102 research outputs found

    Predictions for B→KγγB \to K \gamma \gamma decays

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    We present a phenomenological study of the rare double radiative decay B→KγγB\to K \gamma\gamma in the Standard Model (SM) and beyond. Using the operator product expansion (OPE) technique, we estimate the short-distance (SD) contribution to the decay amplitude in a region of the phase space which is around the point where all decay products have energy ∼mb/3\sim m_b/3 in the rest frame of the BB-meson. At lowest order in 1/Q, where QQ is of order mbm_b, the B→KγγB\to K \gamma\gamma matrix element is then expressed in terms of the usual B→KB\to K form factors known from semileptonic rare decays. The integrated SD branching ratio in the SM in the OPE region turns out to be ΔB(B→Kγγ)SMOPE≃1×10−9\Delta {\cal{B}}(B \to K \gamma \gamma)_{SM}^{OPE} \simeq 1 \times 10^{-9}. We work out the di-photon invariant mass distribution with and without the resonant background through B→K{ηc,χc0}→KγγB\to K \{\eta_c,\chi_{c0}\}\to K\gamma \gamma. In the SM, the resonance contribution is dominant in the region of phase space where the OPE is valid. The present experimental upper limit on Bs→τ+τ−B_s \to \tau^+ \tau^- decays, which constrains the scalar/pseudoscalar Four-Fermi operators with τ+τ−\tau^+ \tau^-, leaves considerable room for new physics in the one-particle-irreducible contribution to B→KγγB\to K \gamma \gamma decays. In this case, we find that the SD B→KγγB\to K \gamma \gamma branching ratio can be enhanced by one order of magnitude with respect to its SM value and the SD contribution can lie outside of the resonance peaks.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures; Note added on Schouten identity and 2 references added; v4: typos in Eqs (8), (44) and erroneous statement on mixing before Eq (44) fixed. All results and conclusions unchange

    Can there be any new physics in b -> d penguins

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    We analyze the possibility of observing new physics effects in the b→db \to d penguin amplitudes. For this purpose, we consider the decay mode B→K0Kˉ0B \to K^0 \bar K^0 , which has only b→db \to d penguin contributions. Using the QCD factorization approach, we find very tiny CP violating effects in the standard model for this process. Furthermore, we show that the minimal supersymmetric standard model with LRLR mass insertion and R-parity violating supersymmetric model can provide substantial CP violation effects. Observation of sizable CP violation in this mode would be a clear signal of new physics.Comment: Published versio

    A general analysis with trilinear and bilinear R-parity violating couplings in the light of recent SNO data

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    We analyse an extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model including the dominant trilinear and bilinear R-parity violating contributions. We take the trilinear terms from the superpotential and the bilinear terms from the superpotential as well as the scalar potential. We compute the neutrino masses induced by those couplings and determine the allowed ranges of the R-parity violating parameters that are consistent with the latest SNO results, atmospheric data and the Chooz constraint. We also estimate the effective mass for neutrinoless double beta decay in such scenarios.Comment: 7 pages, Revtex, 1 PS figur

    Reexamining nonstandard interaction effects on supernova neutrino flavor oscillations

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    Several extensions of the standard electroweak model allow new four-fermion interactions (nu_a nu_b * ff) with strength eps_ab*G_F, where (a,b) are flavor indices. We revisit their effects on flavor oscillations of massive (anti)neutrinos in supernovae, in order to achieve, in the region above the protoneutron star, an analytical treatment valid for generic values of the neutrino mixing angles (omega,phi,psi)=(theta_12,theta_13,theta_23). Assuming that eps_ab<<1, we find that the leading effects on the flavor transitions occurring at high (H) and low (L) density along the supernova matter profile can be simply embedded through the replacements phi-->phi+eps_H and omega-->omega+eps_L, respectively, where eps_H and eps_L are specific linear combinations of the eps_ab's. Similar replacements hold for eventual oscillations in the Earth matter. From a phenomenological point of view, the most relevant consequence is a possible uncontrolled bias (phi-->phi+eps_H) in the value of the mixing angle phi inferred by inversion of supernova neutrino data. Such a drawback, however, does not preclude the discrimination of the neutrino mass spectrum hierarchy (direct or inverse) through supernova neutrino oscillations.Comment: Text clarified, one figure added. To appear in PR

    Effects of new physics in neutrino oscillations in matter

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    A new flavor changing electron neutrino interaction with matter would always dominate the nu_e oscillation probability at sufficiently high neutrino energies. Being suppressed by theta_{13}, the energy scale at which the new effect starts to be relevant may be within the reach of realistic experiments, where the peculiar dependence of the signal with energy could give rise to a clear signature in the nu_e --> nu_tau channel. The latter could be observed by means of a coarse large magnetized detector by exploiting tau --> mu decays. We discuss the possibility of identifying or constraining such effects with a high energy neutrino factory. We also comment on the model independent limits on them.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    B --> Phi K_S and Supersymmetry

