1,016 research outputs found

    Stochastic dominance with respect to a capacity and risk measures

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    Pursuing our previous work in which the classical notion of increasing convex stochastic dominance relation with respect to a probability has been extended to the case of a normalised monotone (but not necessarily additive) set function also called a capacity, the present paper gives a generalization to the case of a capacity of the classical notion of increasing stochastic dominance relation. This relation is characterized by using the notions of distribution function and quantile function with respect to the given capacity. Characterizations, involving Choquet integrals with respect to a distorted capacity, are established for the classes of monetary risk measures (defined on the space of bounded real-valued measurable functions) satisfying the properties of comonotonic additivity and consistency with respect to a given generalized stochastic dominance relation. Moreover, under suitable assumptions, a "Kusuoka-type" characterization is proved for the class of monetary risk measures having the properties of comonotonic additivity and consistency with respect to the generalized increasing convex stochastic dominance relation. Generalizations to the case of a capacity of some well-known risk measures (such as the Value at Risk or the Tail Value at Risk) are provided as examples. It is also established that some well-known results about Choquet integrals with respect to a distorted probability do not necessarily hold true in the more general case of a distorted capacity.Choquet integral ; stochastic orderings with respect to a capacity ; distortion risk measure ; quantile function with respect to a capacity ; distorted capacity ; Choquet expected utility ; ambiguity ; non-additive probability ; Value at Risk ; Rank-dependent expected utility ; behavioural finance ; maximal correlation risk measure ; quantile-based risk measure ; Kusuoka's characterization theorem

    Ferrosilicon production method using sintered iron silicate - fayalite

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    The study aims experimentally investigate how to obtain a ferrosilicon alloy using iron silicate - fayalite generated after flotation enrichment of slag in pyrometallurgical production of copper. This material contains about 46 % iron and about 27 % silicon dioxide. Due to its dispersed structure, fayalite is first sintered. The article describes mathematical and physical modeling of the agglomeration and ore thermal process for the production of ferrosilicon. The main fraction of the obtained agglomerate (57,60 %) is over 15 mm. In the electric arc furnace, the time for refining the agglomerate tap to tap is 40 - 60 minutes. The obtained alloy yield is 46 %. In the three melts, the silicon content in the alloy averaged 44 %, meeting the ferrosilicon standard

    Semantic Description of Web Services and Possibilities of BPEL4WS

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    The using of the upsurge of semantics web technologies gives a possibility for an increasing of the flexibility, extensibility and consistency of the existent industrial standards for modeling of web services. In the paper the types of semantic description of web services and the degree of their realization in BPEL4WS (Business Process Execution Language for Web Services) respectively on the abstract and executable level are treated. The methods for using of BPEL4WS for the purposes of semantic web services in the direction of their semi-automatic integration are suggested

    Folliikuleid-stimuleeriva hormooni beeta-alaühikut kodeeriva geeni (FSHB) järjestuse varieeruvus ja selle seos reproduktiivtervisega

