659 research outputs found


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    The CAP, more than any other EU policy, has traditionally been seen as the core of European integration. Yet, the interests of the member states over agricultural agenda diverge to an extent that has encroached on the supranational construction and the communautaire nature of this policy area. The 2008 health-check debate has clearly shown a tendency for providing several policy options, which vary significantly the level of agricultural support among Member States (partial decoupling, additional payments within Article 69 of the Council Regulation No 1782/2003). The second pillar of the CAP is treated in fact as an indirect source of subsidies for farmers, instead of improving economic and social development in rural areas. In fact, specific patterns of re-nationalization in this policy sphere can be discerned. Therefore, is the CAP a EU policy in decline? Will the future CAP lose its common character and be replaced by national agricultural policies? The present paper sheds light on the current health-check debate and considers the future perspectives of the CAP. Specifically, national positions of selected old and new Member States on major elements of the health check are examined. In particular, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Poland and the Czech Republic are cited as examples of countries with heterogeneous agricultural sectors. It conclusion, it is noted that growing differentiation within the CAP leads to its marginalization and will also probably lead to its formal re-nationalization. Therefore, the evolution of the CAP from the most common and regulated EU policy to a wide range of possible national implementation systems raises a question about the future of other EU policies, particularly those in the making, like for example the European Security and Defense Policy.CAP, national preferences, health-check debate, Agricultural and Food Policy, Political Economy, Q18,

    Morphology of preimaginal stages of Lipara pullitarsis Doskočil & Chvála, 1971 (Diptera: Chloropidae) — a gall-forming fly in the common reed (Phragmites australis)

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    All preimaginal stages of Lipara pullitarsis are described and illustrated. The facial mask, cephaloskeleton, spiracles and locomotory structures are considered. This is the first description ofthe first- and second-instar larva. The descriptions of the third-instar larva, egg and puparium are expanded. This paper forms a basis for a complete description of the life history of this fly

    Searching through the stars:The role of astrocytes in Parkinson’s disease and related disorders

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    Recent work pointed out astrocyte dysfunction as one of the contributors to Parkinson's disease (PD) pathogenesis. Studies have shown that many genes known to cause inherited forms of PD are highly expressed in astrocytes and play vital roles in astrocyte biology. These studies have expanded our understanding of the pathological potential of these cells, which may have important implications for developing novel treatments. The work presented in this thesis provides a framework and sheds light on how astrocytes might participate in the disease process

    Morphology of preimaginal stages of Cryptonevra flavitarsis (Diptera: Chloropidae) – an inquiline in galls formed by Lipara flies on common reed

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    The paper presents a complete description of the morphology of the preimaginal stages of Cryptonevra flavitarsis (Meigen, 1830), an inquiline in galls of Lipara flies on common reed (Phragmites australis). All stages are described for the first time. In descriptions of the larval stages, particular attention is given to the diagnostic characters: facial mask, cephaloskeleton, anterior and posterior spiracles, and locomotory structures. The paper forms a basis for future descriptions of the yet unknown life cycle of this fly

    Jerzy Tomala: economist of growth and development

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    Motivation: The year 2018 was celebrated at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland as the 50th anniversary of the existence of the Faculty. To celebrate this jubilee, numerous conferences, debates, conventions and occasional meetings were organized. On the occasion of these events, people who contributed greatly to the development of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management in the area of science and didactics as well as in the organizational field were recalled and honoured. Undoubtedly, Professor Jerzy Tomala was one of them.Aim: The aim of this article is to present the biography of Professor Jerzy Tomala with special emphasis on his scientific accomplishments, international successes, as well as didactic and organizational achievements at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland.Results: During many years of his scientific work, Professor Jerzy Tomala became a scholar who was recognised both in Poland and internationally — first and foremost as an authority in the field of broadly understood macroeconomic problems of economic growth (with particular emphasis laid on the impact of investment, technological progress and efficiency of technical and economic relations on the long-term growth of national income) and in the area of economic policy of developed countries, mainly of the United States of America. His scientific interests also included the issue of full employment, the concept of a potential national product and educational policy. Professor Jerzy Tomala was invited to various study internships at renowned universities in the United States and to renowned scientific and teaching institutions in Western Europe. He also worked as a consultant of the World Bank, and his publications impacted some important decisions made by international organizations such as, for instance, OECD, the European Community, or the World Bank. For his achievements in the field of science, didactics and organizational work, Professor Jerzy Tomala received high state awards, prestigious awards of the Minister of Higher Education and the Rector of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, as well as numerous honours from his students and alumni


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    Przeprowadzone w niniejszym artykule badanie ekonometryczne służyło identyfikacji kluczowych determinantów kursu złotego (kształtowanego w ramach systemu typu floating) oraz pomiarowi ich wpływu na zmiany średniego kursu EUR/PLN w poszczególnych kwartałach lat 2000-2006. Analiza ta została oparta o koncepcję dynamicznego modelowania zgodnego w sensie Z. Zielińskiego

