780 research outputs found

    The ground-based solar observations database BASS 2000

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    BASS 2000 is the French solar database for ground-based instruments. We describe hereafter our organization, our tasks and the products we can deliver to the international community. Our prospects cover data mining into the THeMIS archive, a participation to the EST endeavour and the creation and curation of the ESPaDOnS/NARVAL stellar spectra database.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure (to appear in the Procs. of Solar Polarization Workshop #5, eds. Berdyugina, Nagendra and Ramelli

    Pasture Management in Deer Farms in Mauritius

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    Rusa deer (Cervus timorensis russa) were introduced into Mauritius in 1639, and with a population of 65,000 deer now provide the first source of red meat in the island. From June to September, the hunting period, extensive ranches ensure the venison market, while intensive farms provide it for the rest of the year. A pasture survey was carried out over 3 years to advise deer farmers on their sward management

    Herbage mineral nutrition indexed as tools for rapid mineral status diagnosis in tropical pastures

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    The animal production sector in the tropics is increasingly becoming challenged with the limited availability of pastures. There is need therefore to explore other options to suppliment the available pastures. The objectives of this study therefore was to understand how herbage mineral dilution indices used in developed countries as tools for controlled fertilisation, could be adapted in a tropical environment where high seasonal variations with regard to availability occur in pastures. A 3-year study was carried out in La RĂ©union Island, Indian Ocean. Fortynine farms, with swards made of either temperate or tropical grasses, grazed or mowed, were visited between four and five times a year. Dry biomass and dry matter contents were reported at each sample collection; whereas mineral indices were calculated from chemical analysis with a view to generate relevant fertilisation recommendations.Although the dry matter ( DM) values of less than 20% indicated a better stage of exploitation for the grasses, the data consistently indicate a decrease in the seasonal differences of dry biomass for grazed species. The use of indices, which combine both plant mineral status and pasture biomass, appeared relevant indicators for farmers and for pasture experts in tropical countries, and can be predicted through near infrared spectroscopy with an acceptable precision (R2 = 0.80, 0.60 and 0.91, for nitrogen , phosphorous and potassium, respectively). With reduced cost of pasture feed analysis using the NIRS, farmers can be able to make informed decisions basedon scientific data. Fertilisation is one of the potential options to improve pasture management as indicated by findings of this study. This is useful evidence-based information that could be incorporated in extension packages and resource materials for dissemination and subsequent adoption by livestock farming communities to improve produtivity

    An evaluation of milk quality in Uganda: Value chain assessment and recommendations

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    The sanitary quality of raw milk is an important issue in Uganda for social, economical and healthy reasons. A survey on milk quality was carried out in  Mbarara major milk producing region in Uganda, between June and August 2004. The milk production system described in this paper has largely remained unchanged up to now. Milk quality was analysed at six stages of the  commodity chain: farm, bicycle collector at the farm level, pick-up collecting centre, milk collecting centre, urban cooler, and  vendor in Kampala city at the urban cooler level. Milk quality was evaluated using platform tests (Clot on boiling (COB), Alcohol test, milk  temperature and density) and microbiological tests (total plate count, total and faecal coliforms, Escherichia coli count). Approximately half of the total coliform count was attributed to fecal coliforms including E. coli. This indicates great possibility of the occurrence of enteric pathogens in milk. This is partly confirmed by the large count of E. coli. The bacteria load reached very high levels close to 2 x 106 colony forming units per millilitre (cfu/mL) at the farm level, and these levels increased 150-fold  during transportation to Kampala. An analysis of the raw milk marketed through the informal sub sector in Uganda, revealed two main issues: (i) poor hygiene conditions from the production location all the way to the consumer; (ii) lack of an efficient   preservation system to limit bacteria proliferation during transportation to Kampala. Milk was overheated at the urban informal milk heat processing units but rendered free from bacteria. However, storage of such treated milk over several days makes this process potentially more dangerous than  beneficial since post processing contamination of a sterile substratum could lead to rapid proliferation of microorganisms. Milk quality across the value chain could be improved through: (i) changing milking  practices to ensure better hygienic  conditions; (ii) improvement of milk handling and storage conditions maintaining the cold  chain. This study presents baseline information for developing a technical and scientific basis for milk quality improvement in Uganda.Key words: Uganda, Raw Milk Value Chai

    Facteurs de variation du poids vif et de l’état corporel du zĂ©bu Arabe en zone soudanienne du Tchad

