two-dimensional nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation, which admits a family of localised solutions. Two of these solutions are symmetric in both horizontal directions and an application of a suitable variant of the implicit-function theorem shows that they persist under perturbations

    Arkansas Cotton Variety Test 2002

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    The primary aim of the Arkansas Cotton Variety Test is to provide unbiased data regarding the agronomic performance of cotton varieties and advanced breeding lines in the major cotton-growing areas of Arkansas. This information helps seed dealers establish marketing strategies and assists producers in choosing varieties to plant. In this way, the annual test facilitates the inclusion of new, improved genetic material into Arkansas cotton production. Variety adaptation is determined by evaluation of the varieties and lines at four University of Arkansas research stations located near Keiser, Clarkedale, Marianna, and Rohwer. Tests are duplicated in irrigated and non-irrigated culture at the Keiser and Marianna locations. In 2002, 37 entries were evaluated in the main test and 25 were evaluated in the first-year test. This report also includes the Mississippi County Cotton Variety Test (a large-plot, on-farm evaluation of 12 Round-up Ready varieties) and 12 other on-farm cotton variety tests conducted by the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service

    Dust in dwarf galaxies: The case of NGC 4214

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    We have carried out a detailed modelling of the dust heating and emission in the nearby, starbursting dwarf galaxy NGC 4214. Due to its proximity and the great wealth of data from the UV to the millimeter range (from GALEX, HST, {\it Spitzer}, Herschel, Planck and IRAM) it is possible to separately model the emission from HII regions and their associated photodissociation regions (PDRs) and the emission from diffuse dust. Furthermore, most model parameters can be directly determined from the data leaving very few free parameters. We can fit both the emission from HII+PDR regions and the diffuse emission in NGC 4214 with these models with "normal" dust properties and realistic parameters.Comment: 4pages, 3 figures. To appear in 'The Spectral Energy Distribution of Galaxies' Proceedings IAU Symposium No 284, 201

    Modelling the Pan-Spectral Energy Distributions of Starburst & Active Galaxies

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    We present results of a self-consistent model of the spectral energy distribution (SED) of starburst galaxies. Two parameters control the IR SED, the mean pressure in the ISM and the destruction timescale of molecular clouds. Adding a simplified AGN spectrum provides mixing lines on IRAS color : color diagrams. This reproduces the observed colors of both AGNs and starbursts.Comment: Poster Paper for IAU 222: The Interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nucle

    Stress-Energy Tensor for the Massless Spin 1/2 Field in Static Black Hole Spacetimes

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    The stress-energy tensor for the massless spin 1/2 field is numerically computed outside and on the event horizons of both charged and uncharged static non-rotating black holes, corresponding to the Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstrom and extreme Reissner-Nordstr\"om solutions of Einstein's equations. The field is assumed to be in a thermal state at the black hole temperature. Comparison is made between the numerical results and previous analytic approximations for the stress-energy tensor in these spacetimes. For the Schwarzschild (charge zero) solution, it is shown that the stress-energy differs even in sign from the analytic approximation. For the Reissner-Nordstrom and extreme Reissner-Nordstrom solutions, divergences predicted by the analytic approximations are shown not to exist.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, additional discussio

    The Physical Conditions in Starbursts Derived from Bayesian Fitting of Mid-IR SEDS: 30 Doradus as a Template

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    To understand and interpret the observed Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) of starbursts, theoretical or semi-empirical SED models are necessary. Yet, while they are well-founded in theory, independent verification and calibration of these models, including the exploration of possible degeneracies between their parameters, are rarely made. As a consequence, a robust fitting method that leads to unique and reproducible results has been lacking. Here we introduce a novel approach based on Bayesian analysis to fit the Spitzer-IRS spectra of starbursts using the SED models proposed by Groves et al. (2008). We demonstrate its capabilities and verify the agreement between the derived best fit parameters and actual physical conditions by modelling the nearby, well-studied, giant HII region 30 Dor in the LMC. The derived physical parameters, such as cluster mass, cluster age, ISM pressure and covering fraction of photodissociation regions, are representative of the 30 Dor region. The inclusion of the emission lines in the modelling is crucial to break degeneracies. We investigate the limitations and uncertainties by modelling sub-regions, which are dominated by single components, within 30 Dor. A remarkable result for 30 Doradus in particular is a considerable contribution to its mid-infrared spectrum from hot ({\simeq} 300K) dust. The demonstrated success of our approach will allow us to derive the physical conditions in more distant, spatially unresolved starbursts.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Accepted por publication in the Astrophysical Journa
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