47 research outputs found

    Kulturtechniken des Kollektiven bei Alexander Kluge

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    Kurzfassung / Abstract 1. Kulturtechniken verhandeln die Grundbedingungen menschlichen Daseins unter den PrĂ€missen von Kultur, Medien und Technik. Sie erlauben es, die vier kantischen Fragen zu ergĂ€nzen: Was oder wer gestattet mir, dass ich etwas weiß? Wenn ich etwas tue, was tue ich dann und womit? Welches VerstĂ€ndigungsinstrument steht uns fĂŒr das Wissen und das Tun ĂŒberhaupt zur VerfĂŒgung? Warum muss ich wissen: Was ist der Mensch? Der Gebrauch von Bildern, Schriften, Zahlen, Riten und Sitten gehört ebenso zu Kulturtechniken wie Verdauungsfragen, Partnerbeziehungsarbeit, Staudamminstandhaltung oder Raketenstarts. Kulturtechniken operieren an der Schnittstelle von diskursiven Verfahren, Handlungstheorien, medialer MaterialitĂ€t und Wissenspoetologie. 2. Besonders geeignet fĂŒr eine kulturtechniktheoretische Herangehensweise ist das Werk Alexander Kluges, weil es nicht nur von kulturtechniktypischen Motiven durchsetzt ist, sondern diese auch in breiter Form zur Anwendung bringt. Denkende DĂ€rme, subjektiv-objektive VerhĂ€ltnisse, Tote, die zu den Lebenden reden, der Kinofilm an der Wand und der Film in mir – Kluge arbeitet auf breiter Ebene mit Kulturtechniken. FĂŒr deren Artikulation bietet er ein breites Arsenal an Medienformaten an, in denen sich Kulturtechniken sowohl reprĂ€sentiert sehen als auch an ihrer eigenen Konstitution mitwirken. Kennzeichnend fĂŒr Kluges Schaffen ist eine kontinuierliche theoretische Reflexion der Bedingungen des eigenen Werks hinsichtlich seiner Inhalte sowie eine poetische Ausformulierung in konkreten Medien wie Filmen, literarische Texten, Fernseharbeiten, digitalen KanĂ€len, Hörspielen und Ausstellungen. 3. Kluges Interesse gilt dabei den verschiedenen Erscheinungsweisen von Kollektiven. Um die Katastrophen der menschlichen Geschichte fĂŒr die Zukunft zu vermeiden, arbeitet er mit seinen Werken permanent an einer "Umproduktion von Öffentlichkeit", in dessen Mittelpunkt die menschliche Erfahrung steht. Zivilisationen, StĂ€dte, TĂŒrme und GĂ€rten werden ebenso wie WasserphĂ€nomene und die schöpferische Kraft der Arbeit danach befragt, in welchen Konstellationen sie einen Erkenntnisgewinn fĂŒr das Gemeinwesen zur VerfĂŒgung stellen. Sie fordern dafĂŒr den Rezipienten heraus, sich an dem Ă€sthetischen Gelingen des Werks aktiv zu beteiligen. Emanzipation ist fĂŒr Kluge ein SchlĂŒsselbegriff, den er durch ein Weiterspinnen der aufklĂ€rerischen Ideale zu realisieren versucht. 4. Die Kritische Theorie hatte bislang einen maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Rezeption Alexander Kluges. Ihre richtigen PrĂ€missen können durch eine LektĂŒre per Kulturtechniken nicht nur ergĂ€nzt, sondern auch produktiv erweitert werden. Mit dem Begriff der Gesamtarbeit als TrĂ€ger kollektiver kulturtechnischer Leistungen kann vor dem Hintergrund der Poetik Kluges eine AufklĂ€rung der AufklĂ€rung, wie sie die Kritische Theorie verfolgt, reformuliert werden. Abstract 1. Cultural techniques negotiate the basic conditions of human existence under the premises of culture, media and techniques. They make it possible to amend the four Kantian questions thus: what or who allows me to know something? If I do something, what am I actually doing and with what? Which instrument of understanding is available to us for knowledge and action? Why do I have to know: what is the human? The use of images, words, numbers, rites and customs is just as much a part of cultural techniques as digestion issues, partner relationship work, dam maintenance or rocket launches. Cultural techniques operate at the interface of discursive methods, action theories, media materiality and poetology of knowledge. 2. The work of Alexander Kluge is particularly suitable for a theoretical approach to cultural techniques, because it is not only permeated with motifs that are typical of cultural techniques, but also applies them at a high level. Thinking intestines, subjective-objective conditions, dead people talking to the living, the movie on the wall and the film within me - Kluge works with cultural techniques on a large scale. For their articulation, he offers a broad arsenal of media formats in which cultural techniques are both represented and involved in their own constitution. Characteristic of Kluge’s work is a continuous theoretical reflection of the conditions of his own work with regard to its contents as well as a poetic formulation in concrete media such as films, literary texts, television works, digital channels, radio plays and exhibitions. 3. Kluge is interested in the various manifestations of collectives. In order to avoid the catastrophes of human history for the future, he constantly engages, in his artistic productions, on a "remaking of the public sphere" which focuses on human experience. Civilizations, cities, towers and gardens as well as water phenomena and the creative power of work are questioned about the constellations they offer for the community to gain knowledge. They call for the recipient to participate actively in the aesthetic success of the work. Emancipation is a key concept for Kluge, which he tries to implement by developing Enlightenment ideals. 4. Critical Theory has had a significant influence on the reception of Alexander Kluge. Its premises regarding appropriateness can be supplemented and expanded productively using the notion of cultural techniques. Against the background of the Poetics of Kluge, the concept of the gesamtarbeit as the bearer of collective cultural achievements can be expressed as an enlightenment of the Enlightenment as described in Critical Theory