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    The rare decay B --> Phi K_S is a well-known probe of physics beyond the Standard Model because it arises only through loop effects yet has the same time-dependent CP asymmetry as B --> Psi K_S. Motivated by recent data suggesting new physics in B --> Phi K_S, we look to supersymmetry for possible explanations, including contributions mediated by gluino loops and by Higgs bosons. Chirality-preserving LL and RR gluino contributions are generically small, unless gluinos and squarks masses are close to the current lower bounds. Higgs contributions are also too small to explain a large asymmetry if we impose the current upper limit on B(B_s --> mu mu). On the other hand, chirality-flipping LR and RL gluino contributions can provide sizable effects and while remaining consistent with related results in B --> Psi K_S, Delta M_s, B --> X_s gamma and other processes. We discuss how the LR and RL insertions can be distinguished using other observables, and we provide a string-based model and other estimates to show that the needed sizes of mass insertions are reasonable.Comment: 33 pages, 32 figures, Updated version for PRD. Includes discussions of other recent works on this topic. Added discussions & plots for gluino mass dependence and effects of theoretical uncertaintie

    Atmospheric Neutrinos Can Make Beauty Strange

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    The large observed mixing angle in atmospheric neutrinos, coupled with Grand Unification, motivates the search for a large mixing between right-handed strange and bottom squarks. Such mixing does not appear in the standard CKM phenomenology, but may induce significant b to s transitions through gluino diagrams. Working in the mass eigenbasis, we show quantitatively that an order one effect on CP violation in B_d to phi+K_S is possible due to a large mixing between right-handed b and s squarks, while still satisfying constraints from b to s + gamma. We also include the effect of right- and left-handed bottom squark mixing proportional to m_b*mu*tan(beta). For small mu*tan(beta) there may also be a large effect in B_s mixing correlated with a large effect in B_d to phi+K_S, typically mixing effects are greater than 100 ps^{-1}, an unambiguous signal of new physics at Tevatron Run II.Comment: 32 pages, LaTeX. Corrected a factor of two mistake in the code; the possible impact on B -> phi K_s became larger. Figures and discussion updated, a reference adde

    Can lepton flavor violating interactions explain the LSND results?

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    If the atmospheric and the solar neutrino problem are both explained by neutrino oscillations, and if there are only three light neutrinos, then all mass-squared differences between the neutrinos are known. In such a case, existing terrestrial neutrino oscillation experiments cannot be significantly affected by neutrino oscillations, but, in principle there could be an anomaly in the neutrino flux due to new neutrino interactions. We discuss how a non-standard muon decay μ+→e+νˉeνℓ\mu^+ \to e^+ \bar\nu_e \nu_\ell would modify the neutrino production processes of these experiments. Since SU(2)LSU(2)_L violation is small for New Physics above the weak scale one can use related flavor-violating charged lepton processes to constrain these decays in a model independent way. We show that the upper bounds on μ→3e\mu \to 3e, muonium-antimuonium conversion and τ→μee\tau \to \mu e e rule out any observable effect for the present experiments due to μ+→e+νˉeνℓ\mu^+ \to e^+ \bar\nu_e \nu_\ell for ℓ=e,μ,τ\ell=e,\mu,\tau, respectively. Applying similar arguments to flavor-changing semi-leptonic reactions we exclude the possibility that the "oscillation signals" observed at LSND are due to flavor-changing interactions that conserve total lepton number.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, Latex; minor correction

    Chargino Contributions in B→ϕKSB \to \phi K_S Asymmetry

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    CP asymmetry in B→ϕKSB \to \phi K_S decay is studied in a special context of supersymmetry theories, in which the charginos play an important role. We find that in addition to the gluino, chargino can also make large contributions to CP asymmetry in B→ϕKSB \to \phi K_S decay. After considering the constraints from B→J/psiKSB \to J/psi K_S decay, we study three special scenarios: (a). Large mixing on left-handed charm and top squarks (LL mixing); (b). Large mixing on right-handed charm and top squarks (RR mixing); (c). Large mixing on left-handed charm and top squarks plus right-handed charm and top squarks (LL + RR mixing). We show quantitatively that because of large squark mixing within second and third generations, an O\mathcal O(1) effect on CP violation in B→ϕKSB \to \phi K_S is possible

    Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations and New Physics

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    We study the robustness of the determination of the neutrino masses and mixing from the analysis of atmospheric and K2K data under the presence of different forms of phenomenologically allowed new physics in the nu_mu--nu_tau sector. We focus on vector and tensor-like new physics interactions which allow us to treat, in a model independent way, effects due to the violation of the equivalence principle, violations of the Lorentz invariance both CPT conserving and CPT violating, non-universal couplings to a torsion field and non-standard neutrino interactions with matter. We perform a global analysis of the full atmospheric data from SKI together with long baseline K2K data in the presence of nu_mu -> nu_tau transitions driven by neutrino masses and mixing together with sub-dominant effects due to these forms of new physics. We show that within the present degree of experimental precision, the extracted values of masses and mixing are robust under those effects and we derive the upper bounds on the possible strength of these new interactions in the nu_mu--nu_tau sector.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX file using RevTEX4, 5 figures and 4 tables include
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