1,329 research outputs found

    Streamlined life cycle assessment of transparent silica aerogel made by supercritical drying

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 ElsevierWhen developing sustainable building fabric technologies, it is essential that the energy use and CO2 burden arising from manufacture does not outweigh the respective in-use savings. This study investigates this paradigm by carrying out a streamlined life cycle assessment (LCA) of silica aerogel. This unique, nanoporous translucent insulation material has the lowest thermal conductivity of any solid, retaining up to four times as much heat as conventional insulation, whilst being highly transparent to light and solar radiation. Monolithic silica aerogel has been cited as the ‘holy grail’ of future glazing technology. Alternatively, translucent granular aerogel is now being produced on a commercial scale. In each case, many solvents are used in production, often accompanied by intensive drying processes, which may consume large amounts of energy and CO2. To date, there has been no peer-reviewed LCA of this material conducted to the ISO 14000 standard. Primary data for this ‘cradle-to-factory gate’ LCA is collected for silica aerogel made by low and high temperature supercritical drying. In both cases, the mass of raw materials and electricity usage for each process is monitored to determine the total energy use and CO2 burden. Findings are compared against the predicted operational savings arising from retrofitting translucent silica aerogel to a single glazed window to upgrade its thermal performance. Results should be treated as a conservative estimate as the aerogel is produced in a laboratory, which has not been developed for mass manufacture or refined to reduce its environmental impact. Furthermore, the samples are small and assumptions to upscale the manufacturing volume occur without major changes to production steps or equipment used. Despite this, parity between the CO2 burden and CO2 savings is achieved in less than 2 years, indicating that silica aerogel can provide a measurable environmental benefit.This work is funded by the EPSRC, Brunel University and Buro Happold Ltd, the University of Bath is funded by the EPSRC grant EP/F018622/1

    Comparison of herbage yield, nutritive value and ensilability traits of three ryegrass species evaluated for the Irish Recommended List

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    peer-reviewedThis study examined 169 of the newest varieties of three ryegrass species, perennial (Lolium perenne L.), Italian (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and hybrid (Lolium boucheanum Kunth), from Recommended List trials in Ireland. The traits examined were yield, dry matter concentration, three nutritive value traits (in vitro dry matter digestibility, water-soluble carbohydrate on a dry matter basis and crude protein concentration) and two ensilability traits (buffering capacity and water soluble carbohydrate concentration on an aqueous phase basis). Varietal monocultures of each species underwent a six cut combined simulated grazing and silage management in each of two years following sowing. Perennial ryegrass yielded less than both other species in one-year-old swards, but less than only Italian ryegrass in two-year-old swards, but generally had the higher in vitro dry matter digestibility and crude protein values. Italian ryegrass displayed the most favourable ensilability characteristics of the three species with perennial ryegrass less favourable and hybrid ryegrass intermediate. Overall, despite the high yields and favourable nutritive value and ensilability traits recorded, the general differences between the three ryegrass species studied were in line with industry expectations. These findings justify assessing the nutritive value and ensilability of ryegrass species, in addition to yield, to allow farmers select species that match farming enterprise requirements.We acknowledge the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine for funding provided through the Research Stimulus Fund (07 526

    Oxidative cytotoxic agent withaferin A resensitizes temozolomide-resistant glioblastomas via MGMT depletion and induces apoptosis through Akt/mTOR pathway inhibitory modulation

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    Temozolomide (TMZ) has remained the chemotherapy of choice in patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) primarily due to the lack of more effective drugs. Tumors, however, quickly develop resistance to this line of treatment creating a critical need for alternative approaches and strategies to resensitize the cells. Withaferin A (WA), a steroidal lactone derived from several genera of the Solanaceae plant family has previously demonstrated potent anti-cancer activity in multiple tumor models. Here, we examine the effects of WA against TMZ-resistant GBM cells as a monotherapy and in combination with TMZ. WA prevented GBM cell proliferation by dose-dependent G2/M cell cycle arrest and cell death through both intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways. This effect correlated with depletion of principle proteins of the Akt/mTOR and MAPK survival and proliferation pathways with diminished phosphorylation of Akt, mTOR, and p70 S6K but compensatory activation of ERK1/2. Depletion of tyrosine kinase cell surface receptors c-Met, EGFR, and Her2 was also observed. WA demonstrated induction of N-acetyl-L-cysteine-repressible oxidative stress as measured directly and through a subsequent heat shock response with HSP32 and HSP70 upregulation and decreased HSF1. Finally, pretreatment of TMZ-resistant GBM cells with WA was associated with O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) depletion which potentiated TMZ-mediated MGMT degradation. Combination treatment with both WA and TMZ resulted in resensitization of MGMT-mediated TMZ-resistance but not resistance through mismatch repair mutations. These studies suggest great clinical potential for the utilization of WA in TMZ-resistant GBM as both a monotherapy and a resensitizer in combination with the standard chemotherapeutic agent TMZ

