86 research outputs found

    Autonomy-supportive teaching behavior in science lessons - An intervention for pre-service teachers

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    Großmann N, Fries S, Wilde M. Autonomy-supportive teaching behavior in science lessons - An intervention for pre-service teachers. In: Electronic Proceedings of the ESERA 2017 Conference. Research, Practice and Collaboration in Science Education. Part 13. Dublin, Ireland: Dublin City University; 2018: 1681-1691.Fostering students’ motivation is an essential characteristic of every teaching process. However, teachers often lack practical methods to support it in class. There are several approaches to foster students’ motivation, such as autonomy-supportive teaching behavior (ASTB) based on Self-Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2017 ). Although t hese approaches are at disposal, they do not seem to find their way into practice. Consequently, efforts are needed to transfer theoretical and empirical findings int o the classroom . An intervention for pre -service teachers providing theoretical and practical approaches to foster students’ motivation might be appropriate to deal with this situation. To address this issue, w e conducted a pilot study with 58 science teacher trainees (M age =25.18±3.79 years ; M semester =7.78±1.23; 65% female). The experimental group consisted of 35 teacher trainees that took part in an intervention about ASTB. Teacher trainee s in the control group (n=23) did not participate in this intervention. We assessed the teacher trainees’ beliefs about the easy implementation and effectiveness of ASTB as well as their future intentions to apply ASTB. Further more , the teacher trainees’ t heoretical and practical knowledge were examined. The r esults reveal ed significant differences concerning the teacher trainees’ beliefs about ASTB, their future intentions to apply ASTB as well as their theoretical and practical knowledge thereof in the comparison of the experimental and control group. We found that the t eacher trainees in the experimental group assumed ASTB to be more effective and eas ier to implement than the teacher trainees in the control group after the intervention . Moreover , the teacher trainees in the experimental group showed higher scores in the test of their theoretical and practical knowledge and stated higher intentions to apply ASTB than the teacher trainees in the control group after the intervention

    Forschendes Lernen in der Biologiedidaktik (Zoologie/Humanbiologie)

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Perspektive der Abteilung „Biologiedidaktik (Zoologie/Humanbiologie)“ auf das Forschende Lernen dargestellt. Besondere BerĂŒcksichtigung finden hierbei die Vorbereitungsveranstaltungen des Praxissemesters. Abschließend werden Möglichkeiten und Ideen fĂŒr das entstehende Kompetenzzentrum Forschendes Lernen aufgezeigt

    Lehr- und Lernvorstellungen angehender Biologielehrender im Kontext des Praxissemesters

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    ZUSAMMENFASSUNGLehr- und Lernvorstellungen (LLV) konstituieren u. a. das Lehrerprofessionswissen. Die naturwissenschaftliche, universitĂ€re Lehramtsausbildung ist v.a. durch konstruktivistische Paradigmen geprĂ€gt. An Schulen finden sich vielfach eher transmissive LLV. Praxisphasen innerhalb der Lehramtsausbildung könnten voruniversitĂ€re transmissive LLV der LehrkrĂ€fte stĂ€rken. An der UniversitĂ€t Bielefeld wird das gerade eingefĂŒhrte halbjĂ€hrige Praxissemester stark mit Elementen Forschenden Lernens verknĂŒpft. In der vorliegenden Studie interessierte, ob diese Elemente die AusprĂ€gung der Zustimmung zu den LLV zwischen den Gruppen vor und nach dem Praxissemester beeinflussen. 105 Studierende (MAlter = 24.90 Jahre, SDAlter = 2.07 Jahre, 73,30 % weiblich) des Fachs Biologie wurden bezĂŒglich der Wirkung des Praxissemesters auf ihre generalisierten LLV transmissiv und konstruktivistisch sowie ihre fachspezifischen LLV zu Vernetzung und PrĂ€konzepten im Fach Biologie untersucht. Die Ergebnisse dieser Trendstudie zeigen eine ĂŒberraschende Wirkung des Praxissemesters: Transmissive LLV sind nach dem Praxissemester besonders gering ausgeprĂ€gt. Möglicherweise könnte dies auf eine gelingende Theorie-Praxis-VerknĂŒpfung zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren sein.ABSTRACTTeacher beliefs about learning constitute i. a. professional competence in teaching. The science teacher training at university is characterized by constructivist paradigms in particular. Most often, teacher beliefs at school are transmissive. Practical phases during teacher training at university could strengthen the teacher trainees’ pre-university transmissive beliefs. The currently established six-month practical semester at the Bielefeld University is strongly linked to elements of research-based learning. The present study investigated if these elements of theoretical reflection influence the consent to the beliefs between the groups before and after the practical phase. Therefore, the effects of the practical phase on the general beliefs about transmissive and constructivist learning as well as the science-specific beliefs about connectivity and preconcepts in biology of 105 teacher trainees (MAge = 24.90 years, SDAge = 2.07 years, 73,30 % female) were examined. Results of the trend study hint that the practical phase had a surprising effect: Transmissive beliefs are remarkably weak after the practical phase. This may be ascribed to a successful conjunction of theory and practice

