595 research outputs found

    Biodiversity Offset Program Design and Implementation

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    Biodiversity offsets are applied in many countries to compensate for impacts on the environment, but research on regulatory frameworks and implementation enabling effective offsets is lacking. This paper reviews research on biodiversity offsets, providing a framework for the analysis of program design (no net loss goal, uncertainty and ratios, equivalence and accounting, site selection, landscape-scale mitigation planning, timing) and implementation (compliance, adherence to the mitigation hierarchy, leakage and trade-offs, oversight, transparency and monitoring). Some more challenging aspects concern the proper metrics and accounting allowing for program evaluation, as well as the consideration of trade-offs when regulations focus only on the biodiversity aspect of ecosystems. Results can be used to assess offsets anywhere and support the creation of programs that balance development and conservation.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel – 201

    Capturing and detection of small biomolecules by supramolecular approaches in water and biofluids

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    Linear Stark Shifts to Measure the Fr Weak Nuclear Charge with Small Atom Samples

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    We study the chirality of ground-state alkali atoms in E and B fields, dressed with a circularly-polarized laser beam close-detuned from an E-field-assisted forbidden transition, such as 7S-8S in Fr. We predict a parity violating energy shift of their sublevels, linear in E, and the weak nuclear charge Q_W.Adressingbeamof10kW/cm. A dressing beam of 10 kW/cm^2at506nmproducesashiftof at 506 nm produces a shift of \sim100 \muHzatE=100V/cm,BHz at E=100 V/cm, B \gtrsim30mG.Itshouldbeobservablewith30 mG. It should be observable with \sim 10^4Fratomsconfinedinanopticaldipoletrap.Wediscussoptimalconditions,parameterreversalsandacalibrationproceduretomeasure Fr atoms confined in an optical dipole trap. We discuss optimal conditions, parameter reversals and a calibration procedure to measure Q_W$.Comment: 4 pages, 1 tabl

    Exploiting the neoantigen landscape for immunotherapy of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Immunotherapy approaches for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) have met with limited success. It has been postulated that a low mutation load may lead to a paucity of T cells within the tumor microenvironment (TME). However, it is also possible that while neoantigens are present, an effective immune response cannot be generated due to an immune suppressive TME. To discern whether targetable neoantigens exist in PDAC, we performed a comprehensive study using genomic profiles of 221 PDAC cases extracted from public databases. Our findings reveal that: (a) nearly all PDAC samples harbor potentially targetable neoantigens; (b) T cells are present but generally show a reduced activation signature; and (c) markers of efficient antigen presentation are associated with a reduced signature of markers characterizing cytotoxic T cells. These findings suggest that despite the presence of tumor specific neoepitopes, T cell activation is actively suppressed in PDAC. Further, we identify iNOS as a potential mediator of immune suppression that might be actionable using pharmacological avenues

    An immunocompetent farmer with isolated cerebral alveolar echinococcosis: illustrative case

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    BACKGROUND: Alveolar echinococcosis is a rare condition, but living or working in a rural environment is a substantial risk factor. The liver is the organ primarily affected, with additional extrahepatic manifestations in approximately 25% of cases. Primary extrahepatic disease is rare, and isolated cerebral involvement is extremely unusual. OBSERVATIONS: The authors described an illustrative case of isolated cerebral alveolar echinococcosis in an immunocompetent farmer. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed a predominantly cystic lesion with perifocal edema and a “bunch of grapes” appearance in the left frontal lobe. Histology revealed sharply demarcated fragments of a fibrous cyst wall accompanied by marked inflammation and necrosis. Higher magnification showed remnants of protoscolices with hooklets and calcified corpuscles. Immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis confirmed the diagnosis of cerebral alveolar echinococcosis. Interestingly, serology and thoracic and abdominal computed tomography results were negative, indicative of an isolated primary extrahepatic manifestation. LESSONS: Isolated, primary central nervous system echinococcosis is extremely rare, with only isolated case reports. As in the authors’ case, it can occur in immunocompetent patients, especially persons with a rural vocational history. Negative serology results do not exclude cerebral echinococcosis, which requires histological confirmation. Immunohistochemical staining and PCR analysis are especially useful in cases without classic morphological findings

    Wicked facets of the German energy transition – examples from the electricity, heating, transport, and industry sectors

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    We shed light on wicked problems in the German energy transition. Our methods consist of a multiple-case study and multi-criteria analysis, utilising the wicked problems theoretical framework introduced by Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber [1973. “Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning.” Policy Sciences 4 (2): 155–169. Accessed August 20, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01405730]. Results from the energy supply, heating/cooling, transport, and industry sectors illustrate where and how the 10-point frame of wicked problems manifests in the German energy transition. The four cases exhibit more wicked tendencies in the governance domain than the technical domain and differ in their degrees of technology maturity, policy regulation, and knowledge states. We do not find that the German energy transition is inherently wicked. However, wickedness unfolds through the social setting into which technical solutions of the energy transition are embedded. We aim to highlight these intricacies and encourage scrutinising these wicked facets early on