    Alpha-1 antitrypsin protein and gene therapies decrease autoimmunity and delay arthritis development in mouse model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) is a multi-functional protein that has anti-inflammatory and tissue protective properties. We previously reported that human AAT (hAAT) gene therapy prevented autoimmune diabetes in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice and suppressed arthritis development in combination with doxycycline in mice. In the present study we investigated the feasibility of hAAT monotherapy for the treatment of chronic arthritis in collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), a mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>DBA/1 mice were immunized with bovine type II collagen (bCII) to induce arthritis. These mice were pretreated either with hAAT protein or with recombinant adeno-associated virus vector expressing hAAT (rAAV-hAAT). Control groups received saline injections. Arthritis development was evaluated by prevalence of arthritis and arthritic index. Serum levels of B-cell activating factor of the TNF-α family (BAFF), antibodies against both bovine (bCII) and mouse collagen II (mCII) were tested by ELISA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Human AAT protein therapy as well as recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV8)-mediated hAAT gene therapy significantly delayed onset and ameliorated disease development of arthritis in CIA mouse model. Importantly, hAAT therapies significantly reduced serum levels of BAFF and autoantibodies against bCII and mCII, suggesting that the effects are mediated via B-cells, at least partially.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results present a new drug for arthritis therapy. Human AAT protein and gene therapies are able to ameliorate and delay arthritis development and reduce autoimmunity, indicating promising potential of these therapies as a new treatment strategy for RA.</p

    Updates in SJS/TEN: collaboration, innovation, and community

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    Stevens-Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (SJS/TEN) is a predominantly drug-induced disease, with a mortality rate of 15–20%, that engages the expertise of multiple disciplines: dermatology, allergy, immunology, clinical pharmacology, burn surgery, ophthalmology, urogynecology, and psychiatry. SJS/TEN has an incidence of 1–5/million persons per year in the United States, with even higher rates globally. One of the challenges of SJS/TEN has been developing the research infrastructure and coordination to answer questions capable of transforming clinical care and leading to improved patient outcomes. SJS/TEN 2021, the third research meeting of its kind, was held as a virtual meeting on August 28–29, 2021. The meeting brought together 428 international scientists, in addition to a community of 140 SJS/TEN survivors and family members. The goal of the meeting was to brainstorm strategies to support the continued growth of an international SJS/TEN research network, bridging science and the community. The community workshop section of the meeting focused on eight primary themes: mental health, eye care, SJS/TEN in children, non-drug induced SJS/TEN, long-term health complications, new advances in mechanisms and basic science, managing long-term scarring, considerations for skin of color, and COVID-19 vaccines. The meeting featured several important updates and identified areas of unmet research and clinical need that will be highlighted in this white paper

    Human plasma protein N-glycosylation

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    EC2U from different angles | Dr. Jens Grimstein

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    Dr. Jens Grimmstein - Sprachenzentrum EC2U - Mehrsprachigkei

    A regulatory science viewpoint on botanical–drug interactions

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    There is a continued predisposition of concurrent use of drugs and botanical products. Consumers often self-administer botanical products without informing their health care providers. The perceived safety of botanical products with lack of knowledge of the interaction potential poses a challenge for providers and both efficacy and safety concerns for patients. Botanical–drug combinations can produce untoward effects when botanical constituents modulate drug metabolizing enzymes and/or transporters impacting the systemic or tissue exposure of concomitant drugs. Examples of pertinent scientific literature evaluating the interaction potential of commonly used botanicals in the US are discussed. Current methodologies that can be applied to advance our efforts in predicting drug interaction liability is presented. This review also highlights the regulatory science viewpoint on botanical–drug interactions and labeling implications. Keywords: Drug interaction, Botanical product, St. John's wort, Fruit juices, Regulatory scienc