    Supporting pre-service teachers in developing research competence

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    IntroductionTeachers need research competence to reflect on their teaching and to interpret and implement research-based recommendations. However, many pre-service teachers have critical attitudes toward research, little motivation to engage in research, and comparatively low knowledge of research methods and thereby consequently indicating a low research competence. Flexible online modules in university teaching could be a promising approach to address these issues. Online modules can potentially promote self-determined motivation, but should be sufficiently structured to support learners’ need for competence.MethodsWe designed two learning environments with different types of structure: a non-restrictive structured environment and a restrictive structured environment. A total of N = 108 pre-service biology teachers were randomly assigned to the two learning environments.Results and discussionContrary to our assumption, the restrictive type of structure of the learning environment did not lead to a higher perception of competence. This might be a consequence of external pressure, for example, the examination at the end of the course. Regarding pre-service teachers’ research competence, we found a decrease in the affective-motivational domain and an increase in the cognitive domain in both learning environments. These results suggest that fostering pre-service teachers’ research competence should focus on the affective-motivational domain. In order to positively affect this domain, care must be taken to ensure that structuring elements are not experienced as control and that given choices are meaningful to students

    Vom Motivationsproblem zur Lösung

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    Der Motivationsförderung kommt im Unterricht der FĂ€cher Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik (MINT) eine bedeutende Rolle zu. Aus diesem Grund wurde in Kooperation zwischen drei Teilmaßnahmen des vom BMBF geförderten Projekts BiProfessional eine digitale Lehrer*innenfortbildung zur Vermittlung von theoretischem Hintergrundwissen sowie praktischen AnsĂ€tzen zur Reflexion und Förderung von Motivation im MINT-Unterricht entwickelt. In dieser Fortbildung (MINT motivieren) sind die im vorliegenden Beitrag vorgestellten Materialien verankert, die zentrale Bausteine zur Eingrenzung von und zum Umgang mit Motivationsproblemen von SchĂŒler*innen darstellen. Die Entwicklung der Materialien ist durch den Grundgedanken geleitet, dass effektive Motivationsförderung bedarfsorientiert erfolgen sollte. Durch die interdisziplinĂ€re VerschrĂ€nkung motivationspsychologischer, mathematikdidaktischer sowie biologiedidaktischer Perspektiven war es möglich, Herausforderungen bei der Motivationsförderung mit Hilfe der Konzeption praxistauglicher Materialien zu begegnen. Die hier vorgestellte Auswahl an Materialien zielt darauf ab, dass LehrkrĂ€fte ‱ die vielfĂ€ltigen Ursachen von Motivationsproblemen ihrer SchĂŒler*innen kennen und verstehen lernen, ‱ darin unterstĂŒtzt werden, konkrete Motivationsprobleme strukturiert zu reflektieren und mögliche Problemursachen einzugrenzen, sowie ‱ ihre Fertigkeiten im Umgang mit SchĂŒler*innen mithilfe von Feedback- und Verhaltenstechniken weiterentwickeln können, um positive VerĂ€nderungen hinsichtlich der Motivation ihrer SchĂŒler*innen zu bewirken. Diesem Ansatz folgend wird zunĂ€chst ein Reflexionsleitfaden fĂŒr spezifische Motivationsprobleme fĂŒr LehrkrĂ€fte vorgestellt. Anschließend werden zwei Übungen aus dem Fortbildungsmodul „Gut gemacht – Feedback und Erwartungseffekte“ thematisiert. WĂ€hrend sich die erste Übung der Erarbeitung und Anwendung von Charakteristika kontrollierenden und informierenden Feedbacks widmet, wird in der zweiten Übung das Geben von Feedback in prototypischen Erfolgs- und Misserfolgssituationen aus eigenem und fremdem Unterricht reflektiert

    Holding on to strings that ought to be loosened - Empirische Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung der Autonomieförderung aus der Perspektive des Biologieunterrichts und der universitÀren Lehramtsausbildung im Fach Biologie

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    Großmann N. Holding on to strings that ought to be loosened - Empirische Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung der Autonomieförderung aus der Perspektive des Biologieunterrichts und der universitĂ€ren Lehramtsausbildung im Fach Biologie. Bielefeld: UniversitĂ€t Bielefeld; 2020

    Gender differences in the perception of moderate constructivist learning environments - The effects of autonomy support by means of students’ choice

