882 research outputs found

    Contributing to Coherence: An Empirical Study on O.R. Team Communication

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    Prinzipien kohärenter Kommunikation

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    Die Dissertation zeigt, dass die Prinzipien kohärenter Kommunikation auf psycholinguistisch begründete Prinzipien der Textproduktion zurückzuführen sind. Die gemeinsame Basis von Text- und Dialogproduktion ist die Quaestio, die als leitende Frage Vorgaben für den Aufbau eines Textes, aber auch einer einzelnen Äußerung macht. Im Text sichert die Quaestio Kohärenz, indem die Textbausteine auf der konzeptuellen Ebene – und nicht allein durch lexikalische oder grammatische Mittel – verknüpft werden. Das bedeutet, dass Kohärenzherstellung eine kognitive Leistung ist, die nicht allein rezeptiv zu erbringen ist, sondern auch bei der Sprachproduktion die Beachtung von Planungsvorgaben verlangt. Zunächst werden die Begriffe Kohärenz und Kohäsion und verschiedene Ansätze zu ihrer Beschreibung diskutiert. Außerdem werden Methoden der Dialoganalyse einander gegenüber gestellt. In dieser Diskussion werden unter anderem Rhetorical Structure Theory und Centering-Theorie behandelt. Da die Arbeit eher strukturelle mit qualitativen Analysen verbindet, werden methodische Zugänge zur Dialoganalyse wie die Konversationsanalyse, aber auch Clark’s sozialpsychologischer Ansatz der joint actions und joint activities sowie Pickering’s und Garrod’s alignment-Theorie aufgegriffen. Letztlich wird auf das Quaestio-Modell von Stutterheim zurückgegriffen, da es aus psycholinguistischer Perspektive den weitesten Erklärungsrahmen bietet. Der Hauptteil der Dissertation ist der Modell-Entwicklung anhand authentischer Gesprächsdaten gewidmet. Schließlich werden Prinzipien der Quaestio-Bearbeitung im Dialog entwickelt. Da unterschiedliche Gesprächssituationen untersucht werden, liefert diese Arbeit ein Inventar an Kohärenzprinzipien samt ihrer charakteristischen Merkmale, das nicht nur die Analyse beliebiger weiterer Gespräche erlaubt, sondern beispielsweise auch zur Entwicklung von Kommunikationsroutinen eingesetzt werden kann. So werden Anwendungsperspektiven psycholinguistischer Forschung erkennbar.This doctoral thesis shows in how far principles of coherent communication can be traced back to psycholinguistically founded principles of text production. The so-called quaestio forms the common basis of text and dialogue production. As an implicit underlying question it sets preferences for the structure of a whole text as well as a single utterance. The quaestio ensures coherence of texts on a conceptual basis rather than merely through the use of lexical or grammatical means. Thus, the production of coherence can be seen as cognitive achievement not only by listeners, but also by speakers who have to follow planning constraints. The thesis discusses the terms coherence and cohesion as well as descriptive approaches dealing with these terms. Additionally, methods of dialogue analysis are confronted with each other. This discussion treats for example Rhetorical Structure Theory and Centering-Theory. The thesis discusses diverse methodological approaches, because it combines structural with qualitative analyses. Thus approaches such as Conversation Analysis, Clark’s concept of joint actions and joint activities, but also Pickering’s and Garrod’s alignment-theory are being treated. In the end the quaestio approach by Stutterheim is chosen, because it offers the widest explanatory framework from a psycholinguistic point of view. The main part of the thesis is dedicated to detailed analyses of real-life dialogue. In conclusion, principles of quaestio management in dialogues are proposed. Because the study treats a wide variety of interaction settings, it delivers a set of principles of coherence and their typical features that allows not only for analyses of any other set of dialogues, but may also support the development of communication routines. Therefore, this thesis hints on application scenarios of psycholinguistic research

    Siglec-E promotes β2-integrin-dependent NADPH oxidase activation to suppress neutrophil recruitment to the lung

