905 research outputs found

    Quantum well behavior of single stacking fault 3C inclusions in 4H-SiC p-i-n diodes studied by ballistic electron emission microscopy

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    We show that "single" stacking fault 3C inclusions formed in 4H-SiC p-i-n diodes behave as electron quantum wells (QWs) with the QW energy depth of ???0.25 eV below 4H-SiC conduction band minimum, by measuring the Schottky barriers on and away from inclusions with ballistic electron emission microscopy (BEEM). The Schottky barrier on the 4H area ([11-20] oriented) is measured to be essentially the same as (0001) plane studied previously, indicating that the interface pinning effects on both crystal faces are almost identical. Additionally, BEEM current amplitude is observed to be very sensitive to subsurface damage induced by polishing.open91

    Genome sequence of an Enterobacter helveticus strain, 1159/04 (= LMG 23733), isolated from fruit powder

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    We report the draft genome sequence of Enterobacter helveticus strain LMG 23733, isolated from fruit powder. The draft genome assembly for E. helveticus strain LMG 23733 has a size of 4,635,476 bp and a G+C content of 55.9%

    A New 3.25 Micron Absorption Feature toward Mon R2/IRS-3

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    A new 3.2--3.5~μ\mum spectrum of the protostar Mon~R2/IRS-3 confirms our previous tentative detection of a new absorption feature near 3.25 μ\mum. The feature in our new spectrum has a central wavelength of 3.256 μ\mum (3071 cm1^{-1}) and has a full-width at half maximum of 0.079 μ\mum (75 cm1^{-1}). We explore a possible identification with aromatic hydrocarbons at low temperatures, which absorb at a similar wavelength. If the feature is due to aromatics, the derived column density of C--H bonds is \sim1.8 ×\times 101810^{18} cm2^{-2}. If the absorbing aromatic molecules are of roughly the same size as those responsible for aromatic emission features in the interstellar medium, then we estimate that \sim9\% of the cosmic abundance of carbon along this line of sight would be in aromatic hydrocarbons, in agreement with abundance estimates from emission features.Comment: 12 pages (26 kB), AASTex format. Also 1 Postscript figure (39 kB), tarred, compressed and uuencoded, added with 'figure' command. Postscript file or hardcopy available upon request to [email protected]. ApJL, in pres

    Neutron time-of-flight measurements of charged-particle energy loss in inertial confinement fusion plasmas

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    Neutron spectra from secondary ^{3}H(d,n)α reactions produced by an implosion of a deuterium-gas capsule at the National Ignition Facility have been measured with order-of-magnitude improvements in statistics and resolution over past experiments. These new data and their sensitivity to the energy loss of fast tritons emitted from thermal ^{2}H(d,p)^{3}H reactions enable the first statistically significant investigation of charged-particle stopping via the emitted neutron spectrum. Radiation-hydrodynamic simulations, constrained to match a number of observables from the implosion, were used to predict the neutron spectra while employing two different energy loss models. This analysis represents the first test of stopping models under inertial confinement fusion conditions, covering plasma temperatures of k_{B}T≈1-4  keV and particle densities of n≈(12-2)×10^{24}  cm^{-3}. Under these conditions, we find significant deviations of our data from a theory employing classical collisions whereas the theory including quantum diffraction agrees with our data

    Uncovering Dangerous Cheats: How Do Avian Hosts Recognize Adult Brood Parasites?

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    BACKGROUND: Co-evolutionary struggles between dangerous enemies (e.g., brood parasites) and their victims (hosts) lead to the emergence of sophisticated adaptations and counter-adaptations. Salient host tricks to reduce parasitism costs include, as front line defence, adult enemy discrimination. In contrast to the well studied egg stage, investigations addressing the specific cues for adult enemy recognition are rare. Previous studies have suggested barred underparts and yellow eyes may provide cues for the recognition of cuckoos Cuculus canorus by their hosts; however, no study to date has examined the role of the two cues simultaneously under a consistent experimental paradigm. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We modify and extend previous work using a novel experimental approach--custom-made dummies with various combinations of hypothesized recognition cues. The salient recognition cue turned out to be the yellow eye. Barred underparts, the only trait examined previously, had a statistically significant but small effect on host aggression highlighting the importance of effect size vs. statistical significance. CONCLUSION: Relative importance of eye vs. underpart phenotypes may reflect ecological context of host-parasite interaction: yellow eyes are conspicuous from the typical direction of host arrival (from above), whereas barred underparts are poorly visible (being visually blocked by the upper part of the cuckoo's body). This visual constraint may reduce usefulness of barred underparts as a reliable recognition cue under a typical situation near host nests. We propose a novel hypothesis that recognition cues for enemy detection can vary in a context-dependent manner (e.g., depending on whether the enemy is approached from below or from above). Further we suggest a particular cue can trigger fear reactions (escape) in some hosts/populations whereas the same cue can trigger aggression (attack) in other hosts/populations depending on presence/absence of dangerous enemies that are phenotypically similar to brood parasites and costs and benefits associated with particular host responses

