80 research outputs found

    Bruno Leoni filosofo del diritto, della politica, della società. Per una lettura critica di Freedom and the Law: note in margine ad alcuni problemi aperti

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    In this paper, I will try to address some criticism to Bruno Leoni’s general theory of law and society. In his well known book Freedom and the Law (1961) –in the opinion of some Italian scholars, to be considered a libertarian Manifesto–, he stressed at least five main points: i) legislation is incompatible with the long-run certainty of the law, that is when the law is not properly the result of the exercise of the arbitrary will of particular men; ii) courts of justice describe or discover the law, and do not make the law; iii) courts cannot be considered as legislators, not only because of their psychological attitude towards the law, which they discover, and do not create, but above all because of their fundamental dependance on the parties concerned in their process of making the law: so, a court must not be allowed to reverse its precedents – at least to a certain extent; iv) the whole process, and so the law, can be described as a sort of vast, continuous, and chiefly spontaneous collaboration between the judges and the judged in order to discover what the people’s will is in a series of definite instances –a collaboration that in many respects may be compared to that existing among all the partecipants in a free market; v) in our time, the mechanism of the judiciary in certain countries where supreme courts are established results in the imposition of the personal views of the members of these courts, or of a majority of them: it is a somewhat contradictory introduction of the legislative process under the deceptive label of lawyers’ or judiciary law at its highest stage. It seems to me that Leoni’s theory of law and society as a normative doctrine for a «libertarian», or «post-hayekian», society is not entirely successful: in particular, topics as the relation between law and legislation, the proper sense of legal concepts (if any), and the possibility to survive for individual freedom as a non-historical but ideological concept within an open, i.e. democratic , society, will be put under scrutiny in the paper, according to Leoni’s doctrine of law as an individual claim.

    L’antifascismo militante tra foro e ‘legalità’ fascista (in margine a I. Birocchi, «Emilio Lussu giurista (1910-1927). La formazione giovanile, la concezione autonomistica e l’esercizio dell’avvocatura»)

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    Nello scritto si ripercorre, sommariamente, la biografia intellettuale di Emilio Lussu scritta da Italo Birocchi, sottolineando come, per Lussu, l’essere giurista abbia sempre significato una forte consapevolezza circa il nesso inestinguibile tra la sfera della politica e quella del diritto. In questo senso la vicenda di Lussu assume il valore paradigmatico di un ‘case study’, che consente di allargare lo sguardo ai rapporti tra diritto e politica negli anni del fascismo, e in particolare al contributo, di non pochi giuristi, alla ‘legalità fascista’, nei termini di Birocchi. Se è infatti indubbio che ci sia stata una ‘fascistizzazione’ delle discipline giuridiche, i rispettivi apporti al formarsi di una cultura fascista devono ancora essere fatti oggetto di una compiuta e capillare analisi. Ci si sofferma altresì su quella che Birocchi chiama la ‘leggenda dei giuristi’: essa pone ulteriori problemi storiografici sulle forme e sugli spazi di resistenza, anche occulta, al regime, non da parte del ceto dei giuristi nel suo insieme, che non ci fu, ma di singoli protagonisti della vita giuridica dell’epoca. Il libro di Birocchi individua nuovi percorsi di ricerca molto interessanti.The paper summarizes the intellectual biography of Emilio Lussu written by Italo Birocchi. One of the aspects that are emphasized is that Lussu has always been deeply aware of the unquenchable link between the sphere of politics and law. In this sense, Lussu’s story takes on the paradigmatic value of a ‘case study,’ which allows us to broaden our gaze to the relationship between law and politics in the years of Fascism, and in particular to the contribution of many jurists to ‘Fascist legality’ – to say it in Birocchi’s terms. If there is no doubt that there has been a ‘fascistization’ of legal disciplines, the respective contributions to the formation of a fascist culture have yet to be the subject of a complete and capillary analysis. The paper also dwells on what Birocchi calls the ‘legend of the jurists,’ and it poses further historiographical problems on the forms and spaces of resistance even occult to the regime, not by the class of jurists as a whole (there was no such resistance), but by individual protagonists of the legal life of the time. Besides, Birocchi’s book identifies new very interesting research paths

    Dall?emergenza sanitaria all?emergenza economica: l?eccessiva onerosità sopravvenuta tra buona fede e obbligo di rinegoziazione.