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    Im deutschen Schulsystem haben Jungen hĂ€ufiger Probleme als MĂ€dchen. Vertreter des gemĂ€ĂŸigten Konstruktivismus fordern Lernumgebungen, die u.a. aktives, selbstgesteuertes, konstruktives, emotionales, situatives und soziales Lernen ermöglichen. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurde die Wahrnehmung konstruktivistischer Elemente im Unterricht von SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒlern evaluiert. Uns interessierte, ob Jungen und MĂ€dchen denselben Biologieunterricht bezĂŒglich gemĂ€ĂŸigt konstruktivistischer Prozessmerkmale unterschiedlich wahrnehmen und ob Jungen und MĂ€dchen, die ĂŒber Elemente des Unterrichts abstimmen durften, diese Prozessmerkmale als stĂ€rker erfĂŒllt wahrnehmen. In der Studie wurden 294 SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler im Fach Biologie unterrichtet. Die Experimentalgruppe (EG) durfte Inhalt und Methodik ihrer Biologiestunden wĂ€hlen, die Kontrollgruppe (KG) bekam inhaltlich und methodisch identischen Unterricht ohne Wahlmöglichkeit. ErwartungsgemĂ€ĂŸ nahmen die MĂ€dchen der KG die gemĂ€ĂŸigt konstruktivistischen Prozessmerkmale ĂŒberwiegend als stĂ€rker erfĂŒllt wahr als die Jungen der KG. In der EG gab es nur in einem Prozessmerkmal statistisch signifikante Unterschiede zwischen Jungen und MĂ€dchen. MĂ€dchen der EG zeigten in zwei Prozessmerkmalen höhere AusprĂ€gungen als MĂ€dchen der KG. Die Jungen der EG hatten in vier Prozessmerkmalen höhere Werte als die Jungen der KG. Durch die Intervention SchĂŒlerwahl profitieren beide Geschlechter, die Jungen aber im Besonderen. (DIPF/Orig.)The German school system seems to be less suitable for boys than for girls as boys seem to have more difficulties adapting to it. Supporters of the moderate constructivism suggest a learning environment that promotes, amongst other criteria, active, self-regulated, constructivist, emotional, situational and social learning. In this study, the lesson plan was constructed on the basis of the students’ choices. The perception of constructivist elements in the lesson was evaluated by the students afterwards. It is of particular interest whether there is a gender difference in the perception of the lessons in terms of the six criteria of moderate constructivism and if boys and girls who choose their topics perceive their lesson to be more constructivist. In this study, 294 students were taught in biology. The experimental group chose their topic and teaching methodology, the control group received the same topic and teaching methodology but without having chosen it. As expected, girls of the control group perceived the lesson to be more constructivist than boys of the control group did. Girls of the experimental group showed higher values in two of the criteria of moderate constructivism than girls of the control group did. Boys of the experimental group had higher values in four criteria of the moderate constructivism than boys of the control group did. Both sexes, especially boys, profit from the intervention student choice. (DIPF/Orig.

    Die Entwicklung von Interesse im Unterricht- AnsÀtze zur Gestaltung interessenförderlicher Lernumgebungen im Fach Biologie

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    Großmann N, Wilde M. Die Entwicklung von Interesse im Unterricht- AnsĂ€tze zur Gestaltung interessenförderlicher Lernumgebungen im Fach Biologie. Lernende Schule. 2017;77(19):16-19

    Birder's characteristics for participation in a big day –social aspects are more important than competition

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    Randler C, Großmann N. Birder's characteristics for participation in a big day –social aspects are more important than competition. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology. 2022;3: 100050.Social aspects of birding have been rarely studied and birders are not a homogenous group. Different subcultures have been identified and addressed by the concepts of ‘birding specialization’ and ‘birding motivations’. We investigated social aspects of birding in combination with demographic variables and a special focus on a Big Day (aka birdathon). A Big Day is a competitive event where teams compete for the highest day total of species seen within 24 h. In our study, we compared participants of a regular Big Day in Germany with a group of non-participants drawn from the same survey sample. One hundred and seventy-eight of the investigated 577 respondents have participated in the event. Participants were significantly younger than other respondents. Gender (about 28% women) showed no significant relationship with the participation in a Big Day. Age, specialization (skill/knowledge), and motivations (social and reputation) predicted participation. Unexpectedly, achievement and competition motivation had no significant impact on the participation in a Big Day. Moreover, we found that Big Day participants more often volunteered in monitoring programs and in data collection for citizen science projects. Against the expectations, participants of a Big Day are not mainly an achievement/competition-oriented group, they rather seem to be interested in social relations. Thus, Big Days should be considered as a valuable tool to engage people in citizen science and raise awareness for nature, rather than neglecting them as a simple sports event for twitchers

    The effects of autonomy-supportive and controlling teaching behavior on students' goal orientations in biology lessons

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    Großmann N, Wilde M. The effects of autonomy-supportive and controlling teaching behavior on students' goal orientations in biology lessons. Presented at the 12th Conference of the European Researchers in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB), Zaragoza, Spain
