82 research outputs found

    Return and volatility reactions to monthly announcements of business cycle forecasts : an event study based on high-frequency data

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    This article contributes to the literature on macroeconomic announcements and their impact on asset prices by investigating how the 15-second Xetra DAX returns reflect the monthly announcements of the two best known business cycle forecasts for Germany, i.e. the ifo Business Climate Index and the ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment. From the methodological point of view, the main innovation lies in disentangling "good" macroeconomics news from "bad" news, and, simultaneously, considering time intervals with and without confounding announcements from other sources. Releases from both institutes lead to an immediate response of returns occurring 15 seconds after the announcements, i.e. within the first possible time interval. Announcements of both institutes are also clearly and immediately reflected in the volatility, which remains at a significantly higher level for approximately two minutes slightly elevated for approximately 15 minutes. Combining returns and volatility in a GARCH(1,1)-model, the paper reveals that significant increases in volatility only show up in the presence of simultaneous news released by other sources, whereas return reactions can be observed irrespective of whether confounding announcements are published or not

    Merkmale (nicht-)traditioneller Lehramtsstudierender

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    Angesichts des akuten Lehrkräftemangels ergreifen in Österreich vermehrt auch nicht-traditionelle Studierende wie Quereinsteiger:innen den Lehrer*innenberuf. Im Zuge der Erforschung neu eingeführter Studiengänge wird deutlich, dass sich diese nicht-traditionellen Studierenden von traditionellen Studierenden unterscheiden, und zwar nicht nur in demografischen Merkmalen, sondern anfänglich auch in ihren professionsbezogenen Überzeugungen. Aus den im Beitrag vorgestellten Unterschieden lassen sich Implikationen für die Ausbildung nicht-traditioneller Studierender ableiten. (DIPF/Orig.

    Inhibitors of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase cooperate with molnupiravir and N4-hydroxycytidine to suppress SARS-CoV-2 replication

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    Funding Information: We thank Thorsten Wolff, Daniel Bourquain, Jessica Schulz, and Christian Mache from the Robert-Koch Institute and Martin Beer from the Friedrich Loeffler Institute (FLI) for providing isolates of SARS-CoV-2 variants. We thank Anna Kraft and Gabriele Czerwinski (both FLI) for support in the preparation of samples for pathology, and Catherine Hambly (University of Aberdeen) for help with daily energy expenditure measurements. We would like to thank Cathrin Bierwirth (University Medical Center Göttingen), Isabell Schulz, Anne-Kathrin Donner, and Frank-Thorben Peters for excellent technician assistance and Jasmin Fertey and Alexandra Rockstroh for providing the virus stocks for the mice experiment (Fraunhofer Institute IZI Leipzig). We acknowledge support by the Open Access Publication Funds of the Göttingen University. KMS was a member of the Göttingen Graduate School GGNB during this work. This work was funded by the COVID-19 Forschungsnetzwerk Niedersachsen (COFONI) to MD, by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany ( Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung; BMBF ; OrganSARS , 01KI2058 ) to SP and TM, and by a grant of the Max Planck Foundation to DG. Declaration of interests AS, HK, EP, and DV are employees of Immunic AG and own shares and/or stock-options of the parent company of Immunic AG, Immunic Inc. Some of the Immunic AG employees also hold patents for the Immunic compounds described in this manuscript (WO2012/001,148, WO03006425). KMS, AD, and MD are employees of University Medical Center Göttingen, which has signed a License Agreement with Immunic AG covering the combination of DHODH inhibitors and nucleoside analogs to treat viral infections, including COVID-19 (inventors: MD, KMS, and AD). The other authors declare no conflict of interest.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The Crowdsourced Replication Initiative: Investigating Immigration and Social Policy Preferences. Executive Report.

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    In an era of mass migration, social scientists, populist parties and social movements raise concerns over the future of immigration-destination societies. What impacts does this have on policy and social solidarity? Comparative cross-national research, relying mostly on secondary data, has findings in different directions. There is a threat of selective model reporting and lack of replicability. The heterogeneity of countries obscures attempts to clearly define data-generating models. P-hacking and HARKing lurk among standard research practices in this area.This project employs crowdsourcing to address these issues. It draws on replication, deliberation, meta-analysis and harnessing the power of many minds at once. The Crowdsourced Replication Initiative carries two main goals, (a) to better investigate the linkage between immigration and social policy preferences across countries, and (b) to develop crowdsourcing as a social science method. The Executive Report provides short reviews of the area of social policy preferences and immigration, and the methods and impetus behind crowdsourcing plus a description of the entire project. Three main areas of findings will appear in three papers, that are registered as PAPs or in process

    Crowdsourcing in the creative sector and its potential impact on theexisting economy

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    Diese Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit einer neuen Form der innovativen Wertschöpfung – dem Crowdsourcing. Dieser Begriff impliziert, dass Problem- und Aufgabenstellungen, die unternehmensintern nicht gelöst werden können, ausgelagert werden. Als potenzielle Generatoren gelten alle Nutzer des Internets, die derartige Probleme über das World Wide Web bearbeiten. Speziell im kreativen Bereich ist eine Betrachtung sehr interessant, da eine generelle Bewertung von Ideenqualitäten - abhängig von ihrer Herkunft - eher bedenklich ist. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde eine empirische Erhebung vorgenommen, die sich mit der Sichtweise von Agenturen beschäftigt. Inwieweit diese durch die möglichen Auswirkungen der neuen Methode beeinflusst werden, wird im Laufe der Arbeit geklärt. Des Weiteren werden auch andere denkbare Effekte, die aus Crowdsourcing resultieren und auf die vorhandene Wirtschaft wirken können, ergründet. Am Beispiel der Ideenplattform jovoto soll herauskristallisiert werden, wie sich eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung dieses Konzepts derzeit gestaltet. Insgesamt gibt diese Arbeit einen Überblick über „Crowdsourcing im kreativen Bereich und dessen mögliche Auswirkungen auf die bestehende Ökonomie“

    What you need is what you get! The vision of view-based requirements specifications

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    Software requirements specifications play a crucial role in software development projects. Especially in large projects, these specifications serve as a source of communication and information for a variety of roles involved in downstream activities like architecture, design, and testing. This vision paper argues that in order to create high-quality requirements specifications that fit the specific demands of successive document stakeholders, our research community needs to better understand the particular information needs of downstream development roles. In this paper, the authors introduce the idea of view-based requirements specifications. Two scenarios illustrate (1) current problems and challenges related to the research underlying the envisioned idea and (2) how these problems could be solved in the future. Based on these scenarios, challenges and research questions are outlined and supplemented with current results of exemplary user studies. Furthermore, potential future research is suggested, which the community should perform to answer the research questions as part of a research agenda