273 research outputs found
Realia dictionaries in New Zealand lexicography
The article is devoted to a new trend in modern lexicography- cultural heritage dictionaries. We divide these dictionaries into three groups: 1) dictionaries of realia, 2) onomasticons, 3) dictionaries of quotations of famous people. The given research is based on New Zealand English dictionaries, dictionaries where realia, New Zealandisms are registered. These lexical units reflect cultural heritage of New Zealand and can be divided into several thematic groups (food, drinks, plants, animals, traditions, holidays, sport, clothes, etc.). Dictionary microstructure is well-organized and includes a lexical unit, its definition with illustrative examples, different labels (regional, stylistic, etymological, chronological, functional and others)
Dialogue about the pandemic and changes
The coronavirus pandemic has claimed more than five million lives by early 2022. Changes have affected all people on the planet. New rules and laws have appeared, giving rise not only to discontent and social unrest, but also to new opportunities, which are mostly related to the digitalization of life, communication and “remote” work. The dialogue touches upon the necessity of changes in the life, housing typology and structure of the cities. © 2022 Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Vostoksibacademcenter. All rights reserved
Study of Gasdynamic Effect Upon the Weld Geometry When Concumable Electrode Welding
The paper considers the ways of weld geometry controlling when consumable electrode welding under single-jet and double-jet gas shielding. The authors provide comparative results of experimental studies on the effects of shielding gas supply upon the weld geometry in weld joints produced from construction carbon steel 45. It has been established that gas-dynamic effect of the shielding gas has a significant impact upon shaping and weld geometry when consumable electrode welding under double-jet gas shielding
Opportunistic behavior as behavior manipulations
© 2016 Elena Yakovleva, Natalia Grigoryeva and Olga Grigoryeva.The study of opportunistic behavior in relation with manipulation techniques is important because it directly affects the efficiency of agent’s relationship. We identified two forms of opportunistic behavior that depend on the subject composition of the contractual relationship. In the article we attempt to identify significant techniques of manipulation of information. It is important to understand real nature of opportunism in contractual relationship. The study proved the high importance, because it expands our knowledge about the nature of exogenous opportunistic manifestations as a society and economic phenomenon
Foreign language skill as a component of self-development procedure: Undergraduate and graduate levels
© 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London.This paper dwells on the importance of self-development and acquisition of foreign language as its main component. Modern economic situation determines the portrait of the specialists engaged in the sphere of global economy and business. Self-development is viewed as the foremost aspect of future employment prospects and career promotion of economists in general. To identify both language and personal work-oriented strengths and weaknesses of the students enrolled to the program at the Educational Center for Professional Communicative Training of Kazan Federal University, a questionnaire survey was organized. The results obtained throughout the research were used as recommendations in designing the syllabus and were of great help in choosing the appropriate forms and techniques in carrying out the course
Organización en clúster de industrias extractivas en las regiones del norte: un método de evaluación integral
La organización espacial de las fuerzas productivas, el uso eficiente de las instalaciones disponibles y la evaluación del potencial productivo de los sectores económicos de una región determinada son temas de actualidad. La República de Sakha (Yakutia) es una gran región de Rusia dependiente de los recursos, notable por la dispersión geográfica de los depósitos en un vasto territorio y las complejas infraestructuras de transporte y suministro de energía. Este documento presenta una evaluación integral de la viabilidad de la organización de clusters en el sector de uso del subsuelo en la República de Sakha (Yakutia), Federación de Rusia, teniendo en cuenta la zonificación económica existente y prospectiva y el potencial existente. La república se dividió en zonas basadas en un marco de clúster de los usuarios del subsuelo. El estudio utilizó datos estadísticos de los distritos municipales e indicadores financieros de las empresas de la industria extractiva. En la evaluación se aplicó el método integrado y se calculó el índice de desempeño de los territorios del clúster identificados en una escala de diez puntos. Las zonas identificadas se clasificaron por recursos y potencial de producción. Se calculó el índice de rendimiento general de la zona de conglomerados. Pareció factible agrupar la industria extractiva en la región estudiada, ya que puede aumentar la competitividad de las empresas locales y contribuir al desarrollo socioeconómico de sus distritos municipales. El método propuesto se puede aplicar para una evaluación integral del sector de uso del subsuelo en los territorios del nort