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    The paper focuses on the remedy of the rescission of the contract, underlining how the current situation of economic difficulty resulting from the pandemic, from a remedial point of view, finds in the good faith the most appropriate instrument for the protection of the contract

    Gravedad del incumplimiento, buena fe contractual, cláusula resolutoria expresa: fragmentos críticos y puntos reconstructivos para una defensa antidogmática de la autonomía privada

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    El artículo analiza la relación entre los artículos 1455 y 1456 del código civil italiano, con particular referencia al papel del principio de la importancia del incumplimiento y su relación con la resolución contractual. En ese cuadro emergen dos temas específicos de reflexión: los límites al ejercicio de la autonomía privada y la extensión de los poderes del juez sobre el contrato, analizados en la perspectiva más amplia de la relación dinámica entre orden jurídico de los privados y orden jurídico del Estado

    Derecho contractual europeo, autonomía privada y poderes del juez sobre el contrato

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    Este artículo busca analizar dos puntos. El primer punto: el cuadro general del derecho europeo (y, en particular, del derecho contractual) está construido con base en la doctrina ordoliberal. En consecuencia, el papel del legislador es de fundamental importancia en la formación del derecho y, entonces, el orden jurídico europeo es un orden construido, más que un orden espontáneo (la referencia es a la perspectiva de F. A. Hayek ). El segundo punto: en el ámbito del derecho contractual europeo, la autonomía privada de las partes es entendida como principio general; pero con la idea de que la autonomía de las partes se debe respetar, a menos que haya una buena razón para intervenir; y, a menudo, esta buena razón existe. Si, en particular, consideramos el Draft Common Frame of Reference, el aspecto más notable para observar es la importancia dada a las cláusulas generales: en particular, la buena fe y la racionabilidad. La consecuencia es la centralidad del papel del juez en la construcción del contenido normativo de estas cláusulas generales. Sin embargo, desde este punto de vista, surge un problema: ¿cuál es, cuál debería ser, la relación satisfactoria entre el papel del derecho europeo (con particular atención a los valores constitucionales sobre los cuales se funda) y el papel del juez respecto de las cláusulas generales? ¿Con base en el ordoliberalismo, el poder del juez está destinado a ser restringido frente al aumento de los poderes del legislador, con el fin de perseguir el objetivo de la justicia contractual

    Sellar xanthogranuloma as a diagnostic challenge: a report on five cases

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    Xanthogranulomas are considered rare tumors, with their sellar and non-sellar frequency ranging from 1.6 to 7% among intracranial lesions, and described as a separate entity by the World Health Organization in 2000. The diagnosis of sellar xanthogranulomas is challenging, given their uncertain origin and clinical course. In addition, the limited reporting of sellar xanthogranuloma cases and the absence of characteristic images make these entities difficult to distinguish from other cystic lesions of the sellar region, such as adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas, Rathke’s cleft cysts, pituitary tumors, arachnoid cysts, epidermoid cysts, and dermoid cysts. Here, we describe the clinical presentation, radiological findings, immunohistochemical/histopathological analysis, and the ultrastructural examination by transmission electron microscopy of five sellar xanthogranulomas cases reported in two care centers in Cordoba, Argentina. Two males and three females between 37 and 73 years of age (average 51.8 years) presented with persistent headaches, generalized endocrine defects, and visual problems. MRI revealed cystic formations in the sellar region, which usually projected into adjacent tissues such as the suprasellar region or cavernous sinuses, and compressed other structures such as the optic chiasm, pituitary gland, and cranial nerves. All patients underwent surgical intervention to remove the tumor tissue. The histopathological analysis of the samples showed cellular tissue with a xanthogranulomatous appearance, inflammatory cellular infiltrate (mainly lymphocytes and macrophages), fibroblasts, abundant collagen fibers, and hemorrhages. An ultrastructural analysis helped to identify cellular infiltrates and granules resulting from tumor cell activity. The data support the hypothesis that sellar xanthogranulomas could occur as an inflammatory reaction secondary to the rupture and hemorrhage of a previous cystic process, thereby generating an expansion of the tumor body toward adjacent tissues. The information obtained from these cases contributes to the current knowledge about this disease’s origin and clinical and histological evolution. However, the scarcity of patients and the observed phenotypic heterogeneity make its diagnosis still challenging. Undoubtedly, more investigations are needed to provide additional information in order to be able to achieve a more accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of this rare disease
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