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    Siglec-E is a sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin expressed on murine myeloid cells. It has recently been shown to function as a negative regulator of β2-integrin-dependent neutrophil recruitment to the lung following exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Here, we demonstrate that siglec-E promoted neutrophil production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) following CD11b β2-integrin ligation with fibrinogen in a sialic acid-dependent manner, but it had no effect on ROS triggered by a variety of other stimulants. Siglec-E promotion of ROS was likely mediated via Akt activation, because siglec-E-deficient neutrophils plated on fibrinogen exhibited reduced phosphorylation of Akt, and the Akt inhibitor, MK2206, blocked fibrinogen-induced ROS. In vivo imaging showed that siglec-E also promoted ROS in acutely inflamed lungs following exposure of mice to LPS. Importantly, siglec-E-promoted ROS were required for its inhibitory function, as the NADPH oxidase inhibitor, apocynin, reversed the siglec-E-mediated suppression of neutrophil recruitment and blocked neutrophil ROS production in vitro. Taken together, these results demonstrate that siglec-E functions as an inhibitory receptor of neutrophils via positive regulation of NADPH oxidase activation and ROS production. Our findings have implications for the inhibitory role of siglec-9 on human neutrophils in sepsis and acute lung injury

    Internal jugular vein thrombosis presenting as a painful neck mass due to a spontaneous dislocated subclavian port catheter as long-term complication: a case report

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    Central venous access devices are extensively used for long-term chemotherapy and parenteral nutrition. However, there are some possible immediate, early, and late complications related to the implantation technique, care, and maintenance. We present the uncommon occurrence of a thrombosis of the internal jugular vein due to a spontaneous migration of a Port-A-Cath catheter into the ipsilateral internal jugular vein as a delayed complication of a central venous access catheter implanted for chemotherapy delivery. A review of the literature is given, and the factors responsible for this unusual complication will be discussed

    Vascular Injury Accompanying Displaced Proximal Humeral Fractures: Two Cases and a Review of the Literature

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    We present two cases in which displaced proximal humeral fractures are accompanied by vascular injury. These Injuries are very rare but severe and the accompanying vascular impairment can have great clinical consequences. Therefore, we try to emphasize on the importance of thorough and accurate diagnostics, because it is obligatory for early diagnosis and improving the eventual outcome of these injuries. The specific order in treatment (internal fixation first or vascular repair first) depends on the severity of the accompanying vascular injury. The increasing use of endovascular procedures to treat vascular lesions is a very interesting development with several advantages, especially in elderly and multimorbid patients

    Управління ресурсним потенціалом вугільних шахт

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    Викладено методичні підходи з удосконалення управління ресурсним потенціалом вугільних шахт на основі використання двокритерійної моделі градієнтного регулювання їх потужності. Запропоновано механізм оцінки параметрів стану шахт у процесі зміни їх потужності, який полягає у визначенні впливу градієнтної зміни ліміту наявного ресурсного потенціалу на рівень інвестиційної привабливості підприємства, що науково обґрунтовує їх віднесення до певних приватизаційних груп. Удосконалено процесний підхід до управління ресурсним потенціалом вугільних шахт в умовах невизначеності. Запропоновано організаційно-економічний механізм управління ресурсним потенціалом вугільних шахт в умовах нестійкого попиту на вугілля. Розрахована на фахівців з управління підприємствами вугільної промисловості та інженерно-технічних працівників, а також учених, викладачів вищих навчальних закладів

    Aspirin, but Not Tirofiban Displays Protective Effects in Endotoxin Induced Lung Injury

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    Background Treatment of acute lung injury (ALI) remains an unsolved problem in intensive care medicine. Recruitment of neutrophils into the lungs, regarded as a key mechanism in progression of ALI, depends on signaling between neutrophils and platelets. Consequently we explored the effect of platelet-targeted aspirin and tirofiban treatment in endotoxin induced acute lung injury Methods C57Bl/6 mice were exposed to aerosolized LPS (500 mu g/ml) for 30min and treated with Aspirin (100 mu g/g bodyweight via intraperitoneal injection, 30 min before or 1 hour after LPS inhalation) or Tirofiban (0.5 mu g/g bodyweight via tail vein injection 30 min before or 1 hour after LPS inhalation). The count of alveolar, interstitial, and intravascular neutrophils was assessed 4h later by flow cytometry. Lung permeability changes were assessed by FITC-dextran clearance and protein content in the BAL fluid. Results Aspirin both before and after LPS inhalation reduced neutrophil influx into the lung and lung permeability indicating the protective role of Aspirin in ALI. Tirofiban, however, did not alter neutrophil recruitment after LPS inhalation. Release of platelet-derived chemokines CCL5 and PF4 and neutrophil extracellular traps was reduced by Aspirin but not by Tirofiban. Conclusion Aspirin, but not Tirofiban reduces neutrophil recruitment and displays protective effects during endotoxin induced lung injury