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Folliikuleid stimuleeriv hormoon (FSH) on gonadotropiin, mis reguleerib mõlema sugupoole sugurakkude teket ja küpsemist ning suguhormoonide tootmist. FSH on valk, mis koosnevad kahest alaühikust. Hormooni spetsiifilise toime ja retseptoriga seondumise määrab β-alaühik. FSH β-subühikut kodeerib FSHB geen. Käesoleva doktoritöös uuriti FSHB geeni ülemaailmset varieeruvust (Euroopa, Aafrika ja Aasia populatsioonid). Uuritud populatsioonides on levinud kõrge sagedusega ühenukleotiidsed polümorfismid, mis paiknevad valdavalt geeni mittekodeerivas piirkonnas ning mille alleelide vahel on täielik alleelne assotsiatsioon. FSHB geen on esindatud kahe tuumhaplotüübiga, mis erinevad üksteisest igas polümorfses positsioonis. Euroopa populatsioonides on mõlemad haplotüübid levinud võrdse sagedusega, mitte-Euroopa populatsioonides esineb valdavalt FSHB geeni haplotüüp 1. Kuigi FSHB geeni tuumhaplotüüpide puhul on kodeeritav valk sarnase aminonappelise järjestusega, võivad tuumhaplotüüpide polümorfismid seonduda geenis ja sellega piirneval alal regulatoorse alaga, mis mõjutab geeni avaldumist. Pilootuuringu tulemusena ilmnes, et kiirelt rasestuvate viljakate naiste hulgas leidus enam FSHB geeni teise tuumhaplotüübi kandjaid. Lisaks uuriti seosed FSHB geeni avaldumist mõjutavat regulatoorse polümorfismi –211 G/T ja mehe reproduktiivsete parameetrite vahel. Geneetilise assotsiatsiooni analüüsi tulemusena ilmnes oluline seos polümorfismi alleelide ja meeste seerumi FSH taseme vahel. Nii Baltimaade noorte meeste kui ka Eesti viljatute meeste hulgas, oli GT- ja TT-genotüüpide kandjatel vastavalt 16—35% ja 30—50% madalam FSH väärtus võrreldes GG-genotüüpi kandjatega. Lisaks FSH-le polümorfism seondub ka teiste hormonaalsete ja munandi funktsiooni näitavate parameetritega. TT-genotüübi kandjatel on 20% väiksem munandite kogumaht võrreldes GG- ja GT-genotüüpide kandjatega. Polümorfismi seosed mitme meeste reproduktiivtervise parameetriga viitavad madala FSH taseme võimalikele pika- ja lühiajalistele efektitele reproduktiivpotentsiaalile.Pituitary-expressed follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates and regulates spermatogenesis in males and oogenesis in females, contributing to the regulation of processes in hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal endocrine axis. FSH consists of α- and β-subunit. The latter subunit is encoded by the FSHB gene. The experimental part of the current thesis investigates the worldwide fine-scale genetic variation pattern of the FSHB gene and possible association of the gene variants with female reproductive success. Full re-sequencing of the FSHB gene in individuals representing Europe (Estonia), Africa (Mandenka), and Asia (Han Chinese) did not uncover any non-synonymous changes. The majority of the FSHB SNPs were represented by common polymorphisms having worldwide occurrence. FSHB is presented by a pair of ‘yin yang’ core haplotypes spread worldwidely. A pilot-study for the association between the FSHB haplotypes and female fertility revealed enrichment of the FSHB second core variant among ‘short time to pregnancy’ women. As the FSHB gene haplotypes are composed of silent or non-coding polymorphisms, neither core variant affects the composition of the protein directly. Thus, natural selection may be operating towards an upstream or downstream causative variant in tight association with the FSHB gene haplotypes. Additionally, this research includes in silico screening of the FSHB gene conserved flanking sequences resulted in the isolation of the putative gene expression-associated promoter polymorphism (–211 G/T). Genetic association study has shown strong evidence for the association between the –211 G/T and serum FSH level in the Baltic cohort of young men and in the Estonian patients diagnosed with infertility. Subjects with TT and GT genotypes exhibited 30—50% and 16—35% lower serum FSH levels, respectively, than those in GG homozygotes. Moreover, TT-homozygotes demonstrated 20% lower total testes volume compared to GG- and GT-genotype carriers. The carriers of the T-allele of the FSHB –211 G/T represent a natural model for documenting short-term and long-term downstream effects of insufficient FSH action due to genetically inherited constitutively reduced hormone levels