    'It's bit of an eye opener' - A qualitative study of women's attitudes towards tanning, sun protection and a facial morphing intervention.

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    OBJECTIVE: Skin cancer is to a large degree behaviourally preventable, meaning that evidence-based interventions have scope to make a difference. Previous research indicates that appearance-based interventions such as facial morphing may be more effective than health-based interventions, and that it can personalise the issue of skin cancer. METHOD: This study examined attitudes to UV exposure, as well as reactions to a facial morphing intervention, through interviews with 25 women aged 35 years and older. RESULTS: Thematic analysis revealed four themes; two regarding attitudes to UV exposure (confusion and contradiction, and change and continuity), and two relating to the facial morphing intervention (negative reactions to UV-exposed photo and positive outcomes of the intervention). Women experienced a number of barriers to adopting safer behaviour in the sun; their current attitudes to UV exposure had been shaped by available information sources throughout their ageing. They expressed negative evaluations of the UV photo, which fed directly into motivation to reduce UV exposure. CONCLUSIONS: These results can be interpreted along the lines of goal-directed behaviour. This type of intervention has the potential to reduce UV exposure among this participant group, something that needs to be further investigated with randomised control trials

    Broadband near-field infrared spectroscopy with a high temperature plasma light source

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    Scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (S-SNOM) has enormous potential as a spectroscopy tool in the infrared spectral range where it can probe phonon resonances and carrier dynamics at the nanometer lengths scales. However, its applicability is limited by the lack of practical and affordable table-top light sources emitting intense broadband infrared radiation in the 100 cm(-1) to 2,500 cm(-1) spectral range. This paper introduces a high temperature plasma light source that is both ultra-broadband and has much more radiant power in the infrared spectral range than conventional, table-top thermal light sources such as the globar. We implement this plasma lamp in our near-field optical spectroscopy set up and demonstrate its capability as a broadband infrared nano-spectroscopy light source by obtaining near-field infrared amplitude and phase spectra of the phonon resonances of SiO2 and SrTiO3. (C) 2017 Optical Society of Americ

    Novel natural withanolides induce apoptosis and inhibit migration of neuroblastoma cells through down regulation of N-myc and suppression of Akt/mTOR/NF-ÎșB activation

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    Despite recent advances in intensive chemotherapy treatments, long-term success is achieved in less than 30% of children with high-risk neuroblastoma (NB). Key regulatory pathways including the PI3K/Akt, mTOR and NF-ÎșB are implicated in the pathogenesis of NB. Although drugs targeting these individual pathways are in clinical trials, they are not effective due to the activation of compensatory mechanisms. We have previously reported that natural novel withanolides from Physalis longifolia can potently inhibit these key regulatory pathways simultaneously. In the present study, we examined the efficacy and mechanisms through which novel withanolides and their acetate derivatives (WGA-TA and WGB-DA) from P.longifolia kill NB cells. The results from the study demonstrated that our novel acetate derivatives are highly effective in inhibiting the proliferation, shifting the cell cycle and inducing apoptosis in a dose dependent manner. Analysis of oncogenic pathway proteins targeted by withanolides indicated induction of heat shock response due to oxidative stress. Dose dependent decrease in clients of HSP90 chaperone function due to suppression of Akt, mTOR, and NF-ÎșB pathways led to decrease in the expressions of target genes such as cyclin D1, N-myc and Survivin. Additionally, there was a dose dependent attenuation of the migration and invasion of NB cells. Furthermore, the lead compound WGA-TA showed significant reduction in tumor growth of NB xenografts. Taken together, these results suggest that withanolides are an effective therapeutic option against NBs