    Trójkąt niespójnych rozwiązań systemowych a możliwe modyfikacje reżimu kursowego Polski w okresie przygotowywania się do przyjęcia euro

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    Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy i w jakim zakresie polski reżim kursowy powinien zostać zmodyfikowany przed włączeniem złotego do mechanizmu ERM II tak, by kurs centralny waluty narodowej wobec euro był bliski optymalnemu pod względem wiarygodności i szeroko pojętej ekonomii. Możliwe rozwiązania (tj. ustanowienie izby walutowej, utrzymanie systemu kursu płynnego kierowanego lub pełne upłynnienie kursu złotego oraz wprowadzenie reżimu kursu stałego z pasmem wahań) przedstawiono w kontekście koncepcji tzw. niemożliwego do zaistnienia magicznego trójkąta Frankela (ang. triangle of impossibility). Dopełnieniem tej analizy jest tabelaryczne zestawienie dodatkowych przesłanek wyboru systemu kursowego

    The information infrastructure of knowledge-based economies in the years 1995–2010

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    Aim: The objective of this article is to make a brief presentation of the information infrastructure as one of the four pillars of the knowledge-based economy (KBE). It also attempts to construct (based on taxonomic methods and applying seven diagnostic variables) a synthetic measure for assessing the degree of the development of information infrastructures in 29 KBEs in the time period 1995–2010.Motivation: The work structure is subordinated to the so defined objective and comprises the introduction, overview, measurement and analysis of the level of the development of information infrastructure in KBEs, and a brief summary.Results: The results of the research obtained by the author allowed the creation of four rankings of the level of the development of information infrastructure in the 29 analysed KBEs and led to the formulation of the conclusion that in the time period 1995–2010 the average level of the development of information infrastructure in the 29 economies grew steadily (with the highest values noted in highly developed KBEs), and the range of variability decreased significantly

    Strategie i techniki formułowania uzasadnień orzeczeń sądowych

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    The structure of a judicial opinion is determined by specific legal provisions regulating particular kinds of proceedings. These provisions are of general character and specify only the basic elements of judicial opinions, and filling them with a content is a task for the authors. It can be done by using strategies and techniques of the preparation of judicial opinions, which are related to the result to be achieved and the tools that are used for this purpose. Different strategies in the preparation of the ‘historical’ part of a judicial opinion (containing factual findings) and the legal reasoning (that reflects the main judicial reasoning in the case) may be distinguished. The former category includes the strategy of referring to detailed elements of the historical part of a judicial opinion and the strategy of a condensed historical part of the opinion. The latter includes the discursive strategy and the strategy of a monologue. Among the techniques that are used by authors of judicial opinions in the frame of these strategies are: the technique of ornament, the technique of avoidance of obviousness, the technique of legitimisation by the number of utterances from the judiciary and legal scholarship, the technique of leaving things unsaid, the technique of result-oriented content exposing, or the technique of judicial opinions of courts of higher instance.Konstrukcja uzasadnienia orzeczenia sądowego regulowana jest w przepisach procesowych odnoszących się do poszczególnych rodzajów postępowań. Mają one jednak charakter ogólny, gdyż wymieniają jedynie elementy składowe uzasadnienia. Wypełnienie tych elementów treścią pozostawiono autorowi uzasadnienia. Zagospodarowanie tego marginesu swobody przybierać może postać strategii i technik formułowania uzasadnienia – odnoszących się do rezultatu, jaki chce osiągnąć autor uzasadnienia, i środków, jakich w tym celu używa. Wyróżnić można strategie w zakresie sporządzania części historycznej i części prawnej uzasadnienia. Do pierwszych zaliczyć można strategię drobiazgowego przytaczania elementów części historycznej oraz strategię formułowania części historycznej w sposób skondensowany, do drugich zaś – strategię dyskursywną oraz monologową. Technikami, którymi posługuje się autor uzasadnienia w ramach wskazanych strategii, są natomiast techniki: ornamentacyjna; „unikania oczywistości”, „legitymizacji poprzez ilość”, „przemilczenia”, ukierunkowanego eksponowania treści w uzasadnieniu, a także technika „uzasadnień kontrolujących”. Wszystkie wymienione strategie i techniki pokazują, że narracja w uzasadnieniu może być prowadzona w różny sposób – w zależności od preferencji autora uzasadnienia oraz potrzeb retorycznych czy komunikacyjnych uzasadnienia

    The Knowledge-based Economy as a Stage in the Development of the Economy

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    The major objective of this article to attempt to show the model of a knowledge-based economy (KBE) as a stage in social, economic and institutional transformation, which has already been reached by highly developed economies. The research problem considered is examined against the background of the concepts A. Toffler’s waves of civilization and, J.A. Schumpeter’s waves of innovation with the use of the elements of historical and comparative analyses. The introduction outlines the context, objectives and the reasons for taking up the topic. The main part of the article presents the process of the evolution of the economy from a model of the agrarian economy, through the industrial and service-based economies to the knowledge-based economy and describes in detail the three stages of advancement of the knowledge-based economy with corresponding metrics. The last paragraph of the article presents the conclusions drawn from the analyses