Territorial aspects of migration processes in Russia
This article deals with theoretical and practical aspects of migration of population. Particular features of international and interregional migration flows in Russia are revealed on the basis of the analysis of statistics on migration. Three model configurations of migration flows are singled out: counter, outgoing and incoming migration flows. Particular attention is given to the study of migration in Volga federal district. The structure of international and interregional migration in Volga federal district is examined. It was observed that in international migration incoming migration flows predominate, whereas in interregional migration all three model configurations of migration flows are present
Прогнозирование локализации отдаленных метастазов при раке молочной железы
Background. Distant organ tumor dissemination is a major cause of breast cancer-related deaths. Breast cancer can metastasize to several organs, and the most frequent metastatic sites include the bones, lungs and liver. There is a question what factors can influence the direction of spread of tumor cells to a particular organ.Material and Methods. We summarized the data available in the world literature on methods for prediction of the localization of distant metastases in breast cancer patients.Results. We divided the factors associated with the localization of distant metastases into two main groups: clinicopathological parameters of breast cancer patients and molecular features of tumor microenvironment and tumor cells (primary tumor and circulating tumor cells) or its derivates – exosomes. From our point of view, the most powerful clinicopathological factor predicting the distant metastasis site is a molecular subtype of primary tumor. We can conclude that luminal (HR+/HER2-) tumors are often characterized by single metastases and bones are the most common metastatic site, while TNBC and HER2-enriched tumors often metastasize to multiple sites, most commonly brain and liver. However, several authors did not reveal these associations in their studies. It likely indicates the existence of other factors that significantly affect the organotropism of metastasis. Numerous studies demonstrate the association of different molecules expressed on tumor cells with organotropic metastasis. However, these data are very fragmentary and rather contradictory.Conclusion. The found associations are common to all participants of metastatic cascade, but remains unclear which factors are essential and crucial in determining the direction of metastasis.Введение. Метастазирование опухоли в отдаленные органы является основной причиной смерти при раке молочной железы. Преимущественная локализация отдаленных метастазов при раке молочной железы – кости, легкие и печень. Возникает вопрос, какие факторы могут влиять на направление распространения опухолевых клеток в тот или иной орган.Материал и методы. Мы обобщили имеющиеся в мировой литературе данные о методах прогнозирования локализации отдаленных метастазов у больных раком молочной железы.Результаты. Факторы, связанные с локализацией отдаленных метастазов, мы разделили на две основные группы: клинико-патологические параметры больных раком молочной железы и молекулярные особенности микроокружения опухоли и опухолевых клеток (первичных опухолевых и циркулирующих опухолевых клеток) или их производных – экзосом. Представляется, что молекулярный подтип первичной опухоли является наиболее перспективным предиктором, предсказывающим место отдаленного метастазирования. Люминальные опухоли (HR+/ HER2-) чаще характеризуются единичными метастазами, с преимущественной локализацией в костях, в то время как трижды негативные и HER2-обогащенные опухоли чаще образуют множественные метастазы, которые чаще локализуются в головном мозге и печени. Однако некоторые авторы не обнаруживают в своих исследованиях таких закономерностей, что, вероятно, свидетельствует о наличии других факторов, существенно влияющих на органотропность метастазирования. Многочисленные исследования демонстрируют ассоциацию различных молекул, экспрессируемых на опухолевых клетках, с органотропным метастазированием. Однако эти данные весьма фрагментарны и иногда весьма противоречивы.Заключение. Обнаруженные ассоциации относятся ко всем участникам метастатического каскада, но остается неясным, какие факторы являются существенными и решающими в определении направления метастазирования
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