93 research outputs found

    Shape and construction of brick vaults. Criteria, methods and tools for a possible catalogue

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    The use of cloister vaults in the construction of noble buildings, as covering elements for square or rectangular rooms, is widespread and well-known. The geometric continuity at the intrados makes generally possible the execution all over the span of frescoes, stucco and decorations. The construction of brick vaults, from the late Middle Age, was sped up by limiting the centering to the wooden planks arches that were instrumental in the profile determination. Nowadays, the availability of several procedures, phases and tools for carrying out a survey allows to draw reliable assumptions about the construction methods and the execution time. It is mandatory to determine the properties of the binders, the shape and dimensions of the bricks, and to carry out a comparison between the geometry of the intrados surface and the evidences emerging at the extrados. The support of the laser scanner technique allows to accurately identify the surface profile and thickness. All these indications, in turn, are useful, in view of an interpretation of the structural behavior, to identify weaknesses, and to highlight contributing factors of instability (if any). In addition, Italian culture lacks systematic studies that indicate a reliable common pattern among the different types of vaults. Similar intrados shapes are often characterized by radically different patterns that are rarely taken into account from the structural point of view. The culture of stereotomy, in France and Spain, takes this interpretation of vaults for granted, while more systematic studies, in German-speaking countries, offer a broad and solid framework. The Italian technical literature was in Modern Age relatively scarce and showed limited attention to structural problems, and this fact contributes to widen this gap. Providing a variety of accurate surveys, aware of the aforementioned framework and the related shortcomings, will enable to overcome them. As a matter of fact, an element like the vault characterizes the Italian built heritage, but in the structural analysis there is often an oversimplification of some geometrical properties, limited to hurriedly measure thicknesses and intrados profiles, something that may lead to wrong conclusions. The paper focuses on a well-documented case, the Magio Grasselli palace in Cremona, where late medieval existing buildings were partially dismantled and modified in a modern aristocratic palace, designed by architect Francesco Pescaroli starting after 1658 until the end of the century. However, only the part of the building facing the main street and the part of the room overlooking the inner court were completed. The construction was resumed only after 1760: the wing facing the court and garden was completed, and all the rooms of the main floor, including the entrance hall, were covered with cloister vaults. Later on, the part of the building overlooking the main street was transformed. Here also, five rooms facing the street were vaulted, but only the central room, entirely painted by Giovanni Manfredini (1785), was completed, while three other unfinished rooms were subdivided in the Nineteenth century. The cloister vaults of two main rooms show different construction systems, although they were built almost at the same time. In the one overlooking the court, the bricks were laid on edge in concentric rows that seem parallel to the walls of the room, but are slightly arranged upwards. The irregularities are compensated by the longitudinal key joints. Wall-ribs systems at the extrados (the so-called Italian frenelli) connected to reinforcing arches, which could have served as base framework, contribute to the global stability of the structure. Thus, the vault seems to be constructed without continuous centering. Again, the large dimensions and the almost square shapes of the room overlooking the street suggest a construction through subsequent phases. Here the arches, visible from the extrados, were the centering outlining the profile of the vault, and enabled to build it without the support of planks. In order to understand the similarities and differences, the construction techniques and the state of damage of the two halls vaults, an integrated survey using laser scanners, photogrammetry and thermographic investigations was carried out. Such a survey allowed understanding the vault morphology and the masonry pattern, highlighting certain critical aspects of the structural elements, the kind of instability and decay, and the crack patterns mechanisms. More in detail, the three-dimensional model of the intrados of the hall, obtained from the laser scanner clouds, has been integrated with the three dimensional model of the masonry pattern, visible from the extrados, obtained from an elaboration of photogrammetric images. The current structure is a frame vault, characterized by two large and respectively transverse and longitudinal arches which divide the surface in nine squares and support thinner vaults, made of tiles (3-5 cm), widely used since the Sixteenth century. The investigation of easily detectable extrados parts makes a deeper knowledge of such constructions possible: it allows a better interpretation of recurring situations, even more problematic to be detected. This interpretation, however, cannot be carried out without an accurate survey integrated by thermography that can be extensively used at the intrados surfaces. In addition, the patient reconstruction and understanding of a constructive richness, made of recurrent elements and specific features, allow sketching a mixed pattern of workers and constructive knowledge. This process may result into current geographical updatable abaci, such as the French repertoires; from the point of view of innovation, it could lead to BIM libraries of vaulted elements that should be, however, not aimed at flattening and oversimplifying these valuable items to a unique parametric matrix, “copy-and-pasteable” at will, with mere changes of dimensions. Unfortunately, an oversimplification of complex elements (such as vaults) is the rule in the application of BIM to the cultural heritage. This oversimplification is the demonstration of incomplete knowledge and deviate interpretation of BIM that should be used, on the contrary, to better handle differences and peculiarities. Through the concept itself of instances consisting of unique and complex elements, “hic et nunc” to every object, the families are enriched; what is different is the point of view that should be aimed not at unifying, but at the comprehension and rendering of the acquired knowledge. As testified by some recent experiences, BIM models support this different approach to modeling, although still in a rather complex way (even if the rendering of a complex model is always complex). The availability of a detailed three-dimensional model allows a backward knowledge of the construction technique, maybe not in its entirety, but sufficient enough to explain and highlight that the provision and use of centering in the constructive phase, as previously mentioned, “changes” the geometric shape by creating multiple variations. The archival, metric and thermographic information concerning the Magio Grasselli palace are abundant and considerable, and are integrated with the plurality of data, essential to define an elevated standard of documentation, which allows to justify both detailed hypotheses on the construction techniques, and classification criteria. It is important, however, to subject the whole to a critical examination, in order to define principles effectively shared and aimed at building a reference system, whose absence was already pointed out