    Strategic Marketing Decisions of Industrial Business Organizations

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    The research problem of the present concept study is the strategic decisions made when formulating and implementing the marketing strategies of industrial business organizations. The main objective is to reveal the potential of strategic marketing decisions as a modern management tool in marketing strategizing by outlining the position this type of decisions holds in strategic marketing in the industrial sector, characterizing their specifics and typology, showing possible approaches and procedures for making such decisions, making recommendations for their successful implementation as a process and overcoming possible problems.Проблемою дослідження цієї статті є стратегічні рішення, прийняті при формулюванні та реалізації маркетингових стратегій організацій промислового бізнесу. Основна мета полягає в тому, щоб розкрити потенціал стратегічних маркетингових рішень як сучасного інструменту управління маркетинговою стратегією, позначивши позицію, яку цей тип рішень займає в стратегічному маркетингу в промисловому секторі, характеризуючи їх специфіку і типологію, показуючи можливі підходи і процедури для прийняття таких рішень, винесення рекомендацій щодо їх успішного впровадження як процесу і подолання можливих проблем.Проблемой исследования настоящей статьи являются стратегические решения, принимаемые при формулировании и реализации маркетинговых стратегий организаций промышленного бизнеса. Основная цель состоит в том, чтобы раскрыть потенциал стратегических маркетинговых решений как современного инструмента управления маркетинговой стратегией, обозначив позицию, которую этот тип решений занимает в стратегическом маркетинге в промышленном секторе, характеризуя их специфику и типологию, показывая возможные подходы и процедуры для принятия таких решений, вынесения рекомендаций по их успешному внедрению в качестве процесса и преодолению возможных проблем

    High-energy ultraviolet dispersive-wave emission in compact hollow capillary systems

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    We demonstrate high-energy resonant dispersive-wave emission in the deep ultraviolet (218 to 375 nm) from optical solitons in short (15 to 34cm) hollow capillary fibres. This down-scaling in length compared to previous results in capillaries is achieved by using small core diameters (100 and 150 μ\mum) and pumping with 6.3 fs pulses at 800 nm. We generate pulses with energies of 4 to 6 μ\muJ across the deep ultraviolet in a 100 μ\mum capillary and up to 11 μ\muJ in a 150 μ\mum capillary. From comparisons to simulations we estimate the ultraviolet pulse to be 2 to 2.5 fs in duration. We also numerically study the influence of pump duration on the bandwidth of the dispersive wave.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure


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    Dry biomass of algae is a good source of nutrients and biologically active substances, which in the last years attracted the interest of the specialists in their search for natural, ecologically and healthy sound foods for the animals. The aim of the present study was to characterize the chemical composition and the nutritive value of the dry biomass of fresh water algae of Chlorella genus cultivated in Bulgaria and to establish its effect on the laying hen productivity and the morphological characteristics of the table eggs. The tested product was analyzed for its crude protein content – 55 % to available wet, crude fats – 9,6 %, crude fi bres – 6,4 %, xanthophylls – 0,6 g/kg, essential amino acids: lysine – 5,5 %, methionine – 1,2 %, triptophan – 1,2 %. Adding 2 % and 10 % of dry biomass of fresh water algae of Chlorella genus to the combined forages for laying hens led to the improvement of the bird productivity and the morphological characteristics of the eggs and the egg yolk pigmentation was more intensive by 2,5 units by the Roche’s scale


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    The paper analyses changes in the factors of the macro- and micro- marketing environment that have given a new image to contemporary sales over the last two decades. It also reviews key concepts and approaches to modern sales management and contributes to the theory of sales management by designing a conceptual goal-oriented model. The model presents three levels of relations that exist between three modules of metrics – those of sales, marketing and business organisations, and function as a system. The flexibility of the model renders it universally applicable to business organisations in different sectors of the economy

    Doubly Reflected BSDEs and Ef{\cal E}^{f}-Dynkin games: beyond the right-continuous case

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    We formulate a notion of doubly reflected BSDE in the case where the barriers ξ\xi and ζ\zeta do not satisfy any regularity assumption and with a general filtration. Under a technical assumption (a Mokobodzki-type condition), we show existence and uniqueness of the solution. In the case where ξ\xi is right upper-semicontinuous and ζ\zeta is right lower-semicontinuous, the solution is characterized in terms of the value of a corresponding Ef\mathcal{E}^f-Dynkin game, i.e. a game problem over stopping times with (non-linear) ff-expectation, where ff is the driver of the doubly reflected BSDE. In the general case where the barriers do not satisfy any regularity assumptions, the solution of the doubly reflected BSDE is related to the value of ''an extension'' of the previous non-linear game problem over a larger set of ''stopping strategies'' than the set of stopping times. This characterization is then used to establish a comparison result and \textit{a priori} estimates with universal constants