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© de dĂ©terminer les effets saisonniers sur l’évolution du poids et de la note d’état corporel (NEC) des zĂ©bus arabes du Tchad. Durant les cinq saisons liĂ©es au calendrier fourrager, des mensurations et des notations d’état corporel ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es sur des bovins mĂąles et femelles. Les mesures barymĂ©triques ont concernĂ© le pĂ©rimĂštre thoracique. La NEC a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©e par palpation de la rĂ©gion lombaire de l’animal. L’alternance saisonniĂšre a provoquĂ© de grandes variations de poids et de l’état corporel des animaux qui ont Ă©tĂ© notĂ©es selon le sexe et l’ñge. La variabilitĂ© des performances pondĂ©rales (2,2 ± 16 kg Ă  64 ±24 kg) et d’état corporel des animaux, obtenue Ă  partir des facteurs individuels (sexe ou Ăąge) et saisonniers (disponibilitĂ© fourragĂšre), a montrĂ© que ce sont les animaux d’ñge supĂ©rieur Ă  6 ans qui ont perdu plus de poids en saison sĂšche. Les femelles de 3-6 ans (64 ± 44,8 kg) et les mĂąles de 2-3 ans (54 ± 43 kg) ont montrĂ© les fluctuations pondĂ©rales les plus significatives en saison des pluies. Afin de minimiser les risques et maximiser la production en Ă©levage extensif, des amĂ©liorations dans la conduite des animaux ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es.Mots clĂ©s : Variations fourragĂšres - Poids - Etat corporel - ZĂ©bu arabe - Tcha

    Potentialities of Near Infrared Spectroscopy to Assess Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Nutrient Status of Grasslands in the Reunion Island

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    Controlled mineral fertilisation practices are an important component for sustainable management of grasslands. The assessment of available nutrients for plants and the general recommendations on the level of phosphorus and potassium to apply to grasslands are classically based on classical soil analysis and average regional levels. For nitrogen, mid or long term recommendations cannot easily be derived solely from soil composition, because it may be rapidly leached from the soil. Recent approaches tended to show that herbage plant N (Lemaire & Gastal, 1997), P, K (Duru & Huché, 1997) mineral analyses associated with actual biomass measurement could be useful for the calculation of combined nutrient indices (IN, IP, IK). Expressing these indices along references curves with a standard optimum value of 100, indicates the limiting factors or excess in the mineral feeding of the plants. It provides a diagnosis of the main nutrient status at a specific local plot situation. The step has been successfully implemented to provide local advice in the management of grasslands on Reunion Island (Blanfort, 1998). Nitrogen content can be predicted from NIRs, but this technique is less used for the other elements. However, the concern is here more related to the development of a combined index, it appeared interesting to test the potential of NIRs to predict these or to rank grasslands according to nutrition levels

    Brucella sero-prevalence and modifiable risk factors among predisposed cattle keepers and consumers of un-pasteurized milk in Mbarara and Kampala districts, Uganda

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    Background: Brucellosis is an important zoonotic disease in developing countries yet it is often not recognized, goes unreported and does not attract public health action by these governments including Uganda.Objective: To estimate the sero-prevalence and assess modifiable risk factors associated with Brucella seropositivity in cattle keepers and consumers of unpasteurized milk in Uganda.Methods: One group comprised of 161 individuals randomly selected from households living on farms that had Brucella sero-positive cattle and/or goats in Mbarara District from an earlier survey; the second group comprised of 168 randomly selected individuals attending an HIV voluntary counseling and testing clinic in Kampala District. Sera samples were tested using Rapid Plate Agglutination Test, Standard Tube Agglutination Test and cELISA.Results: The sero-prevalence of brucellosis among exposed cattle keepers in Mbarara and consumers of unpasteurised milk in Kampala Districts was 5.8% (95%CI: 3.3%, 8.3%) and 9% (95%CI: 13.3%, 4.7%), respectively. Consumption of unboiled milk was significantly (p=0.004) associated with seropositivity in Mbarara District. There was no association between sero-positivity with age, sex and awareness of human brucellosis.Conclusion: Human brucellosis is prevalent among livestock rearing communities and consumers of unpasteurised milk. The continued consumption of unboiled milk is a major health risk.Key words: Brucellosis, Modifiable risk factors, Sero-prevalence, unpasteurised milk, cELIS