    Endothelial Dicer promotes atherosclerosis and vascular inflammation by miRNA-103-mediated suppression of KLF4

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    MicroRNAs regulate the maladaptation of endothelial cells (ECs) to naturally occurring disturbed blood flow at arterial bifurcations resulting in arterial inflammation and atherosclerosis in response to hyperlipidemic stress. Here, we show that reduced endothelial expression of the RNAse Dicer, which generates almost all mature miRNAs, decreases monocyte adhesion, endothelial C-X-C motif chemokine 1 (CXCL1) expression, atherosclerosis and the lesional macrophage content in apolipoprotein E knockout mice (Apoe(-/-)) after exposure to a high-fat diet. Endothelial Dicer deficiency reduces the expression of unstable miRNAs, such as miR-103, and promotes Kruppel-like factor 4 (KLF4)-dependent gene expression in murine atherosclerotic arteries. MiR-103 mediated suppression of KLF4 increases monocyte adhesion to ECs by enhancing nuclear factor-kappa B-dependent CXCL1 expression. Inhibiting the interaction between miR-103 and KLF4 reduces atherosclerosis, lesional macrophage accumulation and endothelial CXCL1 expression. Overall, our study suggests that Dicer promotes endothelial maladaptation and atherosclerosis in part by miR103-mediated suppression of KLF4

    Decolorization of synthetic dyes by laccase immobilized on epoxy-activated carriers

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    The Myceliophthora thermophila laccase was covalently immobilized on polymethacrylate-based polymers (Sepabeads EC-EP3 and Dilbeads NK) activated with epoxy groups. The enzyme immobilized on Sepabeads EC-EP3 exhibited notable activity (203 U/g) along with remarkably improved stability towards pH, temperature and storage time, but no increased resistance to organic solvents. In addition, the immobilized laccase also showed good operational stability, maintaining 84% of its initial activity after 17 cycles of oxidation of ABTS. The immobilized biocatalyst was applied to the decolorization of six synthetic dyes. Immobilized laccase retained 41% activity in the decolorization of Methyl Green in a fixed-bed reactor after five cycles. The features of these biocatalysts are very attractive for their application on the decolorization of dyes in the textile industry in batch and continuous fixed-bed bioreactors. To our knowledge, this is the first report on immobilization of laccase on Sepabeads carriers and its efficient dyes decolorization.We thank Drs. Moreno Daminati and Paolo Caimi (Resindion) and Vyasa Rajasekar (DilComplex) for providing us Sepabeads EC-EP3 and Dilbeads NK polymers, respectively. We are grateful to Ramiro Martínez (Novozymes A/S, Spain) for DeniLite II S samples. This material is based upon work founded by Spanish MEC (Projects VEM2004-08559 and CTQ2005-08925-C02-02/PPQ); European Union (Project NMP2-CT-2006-026456) and CSIC (Project 200580M121). Spanish MEC is also thanked for the post-doctoral fellowship (SB2004-0011) of Dr. A. Kunamneni and for the Ramon y Cajal contracts of Drs. S. Camarero and M. Alcalde.This material is based upon work financed by Spanish MEC (Projects VEM2004-08559 and CTQ2005-08925-C02-02/PPQ); European Union (Project NMP2-CT-2006-026456) and CSIC (Project 200580M121). Spanish MEC is also thanked for the post-doctoral fellowship (SB2004-0011) of Dr. A. Kunamneni and for the Ramon y Cajal contracts of Drs. S. Camarero and M. Alcalde.Peer reviewe