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    The developments of the latest technology in the field of Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH) are revolutionizing the methods of surveying, representing and managing the built heritage. The integrated use of 3D survey instruments such as laser scanning, digital photogrammetry and the new holistic way to represent the architecture, based on the Building Information Modeling (BIM), allows the collection, analysis and archiving of a large amount of data, by increasing information sharing among a great number of experts involved during the life cycle of the building. The paper focuses on the connection between Italy and Czech in terms of vaults patterns and construction techniques. The two case studies are the frame vault of the chapel of the Italian Cultural Institute and the barrel vault with lunettes of the Klementinum Baroque Library. They are both unique examples of the great expertise of architects and craftsmen that worked in Bohemia across the 17th and 18th centuries. Most of them were from the North of Italy, like the ones that worked in the building sites of the two case studies. The in-depth study of the construction techniques and the complex shapes needs the use of new scan-to-BIM modeling requirements, based on the definition of geometric primitives useful for the generation of intelligent three-dimensional models able to integrate different types of data. Finally, the acquired data are included in a database that collects information coming from both Italian and Czech studies, raising awareness among citizens of the richness of their built heritage

    Altered methylation pattern of the SRD5A2 gene in the cerebrospinal fluid of post-finasteride patients: A pilot study

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    Context: Post-finasteride syndrome (PFS) occurs in patients with androgenic alopecia after suspension of the finasteride treatment, leading to a large variety of persistent side effects. Despite the severity of the clinical picture, the mechanism underlying the PFS symptoms onset and persistence is still unclear. Objective: To study whether epigenetic modifications occur in PFS patients. Methods: Retrospective analysis of a multicentric, prospective, longitudinal, case\u2013control clinical trial, enrolling 16 PFS patients, compared to 20 age-matched healthy men. Main outcomes were methylation pattern of SRD5A1 and SRD5A2 promoters and concentration of 11 neuroactive steroids, measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples. Results: SRD5A1 and SRD5A2 methylation analysis was performed in all blood samples (n = 16 PFS patients and n = 20 controls), in 16 CSF samples from PFS patients and in 13 CSF samples from controls. The SRD5A2 promoter was more frequently methylated in CSF of PFS patients compared to controls (56.3 vs 7.7%). No promoter methylation was detected in blood samples in both groups. No methylation occurred in the SRD5A1 promoter of both groups. Unmethylated controls compared to unmethylated SRD5A2 patients showed higher pregnenolone, dihydrotestosterone and dihydroprogesterone, together with lower testosterone CSF levels. Andrological and neurological assessments did not differ between methylated and unmethylated subjects. Conclusions: For the first time, we demonstrate a tissue-specific methylation pattern of SRD5A2 promoter in PFS patients. Although we cannot conclude whether this pattern is prenatally established or induced by finasteride treatment, it could represent an important mechanism of neuroactive steroid levels and behavioural disturbances previously described in PFS


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    The construction of brick-vaulted systems between the 16th and 18th centuries is a typical mark among the noble buildings in large part of Northern Italy. Nowadays they are still a witness of a high level of constructive knowledge by workers, formalized in historical treatises and manuals supporting a literature of theories and practices known since ancient times. The way a vault is geometrically built, regardless of its typology, is not unique and it differs in treatises, according to its location in time and space. The consequence is the generation of “mixed” solutions, where the result of the final volume is achieved by the integration of different generative models and spatial solutions. The observation of cloister vaults, apparently similar to each other but built adopting different constructive techniques within a single building, Magio Grasselli Palace in Cremona, helped to understand this topic

    Role of Gas6 and TAM Receptors in the Identification of Cardiopulmonary Involvement in Systemic Sclerosis and Scleroderma Spectrum Disorders