    Hordeum vulgare differentiates its response to beneficial bacteria

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    Background In nature, beneficial bacteria triggering induced systemic resistance (ISR) may protect plants from potential diseases, reducing yield losses caused by diverse pathogens. However, little is known about how the host plant initially responds to different beneficial bacteria. To reveal the impact of different bacteria on barley (Hordeum vulgare), bacterial colonization patterns, gene expression, and composition of seed endophytes were explored. Results This study used the soil-borne Ensifer meliloti, as well as Pantoea sp. and Pseudomonas sp. isolated from barley seeds, individually. The results demonstrated that those bacteria persisted in the rhizosphere but with different colonization patterns. Although root-leaf translocation was not observed, all three bacteria induced systemic resistance (ISR) against foliar fungal pathogens. Transcriptome analysis revealed that ion- and stress-related genes were regulated in plants that first encountered bacteria. Iron homeostasis and heat stress responses were involved in the response to E. meliloti and Pantoea sp., even if the iron content was not altered. Heat shock protein-encoding genes responded to inoculation with Pantoea sp. and Pseudomonas sp. Furthermore, bacterial inoculation affected the composition of seed endophytes. Investigation of the following generation indicated that the enhanced resistance was not heritable. Conclusions Here, using barley as a model, we highlighted different responses to three different beneficial bacteria as well as the influence of soil-borne Ensifer meliloti on the seed microbiome. In total, these results can help to understand the interaction between ISR-triggering bacteria and a crop plant, which is essential for the application of biological agents in sustainable agriculture

    Socio-eco-evolutionary dynamics in cities

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    Cities are uniquely complex systems regulated by interactions and feedbacks between nature and human society. Characteristics of human society-including culture, economics, technology and politics-underlie social patterns and activity, creating a heterogeneous environment that can influence and be influenced by both ecological and evolutionary processes. Increasing research on urban ecology and evolutionary biology has coincided with growing interest in eco-evolutionary dynamics, which encompasses the interactions and reciprocal feedbacks between evolution and ecology. Research on both urban evolutionary biology and eco-evolutionary dynamics frequently focuses on contemporary evolution of species that have potentially substantial ecological-and even social-significance. Still, little work fully integrates urban evolutionary biology and eco-evolutionary dynamics, and rarely do researchers in either of these fields fully consider the role of human social patterns and processes. Because cities are fundamentally regulated by human activities, are inherently interconnected and are frequently undergoing social and economic transformation, they represent an opportunity for ecologists and evolutionary biologists to study urban "socio-eco-evolutionary dynamics." Through this new framework, we encourage researchers of urban ecology and evolution to fully integrate human social drivers and feedbacks to increase understanding and conservation of ecosystems, their functions and their contributions to people within and outside cities

    Canrightiopsis, a new Early Cretaceous fossil with Clavatipollenites-type pollen bridge the gap between extinct Canrightia and extant Chloranthaceae

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    Canrightiopsis with three species (C. intermedia, C. crassitesta, C. dinisii) is described from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal based on small, one-seeded berries. The fruits are derived from bisexual flowers with three stamens borne on one side of the ovary. There are no traces of a perianth. Pollen is of the Clavatipollenites-type, monocolpate, semitectate, reticulate-columellate with heterobrochate reticulum and muri with beaded supratectal ornamentation. The ovary is unilocular with a single pendant, orthotropous and bitegmic ovule. The seed is endotestal. The endotesta consists of one layer of palisade-shaped crystal cells with fibrous infillings. The fruit wall has resin bodies or cavities from presumed ethereal oil cells sometimes seen as stomata-like structures on the fruit surface. A phylogenetic analysis resolves Canrightiopsis as a close relative of extant Chloranthaceae, particularly close to extant Chloranthus and Sarcandra. All three taxa share the one-sided position of the stamens on the ovary. An evolutionary sequence from fossil Canrightia to fossil Canrightiopsis and extant Chloranthus and Sarcandra is suggested by loss of perianth, reduction in number of ovules and stamens and displacement of stamens to one side of the ovary. Canrightiopsis also shares several critical features with extant Ascarina including monoaperturate pollen and beaded supratectal ornamentation of the pollen wall.Swiss Light Source (European Union) [20110963, 20130185]; Swedish Research Council [621-2011-5431]; CretaCarbo project [PTDC/CTE-GIX/113983/2009]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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