    Cytotoxicity of withaferin A in glioblastomas involves induction of an oxidative stress-mediated heat shock response while altering Akt/mTOR and MAPK signaling pathways

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    Withaferin A (WA), a steroidal lactone derived from the plant Vassobia breviflora, has been reported to have anti-proliferative, pro-apoptotic, and anti-angiogenic properties against cancer growth. In this study, we identified several key underlying mechanisms of anticancer action of WA in glioblastoma cells. WA was found to inhibit proliferation by inducing a dose-dependent G2/M cell cycle arrest and promoting cell death through both intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways. This was accompanied by an inhibitory shift in the Akt/mTOR signaling pathway which included diminished expression and/or phosphorylation of Akt, mTOR, p70 S6K, and p85 S6K with increased activation of AMPKα and the tumor suppressor tuberin/TSC2. Alterations in proteins of the MAPK pathway and cell surface receptors like EGFR, Her2/ErbB2, and c-Met were also observed. WA induced an N-acetyl-L-cysteinerepressible enhancement in cellular oxidative potential/stress with subsequent induction of a heat shock stress response primarily through HSP70, HSP32, and HSP27 upregulation and HSF1 downregulation. Taken together, we suggest that WA may represent a promising chemotherapeutic candidate in glioblastoma therapy warranting further translational evaluation

    “I didn’t realise I was such a sausage”: Men’s Accounts of Whole-body Scanning, Body Image, and Expected Changes in Health-related Behaviours

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    Objective: Whole-body scanning is now available in stores to assist buyers in choosing well-fitting clothes. This study was designed to investigate men’s accounts of scanning, body image, and expectations of behaviour change. Design: Ten men aged 18-39 years without histories of eating disorders or previous experience of whole-body scanning, took part in semi-structured interviews before and after scanning. Data were analysed using inductive thematic analysis. Results: Pre-scan, men’s body ideals were tall, slender, and relatively muscular. Post-scan, seven reported looking shorter, fatter, thinner, and/or less symmetrical than they hoped; three were pleasantly surprised by the images. Men were interested in scans as an objective view of their bodies and as a “wake-up call” to motivate healthy behaviours. Five men intended to change their behaviour as a result of scanning, and repeat scanning was seen as a good way to monitor behavioural changes. Participants suggested that scanning may raise body concerns in other men, though downplayed impacts on their own body image. Conclusion: Whole-body scanning may encourage men to exercise and eat more healthily. However, men became more negative about their bodies as a result of seeing their body scans, so scanning needs to be carried out with supervision and support

    Novel C-terminal heat shock protein 90 inhibitors target breast cancer stem cells and block migration, self-renewal, and epithelial–mesenchymal transition

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    In patients with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), evidence suggests that tumor-initiating cells (TIC) have stem cell-like properties, leading to invasion and metastasis. HSP90 plays a critical role in the conformational maintenance of many client proteins in TIC development. Therefore, we hypothesize that the novel C-terminal HSP90 inhibitors KU711 and KU758 can target TIC and represent a promising strategy for overcoming metastasis. Human breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-468LN, MDA-MB-231) treated with the HSP90 inhibitors KU711, KU758, and 17-AAG showed a 50–80% decrease in TIC markers CD44 and aldehyde dehydrogenase (P < 0.01) as assessed by flow cytometry. A decrease in sphere formation, which was used to assess self-renewal, was observed after the treatment of TNBC cells starting at 2.5 ”m KU711 and 0.31 ”m KU758. KU compounds also blocked the invasion and migration of TNBC cells in a dose-dependent manner. The knockdown of HSP90 clients was observed without any change in prosurvival HSP70 levels. In vivo, in a murine orthotopic breast cancer model, treatment with KU758 and KU711 yielded an approximately twofold and a fourfold reduction in tumor volumes versus control, respectively, without demonstrated toxicity. In conclusion, C-terminal HSP90 inhibitors are potent novel therapeutics against TNBC in vitro and in vivo as they target TICs and block invasion, EMT transition, and self-renewal

    Genome Sequence of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia PML168, Which Displays Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenase Activity

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    Stenotrophomonas maltophilia PML168 was isolated from Wembury Beach on the English Coast from a rock pool following growth and selection on agar plates. Here we present the permanent draft genome sequence, which has allowed prediction of function for several genes encoding enzymes relevant to industrial biotechnology, including a novel flavoprotein monooxygenase