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    Background: Few biomarkers are available for early identification of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and interstitial lung disease (ILD) in systemic sclerosis (SS) and scleroderma spectrum disorders (SSD). Aims: To evaluate Gas6, sAxl, and sMer as biomarkers for cardiopulmonary complications of SS and SSD. Methods: In a cross-sectional observational study, we recruited 125 consecutive patients, affected by SS and SSD and referred to a tertiary-level pulmonary hypertension outpatient clinic. All patients underwent a comprehensive evaluation for identification of PAH and ILD. Gas6, sMer, and sAxl concentrations were measured with ELISA protocols, and concentrations were compared according to PAH or ILD. Results: Nineteen subjects had pulmonary hypertension (PH) (14 PAH), and 39 had ILD (6 severe). Plasma sMer was increased in PAH (18.6 ng/ml IQR [11.7-20.3]) with respect to the absence (12.4 [8.0-15.8]) or other form of pulmonary hypertension (9.6 [7.4-12.5]; K-W variance p < 0.04). Conversely, Gas6 and sAxl levels were slightly increased in mild ILD (25.8 ng/ml [19.5-32.1] and 24.6 [20.1-32.5]) and reduced in severe ILD (16.6 [15.0-22.1] and 15.5 [14.9-22.4]) in comparison to no evidence of ILD (23.4 [18.8-28.1] and 21.6 [18.1-28.4]; K-W, p 64 0.05). Plasma sMer 65 19 ng/ml has 50% sensitivity and 92% specificity in PAH identification (area under the ROC curve (AUC) 0.697, p < 0.03). Values of Gas6 64 24.5 ng/ml and of sAxl 64 15.5 ng/ml have 100% and 67% sensitivity and 47% and 86% specificity, respectively, in identifying severe ILD (Gas6 AUC 0.787, p < 0.001; sAxl AUC 0.705, p < 0.05). Conclusions: The assay of Gas6 sAxl and sMer may be useful to help in the identification of PAH and ILD in SS and SSD patients. The Gas6/TAM system seems to be relevant in cardiopulmonary complications of SS and SSD and merits further investigations

    Trisonomia 9 in pazienti affetti da MPN PH-: aspetti clinici e laboratoristici

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    Le neoplasie mieloproliferative ( MPN), comprendenti la Policitemia vera (PV), la Trombocitemia essenziale (TE) e la Mielofibrosi idiopatica (MFI), sono disordini clonali Philadelphia negativi caratterizzati, nel 20% dei casi, da anomalie cromosomiche ricorrenti. La trisomia 9 rappresenta la seconda anomalia cromosomica pi\uf9 frequente nelle MPN dopo la delezione 20q. Abbiamo eseguito l\u2019analisi citogenetica su aspirato midollare di una casistica monocentrica di 325 pazienti affetti da MPN; tutti i pazienti sono risultati Ph-, la trisomia 9 \ue8 stata riscontrata in 13 pazienti (9 affetti da PV e 4 da TE), in 10 casi come unica anomalia cromosomica, in un caso associata a trisomia 8 e in 2 casi in un cariotipo pi\uf9 complesso. Sono state analizzate le caratteristiche cliniche e di laboratorio e l\u2019evoluzione di malattia, al fine di individuare se tale anomalia citogenetica avesse delle particolari stigmate. I pazienti sono stati seguiti regolarmente per un periodo medio di 10,6 anni (range 1- 23 anni). L\u2019et\ue0 media alla diagnosi era 62 anni e il rapporto M:F di 1,2:1. I dati di laboratorio mostravano un valore medio di emoglobina di 16,7 g/dl, un numero medio di globuli bianchi di 9657/mmc, mentre la conta piastrinica media era di 690000/mmc. Il dosaggio dell\u2019 eritropoietina serica \ue8 risultato ridotto in tutti i pazienti e tutti presentavano la mutazione JAK2 V617F (carica allelica media 47,1%). E\u2019 interessante notare che nei pazienti affetti da TE, i valori di emoglobina alla diagnosi, pur non essendo sufficienti per porre diagnosi di PV erano comunque ai limiti superiori di norma. Dei 4 pazienti con TE, 3 (75%) sono evoluti a distanza di anni in PV, evento relativamente raro. I dati ottenuti evidenziano una maggior frequenza della trisomia 9 nei pazienti con PV rispetto alle altre neoplasie mieloproliferative ed inoltre sottolineano come i pazienti con TE portatori di tale alterazione citogenetica, abbiano un fenotipo simil-PV e un aumentato rischio di evoluzione in franca PV. Non \ue8 stata osservata trisomia 9 nelle Mielofibrosi. E\u2019 inoltre da segnalare che sul braccio corto del cromosoma 9 \ue8 stato mappato il gene JAK-2, gene che risulta mutato frequentemente nelle MPN Ph- e soprattutto nelle PV di cui rappresenta un marker molecolare
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