83 research outputs found

    Risk assessment of PCP lift system using a fishbone diagram and MICMAC method

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    Hydrocarbons demand by industrialized and developed nations and the oil prices conditions last few years; many companies have turned again to fields that were not previously considered attractive to produce, to identify them as an alternative to meet that demand. This research shows the identification of a condition, which should be taken into account to produce a mature field by progressive cavity pumping (PCP) artificial lift system, an evaluation with the MICMAC method and the identification of the key variables to achieve the development in this practice. The results make possible to identify highest influence elements, which can guide intervention strategies and form the basis to formulate guidelines and policies for the PCP implementation. The results allow us to conclude that pressures and mechanical designs in field wells should be the guidelines for optimum production, the market rate improvement, and the reservoir productive life

    Offshore oil exploitation in the Caribbean Sea: Challenges for Colombia

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    Colombia began an expansion plan for oil exploration in the Caribbean Sea, this industry is recognized for the high impact it can generate, being necessary to identify mechanisms to improve management. This research presents a review of the experiences in the offshore oil industry, describes the case of oil exploration in the Arctic, a fragile ecosystem; methodologies and indicators used to strengthen the industry in order to achieve sustainability are identified. The results allow to conclude that it is necessary to strengthen the development plan from the institutional and political frameworks using a Strategic Environmental Assessment, also they indicate how this can improve the instruments and achieve improvement in the social, economic and environmental dimensions

    Drivers of biomass power generation technologies: adoption in Colombia

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    The share of non-conventional renewable energies in Colombia represents less than 4% of electricity generation; the government aims to increase the net installed electricity generation capacity to over 10% by 2028. A structural analysis was carried out for decisionmaking: international experiences was used to identify Social, Environmental, Technical and Economic indicators and with the MICMAC method, the key variables were identified to define improvement strategies. This research determined the driver elements that will allow Colombia to effectively include biomass as an electrical energy source

    Modelo de predicción de la demanda de energía eléctrica en Colombia por regresiones múltiples

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    En la presente memoria se muestra la investigación de un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple aplicado al pronóstico anual de la demanda de energía eléctrica, sus resultados fueron validados mediante estadísticas de regresión y el coeficiente Cp de Mallows, usando datos reales del Sistema Eléctrico Colombiano.MaestríaMagister en Ingeniería Eléctric

    A literature survey on electrical-current-assisted friction stir welding

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    Electrical-current-assisted friction stir welding (EA-FSW) is a procedure developed for the joining of similar and dissimilar materials. EA-FSW is a newly invented solid-state process to increase welded components’ efficacy in various applications, such as marine structures. EA-FSW joints have investigated the dissimilar joints on aluminum–magnesium, aluminum–steel, and polymer-to-steel. Similar joints have been performed on aluminum, magnesium, and steel. The main parameters that affect the temperature of the nugget in EA-FSW are electrical current and tool rotational velocity. This review paper presents the fundamental principle of EA-FSW, its processes mechanism, and various types of tools, and discusses the different joints that EA-FSW welded. The effect of electrical current on the quality of similar and dissimilar joints is discussed. The simulation process and detailed modeling of the EA-FSW process are discussed in the last section

    Prospective towards implementation of electric vehicles in Colombia

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    The effects of climate change have led to reduces fossil fuel in vehicle, developing new technologies such as the electric vehicles. The research presents an identification of barriers and inhibitors according to international experiences, an evaluation with the MICMAC method and the identification of key factors to achieve development of electric vehicles in Colombia. The results allow to identify the elements of high influence, which may guide intervention strategies and be the basis for the formulation of guidelines and policies. The results conclude that the business models for the purchase and sale of energy are the catalyst for the encouraging of the stakeholders, the improvement of the distribution network and the management of the electricity market

    Evaluación ambiental estratégica de la explotación petrolera costa afuera en la Región Caribe Colombiana

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    La propuesta de investigación doctoral consiste en la realización de una Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica a la explotación petrolera costa afuera en la región del caribe colombiano, guiado por la necesidad de los planes gubernamentales de realizar estas actividades y la oposición generada por los accidentes ambientales ocurridos en Colombia y alrededor del mundo; la investigación buscara generar una guía que permita fortalecer el plan de desarrollo desde los marco institucionales y políticos. Empresas vinculadas al sector petrolero y gasífero, tales como la Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH), Comisión de Regulación de Energía y Gas (CREG), la Unidad de Planeación Minero-Energética (UPME), empresas operadoras de campos costa afuera, además del Ministerio de Minas y Energía. En términos generales, las entidades encargadas de la regulación, planeación y control del mercado del gas y el petróleo. Los eventuales resultados de esta tesis doctoral implicarían un cambio en los esquemas para la exploración y explotación de los campos petroleros costa afuera en la región caribe de Colombia. La Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica permitirá tener un modelo de evaluación para generar propuestas y recomendaciones para la formulación de una política petrolera adaptada a la problemática ambiental y social del país

    Analysis of the energetic and productive effects derived by the installation of a conveyor belt in the metal-mechanic industry

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    Energy efficiency is a topic of interest due to the financial decisions that involve; high costs must be avoided and regulated by means of strategic decision with low-cost invest. The research presents an operational improvement in the production chain of metal parts in a metal-mechanic micro-enterprise by means of the installation of a conveyor belt, a comparison is made between the energy consumption of the previous system and the system with the conveyor belt, and the results present improvements in execution times, production and energy consumption per number of manufactured parts

    Identification of critical variables in conventional transformers in distribution networks

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    Transformers are essential equipment to the operation of electrical power systems, a failure causes the lack of electricity supply to end-users, affecting the operating indicators of companies in the distribution sector. The investigation presents an identification of the faults in transformers through a fishbone diagram, an evaluation of the variables that cause the identified failure using the cross-impact matrix method and a proposal to improve the performance. The results will enable a plan to be developed for taking action with monitoring plans to avoid faults that could put the electrical asset at risk and achieve a better performance of the distribution network

    Dynamic effects of fiscal and monetary policy instruments on environmental pollution in ASEAN

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    This study aims to re-examine the impacts of monetary and fiscal policy on environmental quality in ASEAN countries from 1990 to 2019. We utilized the panel and time series NARDL approach to explore the long-run and short-run estimates at a regional level and country level. ASEAN regional-wise analysis shows that contractionary monetary policy reduces the CO2 emissions, while expansionary monetary policy enhances CO2 emissions in the long run. The long-run coefficient further confirms that expansionary fiscal policy mitigates CO2 emissions in ASEAN. The impact of expansionary monetary and fiscal policy on CO2 emissions is positive and significant, while contractionary monetary and fiscal policy have an insignificant impact on CO2 emissions in the short run. ASEAN country-wise analysis also reported the country-specific estimates for the short and long run. Some policies can redesign in light of these novel findings in ASEAN economies