    Werner syndrome protein limits MYC-induced cellular senescence - Supplementary Materials Only

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    The MYC oncoprotein is a transcription factor that coordinates cell growth and division. MYC overexpression exacerbates genomic instability and sensitizes cells to apoptotic stimuli. Here we demonstrate that MYC directly stimulates transcription of the human Werner syndrome gene, WRN, which encodes a conserved RecQ helicase. Loss-of-function mutations in WRN lead to genomic instability, an elevated cancer risk, and premature cellular senescence. The overexpression of MYC in WRN syndrome fibroblasts or after WRN depletion from control fibroblasts led to rapid cellular senescence that could not be suppressed by hTERT expression. We propose that WRN up-regulation by MYC may promote MYC-driven tumorigenesis by preventing cellular senescence

    Egg Eviction Imposes a Recoverable Cost of Virulence in Chicks of a Brood Parasite

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    Background: Chicks of virulent brood parasitic birds eliminate their nestmates and avoid costly competition for foster parental care. Yet, efforts to evict nest contents by the blind and naked common cuckoo Cuculus canorus hatchling are counterintuitive as both adult parasites and large older cuckoo chicks appear to be better suited to tossing the eggs and young of the foster parents. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we show experimentally that egg tossing imposed a recoverable growth cost of mass gain in common cuckoo chicks during the nestling period in nests of great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus hosts. Growth rates of skeletal traits and morphological variables involved in the solicitation of foster parental care remained similar between evictor and non-evictor chicks throughout development. We also detected no increase in predation rates for evicting nests, suggesting that egg tossing behavior by common cuckoo hatchlings does not increase the conspicuousness of nests. Conclusion: The temporary growth cost of egg eviction by common cuckoo hatchlings is the result of constraints imposed by rejecter host adults and competitive nestmates on the timing and mechanism of parasite virulence.Michael G. Anderson, Csaba Moskát, Miklós Bán, Tomáš Grim, Phillip Cassey and Mark E. Haube

    A comparison of morphogenesis of muscles of the forearm and hand during ontogenesis and regeneration in the axolotl ( Ambystoma mexicanum )

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    The morphogenesis of muscles of the forearm and hand was studied in embryonic limbs of the axolotl ( Ambystoma mexicanum ) and compared with the course of morphogenesis in the regenerating limb of adults. The first part of the paper describes the morphogenesis of muscles ontogenetic development. The course of development, from the stage of muscle blastemas through that of the independent muscle anlagen is described for each muscle. The separation of muscle anlagen and their differentiation forms a prominent proximodistal gradient. At the same time there is a clear radioulnar gradient in the formation of muscle anlagen. Phylogenetically, this radioulnar gradient is restricted to the developing limb of Urodeles. In the second part of the paper, the morphogenesis of muscles is described in the regenerating limb. The major features in regeneration recapitulate those in the embryonic limb. Proximodistal and radioulnar gradients of development are also present in the regenerating limb. This structural similarity in development supports the viewpoint that the regeneration blastema is an integrated morphogenetic unit in which muscles differentiate according to the same genetic plan as they do in the embryo. There are some differences, however, between the regenerating and embryonic limb. The regenerating limb is larger, its muscle blastemas are also larger from the beginning, and the regenerating limb has a relatively greater amount of mesenchymal cells, which are not closely integrated into the muscle or skeletal anlagen.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47521/1/429_2004_Article_BF00519726.pd